Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Zvyagin, M. M. (2010). Mechanism of Conflict Resolutions in Customs Service: Definition and Meaning. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 5–9.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational issues of resolution of legal conflicts in the sphere of customs
service. It also describes the customs dispute.
customs duty, conflict, mechanism of conflict resolution, process, procedure, customs service, jurisdiction, defence mechanism
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Kostennikov, M. V., Korzun, S. Yu., Tregubova, E. V. (2010). Administrative Prohibitions and Mechanism of Defense of Taxpayers’ Rights. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 10–35.
The article considers the legal and organizational issues of defending individual taxpayers’ rights and describes the forms of defense of corresponding subjects of administrative and tax law.
tax, duty, defense, protection, taxpayer, forms of defense, tax court, tax jurisdiction
Subjects/Legal entities in administrative and financial law
Sarkisov, A. K. (2010). State-Owned Corporation and State-Owned Companies in Legislation of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 36–42.
The article describes the definition and the legal status of a state-owned corporation and a state-owned company in Russian legislation. The authors compared them to a state unitary enterprise and autonomous institution and described how these new terms are perceived in law enforcement practice in the sphere of target setting when establishing peculiar public private forms of non-profit organizations.
state-owned corporation, state-owned company, state unitary enterprise, autonomous institution, non-profit organization, delegation of power authorities
Management law
Denisov, P. A. (2010). Organizational and Legal Structure of Managing State-Owned Corporations. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 43–48.
Organizational and legal structure of management of a state-owned corporation is borrowed from joint stock companies and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This is a three-tier structure consisting of a supervisory
board (supreme management body, board of directors at Deposit Insurance Agency); administration (collegial executive body) and a chief executive officer (General Director, President or Chairman). State-owned corporations borrowed names of management bodies and their hierarchy from joint-stock companies. Procedure for formation and nature of authorities of management bodies at state-owned corporations reminds the legal status of corresponding bodies at the Bank of Russia.
studies of law, authorities, government, management, corporation, observation, monitoring, guidance, law execution
Management law
Kananykina, E. S. (2010). Structure of Bodies Managing Higher Education in Great Britain. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 49–53.
There are no state standards confirmed at government level in the sphere of education in England. There education is mostly determined by employers’ needs. Higher education institutions themselves decide what to teach and bear responsibilities for their decision. The same course can be taught differently at different institutions. However, there is a general system of a ranking score of quality of teaching main subjects at higher institutions of Great Britain.
management, education, policy, Great Britain, system, legislation, acts, status, teaching
Management law
Kupreev, S. S. (2010). Development Trends of State Administration in Russia in 2008-2009. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 55–58.
The article analyses the main trends of state administration in 2008-2009. According to the author, these trends include: significant expansion of supervisory powers of the legislative department towards the executive department; continuation of the administrative reform; acceptance of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation valid until 2020; active development and implementation of anti-corruption measures in the system of public authorities; recognition of experience of state-owned corporation to be ineffective; growing disclosure of public authorities’ activity.
government, state, tendencies, conception, reform, strategy, counter force, corruption, information, corporation
Management law
Storozhenko, I. V. (2010). World Bank’s Public and State Regulation of Anti-Corruption Monitoring. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 59–61.
The article is devoted to the problems of legal regulation of anti-corruption monitoring and defines the priorities of monitoring of public administration spheres subject to corruption risks.
corruption, corruption risk, corruption practices, World Bank, anti-corruption monitoring, clarity, accounts statements
Management law
Maryan, A. V. (2010). Administrative and Legal Aspects of Prevention and Restraint of Corruption in the Bodies of Authority and Management. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 62–63.
The article describes the legal and organizational problems of restraint of corruption in the bodies of authority and management. The author shows the role of administrative justice in the mechanism of anti-corruption measures.
corruption, bodies of authority and management, restraint of corruption, legality, discipline, administrative justice
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Kazachenko, O. V. (2010). Administrative and Legal Regulation of Resolution of Conflict of Interests in the Sphere of State Civil Service: Anti-Corruption Aspects. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 64–70.
The author of the article viewed the outstanding problems of the institution of conflict of interests in the sphere of state civil service. According to the author, that institution is one of the main ways to fight with corruption. The author described the main reasons and conditions of its formation and suggested his own recommendations on prevention and regulation.
conflict, resolution, prevention, service, state institution, interest, restraint, corruption, violation
Law-enforcement legislation
Evstifeef, V. V. (2010). Administrative and Legal Regulation of Restraint of Corruption in Law Protection Activity of the Internal Affairs Authorities. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 71–73.
The article considers the legal and organizational problems of fighting corruption in the activity by internal affairs authorities. The author described the perspective ways to prevent corruption in law protection activity.
corruption, personal security, internal affairs authorities, legality, discipline, responsibility, law protection activity
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Trunov, I. L. (2010). On the Question of Applying Measures of Administrative Enforcement in the Sphere of Ensuring the Fire Safety. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 74–78.
The author of the article analyses the issues of fire safety based on a particular case of a tragic situation in Perm as well as in Russia in general. The author gave concrete examples and analyzed the development trends and the need for certain changes in legislation. Based on experience of other countries, the author suggested particular recommendations on improvement of fire safety in Russia. The author also analyzed legislative acts connected with fire safety.
fire, technical regulations, fire safety regulations, fire safety rules, fire works, measures of administrative and criminal enforcement, fire emergency, fire inspector, state fire service
Shikunova, O. G. (2010). Improvement of Tax Administration in the Framework of Anti-Corruption Measures. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 79–81.
At the present time the President of the Russian Federation establishes the integrated system of anti-corruption measures including improvement of anti-corruption policy in the sphere of economics (see the Federal Law n 293 ‘On Changes in Legal Acts of the Russian Federation in the Part of Exclusion of Other than Procedural Rights of Internal Affairs Authorities of the Russian Federation Regarding Inspecting Businesses and Tax Inspections’ and the Federal Law N 294 ‘On Protection of Rights of Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs when Carrying Out State Control (Supervision) of Small and Middle Businesses’). As an example, on September 1, 2009 the Ministry of Justice registered the Order prepared both by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and Federal Tax Service of Russia (see the Order N 495/�ìì-7-2-347 ‘On Approval of Coordination Procedure between Internal Affairs Bodies and Tax Authorities with the Purpose to Prevent, Define and Eliminate Tax Crimes and Violations’ from June 30, 2009).
tax administration, anti-corruption, administrative restrictions in business activity, monitoring and supervisory function of internal affairs bodies, subjects of small and middle business, interaction between internal affairs bodies and tax authorities,
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Malahov, V. P. (2010). Similarities and Differences between Administrative Law and Police Law. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 82–92.
The article considers the issues of similarities and differences between administrative law and police law and describes the theory and logic of administrative law and police law.
logic, similarities, police law, administrative law, type of law, positive law, influence, administrative and legal ‘thinking’