Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Kapustina, E.G. (2018). Promotion of the Road Traffic Safety: Positive Experience of Individual Constituents of the Russian Federation as a Result of the Influence on Human's Mind and Behavior. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 1–8.
The subject of the research is the social relations that may arise in the sphere of road traffic safety and are meant to allow the Road Police to use a variety of preventive measures in order to increase the legal awareness of road users and their behavior and to reduce the number and severity of road accidents. The object of the research is the preventive measures in individual constituents of the Russian Federation. The aim of the research is to carry out an in-depth study of the events and measures in the sphere of road traffic safety in the Russian Federation. The research methods include analysis, synthesis, generalisation, classification, induction, deduction, forecasting, and ascension from the abstract to the concrete. The main conclusion of the research is that graphic and intensive law-enforcement and information distribution will allow to prevent road accidents, reduce their severity and the number of the injured and the deceased. The author offers to improve the agitational influence by applying the following measures: sufficient funding of companies and actions that prevent road accidents, and involvement of the top public officials of the region, district, city, municipal corporation officials, activists of culture, science and education, social associations and business which will help to develop the legal awareness of citizens and their good traffic behavior.
positive experience, the impact of the system, human behavior, forms of preventive measures, information, prevention, preventive control, promotion, road accidents, financing of projects
Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Zeinalov, F.N., Kalyuzhnyi, Y.N. (2018). On the Question about Improvement of the Legal Confirmation of Law Enforcement Officers' Powers Based on the Example of the Patrol-Road and Patrol-Guard Service. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 9–23.
The subject of the research is the system of social relations that arise in the process of traffic safety. The object of the research is the interaction between drivers and police officials who protect the public order and social security. The aim of the research is to analyze the legal basis that regulates powers of police officials pursuant to the provisions of the Police Law that establish the right of a driver to stop. The author analyzes the legal basis for the overall police functions performed by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and Patrol-Guard Service in the field of road traffic security. The authors provide statistical information that emphasizes the need to differentiate between powers of the aforesaid services. The authors also carry out an analysis of judicial practice on the problem and offer to make certain amendments to the law. The authors pay special attention to the hidden contradictions in the Federal Police Law No. 3, bylaws, and departmental orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia that regulate authorities and competences of the Patrol-Guard Service, local district police and Patrol-Road Service. The methodological basis of the research involves fundamental provisions of the theory of law and state, generalisation of the practical experience, application of the logical analysis and systems analysis methods, monographic comparative and other research methods. The scope of the application of the results may include legal and law-enforcement activity, educational process, traffic safety researches and improvement of the Russian law system. The novelty of the research is caused by the practical and theoretical importance of law-enforcement activity of law-enforcement authorities and the need to improve the legal grounds of police subdivisons' activity. In conclusion, the author to change the Federal Police Law No. 3 provision about the right to stop, in particular, to exclude the phrase 'when it enables the police to ensure the traffic safety'.
public place, the patrol route, the contradiction of the provisions of the law, traffic police inspector, competence, police functions, the right to stop, police powers, traffic safety, police service
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Polukarov, A.V. (2018). The Model of Corruption in the Administrative and Legal Regulation of Social Sphere. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 24–31.
In his article Polukarov notes that corruption in the social sphere is of particular concern because it encroaches on public relations protecting the foundations of the social sphere of society, in particular, to protect the citizens including those in difficult life situation, children, the disabled, and health care. The author substantiates the need to strengthen all legal measures of counteraction of corruption in the implementation of the national plan of counteraction of corruption. Available in all compositions of corruption offenses and crimes must be added the qualification: "The same act committed in the social field" that will promote more effective fight against corruption in the specified area, and strengthen the preventive function of law. The methodological basis for the article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of knowledge. In the process of the study the authro has used theoretical and general philosophical methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), and traditional legal methods (formal logical) and the methods used in specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The main conclusion of the research is that at present to ensure law and order in the social sphere it is necessary to improve forms and methods of combating corruption. The main contribution made by the authors in this article is the necessity of development of legal regulation of countering corruption. The novelty of the article is caused by the development of proposals for the development of forms and methods of regulation of countering corruption in the social sphere and the creation of legal and institutional guarantees of legality in the social sphere.
state, sphere, composition, subject, crime, punishment, offence, corruption, tort, citizen
Issue of the day
Shcherbakov, O.N. (2018). Training People's Squads for Public Order Measures: Theory and Practice. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 32–37.
The subject of the research is the legal acts and law-enforcement practice of people's squads and their role in the public order enforcement. The object of the research is the social relations related to the participation of people's squads in the public order protection. The author of the article examines such issues s the organisational aspects of training people's squads for public order measures, in particular, training people's squads to act under conditions when the first aid is needed. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical research method. In the course of writing the article the author has also applied statistical, formal law method, comparative analysis, comparative law methods. The main conclusions of the research are as follows: taking into account time standards, gender and age peculiarities and diversity of physical and professional training of individuals, it is practically impossible to teach the people's squads specific skills like capable opposition to wrongdoings. Thus, it is necessary to teach the first aid and to act properly in situations when physical force has been applied.
skills, criminal identity, personal safety, first aid, physical strength, briefing, preparation, people's squad, initiative and independence, joint patrolling