Issue of the day
Trunov, I. L. (2012). Topical Issues of Fight Against Terrorism. 10 Years Since Nord-Ost. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 5–9.
The European Human Right Court has made the landmark decision with regard to the Nord-Ost case. The
Court obliged Russia to conduct investigation on the matter of crime committed by officials. The legal environment has
changed over the past 10 years. Fight against terrorism turned into counteraction. However, the level of terrorism has
not decreased in Russia. This particular article discusses what the problem is and what should be done about it.
terrorism, counter actions, fight, victim, attack, compensation, indemnification, responsibility, terrorist, court, law, moral damage, death, loss.
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Ayvar, L. K. (2012). On the Question about Legal Equality of Women in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 10–13.
The article is devoted to the problem of realization of a legal status of women in various spheres of management
and social activity. Based on this research, the author concludes that a woman has to suffer and humiliate herself
because of her economic dependence, absence of a place to live, nursery centers or decent salary and etc. Women are
the first ones to be fired at work and a woman makes less money than a man. A woman also has to endure abuse and
harassment and etc. at work.
woman, rights, responsibilities, liabilities, status, control, state institution, equality, violence, family, children, maternity.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kostennikov, M.V., Kurakin, A. V., Kuleshov, G. N., Nesmelov, P. V. (2012). Administrative Law Regulation of Information
Support of Civil Service Within the Framework of Anti-Corruption Measures (Part 2). Administrative and municipal law, 11, 14–33.
Due to the development of information development processes in the sphere of public management civil
officers get involved into the system of information legal relations. Therefore it is almost impossible to image their
control, supervisory, permissible and jurisdictional activities without necessary information. Taking this fact into
account, it seems necessary to develop a new model of administrative law regulation of information legal relations
in the system of civil service which would take into account the new issues of global information development of the
modern society.
service, officer, security, information, information system development, management corruption, support, control, procedures.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kabanov, P. A. (2012). Presidium of the Russian Federation President’s Council and Established Working Teams
and Committee as the Federal Specialized Anti-Corruption Authorities: Legal Regulation and Raise of their
Efficiency. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 34–39.
The author of the article describes legal regulation of anti-corruption activities performed by the Presidium
of the Russian Federation President’s Council and support facilities (teams and committees) from the point of view of
criminology. The author also describes and analyzes specific features of their activity and proposes his own ways to
improve it. One of such ways to raise efficiency of the Presidium of the Russian Federation President’s Council in the
sphere of corruption is to bring this provision into compliance with the current federal laws about state service and corruption.
In order to raise efficiency of activities performed by support facilities (teams and committees) it is necessary to
establish certain legal provisions that would fix the purposes and tasks of their activity as well as unified requirements
for the personnel and etc.
corruption, fight against corruption, committee, presidium, council, conflict of interests, state service, state officer, working team.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Boskhamdjieva, N. A. (2012). The Concept of Threat to Public Safety. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 40–43.
The author of the article analyzes opinions expressed both in law and legal literature concerning the threat to
public safety. The author also provides her own definitions of the threats to public safety. The author of the article also
stresses out that at the present time there is a cetain need not only in developing methodological grounds for studying
threats to public safety but also specifying the causes of such threats and conceptual approaches to formation of evaluation
of threats to public safety. Moreover, as many authors say, the public safety is aimed not only at defending interests
but also in decreasing, preventing or eliminating threats and dangers.
safety, security, threat, danger, society, conditions, factors, causes, risk, catastrophe, police, factor.
Management law
Schedrina, Yu. V. (2012). Personnel-Related Powers of Governors in the Sphere of Judicial Administration in Russia
During 1860 — Mid 1880 (On the Question of Independence of Judiciary). Administrative and municipal law, 11, 44–53.
The author of the article analyzes evolution of legal enforcement of personnel-related powers of a governor
with regard to creation of a judicial environment during the first dozens of years of the post-reformation period. The
author views the history of interaction and opposition of the local administrative and judicial authorities and shows
the role of a governor in the process of selecting justices of peace. It is concluded that certain acts adopted durign the
60th — 80th years of XIX century only regulated and arranged difficult relations between the local administration and
judges, the latter having almost unlimited power.
judicial reform, governor, justice of peace, judge, jury, independence of judiciary, the Senate, State Council, Ministry of Justice, district councils.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Badulin, A. D. (2012). Principels of Administrative Responsibility for Violations in the Sphere of Production and Turnover
of Ethanol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 54–62.
The article studies the principles of administrative law methods of ensuring a legal order in the sphere
of turnover of alcoholic products. The author of the article notes that Russia is now having a critical situation in
respect to consumption of alcoholic products. Alcoholic addiction is becoming a natinal tragedy and government’s
measures bring no success. Therefore, it would be very topical to study the principles of enforcing administrative
responsibility for violations in the sphere of production and turnover of ethanol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing
principle, production, alcohol, ethanol, responsibility, turnover, abuse, addict, death, alcohol addiction, consumption, supervision, toxication, product, responsibility, regulation.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Sidorov, E. I. (2012). Legal Characterstics and Features of Administrative Responsibility for Violation of Custom Regulations. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 62–66.
The article is devoted to topical issues of legal characteristics and features of administrative responsibility for
violating custom rules under conditions of creation and functioning of the Customs Union. The author studies the legal
grounds, term, purpose, peculiarities anad the role of custom authorities in administrative and judicial processes as
well as the procedural implementation. Despite liberalization of administrative and tax legislation, the level of administrative
offenses is still rather high nowadays.
Customs Union, Federal Law ‘On Custom Regulation in the Russian Federation’, Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Custom Service of Russia, administrative responsibility for violation of custom rules, officials of custom authorities, legality, special subjects of administrative responsibility, illegality, guilt, punishment.
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Tulin, R. A. (2012). Some Aspects of Improvement of Administrative Law in the Sphere of Environment Protection. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 67–70.
The author of the article touches upon very topical issues of administrative law protection of environment. It is
concluded that as an object of administrative law protection, environment is not a homogeneous formation but a complex category consisting of interrelated system elements. The author also describes the three management mechanisms
in the system of state control over environment.
environment, protection, environment-related activity, assessment of impact on environment, environmental monitoring, administrative law, management, control, mechanism.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Tretiakova, S. B. (2012). Public Interest as the Basis for Creation of Self-Regulating Organizations in Russian Law. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 71–77.
The article is devoted to certain aspects of formation of a legal status of self-regulating organizations. This
is a topical issue because it is still not so much researched and, as a consequence, there is no single approach to
creating self-regulating organizations. In the course of her research the author discovered the dependence between a
legal status of self-regulating organizations and interests being realized by them. The author of the article gives definition
of the term ‘interest’ as well as its particular forms — private and public interests. The author also describes
the main public interests lying at the root of creation of self-regulating organizations. It is also concluded that public
interest is the basic interest in formation of such legal entities. Moreover, their social nature is determined by the
public interest but at the same time it is in balance with private interests which, in its turn, creates its public law and
private law statuses.
self-regulating organization, legal personality, public interest, private interest, mechanism of regulation, principle of legality, principle of observance of rights and freedoms, social interaction, principle of free enterprise.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Vozhova, E. M. (2012). ‘Many Faces’ of the Ministry of Finances of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 78–86.
The present article carries out an analysis of the Ministry of Finances of the Russian Federatiom according to
the four directions (fields) describing the Ministry as a state management authority, state authority, executive authority
and legal entity of public law. Special attention is paid at occurrence and development of a new phenomenon in law —
legal entity of public law. The author also gives definition of the state authority based on the analysis of peculiarities of
legal entities of public law. The author of the article also defines the Ministry of Finances of the Russian Federation as
a state authority in terms of the concept of a legal entity of public law.
financial, authority, power, executive, state, legal, person, public, law.
Reviews and bibliography
Kurakin, A. V. (2012). Review of Anna Sergeevna Vishnyakova’s Work ‘Public Regulation of Relations on the Wholesale
Market of Electric Energy and Power. — Moscow, 2012. — 157 pages. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 87–88.
Obviously, the problems of state reglation of the wholesale market of electrical energy and power is topical.
Electrical energy is the source of energy for the most modern achievements in science and engineering. In its turn,
the level of development of science and engineering which shows the degree of social and economic development of
a particular state, mostly depends on efficiency of public regulation of relations in the sphere of electrical energy
power, energy, regulation, state institution, electricity, market, control, efficiency, science, engineering.