Public and municipal service and the citizen
Kostennikov, M. V., Kurakin, A. V., Kolchemanov, D. N., Maryan, A. V. (2010). Administrative and Legal Means of Minimization of Corruption Risks in Official Activities of Public Officers in Foreign States. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 5–20.
the article is devoted to legal and administrative issues of minimization of corruption risks in official activities of public officers in foreign states. The article also contains certain recommendations and suggestions on minimization of corruption risks based on experience of foreign countries.
corruption, corruption risk, public service, public officer, foreign states, minimization of corruption risks, official activities
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Redkous, V. M. (2010). Administrative and Legal Regulation of Anti-Corruption Measures in Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 21–27.
based on the analysis of national laws and other normative acts of CIS, the author of the article defined the most important trends of administrative and legal regulation of anti-corruption measures in CIS for the purpose of national security protection. Based on a comparative analysis, the author also suggested certain measures on improvement of the Russian legislation and arrangement of scientific researches in this sphere.
corruption, anti-corruption measures, administrative and legal regulation, national security, member states of the CIS, improvement of legislation
Management law
Mozer, S. V. (2010). Administrative and Legal Regulation of Relations in the Sphere of Customs between Trans-Dniester and the Republic of Moldova. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 28–33.
the article touches upon some aspects of harmonization of customs relations in Moldovan Trans-Dniestrain Republic and the Republic of Moldova. The author studied the sides’ contradictions with the purpose of forming the single rules of regulation of exports and imports in the territory of Trans-Dniester and Moldova.
Trans-Dniester, customs, regime, customs activity, harmonization
Law-enforcement legislation
Vaskov, M. Yu. (2010). Administrative and Legal Status of State Security Bodies in Norway. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 34–38.
the article considers the legal and organizational basis of national security protection in Norway. The author describes peculiarities of national security protection in Scandinavian states
Norway, Scandinavian States, security, state security bodies, system of national security, information potentials
Law-enforcement legislation
Solodov, I. A. (2010). Administrative and Legal Mechanism of Combating Group Disturbances of Public Peace when Conducting Public Events. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 38–40.
the article considers the problems of combating group disturbances of public peace as well as suggests measures on improvement of activities of state power in this sphere. The author also analyzed the organizational and strategic means of prevention of group disturbances of public order
public peace, disturbance, group disturbance, security, combating, mass disturbances, public events
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Azarov, M. S. (2010). Administrative and Legal Regulation of a Domain Name as an Object of Information Law. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 41–43.
the article is devoted to the peculiarities of legal regulation and usage of domain names. The author shows the role and significance of domain names in modern administrative and information laws.
information, Internet, information protection, security, domain name, electronic digital signature, e-Government, information support
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Zaguzov, G. V. (2010). Administrative and Legal Means of Information Security and Information Protection in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 44–47.
the article views the norms of administrative law regulating the rules of information security and information protection as well as the mechanism of administrative and legal enforcement of information security in the Russian Federation.
information environment, information, information protection, information resources, information security, norms of administrative law, social security, free access to information, means of information security, development of informatization processes
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Zvyagin, M. M. (2010). Procurator’s Supervision of Custom Authorities as Subjects of Administrative Jurisdiction. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 48–53.
the article considers the legal and organizational issues of procurator’s supervision of tax legislation. The article also uncovers the forms and methods of procurator’s response to corresponding violations
procurator’s office, supervision, protest, presentation, warning, customs service, legality, violation, decree, jurisdiction, forms of response
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Kobzar-Frolova, M. N. (2010). Conceptual Problems of Prevention of Tax Delicts. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 54–61.
nowadays tax delicts are growing into one of the most serious threats to the financial security of a state. In this connection, there is a certain need not only in scientific researches and thorough analysis of tax delicts, but also in establishment of effective preventive measures in the sphere of administrative law and information security.
taxes, delicts, warning, detection, tax authorities, suppression, conception, stages
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Nikitin, A. S. (2010). Illicitness and Failures to Act in Administrative Law. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 62–71.
the article is devoted to the features of an administrative offence and to the analysis f various points of view on illicitness (one of the signs of the administrative offence). The author also described other features such as the ‘failure to act’.
illicitness, penalty, failure to act, violation of law, corpus delicti, guilt, responsibility, action, act
Administrative law, municipal law and consumer protection
Lanina, E. Yu. (2010). On the Question of the Term ‘Consumer’s Market’ in Administrative Law. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 72–75.
the article analyses different points of view on the category ‘consumer’s market’. The author of the article described the main features of the consumer’s market which is very important for further improvement of administrative and legal regulation of social relations in the sphere of consumption.
market, trades, consumer’s, regulation, consumer, protection, structure, turn-round, security
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Tregubova, E. V. (2010). Administrative Mechanism of Realization of Legal Prohibition: Definition, Features and the System (Part 1). Administrative and municipal law, 5, 76–91.
the article considers the essence of ‘administrative mechanism’ and ‘mechanism of realization of a legal prohibition as well as uncovers the main elements of the administrative mechanism of realization of the legal prohibition.
prohibition, legal prohibition, mechanism, system, law enforcement, prohibition norms, prohibition legal relations, acts of enforcement