Issue of the day
Trunov, I. L. (2012). Legal Regulation of Expert Activity When Conducting an Independent Inquiry of Causes of Airplane
Crushes in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 5–11.
The article analyzes the legal, organizational and economic problems of airplane accidents in the Russian
Federation, describes the cause of such a great number of airplane crushes and views the challenges of an independent
inquiry of the cause of an airplane accident and benefit payments.
aviation, security, airplane, accident, catastrophe (crush), victim, inquiry, death, expertise, committee, Airoflot, airline company.
Executive authorities and the civil society
Boyarskikh, A. V. (2012). Stages of Formation of Civil Society Theoretical Concepts. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 12–19.
The article is devoted to the main stages of formation of civil society theoretical concepts. Having analyzed a
wide theoretical material, the author of the article makes a conclusion about interpretation of this term in a macro and
micro meaning. Macro concepts admit that a civil society can exist independently from a state institution and is not influenced
by a state institution in any way while mico concepts view the phenomenon of civil society in its close connection
with the phenomenon of a legal state.
state institution, society, civil society, civil society concepts, law, legal institution, civil society theories, stages of formation of a civil society, citizen.
Executive authorities and the civil society
Grudtsina, L. Yu., Petrov, S. M. (2012). Power and Civil Society in Russia: Interactions and Contradictions. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 19–29.
State institution is an essential factor for creation and existence of a civil society. If there were no force or state
enforcement in certain spheres of social life, everything would come to chaos. Not least of all it concerns a civil society –
self-regulating system which needs a constant control by the government.
state institution, civil society, human rights, family, private interest, legal order, democracy, economic crisis, people, nation, population.
Management law
Vinokurov, Yu. E., Glushkov, A. I. (2012). On the Question about the Structure of Procurator’s Supervision as a Form of
State Activity. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 30–32.
The author of this article views the structure of procurator’s supervision as the basic function performed by the
prosecution bodies. The author lists branches of supervision, directions and sub-directions of supervisory activity. The
author also shares his own approach to classification of the supervisory process into stages, one of the most important
stages being the stage of the efficiency determination. The article proves the need in formation of a three-level structure
of methodological guideline implementation of which would increase the efficiency of supervisory activity conducted by
the prosecutors. The author of the article provides an approximate structure of such guidelines.
prosecution office, supervision, branch of supervision, stages of procurator’s supervision.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kabanov, P. A. (2012). Termination of Proceedings of the Materials Received by the Committee for Compliance with the
Requirements for Official Behavior of Civil (Municipal) Officers and Arrangement of Conflict of Interests: Grounds
and Procedure. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 33–37.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational grounds for termination of proceedings of the materials
received by the Committee for Compliance with the Requirements for Official Behavior of Civil (Municipal) Officers and Arrangement of Conflict of Interests: Grounds and Procedure. The author of the article suggests certain measures of
improvement or legal regulation of such committee’s activities, in particular, termination of proceedings of the received
corruption, conflict of interests, civil service, municipal service, termination of proceedings, civil official, municipal official, committee for compliance with the requirements for official behavior and arrangement of conflict of , appeal.
Law-enforcement legislation
Ovchinnikov, N. A. (2012). Acts of Implementation of Law Enforcement in the Administrative Law Mechanism of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 38–42.
The article studies law-enforcing acts, describes their place and role in the mechanism of administrative law
regulation and based on that makes suggestions on how to enforce legality in the sphere of internal affairs.
act, legality, right, ministry, police, regulation, mechanism, law, violation, discipline.
Law-enforcement legislation
Aleksandrov, A. N., Pleshakov, A. M. (2012). The Concept of Preventive Measures in Activity of Pretrial Investigation
Agencies. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 43–46.
The article casts light on the current state of preventive measures conducted by pretrial investigation agencies.
The author of the article shows dynamics, structure of crime, methods and forms as well as peculiarities of an investigator’s
preventive work at the pre-trial stage. The article raises the problem of management of preventive work at investigative
prevention, crime, arrangement, activity, investigation, inquiry, agency, control, official, police, guarding, process.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Krylov, O. M. (2012). Delimitation of the Competence Regarding the Issue of Arrangement of Money Circulation in the
Russian Federation: Historical and Comparative Law Aspects. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 47–51.
The article is devoted to the question of delimitation of the competence regarding the issue of arrangement of
money circulation between the federation and constituent of the Russian Federation from the point of view of history and
comparative law. It is concluded that there is a certain need in amending the j clause of Article 71 of the Constitution of
the Russian Federation dated December 12, 1993 by the means of changing the term ‘money emission’ for the term ‘arrangement
of money circulation’.
studies of law, state institution, constitution, federation, arrangement, money, emission, circulation, system, politics.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Klimanova, A. Yu. (2012). Problems of Determination of the Legal Content of the Term ‘Economic Basis of the Local Self-
Government’. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 51–58.
In order to ensure appropriate performance of local authorities, it is necessary to create a sufficient economic
basis which is impossible if we do not have a clear definition of this term as well as definitions of such terms as ‘local
self-government’ and its ‘basis’. Today neither politicians, nor scientists share the same opinion on the above mentioned
definitions. Having conducted the comparative law analysis of legal acts and publications, the author of this article makes
a conclusion that ‘local self-government’ is a multiple-meaning concept which depends on the context in which it is used.
studies of law, local, government, economic, basis, bodies, questions, local, meaning, municipality.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Sidorov, E. I. (2012). Problems of Implementation of Arrest of Goods and Vehicles as the Mean of Proceeding of Administrative
Offences in the Sphere of Customs. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 59–62.
The article is devoted to the topical issues of implementation of one of the means of legal proceedings of administrative
offences – arrest of goods and vehicles. The author of the article studies the legal aspects of such measure, its
role, peculiarities, procedure ad ways of improvement.
Customs Union, Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation, FTS Russia, arrest of goods and vehicles, mean of proceedings, administrative offences in the sphere of customs, custom officials, forms of custom control, legality.
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Shadrina, O. V. (2012). Physical Entities as the Subjects of Right for Access to Environmental Information Based on the Legislation of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 63–68.
This article is devoted to some issues of legal regulation of access to environmental information by citizens of
the Russian Federation, foreigners and persons destitute of nationality. The author touches upon the legal contents of the
term ‘environmental information’ and views legal grounds of the right for access to environmental information emphasizing
the problems of enforcement of the above mentioned right of physical entities.
environmental information, physical entity, rights and freedoms, subject of right, legislative grounds.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Karpenko, Yu. N. (2012). Supervisory Activity of a Russian Federation Constituent over Local Self-Government. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 69–77.
Supervisory activity by a Russian Federation constituent over local self-government has an administrative nature.
Administrative control over the local authorities is conducted only according to a legal order. Administrative control
over the local authorities is meant to ensure legality and observance of constitutional principles, however, administrative
control can be also used whenever such implementation is necessary. Administrative control over the local authorities
is conducted in such a way that the degree of interference of the controlling body is proportional to the significance of
interests protected by such interference
supervision (control), self-government, administrative, charter, control, subjects, activity, municipal, management.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Polotovskaya, E. Yu. (2012). The Problem of Definition of State (Municipal) Service, Work and Functions. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 78–80.
The article makes an attempt to define the difference between such terms as ‘work’ and ‘service’ and suggest the
author’s definitions of them. In order to achieve the above mentioned goal, the author of the article studies the existing
legislation using such terms as ‘work’, ‘service’ or ‘function’ as well as analyzes different opinions on this matter.
work, service, function, state, difference, definition, result, activity, purpose.