Administrative law, municipal law and the institutions of civil society
Shaikhullin, M.S. (2010). On the issue of mechanism of legal regulation of interaction of advocates and municipal self-government in Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 5–10.
The article includes an attempt to define the mechanism of legal regulation of interaction of bars of advocates, advocates and municipal self-government bodies in the modern Russia. The author analyzes certain norms of Russian legislation on the issue, defines spheres of interaction of bars of advocates and advocates with the municipal units.
mechanism, legal regulation, advocacy, municipal self-government, interaction, advocate, bar of advocates, law, jural state
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Aivar, L.K., Trunov, I.L. (2010). Violation of constitutional rights of people in case of road accidents. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 11–17.
The article is devoted to topical problems, related to guarantees of human rights in case of road accidents, the author shows the problems in the sphere of responsibility of officials, due to whose guilty behavior such accidents
the article is devoted to topical problems, related to guarantees of human rights in case of road accidents, the author shows the problems in the sphere of responsibility of officials, due to whose guilty behavior such accidents happen
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Dilbandyan, S.A. (2010). Problems of ensuring rights and lawful interests of a person in legal process. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 17–22.
The article is devoted to the problems, related to initiation of a criminal case in criminal legal procedure. While this institution was subject to many detailed studies, still many problems, which took place in the legislation in the past did not find their solution in the existing Criminal Procedural Code. This matter allows to analyze these problems within the framework of current legislation on criminal procedure, and to attempt to solve these problems. Of course analysis of legislations of foreign states shows that similar problems exist abroad.
initiating a criminal case, guarantees of protection of human rights and lawful interests of person, requiring expertise
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Filippova, O.V. (2010). Notary service in Russia and its place within the mechanisms of protection of human rights. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 23–31.
The article is devoted to legal and organizational problems in the sphere of notaries service, the author shows functions and directions of notary activities, formulates ideas for improvement of notary institution in the Russian Federation.
notary, notary service, notary activities, protection of rights, law-enforcement body, protection of civil rights, jurisdiction, notary office, sphere, legislation, verifying a copy
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Antoshina, N.M. (2010). Topical issues of improving efficiency and productivity of state service and professional service activities of state servants. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 32–39.
the author studies the problems of formation and introduction into practice of functioning of state service of some criteria of efficiency and results of professional activities of state servants. Much attention is paid to issues of establishing necessary criteria in official documents in state bodies. The author offers her own model for evaluating results of work of state servants.
state service, state servant, markers of efficiency and results of professional activities of state servants, system of payment based on results, administrative rules, principles of result-relation in the activities of state servants, criteria for the eva
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Tregubova, E.V. (2010). Administrative and legal forms of implementation of prohibitions within the system of state service. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 40–45.
The article is devoted to administrative legal prohibitions within the mechanism of regulation of state service
relation, as well as to differentiation of norms of administrative law on legal prohibitions in the system of state service in the Russian Federation.
prohibition, state service, system, forms of implementation of prohibition, forms, contents, relations, implementation of administrative legal norms, performing, following the norms
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Chukichev, Y.V. (2010). Responsibility of state officials for unlawful participation in entrepreneurial activity. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 45–48.
The article is devoted to “problems of punishment” of officials for “unlawful entrepreneurial activity”. The author establishes the need for broader application of such a preventive norm as “prohibition to take certain positions
and offices”. The author provides positions of legal scholars and experience of foreign states in this sphere.
state service, state servants, official, responsibility, disqualification, punishment, entrepreneurial activity, violation, prohibition, limitation, unlawful participation
Management law
Bakharev, D.V. (2010). Key directions in improvement of legislative basis in the sphere of fighting corruption in the municipal
bodies (taking some municipal units of Khanty and Mansi Autonomous District — Yugra). Administrative and municipal law, 10, 49–53.
The article is devoted to establishing and analysis of gaps and contradictions in the exiting normative rules on control over income of municipal servants and their family members. The author establishes the view that it is necessary to amend a number of normative legal acts in the sphere of fighting and preventing corruption at the municipal
jurisprudence, corruption, municipal, servants, municipal bodies, information on income, inter-ministry council, powers, counteraction, control, legislative basis
Management law
Mironov, A.N. (2010). Administrative and legal regulation of evaluation of efficiency of anti-corruption measures of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 54–57.
federal and regional legislation establishes certain anti-corruption measures aimed to fight corruption. At the same time, there are no criteria for evaluating efficiency of these measures. The author offers to establish some criteria, taking the Republic of Bashkortostan as an example
corruption, measures, standards, monitoring, efficiency, evaluation, criteria, expertise, counteraction
Administrative law, municipal law and information security
Gorshukova, Y.D. (2010). Specific features of legal mechanisms of ensuring power industry security within the Eenergy Community of SEA. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 58–60.
The article is devoted to problems of international legal regulation of guarantees for energetic (power) security, based on which the author then analyzes international legal documents and offers to amend and improve them.
security, energy, power, gas, agreement, Gazprom, energy charter, commission, the tube
Administrative law, municipal law and information security
Niyazmatova, M.A. (2010). Administrative legal regulation of national security. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 60–63.
The article includes analysis of key problems of national security of the Russian Federation in the light of new Strategy of National Security of the Russian Federation till 2020.
security, interests, security of society, national security, state, strategy, guarantees, system, regulation
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Mikulin, A.I. (2010). Adversarial principle in procedure on administrative cases. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 64–72.
This article is devoted to the studies of the principle of adversarial process within the procedures on administrative
offence cases, its place within the system of principles of administrative responsibility. Much attention is paid to the problem of lack of adversarial process in administrative offence procedure, as implemented by the courts of general jurisdiction.
procedure on administrative cases, adversarial principle, administrative court procedure, administrative responsibility, administrative process, principles of administrative law, administrative jurisdiction process, equality of parties, right to protectio
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Zatsepin, A.M. (2010). Distinguishing unlawful actions in case of bankruptcy from related activities. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 73–77.
The article is devoted to problems related to implementation of measures of responsibility for administrative
offences in the sphere of economics, the author shows problems related to legal qualification of some acts, offers criteria for distinguishing unlawful activities in case of bankruptcy from other illegal deeds (including administrative
economics, offence, crime, administrative offence, qualification, responsibility, act, guilt, punishment, illegality
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Pavlov, S.A. (2010). Anti-monopoly control over economic concentration as an instrument of market administration in various jurisdictions. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 78–84.
the article includes brief analysis of The experience of most economically developed states in the sphere of market administration, and of application of control over economic concentration in markets, as a complex instrument
of such administration.
anti-monopoly, control, economic, concentration, market, the European Union, the USA, Russia, coefficient of concentration, economics
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Terentiev, A.N. (2010). Corrections of cost of business, awards and discounts. Review of novel features by American specialists.
(based on book by Shannon Pratt. “Discounts and Awards”. (Second Edition, February 2010 year, Jogn Wiley and Sons, INC p. 455). Administrative and municipal law, 10, 85–91.
This article is based upon analysis of the newest studies of famous American evaluation experts. It continues
the line of economic interpretation of legislation and normative acts in the sphere of regulation of evaluation activity. The issue of awards and discounts, when establishing the fair cost is quite topical within the framework of reporting under IAS and GAAP by Russian companies. This article establishes important question and then the author offers some possible solutions.
management, awards, discounts, evaluation, business, management, liquidity, government, action, discount, fair cost