Issue of the day
Sochnev, D. V. (2012). Administrative Law Aspects of Ethno-Confessional Relations in Modern Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 5–9.
A number of constituents of the Russian Federation have regular social and political events organized by
the political parties and social organizations which are inclined to extremism in this way or another. These are the
Dissenters Marches, Russian Marches, direct action which are given a demonstrative tone in order to attract as much
attention of the society and mass media as possible.
relations, confession, organization, extremism, youth, unions, mass, activities, responsibility, state institution.
Issue of the day
Yurchevsky, S. D. (2012). Some Issues of Actions Against Political Extremism (Local Aspect). Administrative and municipal law, 2, 9–13.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational issues of counter actions against political extremism.
The author of the article describes peculiarities of the political extremism and makes certain suggestions on how to
improve the system of responsibility for political extremism.
extremism, counter actions, responsibility, punishment, norm, xenophobia, nationalism, qualification, nationalist, fascism, court, code, separatism.
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Puzdrach, Yu. V. (2012). Western Conception of Human at the 17th – 19th Centuries. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 14–18.
This article is devoted to topical issues related to the conception of human rights in West-European countries.
The author analyzes the content of natural rights and how they are reflected in legal acts. After studying this
topic the author concludes that it is necessary to change the human rights taking into account the history and culture
of the country.
human rights, constitution, freedom, jury members, criminal case, censorship, declaration, law.
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Leskova, Yu. G. (2012). On the Question about Reformation of the Institution of a Legal Entity: Public Law Aspect. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 19–27.
The article studies peculiarities of involvement of private law means into public sphere. Special attention is
paid at the question about forthcoming (by order of the President of the Russian Federation) reformation of the category
of legal entities and introduction of a term ‘legal entity of public law’ as well as identification of self-regulating
organizations as such subjects. The author concludes that there is a certain need to look at multisectoral connections
between participants from a completely different point of view, the latter being able to act as a legal entity of both
private and public law.
legal entity of public law, self-regulating organizations, entrepreneurial relations, public- power functions, public means, public law units, public law, legal constructs, Civil Code.
Management law
Gurin, A. A. (2012). Some Issues Concerning Organization of Prosecutor’s Supervision over Obeyance of Laws by
Authorities Conducting Management in the Sphere of Entrepreneurial Activity. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 28–33.
In this article the author views the issues of organization and activity of prosecution authorities related to
supervision over obeyance of laws by the authorities conducing management in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity.
The author describes the legal grounds for organizing prosecutor’s supervision, defines and reveals such elements
of supervising activities of the prosecution authorities in this sphere as assignment of duties at a prosecution office,
information analytical work, planning, control over preparation and performance of check-ups.
prosecutor’s office, supervision, management authorities, entrepreneurship, supervision organization, analytical work, planning, control, efficiency.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kabanov, P. A. (2012). Legal Regulation of Efficiency Monitoring over Activity Performed by the Commission of
Compliance with the Requirements for Official Behavior of State (Municipal) Officers and Management of
the Conflict of Interests in the Republic of Tatarstan: Experience, Problems and Perspectives. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 34–38.
The article is devoted to the issues of monitoring of performance by the Commission of Compliance with
the Requirements for Official Behavior of State (Municipal) Officers and Management of the Conflict of Interests at
state and local authorities in the Republic of Tatarstan and suggests certain organizational and legal measures of
improvement of performance evaluation of such activity.
conflict of interests, anti-corruption monitoring, municipal service, municipal officer, state service, state officer, Commission of Compliance with the Requirements for Official Behavior of State (Municipal) Officers a, performance evaluation, anti-corruption measures.
Law-enforcement legislation
Kazak, B. B., Mikhailova, N. V., Stolyarenko, M. V. (2012). Organization of Prevention of Violations of Law by
the Internal Affairs Agencies. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 39–42.
Activities performed by subdivisions of internal affairs agencies for economic security an anti-corruption
measures mostly have a preventive purpose. The authors of this article describes the primary preventive measures
in this sphere.
violation, internal affairs agencies, prevention, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, police, police officer.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Maltsev, V. A. (2012). On Definition of the Term ‘Interest’ in the Spheres of Provision of Various Kinds of Security
(based on the summary of administrative law and constitutional law norms in European states). Administrative and municipal law, 2, 43–52.
The article studies such a legal ad social category as ‘interest’. This category is viewed in respect to the
problem of provision of security of a person, society and state institution. Based on that, the author makes conclusions
on how to improve various kinds of social security.
category, interest, security, Europe, state institution, national, occurrence, subject, status, sphere.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Chelpachenko, O. A. (2012). Interaction and Coordination between Executive Authorities in the Sphere of National
Security. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 53–58.
The article points out the lack of necessary coordination of events related to administrative reform at the
federal and regional levels; activity performed by the federal executive authorities aimed at introduction of systems
of information technology support of administrative processes; activity performed by the federal executive authorities
and executive authorities of the Russian Federation constituents. As for interaction, emphasis is made on: raise
of efficiency of interaction between executive authorities and civil society as well as further clarification of activity
performed by executive authorities; organization of interaction between federal executive authorities,, executive authorities
of the Russian Federation constituents and local self-government authorities; and inter-agency information
interaction between executive authorities.
management, interaction, agency, power, reform, administrative, coordination, security, executive, activity.
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Manin, Ya. V. (2012). Administrative Law Regulation of Managing Part of Mineral Resources of Federal Significance
within the Territory of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 59–70.
The article is devoted to topical issues related to administrative law regulation of licensing relations in the
sphere of resources management in the Russian Federation and possible ways to solve them. The author of the article
describes the political regime of parts of such resources of the federal significance and the system of administrative
law regulation and management in this sphere.
nature, part, federal, significance, regime, administrative, law, resources management, strategic.
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Staschenko, V. D. (2012). Prosecutor’s Activity in Prevention of Violations of Law in the Sphere of Atmosphere Air
Protection. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 70–74.
The article analyzes the main tendencies in prosecutor’s prevention related to law enforcement in the sphere
of atmosphere air protection and describes their essence. The author makes certain suggestions on amendments of
the Federal law ‘Concerning Prosecutor’s Office in the Russian Federation’.
prosecutor, prevention of violations, preventive measures.
Shelmenkov, V. N. (2012). Describing the Federal law ‘Defense of Children from Information Harmful for their
Health and Development. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 75–79.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational issues of implementation of information technologies
This time the author describes certain peculiarities of relations involving protection of children from information
harmful for their health and, information, informatization, technology, defense, activity, state institution, children, protection,
harm, health, child, development.
pravo, informatsiya, informatizatsiya, tekhnologiya, zashchita, gosudarstvo, deti, zashchita, vred, rebenok, razvitie.
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Kharitonov, A. N. (2012). The relevance of the codification of the modern administrative law. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 80–83.
The article is devoted to the problems of coding of administrative law norms, based on which the author
makes a conclusion about a need in codification of all diverse and administrative law material.
coding, code, law, legislation, norm, act, development, Duma, project, initiation, administration, meeting, constitution.