Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Anima. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 7–7. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62131
The editor-in-chief’s column contains the interpretation of the term ‘anima’ in Jungian psychology. It is noted
that anima is not the same as prototype. It is underlined as a psychic phenomena, anima is located below the threshold
of consciousness. The author also provides references to associated examples in literature.
psychology, anima, animus, archetype, image, Eros, culture, prototype, persona, feminity, mother.
Inner world
Rozin, V. M. (2013). Sex and Love on the Internet or the Two Opposite Personalities of a Modern Outcast. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 8–16. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62132
The article is devoted to the situation of sexual relations typical for Russian and foreign outcasts. The
author of the article discusses social conditions (such as new communication media, hedonistic orientations, moral
crisis and etc.) allowing them to sell their bodies and feelings and remain a usual member of a society at the same
time. The author makes an assumption that many of them suffer from duality in personality and discusses evidences
of this hypothesis. Even if their sexual relations are not pathological, marginal love has various and quite negative
consequences for their intimate relations. This kind of ‘love’ stimulates the second personality and makes human live
in his dream world because this kind of ‘love’ destroys usual intimate relations and life. The author also appeals to
late Foucault’s views and touches upon the ethical issues arising in connection with this topic.
psychology, personality, sex, love, Internet, pathology, consciousness, duality, life, realization.
The unpredictable
Nikolaichev, B. O. (2013). Mirror Stage and Projective Identification. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 17–25. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62133
The article continues the topic of Lacan’s teaching about mirror stage in the child development. The topic
was started in our previous article devoted to Dolto. This time we’lltalk about how this topic was reflected in Wilfred
Bion’s work. Wilfred Bion (1897-1979) was an English psychoanalyst, one of the ideological leaders of depth psychology.
He expanded the concept of psychopathological mental processes. He wrote a lot about normal cogitation and as
well as a range of emotional factors allowing to distinguish psychotic states from normal states of mind. The author
of the article also stresses out the role of Melanie Klein in graining this concept.
psychology, psychoanalysis, mirror stage, sexuality, child development, pathology, projective identification, anxiety, introjection, container.
Personal motivation and spirituality
Spirova, E. M. (2013). Phenomenon of Spirit in Philosophical Anthropology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 26–34. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62134
There is quite a common opinion that philosophical anthropology is closely connected with culture. It is no
use to talk about human outside of culture. This assumption is partly true. However, culture defines a certain way of
existence. Many experts in anthropology and culture do not set it as a goal to find out why human is this way, what
his existential reality is like and where his determined originality is shown. Limitation of the human issue to description
of culture would leave without attention the main side of the issue — what defines the inner culture of human.
psychology, philosophical anthropology, spirituality, human, history, spirit, knowledge, objective spirit, culture, freedom.
Spiritual reincarnation
Andreev, I. L. (2013). Ritual Death as a Moral Choice. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 35–51. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62135
Philosophical essay mostly based on long-term field researches conducted by the author. The essay is devoted
to the analysis of human thoughts and actions in the situation of choosing between death and life based on
materials about a traditional African society that still exists nowadays.
psychology, Africa, life, death, euthanasia, tribe, custom, ancestors, descendants, morals, situation of choice.
The range of emotional experience
Vavilova, I. N. (2013). Development of the Moral Sense and Emotions. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 52–57. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62136
The article is devoted to the issues of developing the moral sense and emotions of a modern human. This
is a nettlesome topic because each personality has its own emotional structure and style and a range of emotions
and feelings through which the person perceives the world around. From the point of emotions people differ based
on their emotional excitement, length and stability of their emotions, domination of positive (stenic) or positive (astenic)
emotions. Thus, the subject of this article is the system of formation and development of the moral sense and
feelings. The object is the process of formation of these human manifestations. The author summarizes experience of
famous researchers on this matter and makes certain conclusions based on her analysis. The results can be used by
the author in practice.
psychology, feelings, emotions, personality, relationship, interaction, aggression, psyche, excitement, relation.
Person and personality
Razin, A. A. (2013). EthnoCulture: Meaning and Role in Achievement of Personal Integrity (Final Part). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 58–75. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62137
The author of the article views the culture in a narrow meaning of the word — as a system spiritualizing human.
According to the author, there is no any abstract ‘world culture’ because it consists of a number of ethnocultures
forming a well organized system. Traditional (ethnical) culture needs preservation as a social technology enabling
achievement of personal integrity while globalization, being a typical feature of our modern civilization, gives birth
to eclectic spiritless mass cult.
psychology, human nature, ethnoculture, world culture, conservatism, social progress, social technology, personal development, national nihilism, spirituality.
Developmental psychology
Stelmakh, O. D. (2013). Peculiarities of Psychological Corrective Lessons in Different Groups. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 76–80. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62138
The author of the article analyzes some problems of emotional-volitional sphere faced by a preschooler.
The hypothesis about development options of satisfactory child-and-parent relations at early childhood is viewed
as the starting point in psychological assistance to modern families. The subject of research is changes that happen
in behavior of both children and adults that appear in the process of regular and complex psychological assistance
as well as diagnosed improvements in emotional-volitional sphere of children. The author describes the experience
of introducing non-directive play therapy to small psychological groups at municipal and regional charity organizations
in Moscow. The goals of such lessons included correction of child-and-parent relations, development of
interpersonal skills of a child at early childhood as well as abilities to differentiate emotions both by children and
adults, the later being the most important factor in formation of a preschooler’s self identity and a significant factor
in developing happy family relations between children and their parents. The author also describes such play
psychological lessons and provides a brief summary of their results in different groups and at different age from
three to seven years old.
psychology, psychological correction by means of play therapy, play activity, nondirective play therapy, groups for psychological correction, emotional-volitional sphere, child-and-parent relations, preschooler, awareness, children.
Psychology and pedagogics
Shilonosov, A. V. (2013). Pedagogical Legacy of Russian Military Commanders of XIX — XX Centuries as the Basis
for Formation of Appreciative Attitude of Future Officers Towards Military Education. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 81–85. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62139
The article is devoted to the results of military pedagogical education of future internal forces officials and
raises a question about improvement of quality of military training. The author also stresses out the role of pedagogical
legacy in the process of teaching and education of military students.
pedagogy (teaching), military pedagogical legacy, teaching competence, personalization, military education, military pedagogical education, officer, internal military forces, quality of military training, military commanders.
Clinical case
Vyatkina, V. M. (2013). Psychopathological Structure of Manifest Endogen Attacks in Later Life. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 86–95. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62140
The purpose of this article is to study psychopathological peculiarities of endogen psychoses that affected
75 patients over 45 years old. The author studied a group of 75 patients who had endogen psychosis after they
had turned 45 years old. As a result, the author described and analyzed the three main syndromes of late manifest
psychoses: affective delusional, hallucinatory and delusional syndromes. Obtained data proved Romanova and
Rostovtseva’s results of studying late schizophrenia saying that the main clinical disorder of the delusional hallucinatory
syndrome was verbal hallucinations. Variants of development of psychopathological syndromes usually
depend not only on the mechanism of delusion formation but also on different levels of mental disorders. The fact
that the aforesaid syndromes have the same pattern in the study is caused by the age dependency — for elderly
patients it is important to keep their achieved prosperity and somatic health. The practical value of the study is a
proof that age-related vascular disorders of the brain actually influence the manifestation of endogen processes in
all groups of syndromes. The fact that variants of development of syndromes do not depend on the age of patients
once the syndrome was manifested creates grounds for a hypothesis that the syndrome development depends on
premorbid peculiarities.
psychiatry, psychosis, syndrome, paranoia, hallusinations, neurosis, involution, affect, paranoid, substupor.