Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Gryaznova, E.V., Mikheeva, V.V. (2015). Information infrastructure of municipal management. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 6, 19.
The research subject is information infrastructure of municipal management. The research object is municipal management informatization. The authors pay special attention to the analysis of the principles of development of information infrastructure of municipal management. In particular, they consider the experience of information infrastructure forming in the municipalities of the Russian Federation, reveal the main components of information infrastructure, and consider the structure of its main elements. The authors analyze the current problems of establishing and implementing information infrastructure of municipal management. The research methods include analysis, comparison, and generalization, the structural-functional method, the elements of information approach. The authors conclude that information infrastructure of municipal management can be understood as a set of the following elements: information potential of the subjects of management; information flows and resources; information instruments; legal provision regulating the efficiency of information infrastructure. The research novelty lies in the substantiation of the necessity to include information potential of management subjects into the information structure of municipal management. The study of municipal programs shows that this element is not taken into consideration, thus leading to the inefficient use of infware.
information infrastructure, electronic municipal services, municipal management, infware, information system, information potential, information resources, information safety, municipal management informatization, information competence
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Gryaznova, E.V. (2015). Education management at the municipal level: problems and prospects. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 6, 1021.
The subject of the research is the analysis of problems and prospects of education management development at the municipal level. The object of the study is education management at the municipal level. The author considers the modern principles and the normative base of education management in municipalities. Special attention is paid to examining the trends in education management and the challenges faced by municipalities in the information society and in the process of transition to the system of "electronic state". The material can be used for updating the courses on the "Municipal management" subject. The main research methods are the method of analysis, generalization, processing of statistical data, the method of analysis of normative-legal documentation. The main conclusions of the research are:1. The study of the modern trends of municipal education management development shows that the optimization process of the education system is based on informatization thus requiring the change of the management principles. At the municipal level, these changes are not implemented effectively.2. The main reason for this situation is not only the imperfection of the legislative base and economic inequality of municipalities, but also a low level of information culture of this social institution.
Informatization of education, information culture, education cluster, common educational space, e-government, Informatization of education management, education management, information transparency, management information systems, municipal education management
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Pavlova, E.V., Aksenova, A.V. (2015). Patriotic education as an element of awareness-raising work with the employees of the correctional system. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 6, 2227.
The authors consider the issues of patriotic education of the employees of the correctional system. Special attention is paid to the building of such traits of character as fidelity to the oath and the call of duty, personal responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland, selflessness, readiness to self-sacrifice, fairness, incorruptibility, honesty, and a sense of duty. The research subject is the range of social relations in the sphere of patriotic education of the employees of the correctional system as an element of awareness-raising work. The improvement of patriotic education, awareness-raising work, and psychological support of the employees of the correctional system includes the set of legal, normative, organizational, methodological, research, and information measures. Patriotic education is the priority direction in the awareness-raising work with the personnel. The novelty of the study lies in the new vision of such directions of patriotic education in the correctional system as moral, historical and cultural, civic and patriotic, military and patriotic, sport and patriotic, which are based on educating the professional, competent, active employees of high moral standards.
ethics, patriotism, correctional system, employee, awareness-raising work, Motherland, measures, service, values, society
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Lapin, A.V. (2015). Topical problems of tax control in the Russian Federation. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 6, 2837.
The author studies theoretical problems of legal regulation of the supervisory activities of executive authorities using the example of tax control. The author analyzes the statistical data of supervisory activities of the bodies of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for 2011 – 2014 years. The author analyzes the draft law “On the grounds of state and municipal control (supervision) in the Russian Federation”. The concept of this law is the idea of creation of the legal grounds for the formation of the common system of state and municipal control (supervision) in the Russian Federation. The analysis shows its urgency for tax control. The research methodology is based on the modern achievements of epistemology. The author applies general philosophical methods, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, traditional legal methods (formal-logical and comparative-legal), and the methods of specific sociological research (statistical, expert assessments, etc). The author concludes that it is necessary to support the idea of forming a legal base for creating a common system of control and supervision activities of public and local authorities. The author comes to the conclusion about the necessity to unify the control and supervision activities of executive bodies. The novelty lies in the proposals about legal regulation of tax control.
administrative regulations, control and supervision activity, functions, Executive authorities, Federal tax service, tax control, systematization, unification, effectiveness, efficiency
Administrative process and procedure
Korepina , A.V. (2015). Administrative jurisdiction within administrative law. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 6, 3843.
The research subject covers administrative procedural rules regulating a special group of homogeneous social relations arising, transforming, and ceasing in the process of disposition of controversial administrative cases, and form an independent legal institution of administrative law – the institution of administrative jurisdiction. The research object includes the subject and the method of legal regulation of administrative jurisdiction, the system of subjects of this legal institution, the role of administrative jurisdiction within administrative law. The study is based on general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, the system-structural, formal logical and other methods, and special scientific methods including the legal logical, comparative legal, the method of legal hermeneutics (interpretation), and the descriptive method of cognition. The author concludes that: 1) at present the science of administrative law doesn’t contain any single position on the concept of administrative jurisdiction; the author supposes that it would be more correct not to reduce administrative jurisdiction to only one form of administrative procedure – legal proceedings on administrative violations. 2) the unification of administrative-jurisdictional rules regulating legal proceedings on administrative violations, legal proceedings on complaints, disciplinary proceedings, and conciliation proceedings into a special legal institution is conditioned by the recent situation in social relations having common features and requiring a special administrative-legal impact 3) the institution of administrative jurisdiction has its subject and method of legal regulation, subject matter and structure. The research novelty lies in the author’s definition of the concept of administrative jurisdiction as one of the main institutions of administrative law.
law enforcement role, conflict, method of legal regulation, subjects of administrative jurisdiction, legal institution, administrative-legal controversy, administrative jurisdiction, jurisdiction, types of administrative-jurisdictional proceedings, administrative law
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kabanov, P.A. (2015). Annual report on the results of anti-corruption activities in the Russian region as the means of official anti-corruption informing: concept and content. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 6, 4463.
The research subject is the annual reports on the results of anti-corruption activities in Russian regions. The research object is the content of annual reports on the results of anti-corruption activities in the regions of the Russian Federation, and the statutory instruments of Russian regions regulating their preparation and promulgation. The research is aimed at defining the legal content of annual reports on the results of anti-corruption activities in Russian regions. The research tasks are: - To analyze the statutory instruments regulating the preparation of annual reports on the results of anti-corruption activities in the regions of the Russian Federation. - To develop the legal definition of an annual report on the results of anti-corruption activities in the Russian region and the related definitions The research methodology is based on the dialectical materialism and the related general scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, comparison, and others. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the content and legal regulation of preparation and promulgation of annual reports on the results of anti-corruption activities in Russian regions, and the development of scientific categories of “an annual report on anti-corruption activities of the region of the Russian Federation” and “official anti-corruption informing about the results of fight against corruption”.
anti-corruption legislation, anti-corruption worldview, anti-corruption informing, report, anti-corruption education, anti-corruption policy, anti-corruption, Corruption, anti-corruption behavior, anti-corruption activity