Public and municipal service and the citizen
Chikhladze, L.T. (2008). Historical peculiarities of formation of the local self-government in Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
As the author of this article points out, the vast territory and the geopolitical peculiarities of the Russian state, as well as the specific role of the state government in the formation of the social relations, greatly influence the way, in which the local self-government develops, and provide the basis for the constant “tug of war” between centralization and decentralization…
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Ivakin, A.A. (2008). Administrative and legal regulation of the activities of funds in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
The non-governmental organizations are an important part of a jural state, and they form a link between the state and the individual. Now in Russia there are about 400 000 non-governmental organizations, however not all of them are truly aimed to help the people to realize their interests. The practice of the last decade clearly showed that one needs to improve the provisions on administrative and legal status of NGOs.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Lovinyukov, A.S. (2008). On the issue of cooperation of the state and the civil society in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
Who towers over whom? Does the state tower over the civil society, or is it the other way around? These issues are still subject to much discussion. As the author points out, the leader is the state, since it holds the political power. However, the civil society is a force, which the state has to take into consideration. What is the situation like in Russia?
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Kurakin, A.V. (2008). Administrative prohibitions and limitations as means of fighting corruption within the state service system. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
The Russian state is undergoing an anti-corruption reform for a number of years. However, the result of these reforms is the higher level of corruption! It’s quite a paradox, but fighting corruption gave way to even more corruption. This article contains analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of administrative legal mechanisms, which may support fighting corruption within the system of the state service in the Russian Federation – namely, prohibitions and limitations.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Dmitriev, Y.A. (2008). Legal bases of state registration of ownership rights to property. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
This article by Y.A. Dmitriev presents a detailed analysis of registration of the ownership rights to immovable property, with much attention paid to most important and topical issues, changes in legislation…
Administrative process and procedure
Savostin, A.A. (2008). Administrative contracts and their realization within the system of public management. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
This article is devoted to definition and classifications of the administrative contracts. As the author points out, classification of the administrative contracts allows one to see their variety and specific features, and to single out the conceptual directions of development of administrative contracts, as a unified complex…
Law-enforcement legislation
Eliseev,A.V., Malyshev, D.V. (2008). Organization and legal regulation of application of the complex automatic information and analytical system “Safe City” in the activities of the internal affairs bodies. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
This article by A.V. Eliseev, D.V. Malyshev includes analysis of peculiarities of work and legal regulation of the complex automatic information and analytical system “Safe City” system, which allows to make the work of the militia more efficient.
Law-enforcement legislation
Zvyagin, M.M. (2008). Administrative responsibility for violation of the established means of organization and holding of a meeting, gathering, demonstration, procession or vigil. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
The institution of administrative responsibility is aimed to protect the social relations, which form during organization and holding of a meeting, gathering, demonstration, procession or vigil. However, it is necessary to confess that this problem was not subject to much legal study. Sometimes the lack of details in the administrative mechanisms infringes upon the people’s right to hold meetings and other similar events…
Law-enforcement legislation
Kostennikov, M.V. (2008). Administrative responsibility at the civil aviation objects. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
Ensuring security at the civil aviation objects is quite topical, since civil aviation is an important factor for the development of both the economics and the social sphere. In Russia in 2006 the civil aviation companies worked with 38 million of passengers. At the same time the level of civil aviation security needs improvement, and one of the reasons for it is lack of administrative regulation…
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Agafonov, S.I. (2008). Administrative procedures within the activities of the internal affairs bodies: definition, classification and nature. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
As the author points out, administrative procedures, as implemented by the internal affairs bodies (militia), influence the rights of physical persons and legal entities, efficiency of entrepreneurial activities, quality of state services. At the same time the procedural regulations influence the rule of law and efficiency of the internal affairs bodies themselves…
Administrative and municipal legal practice
Koshelev, I.N. (2008). Administrative control within the mechanism of fighting corruption in the internal affairs bodies. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
Administrative control over the militia activities is performed by the executive branch at all of its levels. The apparatus of the control bodies is vast, and it includes the internal structures, as well as various inspections and types of review. This article is devoted to the key types of control over the police (militia) activity.
Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Lazorenko, A.V. (2008). Administrative and legal status of a private detective or a guard. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
The active development of private detective and guard business in the Russian Federation calls for improvement in the legal basis of the activities of guards and private detectives. Their status includes the complex set of rights, obligations, guarantees, and measures of legal responsibility…
Executive authorities and the civil society
Makarov, A.A. (2008). Currents state and evolutional tendencies of the corruption relations among the internal affairs bodies at the time of reform. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
It is well-known that corruption is a real threat to the national security in general and economical security in particular. This article is devoted to the study of this problem within the context of the internal affairs bodies (militia).
Executive authorities and the civil society
Ezhevsky, D.O. (2008). Local self-government of Portugal: interaction with the national structures. . Administrative and municipal law, 1.
The late XX – early XXI century brought the pivotal reform of local self-government in many countries, including Portugal. The main problem of such reforms is not the choice between centralization and decentralization, but rather the achievement of the optimal balance between them with due respect to the conditions of a particular country. The author of this article analyzes the reform in Portugal.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Ponikarov, V.A. (2008). Practical issues of managing administrative and jurisdictional activities within the criminal execution system of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
In this article the author reviews the administrative jurisdiction process within the criminal correctional system, namely, the administrative offence procedures….
Administrative and municipal legal practice
Admiralova, I.A. (2008). Specific features of preliminary control and institution of criminal legal proceedings on abduction of a person. Administrative and municipal law, 1.
As the author of this article points out, the investigation on the abduction of persons has a number of specific features and elements, such as preliminary examination of the materials, including elements of crimes, as they call it in the criminal science.