Administrative law, municipal law and institutes of democracy
Batanov, A.V. (2008). Municipalism as the basis for the civil society and the modern constitutionalism . Administrative and municipal law, 4.
In the opinion of the author of this article, the theory and practice of local self-government accumulated the key values of constitutionalism. The local self-government as a specific kind of public power is one of the most efficient means of formation of the civil society and classical constitutionalism in a democratic state.
Zaguzov, G.V. (2008). Information guarantees for the activities of the taxation bodies. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
As the author of this article points out, currently in Russia all conditions are created for the use of the information technologies by the state bodies. The activities of the tax bodies, their fiscal and control functions also presuppose the use of modern information technologies…
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Neretin, M.S. (2008). Administrative legal regulation of the foreign currency control and the place of the Bank of Russia within the system of foreign currency control. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
Foreign currency limitations (prohibitions) are a part of administrative legal regulation of the social relations, dealing with the turnover of the foreign currency. In this article of M.S. Neretin one may find evaluation of administrative regulation of foreign currency relations in Russia and a number of foreign states, key terms and categories in this sphere.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Sergeev, A.A. (2008). On separation of subjects of regulation of municipal law and the budget law. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
Currently the municipal law of the Russian Federation is viewed as a complex sphere, which uites provisions of other branches of Russian law, dealing with municipal issues. While this approach is quite convenient, it does not allow to duly distinguish the various objects of legal regulation within this sphere. In this article by A.A. Sergeev there’s a review of specific features of municipal law, its distinction from other branches of law, and its influence on other branches of law, such as budget law.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Zatulina, T.N. (2008). On the issue of problems of local self-government in the sphere of taxes and levies in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
There are two ways to achieve sufficiency and stability of local budgets. The local budgets may have their own sources of income, or they may be financed from the regional or federal budgets. The choice of financial sources greatly influences the independence of municipal bodies…
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Tsipun, A.V. (2008). On the administrative and legal elements of the international investment agreement. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
The discussion on the legal nature of foreign investment relations retains its topicality in the Russian legal science. The issue is whether the investment agreements may be regarded as administrative acts, or rather as civil law contracts? The author offers his answer to this question.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Burmistrov, A.S. (2008). Formation and structure of the control body of the local self-government. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
Formation and structure of the control body of the local self-government
Control is a necessary part of participation in local self-government. The Constitution of the Russian Federation clearly provides for the possibility to form control bodies within the municipal structures. This article is devoted to the way of formation and specific features of sctructure of such control bodies, based on a number of examples (municipal acts).
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Fokin, S.V. (2008). Administrative and legal regulation of security of entrepreneurial activity in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
The reforms of economical system and arising contradictions in the administrative legal regulation of enterpreneurial activities led to changes of administrative relations. As the author points out, the administrative legal regulation of enterpreneurial activity is currently undergoing its formation, at the same time it encounters a number of problems, which are studied in this article.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Kostennikov, M.V. (2008). Administrative and legal bases of crime prevention by the social security militia. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
This article by M.V. Kostennikov includes analysis of specific features of public security militia, and provides examples of measures, which could be taken in order to improve their activities and make them more efficient.
Law-enforcement legislation
Krivonosov, D.A. (2008). Theoretical aspects of prohibiting norms of administrative law within the system of state service. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
The state service is a complex legal institution and the state service relations are regulated by a variety of norms of various spheres of law, mostly of administrative law. This article by D.A. Krivonosov is devoted to the theoretical aspects of peculiarities of the administrative prohibitions within this framework, the author also reviews the positions of a number of leading legal scholars.
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Admiralova, I.A. (2008). Definition and goals of the technical and criminalistic guarantees of suppression and prevention of the administrative offences . Administrative and municipal law, 4.
In the article of I.A. Admiralova one may find the analysis of nature and contents of technical and criminalistic guarantees of evidence collection, its place and role in the theory and practice of the criminal science. As the author points out, this analysis should be held with establishing relations between such guarantees and the proceduarl forms of crime investigation, various sources of evidence and means of proving.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Doroshenko, O.M. (2008). Juvenile delinquents and the influence of legal and social education on their personality. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
As the author of this article points out, currently there’s quite a shortage of psychological approach to children and juveniles, while legal and social education of juveniles should be addressed by a number of varioust government bodies and professionals. To make this activity more efficient one needs to study interests, abilities and needs of the young people, active work with the juveniles.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Kachanov, R.E. (2008). Place and role of judicial norm control in fighting non-published normative acts of public administration. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
Official publication of the normative legal acts is one of the key means of ensuring the principle of publicity. In this article the author expresses his opinion on the nature of judicial measures towards non-published legal acts, and place and role of judicial norm – control.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Spektor, A.A. (2008). Bases of formation, limitation and closure of the proprietary interest to the slots of land. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
In order for the rights to the land to appear, be limited, changed or expired there have to be certain circumstances, as described in the law. In this article by A.A. Spector one may find detailed analysis of such circumstances.
Administrative and municipal legal practice
Eremyan, V.V. (2008). “Prince’s Administration” within the process of feudalization of the social relations, concentration of powers and centralization of the government system (the Horde period) . Administrative and municipal law, 4.
In this article Professor V.V. Eremyan gives his answer to the question: “Did the so-called “Prince’s Administration” keep functioning after the arrival of the Horde, or, starting from 1243 one should only speak of it retrospectively?”
Administrative and municipal legal practice
Dzgoev, T.V. (2008). Application of administirative preventive measures and the order of such application within administrative procedure. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
The administrative prevention measures are currently regulated by a variety of normative legal acts. Such a “global” administrative regulation does have its shortcomings. What are the possible alternatives?
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Filatova, A.V. (2008). Problems of reglamentation of the procedures of state control (review). Administrative and municipal law, 4.
As the author of this article points out, today one may state assuredly that there are specific administrative procedure relations, with due regard to control procedures. Lack of due regulation of procedural matters creates a number of practical difficulties…
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Kashkina, E.V. (2008). Topical issues of prevention of crimes committed by juveniles. Administrative and municipal law, 4.
According to the official Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation data in 2002 – 2006 the quantity of crimes commited by or aided by the juveniles became 10,5% higher, and more than a million of juveniles a year is addressed by the militia for the commission of administrative offences. The number of homeless children exceeds 2,2 million. This article by E.V. Kashkina includes statistical and other data, which characterize the situation, reviews the topical problems of prevention of juvenile crimes and other offences.