Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Moreeva, S. (2018). The Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation in Strategic Planning Documents of the Goal-Setting and Programming Levels. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 5, 1–14.
In her article Moreeva presents an analysis of the hierarchy of strategic planning documents aimed at the regulation of the Arctic zone development. The article is based on the research devoted to the development of methodological and legal approaches to further construction of the contour of strategic planning and its integraton with the contours of programming and budgetary management carried out by The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (The Presidential Academy, RANEPA) in 2017. The Arctic macro-region has been selected due to its specfic features such as geographical location, climatic conditions and strategic importance. In the course of the research the author has applied both general research methods such as dialectics, systems approach, comparative anlaysis, synthesis, analogy and deduction and traditional law methods such as formal law, comparative law, etc. Based on the results of the research the author states that today there has been a number of strategic planning documents adopted, however, this sphere still lacks a systems approach: not all documents that are necessary have been issued, and current acts do not always correspond to the strategic planning laws. The conceptual analysis of the acts allows to make the following conclusions: so far, the borders of the Arctic zone have not been defined either geogrpahically or cocneptually, thus leaving the problem of the Russian Arctic zone unresolved. There are certain inconsistencies between Arctic zone strategic planning documents of the goal-setting and programming levels, existing documents do not focus on the development of the macro-region and territories within the Arctic Zone equally. In addition, there is insufficient legal regulation which does not take into account specific features of aforesaid territories.
goal-setting, Arctic, Arctic zone, programm, strategy, programming, strategic management, strategic planning documents, regional development, macro-region
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Sheykhov, M. (2018). Modern Approach to the Concept of National Security. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 5, 15–22.
In recent years we have witnessed a fundamental changes in the understanding of security, and in many ways these changes affect each of us. Today Russia is fighting in Syria, the Russian military are present in the Donbas, extremely tense relations with Turkey. Almost every day in the news there are reports about clashes involving migrants, especially in European countries. Boeing with Russian tourists, crashed last October over the Sinai Peninsula, shows that at any time and in any place possible mass terrorist attack. We see that the classical war as a threat to national security today is less likely for the average man in comparison with the danger of clashes with migrants or the possibility of a terrorist act. What is national security today? How to ensure security not only at national but also at the mundane level? How to reflect these in legislation? These and other questions are the subject of this article.
national security, realism, postmodernism, liberalism, institutionalism, legal security enforcement, society, nation, conflict, counter-terrorism
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Ternitskaya, S.V., Ternitskii, I.I. (2018). The Mechanism of State Management of Housing and Communal Services in Sevastopol at the Present Stage. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 5, 23–31.
The article is devoted to the mechanism of state mangaement of housing and communal services in Sevastopol at this stage and in terms of adaptation to new economic environment. The researcher analyzes the regulatory framework of housing and communal management, describes general and special features attributable to housing and communal services in Sevastopol and other regions of Russia. The author also outlines the external and internal factors that hinder the reformation and successful development of housing and communal services. In order to eliminate risks of ineffective and incomplete use of budget funds, the authors of the article suggest to imprrove the current mechanisms which will allow to achieve housing and communal services targets at this stage. The author suggests the program-oriented and goal-oriented approach to the aforesaid problem. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors prove that reformation of the housing and communal services may create conditions both for the effective use of both completely new innovation technologies and improvement of the management mechanism including making new management decisions that have been developed involving consumers of housing and communal services.
integration process, eforming, budget regulation, program-target method, housing and communal services, life support, public services, innovative technologies, system modernization, efficient mechanism
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Fofanov, A.N. (2018). State Defence Order as an Object of Administrative Protection . NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 5, 32–37.
The researcher describes the nature of state defence order that is performed for the purposes of national defence and security. Article 14.55 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation establishes the legal and adminitrative protection of state defence order. The researcher describes four kinds of administrative breach of state defence contract terms or terms of the contract that has been concluded for the purpose of performance of state defence order as well as relevant administrative sanctions. The researcher also analyzes legal precedents of applying Article 14.55 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation. The methodological basis of the research includes the following methods: general research methods, multiple survey, systems analysis, and formal law method. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1. In the Russian Federation, the shift from centralised methods of state mangement to decentralised contract-based market methods creates a number of new risks caused by improper performance of state defence order obligations. This circumstance creates the need to impose administrative responsibility for the breach of the state defence order terms or the terms of the contract that has been concluded for the purpose of performance of state defence order. 2. There have been many precedents of bringing to responsibility based on Article 14.55 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation. 3. The need in administrative protection of state defence order is explained by the need in national defence and security.
Conditions, Law, Officials, State contract, State defense order, Administrative code, Violation of the conditions, Administrative responsibility, SDO, Responsibility
Administrative law, municipal law and the issues of migration
Lipin, G.A. (2018). Puculiarities of Administrative Regulation of Migration Processes in the Russian Federation. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 5, 38–42.
The subject of the research is the provisions of administrative law that regulate labor migration of foreign citizens into Russia, practical implementation of these provisions, and empirical data that describe migration processes. The author of the article discovers patterns of labor migration of foreign citizens into Russia based on the objective analysis of modern administrative law of the Russian Federation and means of implementation of this law. Based on the research results, the author makes suggestions on how to improve efficiency of administrative regulation of the labor migration into the Russian Federation. The author gives a definition of the migration process based on the use of the dialectical research method. In addition, he has also used methods of formal logic and formal law in order to define imperfections in the migration law. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author has carried out a detailed analysis and argumentation of the need to record and analyse causes and terms that influence the migration processes, has defined forms and procedures of administrative regulation. Lipin proves the need to make amendments to a number of federal laws.
labor activity, fictitious registration, exit, entry, migrant, migration legislation, migration, migration registration, work permit, administrative expulsion