Issue of the day
Kobets, P. N. (2011). Brief Description of Crime Rate in Moscow during 2005 – 2010. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 5–9.
The article studies the problem of crime in Moscow. The author of the article analyzes the reasons for violations
of law and crime in a metropolitan city and pays attention at legal and organizational measures of fighting with
crime in Moscow.
violation of law, crime, countermeasure, prevention, suppression, interaction, denial, tendency, reason, characteristics, metropolitan city.
Issue of the day
Polotovskaya, E. Yu. (2011). Property of State (Municipal) Institutions: Right of Operative Administration or Proprietary
Right?. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 9–11.
The article studies the question about legal status of property belonging to state (municipal) institutions. According
to the author, the right of operative administration of an institution is just the way to express a peculiar proprietary
right. The article gives proof of this thesis.
property, state institution, owner, administration, property, agreement, order, right, operative administrationt.
Executive authorities and the civil society
Tsapko, M. I. (2011). Models of Constitutional and Legal Assignment of Status of Regional Branches of Political Parties. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 12–15.
Great variety of political parties, approaches to constitutional and legal regulation and types of inner-party
structures, diversity of regional execution of political parties refreshes construction of models legally regulating the
status of political structures at a regional level. It would allow to make a comparative legal analysis of status of regional
branches of political parties in Russia as well similar party structures in foreign states and to define the common and
peculiar features in legal regulation of their activities.
right, politics, elections, model, status, region, society, party, branch.
Management law
Aleshkin, A. V. (2011). Meetings and Conferences of Citizens on the Questions of Territorial Social Self-Government in
the System of Forms of Direct Democracy. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 16–21.
Russian legislators traditionally lay special emphasis on forms of direct declaration of will of population and
forms of their participation in local self-government creating additional guarantees for realization of direct right of local
self-government. Based on the author, the most important thing in self-government is not so much participation in
elections as the population’s role in setting basic goals and ways to achieve them as well as their control over activities
performed by local self-government authorities.
Russian legislators traditionally lay special emphasis on forms of direct declaration of will of pop, the most important thing in self-government is not so much participation in elections as the populat
Management law
Belousova, E. V. (2011). Interaction between a Head of a Municipal Unit and a Representative Body of Self-Government
when Performing Functions of Representation of Population. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 21–28.
The article analyzes the place and role of representative bodies of self-government and a head of a municipal
unit. The author of the article underlies their peculiarities in the system of municipal power authorities. Special attention
is paid at the study of interactions between representative bodies and a head of a municipal unit.
head, municipal, unit, representative, body, population, interaction, self-government, responsibility, administration.
Management law
Goncharov, V. I. (2011). Peculiarities of Institutionalization of Self-Government System in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 28–32.
The article analyzes formation and development of concepts of the local self-government system. The
author of the article analyzes opinions of scientists who support the narrow and the broad definitions of local selfgovernment.
institutionalization, system, administration, community, territory, population, concept, law, self-government.
Management law
Hierodeacon Eulogius (Kharitonov) (2011). Russia Orthodox Church in the Years of I. V. Stalin’s Government. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 33–37.
History shows that the Russian Orthodox Church has always been with the Russian people. However, relations
between state institutions and church have not always been simple: Russian history shows many examples of rude
intervention of a state institution into church affairs but it also has many examples of active participation of church in
state administration. The 21st century wasn’t an exception. This is why it is so important to study the history of Russian
Church during I. V. Stalin’s government, life inside church and relationships between church, state institutions and
government, Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch, Locum Tenens, Regulation on Russian Orthodox Church government, church council, church government, religious policy, I. V. Stalin, Council on the Russian Orthodox Church Affairs.
Management law
Petrov, S. M., Grudtsina, L. Yu. (2011). Perspectives of Formation of the System of Higher Education in Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 38–41.
One of the key factors in improving the quality of educational services is a need to provide an increase of
salaries and a growth of professional efficiency of workers of federal institutions for education. One of the priorities of
state policy in this sphere should be transformation of educational institutions from budget-funded into autonomously
functioning organizations.
improvement of efficiency of state and municipal service, budgetary and public organizations, state policy.
Administrative, municipal law and federal structure of the state
Silaev, A. A. (2011). Problems of Organization of Executive Branch of the Government in the Russian Federation and
Federate Nations of Europe. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 42–47.
The article views the main trends of influence of the federal form of government on the system of executive
authorities. The study is based on the experience of the Russian Federation and federative nations of Europe – Austria,
Belgium, FRG and Switzerland.
executive branch, federalism, form of government, differentiation between competence and authority, responsibility.
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Malysheva, M. N. (2011). Legal Nature of Municipal Service and Legal Status of a Municipal Officer in the Russian
Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 48–52.
The article exposes the author’s approach to composition of a legal status of a municipal officer. The author
analyzes approaches to definition and content of a legal status of a municipal officer existing in Russian municipal law.
It is concluded that a legal status of a municipal officer is connected with a legal status of a municipal office and includes
the target, organizational, competence and guarantee components.
self-government, municipal, officer, service, status, rights, responsibilities, government, administration, municipality
Law-enforcement legislation
Berezhnova, N. D. (2011). Improvement of the Management System of Psychological Services at the Federal Services for
the Execution of Sentences in Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 53–56.
The article studies legal and organizational problems of managing psychological services at correctional system.
The author of the article notes that psychological services make a significant contribution to prevention of violations
at correctional system.
service, psychology, management, execution, sentences, prevention, crime, responsibility, countermeasures, conception.
Law-enforcement legislation
Nasanzhargalyn Ganbadral (2011). Organizational and Legal Problems of Application of Special Features by Police
Authorities of Mongolia. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 56–59.
There is a certain need in a complex solution of organizational and legal problems arising during application
of special features. Firstly, it is necessary to create an effective legal framework; secondly, it is important to improve
training of police officers. Based on the author, introduction of a new program into training would significantly improve
skills of police officers in application of special features, ensuring of personal safety and observing rights and freedoms
of a person and citizen.
special features, Mongolia, weapon, wristbands, responsibility, application, police, status, academy, enforcement
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Bakhtin, R. V. (2011). Administrative Responsibility of a Carrier for Non-Delivery/Loss of Freight Accepted for Transportation
by Railway Transport in Conditions of the Customs Union Formation. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 60–64.
The article casts light on theoretical and practical issues arising when customs authorities bring a carrier to
administrative responsibility during the period of formation of the Customs Union.
non-delivery, carrier, responsibility, loss, duty, safety, freight, bringing to responsibility, customs
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Savchishkin, D. B. (2011). On the Question of Administrative Responsibility in the Sphere of Information. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 64–72.
The article studies the legal and organizational problems of realization of administrative responsibility measures
in the sphere of information. The author pays attention at the types of corpus delicti and suggests certain criteria
for their classification.
information, sphere, responsibility, enforcement, subject, method, sanction, execution, connection, corpus delicti
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Alekseev, I. A., Abramova, E. A. (2011). Legal Responsibility of Self-Government Authorities and Officials for Realization
of Powers in the Sphere of Education. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 72–75.
The authors of the article studies responsibility of subjects of municipal legal relations for realization of powers
in the sphere of education. The authors describe the subjects of responsibility and makes a conclusion about complexity
of municipal law responsibility.
subjects, complexity, responsibility, powers, branch, sanction, procedure, types, law, corpus delicti
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Vinokurov, V. A. (2011). Federal Institutional Rewards: State, Challenges and Perspectives. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 76–81.
The article views the modern state of federal institutional rewards and analyzes practice of federal bodies of
executive power and federal state bodies granting institutional rewards. The author also makes suggestions on how to
improve the existing system of federal institutional rewards in the country.
rewards, federal institution, state institution, federation, achievement, grand title, medal, encouragement
Administrative law, municipal law and other branches of law
Dilbandyan, S. A. (2011). Participation of Juvenile Crime Defenders in the Criminal Procedure in Russia and Armenia. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 82–85.
The article is devoted to the questions of participation of a juvenile crime defender in the court procedure on
juvenile crime in Russia and Armenia. Considering peculiarities of a legal status of the accused and suspect in such affairs, the author believes it is important to provide them with a suitable legal assistance. The article also discuses certain
issues related to defending tactics.
defender, advocate, defense, process, procedure, enforcement, the suspect, the accused, under-age, teacher
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Krylov, O. M. (2011). Exclusive Right of a State Institution for Organization of Currency Circulation as a Principle of
Organization of Government. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 86–89.
The article is devoted to the exclusive right of a state institution for organization of currency circulation as
a principle of organization of government in the Russian Federation. It is concluded that existence of this principle is
proved by the guarantee of funding the institutional power under any conditions, strengthening of state authority by the
power of money as well asits authority when inflation processes are successfully regulated.
state institution, principle, power, organization, currency, money, emission, circulation, inflation, authority.