Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Novgorodov, D. (2019). Social Relations on the Internet as an Object of Administrative Protection. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 5, 1–7.
The subject of the research is the national provisions of different branches of law that regulate social relations arising in the process of communication via the Internet as well as a circle of actors that participate in social relations on the Internet. The object of the research is the social and legal relations between different legal entities on the Internet. Novgorodov pays special attention to particularities of administrative regulation of relations on the Internet that can be used to arrange social relations and the process of protection of personal rights as well as prevention of threats for the society and government. The methodological basis of the research includes a set of general and specific research methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalisation, systems approach). Based on the results of the research, the author concludes that administrative protection covers a wide range of freedoms and rights that are exercised as part of legal relations arising in the process of communication via the internet, these legal relations being regulated by different branches of law, however, administrative means of influence on Internet relations should be limited and caused by the need to defend rights and freedoms of individual and citizen, public morality and state security.
Information, Provider, Subject, User, Legal relationship, Public relations, Right, the Internet, Regulation, Legal means
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Avdeev, V.V. (2019). Peculiarities of Administrative Legal Regulation of Public Services in Foreign States. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 5, 8–14.
The subject of the research is the legal acts that define the procedure and conditions for interaction between the state and citizens. The object of the research is the social relations arising in the process of providing state (public) services. The author of the article analyzes such aspects of the topic as creation and execution of laws on public (state) services in a number of foreign states and success of testing different models of e-services. Avdeev analyzes quality criteria for provision of state and municipal services based on international principles. The methodological framework of the research includes such methods as formal law method, dialectical method, comparison, comparative analysis, induction, and others. In his article Avdeev analyzes peculiarities of the administrative regulation of state services in foreign states and discovers that in foreign states legal regulation of state and municipal services resulted in ratification of the Charter for Provision of State Services to the Public. Avdeev suggests to develop a set of the main principles for provision of state and municipal services in the Russian Federation.
the efficiency of public administration, the quality of public services, municipal services, e-government, foreign experience, public services, monitoring, administrative and legal regulation, digitalization, service
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Bylinin, I.A. (2019). On the Question about the Legal Regulation of the Administrative Status of Physical Entities Who Use Individual Electric Motor Vehicles Unfit for Public Road Traffic. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 5, 15–20.
The subject of the research is the legal acts that regulate the use of individual electric motor vehicles that are unfit for public road traffic, relevant law-enforcement practice and analysis of particular cases of road traffic accidents that involved individuals with electric motor vehicles as well as technical specification of such vehicles. In his research Bylinin analyzes social relations between state authorities and individuals using electric motor vehicles unfit for public road traffic. In the course of his research Bylinin hasx used dialectical analysis methods that rae used to analyze social and legal phenomena as well as general and specific research methods such as system-structured analysis, logical legal analysis, comparative law method, statistical analysis, sociological and others. The main result of the research is that the author has clarified the system of legal regulation of the administrative status (rights and responsibilities) of individuals who use electric motor vehicles unfit for public road traffic (Segways, unicycles, hoverboards, and the like).
administrative status, electric motor, individual vehicle, vehicle, accident rate, road safety, Segway, unicycle, hoverboard, legal regulation
Law-enforcement legislation
Davletshina, L.H. (2019). Promotion in the System of Legal Regulation of Service in Internal Affairs Bodies. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 5, 21–26.
The dominance in modern disciplinary practice of ATS of negative authorization (penalties and punishments) destroys the balance of positive and negative incentives, reduces the prestige of service, and demotivates employees. The current regulation (including order No. 50 of 2018) makes it possible to rectify the situation by actively applying a set of incentives aimed at creating favorable conditions for activating the activities of ATS officers. At the same time, the current regulation is not perfect. The article proposes corrective amendments. The author proceeds from the fact that the promotion is significantly more effective than punishment, as it stimulates positive emotions, strengthens self-confidence, confirms professionalism, human and business qualities, builds self-esteem, strengthens discipline and responsibility, and also increases authority and social status of an employee of internal affairs bodies.
police, the measures of rewards, disciplinary practice, system, state award, internal Affairs bodies, worker, rewarding, bonus payment, promotion
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Kalyuzhny, Y.N. (2019). Current Issues of Legal Regulation of the Use of Particular Kinds of Electric Transport. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 5, 27–33.
The subject of the research is the legal provisions and scientific information sources that regulate the use of blisks, Segways, and self-balancing scooters. The object of the research is the legal relations, phenomena and processes that arise in the process of using electronic transport by road users. As a result of analysis of legal acts and scientific literature, the author carries out a complex analysis of theoretical and legal aspects of the regulation of road traffic related to the use of particular kinds of electronic transport. Kalyuzhniy also outlines particular issues of the legal regulation of aforesaid sphere and offers a set of measures aimed at improvement of legal acts that regulate legal relations arising in the process of using blisks, Segways, self-balancing sectors and the like. The methodological basis of the research includes a set of general and specific research methods (formal law, analytical analysis and systems approach, analysis, synthesis, modelling, comparison, etc.). As a result, the author concludes that the development of technical means of transport and their active use, ambivalence of practical implementation of legal provisions regulating the procedure and conditions of road traffic demonstrate the need to clarify and detalize legal acts that regulate the use of blisks, Segways and self-balancing scooters. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author carries out a complex analysis of theoretical and legal aspects that describe the process of using blisks, Segways, self-balancing scooters and the like, outlines controversial issues of the legal regulation and describes the main areas for improving the legal regulation of using electronic transport.
Segway, legal relation, blisks, legislative regulation, State traffic inspectorate, self-balancing scooter, security provision, road safety, traffic, social relation