Management law
Vozhova, E.M. (2012). Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation: State-of-the-Art Review of the Financial Law Subject. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 1–16.
The article contains the analysis of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation depending on the four directions (units) that characterize the Ministry of Finance as a governmental authority, state authority, executive authority and legal entity of public law. The author also pays atention at formation and development of a new phenomenon in law - legal entity of public law. The author forms the definition of state authority based on features of legal entities of public law and provides a definition of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation as a state authority from the point of view of a legal entity of public law.
financial law, state agency, state authority, executive authority, legal entity, public law, law subject, law, subject, executive agency
Issues in settling of administrative and municipal disputes
Kabanov, P.A. (2012). Studying the Appeals Received by the Members of the Commitee for Observance of Requirements for Official Behaviour of State (Municipal) Officials and Management of Conflicts of Interests: Matters of Procedure. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 17–23.
The article is devoted to the matters of procedure for studying the appeals received by the members of the Commitee for observance of requirements for official behaior of state (municipal) officils and management of conflicts of interests which are not legally fixed in documents regulating this Commitee's activities. As a result of the study, the author makes the following conclusions: 1) the members study the documents when the materials are being prepared for consideration; 2) the secretary of the Commitee studies the documents; 3) the documents must be viewed by the secretary after they are received by the Committee and before the scheduled date of the Committee meeting; 4) after studying the documents, the secretary may execute a procedural document - the review worksheet of documents submitted to the Committee for consideration.
corruption, corruption management, conflict of interests, state service, municipal service, state official, municipal official, studying, studying procedure, Secretary of the Committee
Administrative and municipal legal practice
Stukalov, A.V. (2012). Legal Aspects and Implementation Features of Authorities of Local Governments in the Sphere of Housing and Public Utilities. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 24–83.
The article is devoted to the legal aspects of authorities of local governments in the sphere of housing and public utilities. The author talks about the need to adopt a federal law "Conerning activity of local governments in the field of housing and public utilities". Legal modernization of the legislation in the sphere of housing and public utilities is inseparably linked with formation of the social welfare state in Russia.
unitary enterprises, authorities, government agencies, privatization, authority matters, housing and public utilities, municipal services, social welfare state, constitutional rights, legal issues
Subjects/Legal entities in administrative and financial law
Agamagomedova, S. (2012). Administrative and Legal Protection of the Olympic and Paralympic Symbols: Cross-Border Aspect. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 84–111.
Prior to the Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi the issues of legal protection of Olympic symbols become very important. Custom authorities play an important role in the system of administrative protection of Olympic symbols because they perform control over cross-border transfer of goods with Olympic symbols, detect and supress administrative violations and illegal use of Olympic symbols and use custom registers of intellectual property items. The author of the article analyzes judicial practice and peculiarities of administrative proceedings as well as legal and organizational grounds of interactions between customs and other state authorities.
Olympic Games, International Olympic Committee (IOC), Nairobi Treaty, Olympic Charter, trademark, custom authorities, Olympic symbols, customs register, customs clearance, Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federa
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Ageev, V. (2012). Legal Measures and Mechanisms of Corruption Management. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 112–134.
The author of the article stresses out that corruptio management in the sphere of civil service is one of the core elements of the anti-corruption mechanism in general. The most efficient methods of corruption management are the legal methods. Anti-corruption laws in the sphere of civil service are aimed at strengthening restrictions for state authorities and upgrading of penalties and liabilities for corruption crime. The author also underlines the importance of preventive anti-corruption measures.
corruption, state corruption, anti-corruption policy, corruption management, anti-corruption laws, state service, state official, restriction of rights, prohibitions, conflict of interests