Administrative law, municipal law and judicial reforms
Nechaeva S.V. (2010). Common Ground for Delimitation of Jurisdiction between Court of General Jurisdiction and Arbitration
Court in Accordance with the Russian Applicable Legislation. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 5–9.
The question on common grounds for delimitation of jurisdiction between court of general jurisdiction and arbitration court has a great importance for academic and research spheres because the problem of delimitation
of jurisdiction is often met in law enforcement practice. The author analyzes points of view expressed in legal literature regarding the most controversial aspects of the problem including the question about structural adequacy of the material and procedural aspects of the law and judicial service; about the relation between the object and subject of grounds for delimitation of jurisdiction between courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration
arbitral procedure, arbitration court, civil procedure, civil law, delimitation of jurisdiction, subjective content of a dispute, court of general jurisdiction, economic dispute
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Akulov V.I., Solomatina E.A. (2010). Administrative Legal Regulation of Civil Service in Germany. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 10–17.
The article contains a general analysis of a modern civil service in Federal Republic of Germany with a glance to the most recent administrative reforms in the country. The authors of the article also studied the administrative law status of a German civil servant and gave a general classification of civil servants of Germany.
Germany, Federal Republic of Germany, civil service, electronic government, civil servant, ranks, classification, authorities, requirements, system, status
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Kostennikov M.V., Kuleshov G.N. (2010). Administrative Information Support of State Civil Service. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 17–22.
The article is devoted to legal and organizational problems of information support of civil service as well as professional activity of a civil servant. Moreover, the article also considers the problems of reinforcement of rights and responsibilities of a civil servant.
civil service, officer, support, information, private information, status, rights, responsibilities, information protection, holder of a right
Management law
Hierodeacon Eulogius (Haritonov) (2010). Patriarch and His Role in Preservation of Canonic Government over the Russian
Orthodox Church in June 1923-April 1924. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 23–28.
‘I finally and resolutely dissociate myself from both foreign and domestic monarchial white Russian counterrevolution’
– His Holiness Tikhon Patriarch of Moscow wrote when he addressed the highest court of Bolshevik Russia. The only and truly divine goal of this appeal was to keep the control over the Russian Orthodox Church in accordance with the Canons and Church traditions and to save the Church from complete demolition. The period studied in the article played a very important role for reinforcement and preservation of administrative functions of legitimate Church Government by the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarchy being the cornerstone of the latter.
government, Church, religious council, patriarchy, patriarch, primate, metropolitan, eparch, canons, renovationism
Management law
Sergeev D.B. (2010). Elements of the Structure (Organizational System) of a Municipal Unit. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 28–33.
The article studies the questions connected with inclusion the local community, territorial public selector and other forms of local self-government into the structure (organizational system) of a municipal unit. From the author’s point of view, the structure (organizational system) of a municipal unit should include only self-government authorities and forms of local self-government which perform their functions.
studies of law, municipal law, municipal law, local self-government, structure of a municipal unit, elements of the structure of a municipal unit, local community, territorial public selector, intention of a municipal unit, municipal law concepts
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Aresenyeva N.V. (2010). Administrative Offences in the Sphere of Taxes and Levies: Challenges of Calculation of the Period
of Limitation. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 34–42.
The article is devoted to the problems of calculation of limitation periods for bringing to responsibility for administrative
offences in the sphere of taxes and levies. The author studies peculiarities of calculation of limitation periods for an administrative offence (failure to perform a duty by a deadline). Special attention is given to detection of the beginning moment and termination time of an administrative offence in the sphere of taxes and levies.
administrative responsibility, taxes, levies, periods, limitation, moment, detection, lasting, offence
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Ivachev O.V., Korzun S.Yu. (2010). On the Question of Conception of a Tax Offence in Administrative Law. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 42–48.
The article analyzes different points of view on the conception of a tax offence. The authors of the article studied its features and described the corpus delicti of a tax offence. They also considered the problems of establishing different types of legal responsibility for a tax offence.
tax, violation of law, responsibility, taxpayer, tax system, taxable base, delict
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Saburov R.S. (2010). Administrative Responsibility for Failure to Fulfill Legal Requirements of a Prosecutor. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 49–54.
Existing administrative rule about responsibility for failure to fulfill Prosecutor’s legal requirements concedes a wide juridical discretion when assigning punishment. The author of the article suggests to differentiate types of punishment
depending on the danger of a committed act and eventual consequences. The author also proves the need in prolonging
of the limitation period used as a punishment for disqualification officials.
administrative responsibility, prosecutor’s requirements, punishment, judicial discretion, official, disqualification, procuracy oversight
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Molchanov A.A. (2010). On the Question of Determination of a Subject of Administrative Offence when Reporting Inaccurate Information to a Custom Authority about Imported (Eexported) Goods. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 54–57.
The article is devoted to the problems of determination of a subject of administrative offence when reporting inaccurate information to a custom authority about imported (exported) goods.
administrative, offence, custom authorities, subject, seizure, confiscation, fine, quantity, control, responsibility
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Subanova N.V. (2010). Administrative Offence in the Sphere of Public Permitting Activities. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 57–63.
Understanding of the essence and features of law on administrative offences (in respect to the studied aspect) with the usage of a comparative method of investigation allowed to define the topical issues of legal regulation including the issues of distribution of power, determination of disposition of corpus delicti and application of an administrative punishment. The author formulated typical grounds for recognition of a regulatory act of the RF constituent (which established
administrative responsibility in the sphere of permitting activities) as an inconsistent to the federal law.
violation of law (offence), sanction, jurisdiction, control, license, authorities, competence, permission, responsibility, permit system
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Savin A.V. (2010). Administrative Law Status of a Subject of State Environmental Control in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 64–71.
This article is aimed at describing the legal grounds for recognition of state authorities as subjects of State Environmental Control. The article considers what Russian scientists say about such a category as ‘subjects of state environmental
control’ and contains an analysis of provisions of existing Russian legislation regulating supervisory powers of certain state authorities.
state administration, environment control, subjects of the control, President, parliamentary control, Government, Prosecutor’s Office, judicial control, human rights commissioner, Presidential Administration, Security Council
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Lanina E.Yu. (2010). Administrative Legal Support of Law Enforcement by Internal Affairs Agencies in the Sphere of Consumer’s Market. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 72–74.
The article considers the legal and organizational problems of law enforcement in the sphere of consumer’s market and forms certain suggestions on improvement of the activity by internal affairs agencies in the sphere of prevention and suppression on the consumer’s market.
consumer, consumer’s market, trade, law enforcement, internal affairs agencies, police, regulation, violation of law, interaction
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Tregubova E.V. (2010). Administrative Prohibitions and Administrative Restrictions: Correlation of Terms. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 75–81.
The article considers administrative prohibition and administrative restriction as elements of the system of legal regulation of public relations in the sphere of public administration. The author described the features and goal of administrative
prohibition and administrative restriction.
prohibition, civil service, legality, discipline, regulation, goal, features, precept of law
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Vinnitskiy A.V. (2010). Participation of Public Units in Property Relations: Problems of Balance between Administrative Law and Civil Law Regulations. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 83–91.
Based on foreign and Russian researches the author of the article studies the problems of balance between private law and public law regulations of property relations with the participation of state institutions and municipal units. Special attention is paid at the spheres of administration of public domain, state and municipal procurements and expropriation.
property, ownership, procurements, expropriation, state institution, municipal government, public, private, administrative law