Executive authorities and the civil society
Grudtsyna,L.Y. (2009). Legal bases for the guarantees of social and economic independency of social movements, funds and establishments. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56123
The state legal mechanism of support for activities of the social movements, funds and organizations as institutions of civil society in Russia needs improvement, it’s necessary to get rid of “administrative barriers” and bureaucracy. The realistic steps in that direction may be development and approval of changes and amendments in legislation on non-commercial organization, introductions of preferential tax treatment, and the removal of overly tight state control over their activities.
social movements, funds, social organizations, guarantees of social and economic independence, protection of rights, civil society and social movements, protection of rights and freedoms, institutions of civil society, state financing, constitutional righ
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Karpukhin, D.V. (2009). Legal problems of eviction of people from the housing co-operatives and housing construction cooperatives. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56124
This article is devoted to the problem of eviction of persons from housing and housing construction co-operatives. The article includes detailed analysis of the problems of the housing legislation, which includes evaluation of rights and obligations of the members of such co-operatives, as well as the analysis of the problem of analogy of law to the eviction relations in this sphere. In the final part of the article, the author establishes the ways to improve normative legal basis on eviction from such types of housing. In the author’s point of view one of the means to overcome the existing legal problems could be the typical Articles of the Housing Co-operatives, which would be accepted at the federal level and should include detailed obligations of members of such co-operatives, which in turn would unify the judicial practice on eviction.
non-commercial juridical entity, housing co-operative, housing construction co-operative, eviction, analogy of law, blank in a law, typical contract
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Tregubova, E.V. (2009). Administrative relations, which form due to realization of legal prohibition: definition, structure, specific features, classification. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56125
This article includes analysis of administrative legal relations, which, in turn, are formed due to realization of the legal prohibition. The article includes specific features of these relations, their structure, classification of the legal relations, arising due to implementation of administrative prohibition.
legal relation, administrative legal relation, administrative prohibition, object of administrative legal relation, legal fact, content of administrative legal relation.
Management law
Kananykina, E.S. (2009). Structure of school education government boards in the Great Britain. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56126
In the 1970s when the system of English education critically lacked state support, the requirements to it were also rather low. Then in the 1980s the Cabinet of Margaret Thatcher provided a more consistent approach to the policy in this sphere. The decision of the Government was to establish more serious requirements to education, introduce new standards, tests, procedures of inspection for the schools, change the system of publication of results of the school tests, establish serious changes in the structure of the bodies, which manage education.
school education in England, English education system, system of school education in the Great Britain, all-life-long education, structure of managing bodies in the schools of England, Acts on Education of the Great Britain.
Management law
Cherkasov, K.V. (2009). On the issue of optimization of territorial management in Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56127
This article is devoted to perspectives of optimization of state territorial education in Russia via establishment of the territorial bodies of the federal executive bodies at the Federal District level, and at the same time the liquidation (reorganization) of the territorial bodies of federal executive branch at the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation and the transfer of their powers to either the territorial bodies of the federal executive branch at the federal district level, as well as to the executives of the constituent subjects themselves. The author establishes the need for the two-tier (and in some limited cases – three – tier) system of federal executive bodies.
administrative reform, executive body of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation, the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation at the Federal District, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Russian Federation at a federa
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Kurakin, A.V. (2009). Administrative offence characteristics of corruption within the system of state service in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56128
This article is devoted to the administrative offence problems of corruption within the system of state service. The article establishes characteristic features of corruption, which characterize it, not just as a social matter, but as a social and legal aspect within the system of state service. In the article it is pointed out, that in order to efficiently realize administrative and legal means of fighting and prevention of corruption, it is necessary to study not only the social aspect of corruption, but also the administrative offence element.
corruption, corruption offence, state service, administrative offence science, anti-corruption policy, corruption-generating legislation, administrative and legal means of fighting and prevention of corruption, fighting corruption as a social and legal ma
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Kolchemanov, D.N. (2009). Administrative legal means of fighting corruption within the system of military and law-enforcement services of the foreign states. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56129
This article is devoted to the key directions of fighting corruption within the system of law-enforcement and military service. It is pointed out in the article, that abroad there’s a great experience of fighting corruption, which should be used in the Russian Federation as well.
corruption, fighting corruption, state service, military service, law-enforcement service, administrative and legal means of fighting corruption, forms of corruption.
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Rzayev, A.G. (2009). Definition and principles of state service. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56130
In this article there’s an evaluation of development of the state service category, as well as the principles of organization of the state service. The article includes comparison of a number of categories of institutions of the state service in the Russian Federation and in Azerbaijan.
state service, state servant, principles of state service, organization of state service, state service of Azerbaijan.
Law-enforcement legislation
Kostennikov, M.V. (2009). The right to complain and specific features of its realization within the system of activities of the internal affairs bodies. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56131
The article includes analysis of the institution of the right to complaint within the administrative activities of the internal affairs bodies, the analysis includes the right to complain, and the order of processing the work with citizens’ complaints in the internal affairs bodies.
complaint, the right to complaint, challenging, procedure on complaints within the activities of the internal affairs bodies, principles of processing the complaints in the activities of the internal affairs bodies, registering the complaints.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Zatsepina, E.M. (2009). Administrative offence in the sphere of finances: definition and characteristic features. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56135
This article dwells upon the issues of administrative responsibility for the offences in the sphere of finances, definition and elements of administrative offences in this sphere. Based on analysis of scientific literature, the author provides the definition of administrative responsibility for financial offences, establishes the issues, related to specific features of administrative responsibility in this sphere. The author also provides definition of an administrative offence as a basis for administrative responsibility, its elements, characteristic features of administrative offences in the sphere of finances.
legal responsibility, administrative offence, offence, finances, characteristic features of administrative offence in the sphere of finances, financial activity.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Krivonosov,A.N. (2009). Prosecutor as a participant of proceedings on administrative offence cases. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56136
This article includes evaluation of the status of the Prosecutor, as a participant of the procedure on the administrative cases, analysis of forms of realization of the Prosecutor’s powers in the sphere of administrative offence cases. The article establishes topical problems of administrative legal status of the prosecutor as a participant of the hearings in cases on administrative offences.
Prosecutor, participant of procedure on administrative offence cases, forms of Prosecutor’s reaction, complaint, decision, warning, regime of lawfulness within the administrative offence cases.
Administrative law, municipal law and other branches of law
Trunov, I.L. (2009). Changes in the sphere of compensation of harm to the victims of terrorism. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56137
In this article, based upon the experience of protecting the victims of terrorist acts, there’s an analysis of mechanism of compensation of harm to the victims of terrorist acts. The author of the article studies the problem of amount of compensation to the victims of terrorism.
terrorism, terrorist act, compensation to the victims of terrorism, fighting terrorism.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Arslanbekova, A.Z. (2009). Coercion measures in response to violation of budget legislation. Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56139
The article includes analysis of financial and legal coercion, which are used in regard to violations of budget legislation. The article includes analysis of the measures of coercion, as provided for by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.
budget, finances, measures of coercion, budget means, finances, budget control, financial control.
Reviews and bibliography
Cherkasov, K.V. (2009). Fighting corruption in Russia and abroad. Review of the monograph by A.V. Kurakin “Administrative legal means of fighting and prevention of corruption within the system of state service of the foreign states”. – Domodedovo, VIPK MVD of Russia, 2007, - 120 p. . Administrative and municipal law, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56140