Administrative law, municipal law and institutes of democracy
Ezhevsky, D.O. (2008). Referendum at the municipal formation: Russian experience and foreign experience. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
After the Federal Law “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-government in the Russian Federation” was passed in 2003 the territorial boundaries of the municipal units were changed in many constituents of the Russian Federation. At some of municipal units, there were local referenda devoted to these issue. This article by D.O. Ezhevsky includes analysis of experience of holding referenda in Russia and abroad, includes a number of topical examples.
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Borkov, V.N. (2008). Regularities of formation and lack of balance in the system of criminal law prohibition of malfeasances in office. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
Malfeasances in office hold the key position among the crimes aimed against the state power. Their specific feature is that the state her is the key participant. A number of norms of criminal law, providing for criminal responsibility for such malfeasances are situated outside Chapter X of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation”, namely “Crimes against the state power”. As the author of this article points out, within the system of the provisions on malfeasances in office, there is a number of gaps, which need to be dealt with.
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Kurakin, A.V. (2008). Administrative prohibitions as means of fighting corruption within the system of military and law-enforcement service of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
All types of state service are related. That is why, as the author of this article points out, fighting corruption should be implemented within the framework of all types of state service, military service and crime prevention service included. This article is concerned with fighting corruption in the military and in the law enforcement spheres, since these spheres share common bases and principles of development and functioning…
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Petroviches, A.Y. (2008). Securitization a la française. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
Securitization appeared in France mainly due to the need of local credit organization to adapt their practice to the strict requirements of the Basel Committee (those related to credit risks). The study of the French experience in the sphere of regulation of the securitization market, as provided in this article, is quite topical, since legal systems of Russia and France are somewhat similar.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Shokotko, M.A. (2008). Basic problems of defining the legal regime of municipal property. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
Russian legislation and scientists, who study regimes of various types of property, single out specific features of municipal property, since it now undergoes the very process of formation. While being the form of public property, the municipal property guarantees the social needs of people and protection of the poor. This is why, the municipal property is so important and its study is so topical…
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Grudtsyna, L.Y., Spektor, A.A. (2008). Role and meaning of administrative regulation of performing a state function in the sphere of state registration of rights to property. . Administrative and municipal law, 3.
This article by A.Y. Grudtsyna and A.A. Spektor includes the detailed analysis of the key provisions of the Administrative regulation of State Registration of the Rights to Property, including application and other relevant issues.
Management law
Cherkasov, K.V. (2008). Federal districts within the territorial structure of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
As K.V. Cherkasov points out, while the Constitution of the Russian Federation lacks provisions directly providing for the system of federal districts, at the same time, as the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin has pointed out, formation of such district does not contradict the Constitution… This article is devoted to the place and role of federal districts within the state structure of the Russian Federation.
Issues in settling of administrative and municipal disputes
Saphronov, V.A. (2008). Administrative procedural mechanism of realization of the institution of complaint within the system of activities of the customs bodies of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
As the author of this article points out, while discussing the administrative and procedural mechanism of realization of the right to complaint within the system of customs bodies of the Russian Federation, one should note, that this mechanism includes the norms of administrative law (both procedural and material) provided by the laws and the by-laws in order to regulated the procedure of dealing with such complaints…
Administrative and municipal legal practice
Karpukhin, D.V. (2008). Comparative legal analysis of the role of the state in eviction of owners and the social tenants from their living quarters. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
The need for the detailed study of various aspects of eviction from the living quarters is due to the social importance of this institution and a large number of eviction cases, as well as to the existing contradiction within the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The author considers, that depending on the subject of right to the immovable property one should single out eviction of tenants and eviction of owners…
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Kazakov, D.V. (2008). Political factor and law-making. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
In order for the law to be good – quality and effective, the legislative body should hold due preparation to passing such a law. First of all, there’s need to identify the social factors in order to see the need of the society for the legislative provisions in the particular sphere of social activity. These factors may be positive, as well as negative. This article is devoted to the correlation between the political factor and the law-making.
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Lizikova, I.I. (2008). Principles and methods of hermeneutics analysis in understanding the law. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
As the author of this article points out, the use of the hermeneutics in legal studies allow to give a fuller evaluation of the problem of understanding law. Principles and methods of hermeneutics allow to understand the meaning of the phenomenon of “law” and specific features of various concepts of its understanding.
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Semenova, M.Y. (2008). Mechanism of formation of the legal order. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
The mechanism of realization (implementation) of law is a link between law and legal order, and it also means lawful behavior. That is why it is important to study place and role of lawful behavior within the mechanism of formation of the legal order.
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Sokolov, O.V. (2008). Substantiation of the principles of law in legislation. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
The principles of law direct the activities of the legislator to the previously selected direction, force him to be responsible and to ensure due use of legislative techniques. As the author of this article points out, any legislative novelties should be evaluated from the point of view of their relation to the principles of law, the basic legal ideas. This rule is a must for both the legislator and the legal practitioners.
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Eremyan, V.V. (2008). Was there the “Horde yoke” in Russia? The medieval statehood through the prism of the tribute dependence. Administrative and municipal law, 3.
The author of this article academician V.V. Eremyan wonders whether there actually have been the “Tartar and Mongol yoke” for many centuries in Russia, or maybe the relations between Russia and the Golden Horde should be qualified somewhat differently. One of the most important sources of that period were the “counts” of people due to the need to establish the approximate number of “taxpayers”…