Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). John Locke's Error (Or Whether Memory Can Be the Criterion of Identity?). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 561–564. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68310
The article is devoted to the critical analysis of John Locke's concept who was one of the first in the history of European philosophy to raise the problem of human identity. According to the author of the article, Locke's work 'An Essay Concerning Human Understanding' presents an attempt to develop the concept of personality. This is the concept that appeared to be the key concept in Locke's following thoughts on what guarantees an integrity of human self-identity. Locke believed that memory was the guarantee of individual's self-identity. According to Locke, this is memory that allows human to imagine himself in different places and at different times. This is quite a philosophical point of view, however, it was not supported by the following development of psychology. In his research Gurevich has used methods of historical and philosophical research. This has allowed him to describe the role of Locke's concept and its insufficiency for further development of Locke's ideas in psychology and philosophy. For the first time in Russian academic literature John Locke's concept of personal identity is critically analyzed taking into account following discoveries in the spheres of philosophy and psychology. The author demonstrates that memory does not have a universal ability to develop one's personality. Memory is selective, thus it is more likely to prove the theory of forgetting rather than to develop the core of personality. In his research article Gurevich also provides a psychoanalytical interpretation of Pavel Lungin's movie The Island. Based on Gurevich, John Locke's error is his statement that human memory is flawless. Flaws of memory are what guarantees security of personality.
identity, personality, memory, forgetting, psychology, mythology, consciousness, imagination, human, equality
Psychology and pedagogics
Bicherova E.N. (2016). Personality and Situational Factors of Selecting Coping Strategies by Junior and Senior Students in a Situation of Being Evaluated. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 565–573. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68187
The subject of the research is the coping strategies used by the first- and fourth-year students in a situation of being evaluated (exam, for example). Special attention is paid to the analysis of factors of selecting coping strategies: 1) personality traits (subjective factors), 2) situational (objective) factors and 3) age-related factors (depending on the year of studies, juniors and seniors). To carry out a detailed analysis, Bicherova conducted an empirical research which hypothesis was the assumption that at different stages of University studies students select different behavior strategies in situations when they are being evaluated depending on subjective factors (student’s personality traits or lack of experience or skills in dealing with this type of hardships) and objective factors (year of studies and psychological assistance). First- and fourth-year students of Bryansk State University aged 17 – 22 participated in the research. The overall number of participants constituted 52 people. To achieve the set goals, the researcher used the following diagnostic inventories: Coping Strategy Indicator by D. Amirkhan, Self-Esteem Quantitative Inventory by S. A. Budassi and Social-Psychological Adaptation Inventory by C. Rogers and R. Diamond). By using methods of mathematical statistics, the researcher proved significant differences in coping strategies selected by the first- and fourth-year students in situations of being evaluated: the first-year students tend to ask their significant others for help and support more than the fourth-year students; the first-year students also use the ‘problem avoidance’ and ‘search for social support’ strategies more frequently. By using the method of correlation analysis, the researcher also proved the following relationships: the group of the first-year students demonstrated the reverse relationship between the ‘search for social support’ and ‘adaptability’ scales while for the group of the fourth-year students such coping strategy as the ‘search for social support’ is directly related to high levels of anxiety and rigidity. The fourth-year students also demonstrated the direct relationship between the ‘problem avoidance’ and ‘aggression’ scales and the reverse relationship between the ‘problem avoidance’ and ‘acceptance of others’ scales. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher analyses selection of coping strategies by students of different years of studies using a psychodiagnostic method of personality and situational factors. The practical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results can be used and implemented by university teachers and psychologists in order to improve the educational process, develop trainings and psychological assistance programs to help students to establish efficient personal coping strategies with situations of being evaluated that are usually stressful events in student’s life.
hardship, situational factors, personality factors, student age, personality, situation of being evaluated, coping strategy, coping resources, coping behavior, coping
Societal passions
Semerikova A.A. (2016). Pornography In Terms of the Genesis of Criminal Sexual Behavior. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 574–581. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68312
The present research article is devoted to pornography as a destructive social phenomenon contributing to the escalation of criminal sexual violence at the present stage of society development. The subject of the research is the concept of pornography, with the identification of significant key characteristics used to classify certain objects or phenomena as products of the porn industry, and the consequences of its consumption which are the effects of pornography on the development of personal sexuality and formation of motivation and choice of behavior in the process of fulfilling sexual needs. The empirical basis of this research article involves two independent studies: psychological research and psychiatric study of perpetrators of violent sexual crimes, and victims of sexual violence; the survey of citizens of the Russian Federation in the framework of study of the level of sexual culture in Russia at the present stage of society development.The scientific novelty of this study is caused by the fact that the author reveals the destructive aspects of the impact of pornography on personality. Semerikova proves that pornographic products firstly, contributes to the formation and escalation of personal aggression, simplifies the process of formation of motivation for sexual violence as the ideology of the subordinate position of women who are destined to serve sexual interests of men and satisfy their sexual needs; secondly, contributes to the development of dependence of sexual arousal on demonstration of pornographic materials without which sexual excitement becomes impossible, this causing the development of mental impotence, development of neuroses and other mental or psychic instability affecting, in its turn, the sphere of volitional regulation and the degree of control over sexual behavior.
escalation, aggression, pornography, pornographic products, crime, sexual needs, addiction, psychic instability, influence, sexual abuse
Crowd psychology
Barinov D.N. (2016). The Influence of Medianews on the Emotional Well-Being of Mass Media Audience in Regions. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 582–586. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68313
The article presents the results of the empirical research studying the influence of medianews on the emotional well-being of media audience in regions. Quite often mass media dramatizes real events and aggravates unusual or abnormal nature of this or that event, thus creating negative emotional states such as anxiety or fear. With that in mind, Barinov aims his research of the emotional effect of news at defining peculiar conditions when anxiety and fear arise as a result of watching or listening to media news. The instruments used in the course of the research are based on the methods tested and proved by modern media researches. The theoretical basis of the research consists of scientific publications in teh sphere of sociology of mass communication and sociological research of social fears. The followoing conclusions have been made. Besides the factor of involving regions' audience into the process of medianews consumption, the nature of emotional states are also influenced by sociodemographic factors. Apparently, representatives of social groups extrapolate rules of cultural behavior regarding expressing emotions, values, attitudes and evaluations on news which either intensifies or weakens the role of such information in generation of fears and anxiety. Social groups whose positions within social relations can be described as unstable, insecure or uncertain are especially vulnerable and susceptible to fear-generating mass media information.
mass media influence, public mood, mass psychology, emotional well-being, social fears, agenda-setting, news media, media audience, sociology of mass communications, media practice
Limits of intellect
Flerov O.V. (2016). The Influence of Psychological and Educational Abilities of Adults on Their Success in Learning Foreign Languages. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 587–595. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68314
The given research article is devoted to the problems of adults learning foreign languages. This makes the object of the research. The subject of the research is psychological and educational abilities of adults, specific features of speaking another language and the influence of these factors on successful education. The article focuses on the relation between issues of andragogy, developmental psychology and language education which allows to develop an integral view of the problem which is insufficiently studied in academic literature and practically unmentioned in teaching and learning literature. As a result, there is a stereotype in teaching practice that adults can be taught foreign langauges the same way as students are. This increases teaching efficiency because compared to students adults have both advantages and disadvantages in learning a foreign language and it is impossible to use these advantanges or to eliminate disadvantanges without understanding interrelated psychological and methodological aspects of teaching a foreign langauge, the process the involves the formation of not only knowledge and skills but also speech abilities. The research methodology implies determination of psychological and educational peculiarities of adults of different ages compared to students and implementation of these peculiarities in language education in order to improve teaching foreign languages to adults. The author concludes that even though maturity and adulthood are traditionally considered to be a positive factor in education, it is not so simple in case of teaching foreign languages. The author provides particular examples and describes particular mechanisms that make teaching more difficult as well as shares how to overcome the aforesaid contradictions. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that adult learning is viewed in psychological and methodological terms but not social and economic terms and the author provides particular recommendations for teachers in the third part of his article. Despite the fact that the format of the article does not allow to carry out in-depth interdisciplinary analysis, described ideas outline ways to improve the process of teaching foreign languages to adults and to use these materials in further research.
learning experience, age peculiarities, authentic materials, interactivity, learning a language, adult learner, andragogy, further education, verbal memory
Personal motivation and spirituality
Ivanchenko V.N., Plotnikova E.S. (2016). Self-Determination as Part of Personal Identity Formation at Youthful age. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 596–602. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68315
The article is devoted to studying and justifying the role of self-determination in the process of personality identity formation at youthful age as well as defining the effect of self-determination in the process of identity formation. The object of the research is self-determination as a psychological phenomenon. The subject of the research is self-determination as part of personal identity formation process at youthful age. In their research the authors of the article carry out analysis of the relationshp between self-determination and parameters of personal identity formation (values, sense of the life purpose, capacity to self-regulation, self-actualization). The analysis allowed to describe the role of self-determination in the process of identity formation at youthful age. The diagnostic methods used during the empirical study included the following: Test of life orientations by Dmitry Leontiev,The ability to self-regulation test by Peysakhov, The test of self-determination by E.N. Osin (modification of the self-determination scale by K. Sheldon), Personal Orientation Inventory by E. Shostrom (adapted by L.Y. Gozman and M.V. Croze). Analysis of the relationship between certain parameters of self-determination and identity formation process (using the correlation and regression analysis methods) allowed to specify the role of these parameters in successful identity formation. The authors have revealed the correlation of self-determination with such parameters of self-identity formation process the sense of the life purpose, temporal orientation, capacity to self-regulation and self-actualization.
freedom of choice, self-actualization, temoral orientation, capacity to self-regulation, sense of the life purpose, personal identity formation, determination, self-determination, self-development, youthful age
Person and personality
Kozlovskaya T.N., Nazarenko E.V., Kirienko A.A. (2016). On the Problem of Subjective Well-Being of Young Men and Women Inclined to Antisocial Behavior. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 603–613. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68316
The subject of the present research is peculiarities of the subjective well-being. Special attention is paid to the category of subjective well-being, theories of subjective well-being in Russian and foreign psychology, components of subjective well-being and psychological features of subjective well-being of young men and women inclined to antisocial behavior. In order to carry out detailed analysis of the research subject, the authors conducted an empirical research with the hypothesis that the general level of subjective well-being demonstrated by young men considerably differs from the general level of subjective well-being of young women, in particular, the level of subjective well-being for young women is higher and has its own psychological peculiarities. For their empirical research the authors have used the Subjective Well-Being Scale adapted by N. Fetiskina and V. Kozlov, and The Psychological Well-Being Scale by Carol Ryff. The results of the research show that both young men and women inclined to antisocial behavior demonstrate deficiency in close and trustful relationships with others as the general level of their subjective well-being decreases. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors study subjective well-being of young men and women inclined to antisocial behavior and define their psychological peculiarities. Practical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research demonstrate that there are differences in subjective well-being of young men and women, thus different forms of assistance are needed for men and women during preventive measures against antisocial behavior. By using mathematical statistics methods the authors have defined significant differences in the general levels of subjective well-being, the level of subjective well-being was higher for a group of young men compared to a group of young women. As a result of the correlation analysis carried out, the authors have also defined the following peculiar relationships between subjective well-being and psychological well-being in groups of young men and women. Young men inclined to antisocial behavior demonstrate the inverse relationship between the level of tension and requirements of everyday life, psychoemotional symptoms and the level of psychological well-being. In other words, the higher tension and sensibility indicators are, the lower ability to perform everyday activities is, and aggravation of psychoemotional symptoms decreases the general level of psychological well-being. The group of young women demonstrated the dependence of their subjective well-being on mood changes.
psychological well-being, tension, sensibility, self-concept of health, satisfaction with everyday activity, independence, personal growth, life purposes, antisocial behavior, subjective well-being
The range of emotional experience
Tolsteneva U.L. (2016). Existential Experience and Community Commitment. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 614–621. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68317
Little is said about existentialism in Russian literature. Time has passed since every new work related to that school of philosophy sparked interest. In their researches S. Velikovsky, T. Kuzmina, E. Soloviev, T. Tavrizian and others have described the basic provisions of existential philosophy and analyzed their meaning. In the middle of the last century each new publication on existentialism arose great interest. However, it is no more the case. None researches devoted to existentialism have appeared in Russian literature over the last years. As a result, general interest towards existentiailsm has considerably faded. No more we remember existentialists' passionate statement that it is impossible to be back on track after Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps. This creates the need in new grounds for philosophical reflection. Unfortunately, many authors think that existential philosophy with all its appealing to spiritual experience does not work for our time. There are attempts to 'change' existentialism, to adjust it to modern realities refusing the importance of existential experience as an independent and singular emotional experience. Some researchers even say that existentialism opposed to community commitment and activity in general. This evaluation is neither just nor acceptable. In her research Tolsteneva has used the principle of historicism that allowed to compare existential traditions to modern interpretations of existential experience. The researcher has also used principles and methods of philosophical anthropology. The author tries to analyze some researchers' attempts to 'change' existentialism and adjust it to the needs of modern social sciences. The author notes that these attempts to 'adjust' 'scandalous' existential thought to modern social situations can be viewed as a review of existentialism and reinterpretation of a unique choice made by personality. The author also notes that by no means existentialism is a teaching about estrangement. Of course, the concept of activity as it is interpreted within the framework of positivist progress is alien for existentialism. However, adepts of existentialism paid much attention to responsibility for what's going on in the world. Existentialism is not the philosophy of non-activity, estrangement or submission to social dictate. Within the framework of existentialism, intellectual effors are destined to provide a sober and bitter evaluation of today's situation in the world. By analyzing the history of existentialism, the author of the article states that existentialism's community commitment is in its search for the meaning including the meaning of social processes as the existential solution of the problem.
existentialism, experience, reason, activity, history, existential experience, culture, singularity, being, existence