Administrative law, municipal law and institutes of democracy
Andrianova, M. A. (2011). Constitutional Law Regulation of Participation of Mass Media in Election Campaign of
Foreign States. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 5–11.
The article views the issues of legal regulation of mass media participation in election process. The
author of the article analyzes USA and German acts of international law and constitutional law devoted to
regulation of the freedom of the media, election campaign and information distribution during elections. Considerable
attention is paid at the questions of distribution of airtime and publishing among participants of the
election campaign.
elections, campaign, information distribution, mass media, candidate, party, debates, USA, Germany, primaries.
Administrative law, municipal law and institutes of democracy
Grigoriev, O. V. (2011). Legal Reforms as a Response to Challenges of Social Destructions. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 12–14.
The article analyzes the problems of formation of judicial authority. The author of the article raises a
question about the necessity of legal reforms as a response to the society needs. The author also touches upon
transgression and importance of this phenomenon for legal science.
reforms, consent, stereotype, judicial duty of a state institution, legitimacy, changeability, transgression, stability, destruction, conflict.
Management law
Zlocheskaya, A. A. (2011). Theoretical and Methodological Grounds for Studying Socio-Cultural Adaptation to
Foreign Ethnic Environment. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 15–19.
The article covers the problems of socio-cultural environment. The author of the article studies peculiarities
of socio-cultural environment and describes its features as well as threats. Based on the study, the author
makes certain suggestions on protection of socio-cultural environment.
socio-cultural adaptation, adaptive environment, adaptive need, adaptation capabilities, adaptive actions, stages of adaptation, acculturation, assimilation, aggressive autarchy, passive autarchy, cultural shock.
Management law
Polyubin, D. V. (2011). Constitutional Law Grounds for Administrative Control over Local Authorities in Foreign
States. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 20–26.
The article is devoted to the forms of constitutional law enforcement of state control over local authorities
in modern foreign states. The author of the article analyzes German, French and Italian legislations. He makes a
conclusion that legal standards of state control over local authorities differ in the countries of Anglo-Saxon and
Roman-German models of self-government.
self-government, control, supervision, prefect, Anglo-Saxon, continental, centralization, decentralization, state institution.
Management law
Shugrina, E. S. (2011). Legal Regulation of Municipal Control in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 26–37.
The article is devoted to peculiarities of the municipal inspection taking into account the provisions of
the Federal Law on protecting rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when conducting state control
(supervision) and municipal control. It is noted that local authorities can be entities under control with respect to
which the control (supervision) is conducted; but local authorities can also perform control and supervision with
respect to other holders of right. The article describes peculiarities of arrangement and conduction of municipal control in a corresponding territory; developments of administrative regulations when conducting inspections as
a part of municipal control; arrangement and conduction of monitoring of efficiency of municipal control.
municipal control, local authorities, efficiency of control, arrangement of control, administrative regulations, interaction regulations.
Law-enforcement legislation
Gafarov, S. V. (2011). Administrative Law Regulation of Business Security Performed by Private Security Services
in Foreign States. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 38–47.
The article studies the legal and organizational problems of business security performed by private security
services and describes peculiarities of security enforcement in some foreign states.
entrepreneur, security, security service, threat, risk, business, threat avoidance, internal and external threats, raiding.
Law-enforcement legislation
Kareeva-Popelkovskaya, K. A. (2011). Measures of Administrative Restraint in Policing. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 47–51.
The article analyzes the legal and organizational problems of implementation of measures of administrative
restraint in policing. The author of the article notes that police officers use various measures of administrative
restraint during their service.
restraint, enforcement, officer, police, legality, restriction, prohibition, violation of law, efficiency, measure, activity, complex.
Law-enforcement legislation
Kornilov, T. A. (2011). Legal Regulation of Anti-Extremism Measures. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 51–55.
The article analyzes the legal and organizational problems of anti-extremism measures. The author of
the article studies foreign experience of allocation and enforcement of responsibility for extremism crimes. Based
on this study, the author makes certain suggestions on how to improve anti-extremism legislation in the Russian
extremism, anti-extremism, regulation, threat, risk, responsibility, fan, fact, violation of law, crime, statistics, proficiency.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Krylov, O. M. (2011). Concerning the Question on the Legal Category 'Cash Equivalent'. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 56–61.
The article studies the term ‘cash equivalent’ as a legal definition. It is concluded that ‘cash equivalent’
means the object capable of performing all or part of currency functions in the Russian Federation. The author
describes the difference between legitimate cash equivalent and illegitimate cash equivalent. Moreover, legitimate
cash equivalents are classified according to their functions, office of issue, place of issue and the territory of application.
money, currency, state institution, function, equivalent, measure, mean, bond certificate, bill of exchange, piece of money.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Ukraintseva, A. I. (2011). Definition of Tax Control in the Russian Law. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 62–75.
The article studies the legal and organizational problems of implementation of tax control, describes
the place of tax control in the system of financial control, and studies forms of tax control as well as forms of its
control, tax, inspection, finances, form, responsibility, deadline, levy, in-office audit, mechanism, element
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Subanova, N. V. (2011). Self-Regulation as an Alternative to Licensing of Entrepreneurship Activity. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 76–81.
Based on the analysis of the condition of legality in the sphere of licensing of entrepreneurship activity
and summary of drawbacks of legal regulation, the author makes a conclusion about the need in development of grounds for recognition of this or that activity as subject to licensing, as a starting point for cancellation, and introduction
of licensing and substitution of it by the control from the side of self-regulating organizations. Based on
the analysis of foreign experience and law enforcement practice, the author sums up the problem points of transfer
of public powers to self-regulating organizations.
state institution, licensing, entrepreneurship, regulation, self-regulation, administrative, public, reform, organization.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Trofimov, E. V. (2011). The Structure of Awarding Industry. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 81–91.
The article is devoted to the analysis of awarding industry. The author studies the procedure of granting
official and state awards, defines and fully describes the four types of awarding industries. The author criticizes
the deductive approach to defining stages of awarding industry and suggests his own view on the structure and
sequence of stages of awarding industry.
award, industry, structure, encouragement, form, stages, classification, progress, administrative.