Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Kanunnikova, N. G. (2012). Theoretical Aspects of the System of Administrative Law. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 5–11.
The article is devoted to certain issues related to the ranking of science and curriculum of the Russian administrative
law. The author of the article describes various approaches introduced by the researchers who systemizes
the administrative law an analyzes special features of the administrative law system of a few foreign states which
practice different European traditions of administrative law. Based on the provisions of the universal dialectical
approach to studying social phenomena as well as using such scientific research methods as the system, structuralfunctional,
scientific-analytical and comparative analysis the author shares her own views on the administrative law
structure from the point of view of scientific research, analysis, comparison and logic.
system, principles, science, curriculum, methods, theory, branch, structure, justice, law.
Executive authorities and the civil society
Tyurina, S. Yu., Borisov, N. I. (2012). Public Appeals as a Method of Raising Efficiency of Interaction Between
Population and Government: Legal and Regulatory Framework and Experience. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 12–19.
Based on the analysis of the Russian Federation laws related to public appeals and handling them including
regulatory acts in t he Ulyanovsk Region the author proves the need in raising the legal status of public appeals and
relevant legal guarantees through development and adoption of the Federal Law ‘On Genera Principles of Exercising
the Right of the Russian Federation Corporate and Public Appeals’ instead of the current framework Law No. 59
dated May 2, 2006, through establishment of the integral system of such appeals and positive experience of handling
such appeals in the system of state and municipal control.
public appeals, population, interaction, state authority, local self-government authority, method, experience, the Ulyanovsk Region, the efficiency.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Vashel, A. Yu. (2012). Anti-Corruption Standards of Official Behavior of Civil Officers. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 20–25.
Corruption does not allow to perform various functions of civil service. Speaking of the law reforms which
have been ongoing in our country lately it should be noted that these reform must minimize the drawbacks and gaps
in the sphere of executive-administrative activity, form the platform for further social and economic development of
the country, reinforce the prestige of civil service and contribute to the improvement of the legal and administrative
status of a civil officer. However, instead of an expected decrease of the corruption level, it has the tendency to grow.
It may sound paradoxical, but prevention and suppression of corruption have caused even more corruption in the
system of civil service. This circumstance sparks most concern both by the state authorities and the institutions of
civil society of our country.
corruption standard, ethics, behavior, service, prohibition, liability, principles, control, law.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kostennikov, M. V., Kurakin, A. V., Kuleshov, G. N., Nesmelov, P. V. (2012). Administrative Law Regulation of
Information Support of Civil Service Within the Framework of Anti-Corruption Measures (Part 1). Administrative and municipal law, 10, 25–39.
Due to the development of information development processes in the sphere of public management civil
officers get involved into the system of information legal relations. Therefore it is almost impossible to image their
control, supervisory, permissible and jurisdictional activities without necessary information. Taking this fact into
account, it seems necessary to develop a new model of administrative law regulation of information legal relations
in the system of civil service which would take into account the new issues of global information development of the
modern society.
service, officer, security, information, information system development, management corruption, support, control, procedures.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kabanov, P. (2012). Procedural Matters of Viewing the Documents Submitted to the Committee on Compliance
with the Requirements for Official Behavior of State (Municipal) Officers and Management of the Conflict of
Interests. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 40–43.
The article is devoted to the procedural matters of viewing the documents received by the officials of the
committee on compliance with the requirements for official behavior of state (municipal) officers and management
of the conflict of interests based on legal acts regulating such committee’s activities. As a result of his study, the
author makes the following conclusions: a) the committee views the documents at the stage of preparation of documents
for the review; b) papers are viewed by the committee secretary; c) the period for the review of documents received
by the committee starts at the moment when the documents are recdeived and continues until the committee
meeting; d) based on the results of the review the committee secretary can prepare a service document – the review
list of documents received by the committee.
corruption, state service, municipal service, conflict of interests, committee on compliance with the requirements for official behavior of state offices and management , review period, review list, committee secretary, commitee chairman.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Nekrasova, T. A. (2012). On Implementation of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public
Officials in International Business Transactions in Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 43–46.
Corrupion is a very multi-faced and complicated phenomenon. At different times, in different sciences and
almost in all legal systems researchers and experts have been trying to give a definition of this phenomenon. Some
definitions were too broad and included more types of criminal behavior, the others definitions are more narrow.
However, this way or another, there are the two features of this phenomenon which always remain unchanged and
stipulated in national and international laws. At the persent time, due to the development of economic turnover, market
globalization processes and direct interaction between officials and foreign business entities the most dangerous
form of corruption is becoming the bribary of foreign pubilc officials.
corruption, bribery, OECD, transaction, official, combating, struggle, minimization, crime, violation, community.
Law-enforcement legislation
Berezhnova, N. D. (2012). Social and Psychological Support of Penitentiary Prevention Activities Performed by
the Officials of the Penal Enforcement System. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 47–51.
The article is devoted to the activities performed by the officials of the penal efrocement system in the
sphere of penitentiary crime prevention. The author of the article also describes the new approaches to prevention of
criminogenic sources of the penitentiary system with the help of social and psychological methods.
social and psychological monitoring, methods, prevention, official, system, interaction between structures, runtime express diagnostics, social hierarchy of special squads, preventive strategies bank.
Management law
Vinokurov, A. Yu. (2012). Administrative Prosecution as the Function of the Russian Federation Prosecutor’s
Office. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 52–56.
Based on the provisions of the Administrative Offense Code of the Russian Federation regulating the Prosecutor’s
powers as well as the comparison with the criminal prosecution, the author of the article tries to prove that the prosecutor’s
office can perform the administrative prosecution function. The author suggests that there should be a particular
amendment made in the Federal Law ‘Concerning the Public Prosecution Service of the Russian Federation’.
prosecutor’s office, prosecutor’s functions, prosecutor, prosecutor’s powers, administrative prosecution, participation of the Prosecutor in administrative investigation.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Ilyina, T. A. (2012). On the Question about Administrative Responsibiilty of the Underaged. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 57–62.
The article is devoted to problematic issues of administrative responsibility of the underaged. The author
studies peculiarities of the administrative status of the underaged and reveals the educational nature of administrative responsibility. Based on the analysis, the author of the article proves the need in certain amendments to regulatory
acts of the Administrative Offence Code of the Russian Federation regulating administrative responsibility of
the underaged.
administrative responsibility, underaged persons, administrative regulations, administrative offence, legal status.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Yapryntsev, E. V. (2012). Issues of Bringing to Administrative Responsibility in the Sphere of the Apartment
Building Management. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 63–68.
Based on the analysis of the applicable administrative, administrative procedural and housing legislation
as well as law enforcement practice (court and administrative practice first of all) the author of the article views the
issues of legal regulation of administrative responsibility held by the management units for violations in the sphere
of apartment building management and utility service provision.
Administrative Offense Code of the Russian Federation, responsibiilty, housing and public infrastructure, apartment, violation, operation, code, sanction, imputation.
Administrative enforcement
Kalinin, G. I. (2012). Administrative Suspension of Activities for Violation of Veterinary Legislation in the
Krasnodar Region and the Republic of Adygeya. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 69–72.
Administrative suspension of veterinary activities is initiated as the last resort measure applied when there
have been many facts of quite important violations which can cause severe consequences such as the spread of epizooty.
At the same time, a quite significant gap is that the assignment and the due date of administrative suspension of
activities do not depend on the time of elimination of such violations and for the remission of punishment the judge
does not need any opinion of the person who prepared the violation report. However, administrative suspension of activities
is a very effective measure aimed both at supression and elimination of veterinary law violations. Therefore,
the South Region will continue to use administrative suspension of veterinary activities before the epizooty situation
gets normal.
suspension, punishment, veterinary, supervision, epizooty, violation, security, rules, orders.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Dyrda, S. G. (2012). Law Making Processes of Munitipal Units. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 73–76.
Based on the analysis of municipal law making processes the author of the article views the increasing of
quality of law making at municipal units and analyzes adopted regulatory legal acts. The author also describes the
stages of the law making process. Based on the example of public hearings in Khabarovsk the author defines the
drawbacks in attracting and involving the population into the law-making process.
local self-government, munitipal law making, law making stages, types of legal regulatory acts, municipal unit charter, provisions, instruction, municipal regulatory acts, sources of administrative law.
Administrative and municipal legal practice
Narutto, S. V. (2012). On Legal Regulation of Arrangement and Conduction of Students’ Traineeship at Universities. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 77–86.
One of the key factors of raising the quality of students’ training at universities is the strengthening of practical
orientation of education as well as incrasing the efficiency of the students’ traineeship. The given article is devoted
to the applicable regulatory legal acts related to organization and condution of traineeship. The author of the
article analyzes goals and targets, forms, contents, programs, leadership, control and evaluation of such traineeship.
The author also makes a number of suggestions on how to improve the legal regulation of these issues and provides
recommendations on improvement of the federal and local University standard manuals.
student, traineeship, Bachelor, Master, competence, professional, leader, report, control, university, education.