Management law
Zakondyrin, A.E. (2009). Concept of organization of municipal
government in the subjects of the Rrussian Ffederation in the cities of federal importance — Moscow and Sst. Petersburg. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
The article is devoted to specific features of implementing
municipal government at the cities of federal value, the author analyzes competence of the municipal bodies of the territories.
yurisprudentsiya, kontseptsiya, mestnoe samoupravlenie, organizatsiya, Moskva, Sankt-Peterburg, zakon.
Management law
Kirillovykh, A.A. (2009). Development of mechanisms of autonomy
in the modern administrative legal regulation of the higher education institutions. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
This article is devoted to some aspects and specific
features of development of administrative legal status
of education institutions, which are aimed to solve the problems, which the higher education faces today within the framework of administrative reform. This article offers
the models of legal capability of higher education institutions taking into account their economical regulation
within the system of management mechanisms of higher education.
autonomy, administrative legal status, administrative reform, higher education institution, state regulation, decentralization, education, property, management, economics
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Kostromina, S.V. (2009). Cadre reserve of state civil service of the subjects of the Rrussian Ffederation: problems and perspectives. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
Based on the systemic study of federal legislation
and normative legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation on cadres reserve on state civil service the author
shows the problems, which exist in legal regulation of cadres reserve at the regional level, and provided grounds for the completion of legal bases for cadres reserve at the federal level.
Jurisprudence, cadres, reserve, state, civil, service, legal regulation, subjects of the Russian Federation, problems, perspectives.
Law-enforcement legislation
Lanina, E.Y. (2009). Administrative legal regulation of activities
of the internal affairs bodies in the sphere of sales rules guarantees and customer protection. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
The article is devoted to legal and organizational bases for regulation of internal affairs bodies in the sphere of guarantees for sales rules and customer protection. The article is devoted to consumer rights and ensuring them within the framework of activities of the internal affairs bodies.
Sales, market, customer, protection, regulation, guarding, offence, commerce, freedom, entrepreneurial activity, control.
Law-enforcement legislation
Proklov, O.V. (2009). Problems of legal, motivation and value deformation in the professional activities of the internal
affairs bodies staff. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
The author studies topicality and theoretical bases
for the study of motivation and value deformations in professional activities of the internal affairs staff, analyzes the approaches of leading scientists, who deal with problems
of professional deformation.
Professional deformation, psychological nature of professional deformation, basic natural features, motivation and value deformation as a type of personality deformation, motivation and value deformation and its structure.
Law-enforcement legislation
Gorin, E.V., Chekaldina, T.F. (2009). Bases of organization for contract work at the departments of extra-departmental
guards at the internal affairs bodies. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
The article is devoted to legal and organization
bases for the activities of extra-departmental guards, legal bases for administrative and legal status of extra-departmental guards, their goals and competence.
Property, guards, militia, security, order, offence, system, encroachment, property, staff
Administrative law, municipal law and tax administration
Shestaev M.A. (2009). Legal bases of excise exemption and exise reimbursement when dealing with export goods. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
The article is devoted to special order of calculation
of excise, when dealing with export goods. The author studies subjects, who have a right to be free from excise, or to get reimbursement. The author also shows the excise exemption,
when the goods are exported into the Republic of Belarus, analyses application of bank guarantee and bank pledgery, as well as excise reimbursement.
Taxpayer, tax exemption, excise exemption, export of excise goods, pledgery, bank guarantee, term of bank guarantee, unproven fact of export.
Administrative law, municipal law and tax administration
Polteva, A.M. (2009). Cameral tax inspection as a guarantee for taxpayers’ rights. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
Tax control, as performed by competent bodies is important for the stable existence of state and society. Cameral tax control is an important and efficient form of tax control, and while performing it the tax bodies should base their activities upon law. In a jural state all the activities should be regulated and based on protection
of human rights. Cameral tax inspection is a form of control, aimed to protect economic interests of the state (related to timely and complete calculation of taxes and levies), as well as to protect taxpayer from possible abuse by the tax bodies.
Jurisprudence, cameral, control, tax, taxpayer, guarantee, control, calculation, violation, tax.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Chepurnykh, M.V. (2009). On the issue of definition and structure
of administrative court procedure. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
The article includes analysis of theoretical, organizational
and legal problems, which arise in the courts of general jurisdiction, which deal with administrative cases. The author also tried to establish the conceptual basis for the formation of judicial procedure on these cases in the courts of general jurisdiction, and, further, in the administrative courts. The article includes a new approach to understanding and structure of administrative
Administrative judicial proceedings, administrative case, public legal disputes, administrative coercion, administrative responsibility, public legal conflict, Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure, public government bodies.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Aleshkova, N.P. (2009). Modern understanding of municipal lawmaking. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
The article is devoted to the correlation of terms “lawmaking”, “norm formation”, also “forms”, “kinds”, “means” for forming legal acts, the author also analyzes various approaches to understanding of the limits of the lawmaking competence of municipal bodies, offers a complex
approach to municipal lawmaking.
Municipal lawmaking, norm formation, municipal legal act, contractual law making, municipal bodies, municipal formation.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Tregubova, E.V. (2009). Permission and prohibition in administrative law. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
The article is devoted to methods of legal regulation,
the author also shows the contents and elements of methods of legal regulation. Also, the article shows the necessity of particular features of methods of legal regulation.
Permission, prohibition, limitation, mean, law, administrative law, classification, legal regulation, mechanism of legal regulation, elements of legal regulation.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Demina, M.F. (2009). Private guard and detective activity as an object of relations in the sphere of guarantees of the permission system. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
The article includes analysis of specific features
of realization of relations in the sphere of private detective and guard activities, the author analyzes permissive mechanisms of private detective and guard activities.
Permissive system, detective, guard, responsibility, control, review, legal relation, object, legal fact.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Sindeeva, I.Y. (2009). Correlation of private and public in administrative contract. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
This article is devoted to study of legal nature of the administrative contract, as well as elements of public and private in it. The interest of the author is due to the fact that contract is a traditional private law instrument, while the administrative law is public.
Contract, administrative contract, regulation, administrative legal regulation, private law, public law.
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Vinokurov, A.Y. (2009). Administrative and legal regulation of state ecological control. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
This article is devoted to critical analysis of the recently
adopted Ordinance of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 n. 53 “On state control in the sphere of environment protection (state ecological control)”.
While the author notes the Ordinance as a positive feature in the sphere of state ecological control after the seven-years-long pause, there’s still a number of troublesome novel features, which do not correspond with the existing legislation, and may change the existing approaches to control and review in the sphere of environment protection and nature management.
Jurisprudence, administrative, state, government, ecology, control, problems, regulation, collision, organs
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Anokhin, A.S. (2009). administrative legal mechanism in the sphere of land use and protection. Administrative and municipal law, 5.
The article is devoted to administrative legal
mechanism in the sphere of land management and protection. The author analyzes rights and obligations
of subjects of land relations, establishes special requirements, limitations and prohibitions in the sphere of land use for the purpose of rational use and protection of land, the author also studies administrative measures for the violations of land legislation.
Protection and use of lands, subjects of land relations, administrative offence, agricultural lands, conservation of lands, municipal district, prohibitions and limitations, keeping the fertility of lands, normative standards for maximum acceptable concen