Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Bubnov S.V., Zvyagin, M.M. (2009). Administrative legal regulation
of activities of the internal affairs bodies in the sphere of protection of public order while holding public
evens in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
The article is devoted to the study of the mechanism of protection of public order, while holding public events, the author evaluates the competence of internal affairs bodies in the sphere of ensuring the constitutional rights of people for peaceful unarmed gatherings, meetings, parades. The author evaluates such categories, as meeting, parade, demonstration, picketing.
parade, meeting, public order, demonstration, rights, freedoms, picketing, militia, manifestation, public space, police, coercion, regulation, public gathering.
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Polyanskaya I.S. (2009). Competence of internal affairs bodies in the sphere of implementation of the people’s right to public events. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
Lately in the Russian Federation much effort is taken to guarantee and protect human rights and freedoms. However, the general situation in this sphere is rather bad. The Constitution of the Russian Federation in its part concerning human rights is mostly a declarative document, rather than acting law. For example, the right to public gathering is closely related to other political rights of people, and is an important instrument for use of rights and freedoms, such as rights to expression, to elect and to be elected, to unite.
Jurisprudence, rights, citizens, public, events, bodies, internal affairs, mechanisms, meeting, parades, picketing, realization.
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Ivakin, A.A. (2009). Administrative and legal regulation of activities of the trade unions within the system of customs service. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
The article is devoted to legal and organizational problems of functioning of trade unions within the sphere of activity of customs services. The article includes analysis of functions of trade unions, their protective functions, activities of customs service.
Trade union, customs, customs service, unity, employer, employee, organization, protection, social partnership.
Prokhorov, K.V. (2009). Formation of executive branch in the Russian Federation in the situation of federalism. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
the article is devoted to the formation of the executive branch of power in the Russian Federation at the stage of formation of its federal structure. The author touches upon the issues of legal character of federation, correlation of the federal Constitution and the Agreements on separation of competence within the period since 1990s till the present time.
jurisprudence, executive, branch, federalism, subjects, Constitution, agreement, separation, powers, limits to competence.
Administrative law, municipal law and institutes of democracy
Lermontov, Y.M. (2009). Legal regulation of forms of direct democracy in the CIS states. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
The author presents analysis of legislation of the CIS states, which regulates forms of local direct democracy. Among the most important ones, the local referendum and municipal elections are noted. The author
provides detailed studies of organization and legal forms of direct democracy in Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine.
jurisprudence, direct, democracy, CIS states, municipal government, elections, referendum, municipal law.
Management law
Krivonosov, A.N. (2009). Legal regulation and priority directions of activity of the prosecution within the mechanism of fighting corruption. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
the article is devoted to legal and organization bases for fighting corruption in the sphere of prosecution. The Prosecutors are a consolidating force in the sphere of fighting corruption. The Prosecution bodies have the necessary means for fighting corruption in the sphere of public government.
Corruption, state service, fighting, national plan, prosecution, forms and methods of activities of the Prosecution, responsibility, punishment.
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Channov, S.E. (2009). Administrative and legal regulation of functioning of commissions on regulation of conflict of interests at the state civil service. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
the Federal Law “On Fighting Corruption” of December 25, 2008 is one of the key anti-corruption mechanisms in the sphere of state and municipal service,
and it establishes regulation of conflict of interests. Due to this fact, the article includes analysis of organization of commissions for regulation of such conflicts, the author points to the most serious problems of their functioning, makes propositions for the improvement of legislation.
Jurisprudence, conflict, interest, fighting corruption, state and municipal service, commissions, regulation.
Administrative law, municipal law and tax administration
Polteva, A.M. (2009). Cameral tax inspection as a form of tax control. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
Cameral tax inspection is the most efficient mean for prevention of offences and crimes against state and financial security, destruction of the state budget. Due to these activities, there are legal consequences between the state, which is represented by the tax body and the tax payer on the issues of timely and full payment of taxes and levies. The cameral tax checks establish timely and wide-spread control over activities of the tax payers. It is meant for prevention of tax offences and crimes at their early stages.
Jurisprudence, cameral, inspection, tax, control, method, form, mutual, documentary, counter.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Rebets, K.V. (2009). Documents as sources of evidence within the procedure on administrative offence cases. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
This article is devoted to definition and characteristics
of documents as sources of evidence on administrative
offence cases. The author singles out two groups of documents, which are related to such sources, analyzes the types of documents, which are included therein.
Evidence, source of evidence, administrative offence cases, administrative proceedings, filing an administrative case, document, legal document, protocol, fact.
Administrative law, municipal law and information security
Kosyakin, A.V. (2009). Administrative responsibility for divulging limited-access information. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
The article is devoted to the problems of realization
of means of administrative responsibility for the violation of limited access information regime. The article establishes the elements of offence, under the legislation on responsibility for divulging such information.
Information, secret, protection, responsibility, qualification, offence, punishment, informatization, access, harm.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Lanina, E.Y. (2009). Administrative legal regulation of control and review activities of the internal affairs bodies in the sphere of consumer market. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
this article is devoted to problems of administrative
legal regulation of activities of the internal affairs bodies
in the sphere of consumer market. The author analyzes various points of view on the subject of control and review in the sphere of internal affairs. The author enumerates the obligations of the internal affairs bodies in the sphere of control and review of consumer market.
Market, consumer, responsibility, internal affairs body, consumer market, sales, control, review, mechanism, authority.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Soloviev, I.N. (2009). Administrative and legal regulation of exclusion of non-procedural powers of the internal affairs bodies while holding inspections in the sphere of entrepreneurship. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
the article is devoted to the system of legal means within the framework of social relations in the sphere of public
government, place and role of legal prohibitions within the mechanism of legal regulation. The author analyses the correlation of legal and administrative legal prohibitions.
Prohibition, permission, means, mechanism, law, prescription, norm, rule, regulation, system, issue
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Tregubova, I.V. (2009). On the issue of legal prohibitions
and the system of means
of regulating social relations. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
zapret, dozvolenie, sredstvo, mekhanizm, pravo, predpisanie, norma, pravilo, regulirovanie, sistema, vopros.