Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Antonovich, E. K. (2009). Procedures as a Part of the Russian Law. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: studies of law, appeal procedure, complaint, appeal, Byelorussia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan.
Abstract: the article is devoted to a comparative analysis
of a few foreign legislations with the purpose to clarify
the common and distinguishing features of existing standard appeal procedures during the pre-trial stage of the criminal process and to evaluate their pluses and minuses. The study of law making can be successfully used in the process of improvement of the Russian institution
of appeal during the pre-trial stages of the criminal
Management law
Channov, S. E. (2009). On the Question about Constitutionality of Temporary Appointment of Public Authorities for Performing Certain Powers of the Local Government. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: studies of law, local government, powers, temporary,
appointment, constitutional, court, unconstitutionality,
Abstract: with a view to rising attempts to establish the constitutionality of temporary appointment of public authorities
to perform certain powers of the local government,
in this article the author proved how groundless those arguments were. In particular, the author showed how different the legal nature of relations between public authorities of different levels and between public authorities
and local government authorities is. He also showed that by analogy, it would be impossible to apply acts of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in such a case.
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Ezhevsky, D. O. (2009). Legal Framework of Admitting and Appointing to Office in the Municipal Service of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: studies of law, municipal, service, admission, appointment, local, government, democracy, Russia.
Abstract: at the present time Russia is facing a serious question about how effective its municipal government actually is. In 2007 the government accepted a new law about municipal service. Now a municipal officer is the main participant of the social relations when it comes to solving questions of the local meaning in the municipal organization. Citizens of the Russian Federation have equal rights for access to municipal service.
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Tregubova, E. V. (2009). Foreign Legislation about Legality of Administrative Acts at the Civil Service. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: legal norm, public administration, public officer,
prohibition, civil service, status of public positions, anti-corruption activity, codifying stature, illegal deal, executive
authority, ombudsman. Abstract: the article discusses questions on regulation of activity of public authorities according to the principle of legality with the help of constitutional justice and ways to prevent corruption.
Administrative law and local self-government
Dubrovsky, O. N. (2009). On Legal Groundwork for Reform of Local Government in the Republic of Tuva. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: local government, Tuva, legal, regulation, reform,
municipal, organizations, law. Abstract: the article is devoted to the topic of development of legal regulation in the Republic of Tuva as a part of implementation of the Federal Law # 131-FL.
Law-enforcement legislation
Galda, V. N., Zvyagin, M. M., Solodov, I. A. (2009). Conceptions
of Administrative and Legal Regulation of Protection
of Public Order during Public Arrangements in Foreign States. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: public order, public arrangement, protection of public order, rally, meeting, demonstration, parade, public event. Abstract: the article considers legal and organizational framework of protection of public order during public arrangements.
The author underlined that even though there were laws regulating the procedure of public arrangements in the Russian Federation, that part of legislation was far from perfection and therefore it was necessary to consider the experience of foreign states.
Law-enforcement legislation
Mantsurov, A. Yu. (2009). System of Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Public Security in the People’s Republic of China. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: administration, Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China, system of education institutions,
People’s Republic of China, Pekinese University of Public Security Police of the People’s Republic of China, China, Law of the People’s Republic of China “On Higher Education”, Law of the People’s Republic of China “On Military Education”, Police educational system of China, universal state exam.
Abstract: the article considers the system of educational
institutions of the Ministry of Public Security in the People’s Republic of China. It describes in detail how to enroll and how to serve in higher and secondary
educational institutions of Public Security Police in the People’s Republic of China. The author described and revealed the system of educational institutions of the Ministry of Public Security in the People’s Republic of China.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Simakina, I. A. (2009). On the Question about the Need to Distinguish the Terms “the Cause of Administrative Offence”
and “the Condition Contributing to Administrative Offence”. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: studies of law, cause of administrative offence, condition contributing to administrative offence, science of administrative law, causes of crime, conditions of crime, administrative offence, Administrative Offences Codes of the Russian Federation, sociodemographic nature, economic
nature. Abstract: the article describes points of view saying that it is necessary to distinguish the terms “the cause of administrative offence” and “the condition contributing
to administrative offence” as well as the author’s opinion on this matter. The author also showed his position regarding classification of causes and conditions
contributing to commitment of administrative offences.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Shipilova, I. A. (2009). On the Question of Adjective Status and Competence of an Eexpert in the Matter of Administrative Offence. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Oon the Qquestion of Aadjective Sstatus and Competence of an Eexpert in the Matter of Aadministrative Ooffence
Abstract: the problem of adjective status and competence
of experts in the matter of administrative offences is quite topical. In this article the author analyzed opinions
of researchers and made his own conclusions regarding
the adjective status and competence of experts. The article also considers the role of an expert’s conclusion
as an instrument of evidence in the matter of administrative offences and important requirements for experts.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Martynov, A. V. (2009). On the Question of Administrative Supervision as a Function of Public Government: Conception, Grounds and Main Features. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: studies of law, administrative, supervision, function, government, control, content, public, elements, meaning. Abstract: the article is devoted to administrative supervision
as a function of public government. The author defined the main features, content and juridical meaning of administrative supervision. The article also contains a comparison of administrative supervision with a controlling
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Pavlienko, A. N. (2009). Administrative and Legal Regulation of Appeal of Rejection in State Registration of Rights in Real Property. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: studies of law, real estate, registration, right, property, rejection, order, appeal, administrative, juridical. Abstract: the article is devoted to appeal of rejection in the state registration of rights in real property and the deals therewith in administrative proceedings. Such appeals can be viewed not only in juridical authorities but also in corresponding
registering authorities.
Vinogradskaya, N. N. (2009). State Supervision as the Way to Stop Legalization of Proceeds from Crime. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: supervision, control, legalization, insurance, Federal Financial Monitoring Service, FSFM, casino, money laundering.
Abstract: in this article the author considered how effective
various types of supervision with the purpose to stop legalization of proceeds from crime were. When preparing for the article, the author used materials of international organizations and experience of foreign countries. The article is mostly devoted to insurance supervision,
supervision of market makers, supervision of gambling establishments and supervision of electronic payments.
Ivachev, O. V. (2009). Administrative Measures of Preventing Tax Offences. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: tax offences, prevention, form, method, tax sanctions, administrative measures, taxpayers, tax and law enforcement authorities, tax system, preventive measures. Abstract: the article is devoted to measures of preventing tax offences as a part of legal regulation. The author of the article described the combination of forms and methods of law enforcement and preventive activity.
Legislation commentary
Mironov, A. N. (2009). Conception of the Federal Law “On Enforcement
of Law Order and Public Security when Carrying Out Sports and Other Public Events in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 9.
Key words: security, conception, law order, sport, event, law, enforcement, rules, order. Abstract: the issue of enforcement law order and public security are very topical now. The need to legally regulate enforcement of public security due to forth-coming major sports events requires dynamic actions from the appropriate
authorities and officials. Based on the conception proposed,
it is possible to develop a new federal law which has been so much talked about lately.