Management law
Goncharov, V.V., Zhilin, S.M. (2010). Modern Problems and Ways of Reinforcement of Presidential Power in the Russian Federation as a Necessary Condition for Opposing Centrifugal Tendencies in National Administration. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 5–14.
Review: the article is devoted to the modern problems of formation and functioning of the presidential power in the Russian Federation as well as to reinforcement of that institution as a necessary condition for opposing centrifugal tendencies in national administration. The authors suggested their own recommendations on holding certain activities which would allow to provide the balance between centralism and decentralization in administration of the government.
studies of law, President, Government, Chairman, power, mechanism of government, powers, perspectives, centralization, institution
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Zvyagin, M.M., Safronov, V.A. (2010). Administrative and Legal Regulation of Principles of Proceeding in Error in Administrative Activity of Customs Authority. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 15–21.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational problems of proceeding in error at customs authorities. It is underlined that effectiveness of proceedings in error based on complaints of citizens and entities directly depend on legal enforcement of corresponding principles. In their turn, principles of proceeding in error reflect the quality of the process.
complaint, court proceeding, principles, legality, human rights, responsibility, jurisdiction, procedure, process, stage
Management law
Kazachenkova, O.V. (2010). Corruption as a Systemic Threat to National Security: Questions of Opposition and Liquidation. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 21–27.
Review: the author of the article viewed the topical issues of opposition to corruption. Corruption has recently become the serious threat to national security, democracy institutions, constitutional principles of social justice and equal rights of citizens, normal functioning of a government and effective economic development.
corruption, opposition, prevention, suppression, struggle, threat, security, service, conflict
Management law
Cherkasov, K.V. (2010). Central Office of the Government of the Russian Federation: Some Aspects of Legal Regulation of its Staff and Structure. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 27–30.
Review: the article is devoted to the legal status of one of understudied public authorities, - Central Office of the Government of the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid at the questions of legal regulation of the Office staff and structure. The authors outlined a few problems existing in that sphere and suggested their own concept of how to solve them.
studies of law, administrative law, state administration, administration, administrative reform, central office, Government of the Russian Federation, staff, structure, public position
Law-enforcement legislation
Kostennikov, M.V. (2010). Provisions of Administrative Law in the Activity of Internal Affairs Agencies. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 31–34.
Review: the article considers the provisions of administrative law applied to the activity of internal affairs agencies. The author described the peculiar nature of provisions of administrative law realized in control and supervisory, licensing and jurisdictional activity of internal affairs agencies.
legal provisions, provisions of administrative law, administrative activity of internal affairs agencies, process, administrative process in the internal affairs agencies
Law-enforcement legislation
Shikunova, O.G. (2010). On Improvement of Legal Mechanisms of International Cooperation at Internal Affairs Agencies of the Russian Federation Regarding Legal Assistance in Criminal and Administrative Cases. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 35–39.
Review: one of the priorities in foreign policy of the Russian Federation is its participation in international cooperation aimed at opposition to international organized crime. In this respect, special attention should be paid at International Seminar on Legal Cooperation between the European Union and the Russian Federation carried out from 7 to 9 October 2009 in Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia participated, too, since the Ministry is a competent authority in rendering legal assistance in criminal and administrative cases as well as one of the initiators of ratification of the European Convention on the transfer of proceedings in criminal matters (1972).
international cooperation, organized criminal activity, legal assistance, extradition, transfer of proceedings in criminal matter, legal proceeding, requesting party, requested party
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Nikitin, A.S. (2010). On the Question of a Sign of Illegality in Administrative Offence. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 40–46.
Review: the author studied the sign of administrative offence, - illegality. The author compared illegality with the other signs of administrative offence. Such an analysis allowed to make certain suggestions on how to improve legal enforcement of some elements of administrative offence regulation in Special Part of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation.
violation of law, illegality, penalty, lack of action, social danger, components of crime or corpus delicti, guilt, objective side, delict, subjective side, prohibition
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Agafonov, S.I., Vorobyeva, T.I., Salnikov, M.G., Tregubova, E.V. (2010). Administrative Procedures and Prohibitions as a Mean of Legal Support of Law and Order in the Sphere of Internal Affairs. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 47–56.
Review: the article considers the legal and organizational problems of realization of administrative procedures in the sphere of internal affairs. Special attention is paid at the need to improve administrative and procedural activity of executive authorities in general and of internal affairs agencies in particular.
procedure, process, proceeding, legality, internal affairs, discipline, law and order, executive authority, executive and administrative activity, internal affairs agencies
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Myustakimov, Sh.R. (2010). ON Supervisory Powers of Local Self-Government Bodies in the Sphere of Land Use. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 56–62.
Review: the article is devoted to the content and mechanism of realization of supervisory powers of local self-government bodies in the sphere of land use. The author studied the content and nature of municipal control and analyzed certain municipal legal acts regulating municipal powers in the sphere of supervision of land use.
studies of law, municipal, land, control, powers, subject, questions, local, significance
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Shulbaev, G.V. (2010). Refusal of State Registration of Rights for Real Estate: Some Aspects of Court Practice. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 63–67.
Review: based on court practice, the author studied the institution of state registration of rights for real estate. The author considered both the institution of state registration and the possibility of refusal of state registration.
studies of law, state, registration, real estate, treat, court, act, appeal, refusal
Sarkisov, A.K. (2010). Financial and Legal Regulation of a state credit in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 68–78.
Review: the article considers: definition of ‘credit’ and ‘credit system’, system of state (municipal) credit, legal regulation of public borrowing, thrift industry as a form of state credit, state (municipal) debt, state borrowings in the Russian Federation, sources of financing the federal budget deficit as well as legal regulation of carrying out a lottery.
credit, debt, public borrowing, credit system, state credit system, financial law, thrift industry, money funds, investments, state debt
Reviews and bibliography
Kostennikov, M.V., Kurakin, A.V. (2010). Review of Guidance Manual by F. P. Vasilyev and A. S. Dugents ‘Administrative Procedure of Federal Migration Service in Russia’. – Moscow: SGU, 2009. – 464 p. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 79–80.
Review: the article is devoted to provisions of administrative law applied to the activity of internal affairs agencies. It also contains description of the peculiar nature of provisions of administrative law realized in control and supervisory, licensing and jurisdictional activity of internal affairs agencies.
legal provisions, provisions of administrative law, administrative activity of internal affairs agencies, process, administrative procedure in internal affairs agencies