Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Dyrda, S. G. (2010). Administrative Legal Regulation of Enforcement of the Citizens’ Right for Physical Training
and Grassroots Sports at a Municipal Level. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 5–9.
The article discusses development of physical culture at the level of local self-government, accessibility
of sports for various types of citizens in the Far Eastern Region and responsibility of self-government agencies to provide beneficial conditions for development of physical culture.
physical training, sports, right, accessibility, financing, provision, self-government, state institution, amateur sports, elite sport
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Suslova, S. I. (2010). Administrative Legal Regulation of Public Rights of Citizens in the Sphere of Housing. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 10–16.
The article studies views on the term ‘public rights’ as well as describes the author’s opinion on differentiation
of terms ‘public rights in the sphere of housing’ and ‘public housing rights’. The article also gives evaluation of administrative rights in the sphere of housing and suggests their systematization in accordance with the grounds the rights are based on.
legal, housing, administrative, public, private, rights, possibility, need, authority
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Miroshnichenko, Ya. V. (2010). Peculiarities of Administrative Legal Status of Civil Officers at Custom Authorities of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 17–23.
The article considers peculiarities of administrative legal status of civil officers at custom authorities of the Russian Federation. The research allowed to carry out a comparative analysis of administrative legal status
of state civil officers and Russia’s custom officers. This, in its turn, enabled to indicate the issues of carrying out such activities on the basis of civil service at custom authorities of the RF as well as to make suggestions on improvement of the existing legislation related to the matter.
civil service, state civil service, law-enforcement service, custom authorities, official, custom authority official, administrative legal status, peculiarities of administrative legal status
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Tregubova, E. V., Krivonosov, A. N. (2010). On the Question of Improvement of Enforcement of Administrative Prohibitions in the System of Civil Service. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 24–29.
The article generalizes the experience of the study of administrative prohibitions in the system of civil service. The authors of the article reveal the essence and meaning of administrative prohibitions in the system of civil service and study the dialectical connection between the mechanism of realization of a civil relationship
and the mechanism of enforcement of administrative prohibitions.
prohibition, restriction, service, order of law, legality, discipline, civil officer, behavior at work, stages of a civil relationship, mechanism
Management law
Stukalov, A. V. (2010). Competence of Local Self-Government Authorities in the Sphere of Housing and Utilities. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 30–35.
The article views the legal issues of enforcement of local self-government authorities’ powers in the sphere of housing and utilities and problems caused by the absence of the mechanism of delineation of powers between federal authorities of the RF, constituents of the RF and local self-government agencies. The author expresses quite reasonable suggestions on legal regulation of the mentioned above issue which is evidently proved by the analysis of legislative and judicial practice.
local self-government authorities, housing and utilities, powers, matters of local significance, reformation, legislation, judicial practice, public authorities, modernization
Law-enforcement legislation
Mikhaylyuk, P. A. (2010). On the Question of Improvement of Social Protection of Internal Affairs Officers. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 36–39.
The article considers the legal and organizational problems of improvement of social protection and social guarantees of internal affairs officers. It is noted that effectiveness of officers’ activity directly depends on improvement of the social and legal status of internal affairs officers.
guarantees, social protection, internal affairs agencies, improvement, social protection, social rights, social services, disabled, wage
Azarov, M. S. (2010). Information and Domain Names: Interaction from the Point of View of Data Protection
Law. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 40–44.
The article considers the legal regulation of domain names. It is noted that domain names are a part of data protection law. The article reveals the role of domain names in a modern information society.
information, domain, domain name, protection of information, security, intellectual property, information industry, net, Internet, technologies
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Akulov, V. I., Melekhin, A. S. (2010). Administrative Forms and Methods of Prevention of Road Accidents Involving
Children (Case Study of the Chelyabinsk Region). Administrative and municipal law, 12, 45–49.
The article contains an analysis of statistical data of road accidents involving children in the Chelyabinsk
Region during the period of 9 months of 2010. Based on this analysis the authors describe the basic factors contributing to road accidents involving children. The analysis also helps to define the current issues of preventive actions on prevention of road accidents involving children. The authors of the article also made an attempt to study and sum up corresponding innovations in the mentioned above region.
accident, children, road accident, death rate, damage, forms, methods, innovation, period, prevention
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Vasilyev, R. I. (2010). Administrative Legal Regulation of Competence of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Sphere of Control of Customs Value. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 49–57.
The article is devoted to the issues of competence of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in the sphere of control of customs value. The article considers the basic ways of resistance to under-estimation of customs value as well as problems of implementation of customs authorities’ powers in the sphere of control of customs value. The author of the article also carried out an analysis of corresponding juridical practice and suggested concrete solutions of problems in this sphere.
government regulation of foreign economic activity, customs duties, customs value, estimation method, structure, under-estimation, custom declaration, customs control, control of customs value, risk profile, juridical practice
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Kostennikov, M.V., Korobkin, M. V. (2010). Acts of Executive Authorities in the Mechanism of Enforcement of Administrative Provisions. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 58–65.
The article studies the term and essence of acts of executive power in the mechanism of administrative
legal regulation. It is noted that administrative provision has all the features of an administration at and all administrative provisions are made on the ground of and in execution of the law as well as any other regulatory document possessing greater legal force.
provision, legal act, mechanism, executive authority, federal executive authority, sub-legislative nature, executive function, procedure, process, administrative activity
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Pogodina, N. A. (2010). Administrative Legal Regulation of Customs Examination. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 66–71.
The article analyzes the legal nature of examination of goods and transport vehicles. The author views customs examination both as a measure of providing proceedings on the cases of administrative offences and a form of customs control. The author concludes that customs examination certainly has a dualistic nature.
examination, provision, enforcement, control, check, dualism, purposes, methods, peculiarities, enforcement of rights, attesting witnesses
Tax administration
Ivachev, O. V. (2010). Administrative Legal Regulation of Interaction between Internal Affairs Agencies and Tax Authorities in Prevention of Offences. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 72–73.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational issues of interaction between internal affairs agencies and tax authorities in the sphere of prevention and suppression of tax offences. The author of the article
also describes the forms and methods of interactions between tax authorities and internal affairs agencies in the sphere of prevention and suppression of tax offences.
tax, tax offence, tax administration, tax control, interaction, purposes of interaction, competence, forms of interaction
Administrative legal regimes and local self-government
Pavlov, P. V. (2010). Administrative Legal Regulation of the Regime of Special Economic Zones in Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 74–81.
The article is devoted to the problems of administrative legal regulation of special regimes of foreign
trade activity. Based on the analysis of the negative experience of implementation of the regime of free economic zones in Russia the author of the article suggests the main ways to improve administrative and legal regulation of the regimes of special zones. It is well shown in the article that successful development of special administrative legal regulation of the special zone regime will sustain social and economic development in general.
zone, regime, economy, territory, foreign economic activity, customs affairs, customs territory, economic affairs, free economic zone, mechanism of legal regulation
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Rutgayzer, V. M. (2010). The Problems of Legal Regulation of Valuation Activities in Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 82–87.
The article is devoted to the problems of legal regulation of valuation activities. The author of the article also described the problems of the arbitration court practice as well as issued connected with the disciplinary
and professional responsibility of valuators.
valuation, valuation activity, valuator, self-regulating organization, professional activity, market value, standard, specialist.