Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Phenomenon of Identity in Paul Ricoeur’s Interpretation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 421–423. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62748
It is believed that the definition of identity has been in great demand lately. After Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson’s
works this term has become ingrained in humanities. Today many authors are writing about individual, social,
cultural, religious self-identity and identity decay and crisis. It is noted that Paul Ricoeur has managed to create a new
interpretation of this term. Paul Ricoeur has shown that internal and external identities do not have an ordinary bond.
Complex dialectics appear here. The French philosopher responded to the conception offered by a professor of Oxford
University Peter Strawson. Peter Strawson offered a new solution of the old psychophysical problem by introducing
a new definition of personality. In his interpretation, personality is the basic and indivisible concept. Identification of
personality attributes (states of consciousness and body) is possible only trough preceding personality identification.
As a result of traditional analyst’s searches for initial states of analysis (basic particularities) Strawson makes a conclusion
that there are the two basic particularities, particularity of one’s body and particularity of one’s personality.
So it is no mere coincidence that the phenomenon of personality comprises a great part of Ricoeur’s philosophical and
anthropological concepts.
psychology, identity, dialectics, analogy, subject, self-identity, authenticity, otherness, cultural imperatives, paradox.
Philosophy and psychology
Omelchuk, R. K. (2013). Aleksey Fedorovich Losev: Life in Myth. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 424–432. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62749
The article studies some aspects of Aleksey Fedorovich Losev’s philosophical legacy. Behind his complicated
terminology and conceptual framework, today we can very well see faith being the theme line in all his works although
it was deliberately hidden from the Soviet censors. The article views the terms of Name, Myth and Truth viewed altogether
as a part of the most important works of a Russian philosopher. How can a modern human understand Losev’s
most important provision about Name being a Myth if we are used to the thought that myth is a distorted interpretation
of the world, illusion created by a weak mind, a fairy-tale and almost a lie? It is shown that Losev’s philosophical
system is still important both in religious, philosophical and socio-cultural approaches. Losev’s ‘Philosophy of Name’
was created not as a theoretical research but as a result of understanding human personality, divine personality, and
their relations through God’s Name.
psychology, philosophy, Losev, values, Myth, Name, Truth, personality, society, holiday.
Inner world
Gubina, S. T. (2013). Typology of Musical Preferences: Psychological Types of Existential and Deficiency Perception
of Music. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 433–439. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62750
The research discussed in the article is topical because it helps to explain the influence of one’s life experience
on his sensual images and interpretations in the process of music perception. From the point of view of methods used
in the research, the research is based on the phenomenological approach allowing to view the subject and object of
music perception, personality and music as interrelated items. The article has the two chapters. In the first chapter
the author of the article provides a theoretical analysis of types of musical preferences described by modern scientific
researchers. The second chapter contains a description of psychological types of music perception, existential and
deficiency ones. These are based on the results of qualitative analysis of verbal associations and evaluations of one’s
feelings in the process of music perception. The author of the article also describes prospects of using music in diagnostics
of one’s life priorities and values.
psychology, types, music, existence, deficiency, feelings, association, perception, phenomenology.
Rudnev, V. P. (2013). Modal Typology of Mental Diseases. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 440–455. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62751
The article provides a modal typology of mental diseases based of classical psychoanalytical ideas introduced
by Freud, in particular, the ideas he shared when describing Dora’s, Rattenman’s and Wolf Man’s cases. The author of
the present article views the triad ‘neurosis – borderline disorder – psychosis’ that is based on the modal operator ‘it is real that’. The author also uses Crow’s hypothesis about schizophrenia being the pay for using the arbitrary language.
There are people who are commonly called ‘normal’ at one end of the psychic continuum, while those at the other end
are called psychotics. Normal people have less ‘schizophrenic’ features unlike psychotics. A normal person still has the
schizophrenic feature because he uses the arbitrary language – the language in which words and denoted items are
not alike.
psychology, modality, psyche, reality, Freud, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, Bleurer, Crow, psychosis.
Continent of the unconscious
Zhmurin, I. E. (2013). Peculiarities of Conflicts between Spouses in Sexual and Erotic Sphere of Marital Relations. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 456–465. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62752
The author of the article analyzes peculiarities of modern psychoanalytical approaches to studying sex-related
conflicts between spouses. The author of the article lists all possible reasons of such conflicts between spouses in
their intimate sphere and provides the results of analyzing personal determinants of such conflicts. The author of the
article also defines the main peculiarities of such conflicts between spouses who are compatible and incompatible in
their sexual life.
psychology, psychoanalysis, object relations, spouses, personal determinants, conflict between spouses, reasons, compatibility, sex, relations.
Psychology and pedagogics
Chervinskaya-Yakimuk, E. F. (2013). The General Strain Theory of Robert Agnew's and its Possibilities of Interpretation in Relation to Youth Crime. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 466–472. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62753
This paper tests R. Agnew’s general strain theory (GST) of youth crime and juvenile delinquency in Poland. According to Agnew, strain theory focuses on negative relationships with others: that is, relationships in with others do not treat the individual as he or she would like to be treated. The main research problem is in the two following questions: Is there a relation between the sense of strain, the social control, differential association, personality factors, situational, social factors, and youth delinquency? The hypotheses were tested on 179 male young adult prisoners and 145 pupils. Finally, we were able to note that the general strain theory has the potential to serve as a major explanation for young adult crime and juvenile delinquency in contemporary society. The results could be used in the prevention of criminal behaviour, therapy, rehabilitation, criminal and social policy.
Robert Agnew, general strain theory, young adult crime, juvenile delinquency, criminal policy.
Ignatenko, A. S. (2013). About the Role of Evolutionism in Developing Knowledge about the Psyche: at the Interface
Between Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Psychology and Philosophy. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 473–482. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62754
In Western culture positive knowledge is confined to making reality fit scientific conceptions about mechanism
or a system as a complex combination of homo- and heterogenic elements. More than that, evolution of mechanic
theories and concepts (mechanism-organism-structure-system) quite often makes researches come to the conclusion
about evolution of mechanism as well. Thus, epistemological invariant includes mechanical theory (in the broad
meaning of the term), energetics and evolutionism, Based on the example of trans-disciplinary sphere between psychiatry,
psychoanalysis, psychology, neurology and philosophy (which is called ‘psychophilosophy’ by the author), the
author of the article shows how this epistemological variant applies to studying human psyche.
philosophy, evolutionism, psychophilosophy, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, organodynamism, mechanical theory, energetics, schizophrenia, structure.
Mind games
Andreev, I. L., Nazarova, L. N. (2013). Internet: When a Servant Becomes a Master. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 483–491. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62755
The problem of rather questionable influence of the Internet on the user’s mental health and surroundings
is growing really important. The process of informatization has drastically changed all types, forms and instruments
of activity, phenomena and priorities of life style typical for both traditional and industrial societies. The ongoing
situation is in violent contrast with the good will as one’s ability to make a virtual choice out of actually existing alternatives, put them into life and hold a social and moral responsibility before the government and society, others and
psychology, philosophy, informatization, computer, human in a choice situation, Internet addiction, autism, game addiction, choice situation, Internet.
Depression and the body
Bullington J. (2013). The Expression of the Psychosomatic Body from a Phenomenological Perspective. Chapter 2.
Living Body (Translated by E. G. Rudneva). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 492–505. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62756
In her researches Jennifer Bullington, a professor at Schendal High School in Stockholm, focuses on the system
philosophical analysis of psychosomatic theories and the problems of theoretical interpretation of psychosomatic
states in order to improve the treatment of patients who have complicated psychosomatic symptoms. Bullington views
psychosomatic theory from the point of view of philosophy, particularly based on such authors as Edmund Husserl and
Maurice Merleau-Ponty. In this work, Bullington presents her alternative phenomenological theory of psychosomatics
being inspired by a French phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Merleau-Ponty developed the definition of living
body and transformation of structure. Viewing the phenomenon of perception from the phenomenological point of
view allows us to get access to the field which has never been discovered before. This is the field which Merleau-Ponty
described as the ‘interweaving’ or a ‘dialogue’ between human and the world.
psychology, phenomenology, psychosomatics, psychophysical issue, subjectivity, body, soul, intentionality, consciousness, feelings, natural attitude.
Clinical psychology
Khudoyan, S. S. (2013). Phenomenon of Childhood Autism From the Point of View of Ontogenetic Patterns of Development. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 506–511. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62757
The article is devoted to studying childhood autism from the point of view of dividing ontogenesis into periods.
Each period is viewed as a program solving a particular task of development. Based on the author, when infantile
autism occurs, the first stage of ontogenesis remains unsolved, which is the formation of species-related activity. It is
further assumed that the main symptoms of childhood autism are the results of species-related alienation.
psychology, early childhood autism, ontogenetic problem of development, consciousness reconstruction, development crisis, subject of species activity, three-year crisis, Self-conception, species-related consciousness, speciesrelated alienation.