Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Kravchenko, A.G., Ovchinnikov, A.I. (2020). Principles and priorities of Russian legal policy in the sphere of digital economy . NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 1–10.
The object of this research is the legal policy of the state, while the subject is the principles and objectives in development of the system of priorities and goals of legal policy in the spheres of digital economy of the modern state. The authors analyze the existing approaches towards formulation of the principles of legal regulation of digital economy in the Russian and foreign research, normative legal acts in force; give assessment to their effectiveness in the new socioeconomic conditions of the emerging information society, rapid growth of information and communication technologies, and their impact upon economic relations. Special attention is given to the new system properties of digital economy, which substantiate the need for reconsideration of the traditional political-legal model of market regulations. The authors conduct comparative analysis on the consequences of implementation of traditional approaches towards legal policy in the context of transformation of Russian socioeconomic system, and place emphasis on the need for paradigm shifts in legal regulation. The scientific novelty of this work consists in development of a special group of legal principles that define legal policy in the sphere of digital economy, formulated according to the specificity of digital economic and closely connected other relations currently being formed within the information society. The system of such principles can lay the foundation for changing the approaches towards regulation of wide variety of public relations that enable the country’s rapid economic progress.
self-regulation, legal effectiveness, economic globalization, legal policy, digital economy, deregulation, joint regulation, legal principles, limits of legal regulation, high tech
Public law: New challenges and realities
Aleva-German, E. (2020). Principle of centralization of branches of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation: evolution and current state . NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 11–17.
This article examines the current state of legal regulation of organization and activity of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation from perspective of the principle of centralization of its branches defined in legal science. Analysis is conducted on the existing scientific viewpoints pertaining to the principle of centralization. Emphasizes is places on the polemical nature of the approaches towards this principle. The author draws parallel with the principle of uniformity of the branches of Prosecutor's Office, as well as turns to the most remarkable historical stages of its emergence and establishment. The article explores the impact of transformations that occurred as a result of the 2020 constitutional reform upon the current state of legal regulation of the principle of centralization. Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation that stem from the major constitutional reform of 2020, as well as subsequent amendments introduced into the corresponding Federal Law “On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation” significantly affected the legal consolidation of the principles of organization and activity of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of peculiarities and characteristics of the principle of centralization of the branches of Prosecutor's Office, and their comparison with the wording of the current legislation, the author claims evident weakening of this principle. The author stresses the need to put every effort with regards to lawmaking activity on the regulatory and departmental levels aimed at preserving this principle. .
the principle of unity, constitutional reform, the principle of centralization, principles of the prosecutor’s office, organization of the prosecutor’s office, prosecutor’s activity, prosecutor’s office, the system of bodies of Prosecutor's office, centralization of the Prosecutor's office, the rule of law
Public law: New challenges and realities
Rouvinsky, R.Z., Komarova, T. (2020). Social Credit System in the People's Republic of China: normative legal framework and principles of functionality . NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 18–53.
This article examines the normative legal framework and principles of functionality of the Social Credit System that is currently being implemented in the People's Republic of China. For the first time in legal science, the Social Credit System is viewed not as an organizational and regulatory technique that in one or another way is related to law, but rather as an independent legal institution relevant to the branch of administrative law. The application of formal-legal and comparative-legal methods allows describing the hierarchy of sources of the Chinese law pertaining to social credit mechanisms and procedures, as well as giving characteristics to major provisions of the corresponding normative acts. The peculiarities of legal regulation of the mechanisms and procedures that comprise the Social Credit System in PRC include the following aspects: sublegislative nature of such regulation, prevalence of joint lawmaking, focal role of normative legal acts of the Chinese government, declarative character and ambiguity of multiple legal provisions with regards to the Social Credit System. The author underline the specificity of interpretation of the normative legal acts of the People's Republic of China, usage by the lawmaking branches of moral categories in formulation of provisions for regulation of elaboration and implementation of the social credit mechanisms. The provisions of governmental and departmental normative legal acts pertaining to the Social Credit System are correlated with the provisions of the current Constitution of the People's Republic of China.
Administrative Law, public administration, Big Data, sources of law, legislation of the PRC, Chinese law, blacklists, social credit system, national databases, socialist legal system
Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Isaeva, K.V., Zalesny, Y., Goncharov, V.V. (2020). Establishment and development of the institution of municipal land ownership. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 54–70.
This article is dedicated to analysis of the processes of establishment and development of the institution of municipal land ownership. Analysis is conducted on the mechanisms of mediation of municipal land ownership as the legal institution of the unified system of distributed over time historical-legal, socioeconomic, and sociopolitical factors of its emergence and evolution, which being interrelated and interdependent formed the fundamental requirements to legal regulation of this legal institutions, as well as determines the vector of its development. The authors believe that establishment and development of the institution of municipal land ownership in the Russian Federation has passed several historic stages, mediated by the unified system of distributed over time historical-legal, socioeconomic and sociopolitical conditions of the emergence and development of the institution of municipal land ownership in Russia. In the authors’ opinion, further development of municipal ownership law in the Russian Federation requires comprehensive modernization and improvements of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, current legislation, including numerous decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Government of the Russian Federation, as well as other federal and regional government branches, local self-governance, case law of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts of the Russian Federation.
inter-municipal, withdrawal, nationalization, privatization, human rights, Civil code, Russian Federation, municipal property, delegation, Constitution
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Izinger, A.V., Groshev, S.N. (2020). Separate question on prevention of alcohol abuse within the framework of administrative regulation of the Russian Federation . NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 71–78.
The object of this research is the social relations established in the context of regulatory impact of the government upon the model of alcohol consumption. The author explores the questions of effectiveness and sufficiency of measures taken within the framework of administrative legislation. The subject of this research is the legal norms, scientific sources and law enforcement practice that characterizes the key vectors of government activity on prevention of alcohol abuse. The scientific novelty consists in consideration of state policy in this regard, with the exclusion of repressive intervention into social relations associated with alcohol consumption if they do not cross the boundaries of acceptable behavior manifested in the facts of alcohol abuse. The article is dedicated to the questions of state policy aimed at prevention of alcohol abuse in the Russian Federation. The author reviews the role of government in regulation of social relations in this area, as well as determines the regulatory mechanism, including the norms of administrative legislation. The recent Russia’s experience in the struggle against drunkenness and alcoholism is described. The content of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation is analyzed for determining the forms of regulatory influence upon the level and model of alcohol consumption. The author highlights the peculiarity of preventive impact of the norms of administrative legislation for actions related to alcohol abuse; notes separate flaws of administrative regulation in the area of prevention of alcohol abuse. Recommendations are made on the improvement of administrative legislation and law enforcement practice regarding the prevention of alcohol abuse.
causal relationship, state policy, forms of influence, administrative regulation, aggravating circumstance, state of intoxication, alcohol abuse, harmful consumption, involvement, of minors
Administrative process and procedure
Surgutskov, V.I., Bekmurzinova, K.K. (2020). The principle of objective truth, substantiation and its subjects in cases of administrative traffic offences. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 79–93.
The object of this research is the social relations established due to commission of administrative offences in the area of road traffic. The subject of this research is the federal legislation, departmental regulatory acts that establish competence of the internal affairs bodies in the process of substantiation of administrative traffic offences, as well as acts of interpretation of the Supreme Courts of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights. The main goal of this research consists in elaboration of the normative legal acts, law enforcement practice, and recommendations aimed at the improvement of substantiation in cases of administrative traffic offences. The article explores the problematic questions of law enforcement practice established due to substantiation in cases of administrative offences in the area of road traffic. Analysis of the current state of legislation of the Russian Federation that regulates such process in carried out. The scientific novelty of this work lies in revelation of problem points of acquisition, records and evaluation of evidence in cases of administrative traffic offences. The author determines the content of substantiation, its subject and limits in administrative procedures on road traffic offences. The essence of the principle of objective truth in case of administrative offence is revealed. Objective truth manifests as the purpose of substantiation. Claimant, a private party, is outlined as independent subject of substantiation, who reported on the committed administrative traffic offence, providing a photo or video footage of the violation committed.
proof, principle of objective truth, principle of law, traffic, administrative proceeding, administrative offense, limits of proof, subject of proof, internal affairs bodies, traffic police
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Zalesny, Y., Goncharov, V.V., Akul'shina, K.G., Moroz, E.F., Skladchikov, S.V. (2020). Promising directions in domestic policy of Krasnodar Krai in the area of science and higher education as a factor for increasing its competitiveness . NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 94–101.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of promising directions in domestic policy of Krasnodar Krai in the area of science and higher education. The authors substantiate the need for optimization of state policy of Krasnodar Krai in the area of science and higher education as the key condition for increasing its competitiveness both, in the Russian Federation and on the international level. An original definition is given to the regional state policy in the Russian Federation as a complex, cumulative activity of the system of regional government branches on development and implementation of goals on ensuring gradual development of society and the region overall, as well as of separate spheres of their organization and functionality. The authors believe that in the context of formation and implementation of domestic policy of Krasnodar Krai in the area of science and higher education (in order to increase competitiveness of the region), attention should be pain to the development of the following aspects: unification of legal and methodological support of the activity of scientific and higher education institutions; adoption of the Law of Krasnodar Krai “On Venture Capital Investments in the Sphere of Education and Science in Krasnodar Krai”; creation of the promising scientific-educational cluster in form of Kuban Federal University; stimulation of creation of the branches of international and national scientific-educational centers; modernization of the system of regional scientific-educational government grants; implementation of the model of centralized assignment system for the graduates of higher education institutions.
promotion, condition, higher education, science, Krasnodar territory, internal policy, promising areas, competitiveness, Russian Federation, optimization
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Vostrikov, K.V., Zalesny, Y., Pavlov, I.S., Skladchikov, S.V., Oblogin, D.D., Goncharov, V.V. (2020). Joint-stock companies as an object of public control in the Russian Federation. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 102–111.
This article is dedicated to the study of possibility of attribution of the joint-stock companies to the objects of public control in the Russian Federation. The authors believe that the institution of public control manifests as the key legal guarantee for the implementation, protection and defense of the constitutional principles of democracy and public participation in administration of state affairs. However, the implementation of this civil society institution is accompanied by numerous problems, one of which is the definition of the concept and the list of objects of public control. In this regard, the authors explore various approaches towards the question of attribution of joint-stock companies to objects of public control. The article formulates and substantiates the original definition of the concept of “public authorities”, which imply not only authority of the state and local self-governance, but also as the combination of such rights of separate subjects of law, the realization of which directly affects the mechanism of implementation, observation, protection and defense of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a wide range of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons, legal entities, as well as public authority bodies, including local self-governance. Therefore, it appears that joint-stock companies should be classified as a variety of the objects of public control. However, the possibility of organization and implementation of public control over their activity requires introducing certain amendments to the current legislation.
people's power, constitution, people's control, public powers, Russian Federation, public control, joint-stock companies, corporate organizations, commercial, natural monopolies