Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Kostennikov, M. V., Korzun, S. Yu., Tregubova, E. V. (2010). Administrative Prohibitions and Mechanism of Defense of Taxpayers’ Rights (part 2). Administrative and municipal law, 3, 5–33.
The article considers the legal and organizational issues of protection of individual taxpayers’ rights and describes the forms of protection of corresponding subjects of administrative and tax law. Moreover, the article also contains an analysis of elements of administrative and legal mechanism of protection of taxpayers’ rights.
tax, duty, defense, protection, taxpayer, prohibition, forms of defense, tax court, tax jurisdiction, responsibility, protection means
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Zvyagin, M.M., Safronov, V. A. (2010). Administrative and Legal Relations in Proceeding in Error in Activity of Customs Authorities. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 34–42.
The article is devoted to specific legal relations occurring in proceeding in error based on complaints by citizens and economic entities. The authors of the article also revealed the content of such legal relations.
complaint, legal relations, administrative activity, tax authorities, proceeding, material and procedural relations, object
Management law
Goncharov, V.V. (2010). Problems and Perspectives of Interaction between the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and Federal
Executive Authorities. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 43–47.
The article is devoted to the modern problems and perspectives of interaction between the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and federal executive authorities. According to the author, appearance of one party holding the majority of parliament members made parlimanetaries less active in law-making and raised the number of draft laws coming from the Government of the Russian Federation and the Head of the country.
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, political party ‘United Russia’, executive authorities, priority development, innovative state, monopoly, problems, modernization, political system
Management law
Kananykina, E. S. (2010). Decentralization and Issues of Schooling in Regulatory Acts of the United States of America. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 47–56.
The typical feature of modern America is the decrease of autonomy of regional and local agencies of management of education and schools. This is determined by the finances system in the first place. The share of state federal allotments for education needs is growing but at the same time they are still much lower than the sums assigned for states and educational districts.
schooling, government, acts, USA, school, states, decentralization, standard, education
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Ezhevsky, D. O. (2010). Legal Framework of Municipal Service Record in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 57–73.
Nowadays in the Russian Federation the system of local self-government can’t be effective without municipal service. Growing role of self-government in supporting public interests determines the need for highly skilled municipal officers.
municipal service, record, performance review, level of proficiency, ranks, contest, Russia, labor contract
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Maryan, A. V. (2010). On the Question of Improving Administrative and Legal Mechanism of Anti-Corruption Measures in the System of State Service. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 74–75.
The article considers legal and organizational problems of establishing anti-corruption measures. It is noted that certain organizational and financial resources are necessary for their establishment and development, in particular, the author paid much attention at the need to form the institution of administrative justice which would contribute to restraint of corruption in the system of state service.
administrative mechanism, methods, means, restraint, corruption, state service, minimization of corruption, administrative justice, state policy in the sphere of anti-corruption measures
Law-enforcement legislation
Evstifeev V. V. (2010). On the Question of Providing Personal Security at Internal Affairs Agencies as a Way to Resolution of the Conflict of Interests. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 76–79.
The article considers legal and organizational problems of providing personal security at internal affairs agencies. The author of the article defined the priorities of anti-corruption measures as well as of resolution of the conflict of interests in the sphere of administrative activity.
personal security, internal affairs agencies, corruption, conflict of interests, trends, officer, state officer
Law-enforcement legislation
Makarov A. A., Chuprov, V. M. (2010). Administrative and Legal Regulation of Anti-Corruption Measures by Police in Foreign Countries. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 79–85.
Experience of anti-corruption measures conducted by police in Germany, Finland, France, USA, Canada, Spain, China, Israel, Poland and other countries has a theoretical and practical significance. By learning facts on police actions in other countries, we can understand the nature and difficulties of activity by our internal affairs agencies and establish more effective measures of improvement of our service including prevention of crime committed by militia officers.
studies of law, corruption, police, restraint, violation of law, bribery, militia, USA, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Narutto, S. V. (2010). Administrative and Legal Regulation of Security Services and Monitoring. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 86–89.
The article considers legal and organizational problems of using modern information technologies when conducting private detective and security services.
security, monitoring, safeguard, information sharing, reaction, signal, guard, operator, satellite communication
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Nikitin, A. S. (2010). On the Question of External Circumstances of Administrative Offences. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 90–94.
The article considers the evidence of violations of law. The author analyzed the external signs of an administrative offence and showed how the mentioned signs influenced the administrative offence to be qualified.
violation of law, public security, illegality, commitment of guilt, punishment, case, objective and subjective evidence of violation, subject of violation