Theory of political sciences
Zobnin A.V. (2016). Domino theory within the foreign political thought. Politics and Society, 10, 1323–1334.
This article is deticated the study of opinions and approaches of global political-academic community concerning the origins, nature and effectiveness of the domino theory in the US foreign policy of the XX-XXI centuries. The author present the theoretical-game and rational grounds of the domino theory, precedents of its use within the history of international relations over the last 50 years, as well as the objections and criticism notes of the representatives of the global academic community regarding the application of the domino theory. The conclusion is made about the simplicity and high effectiveness of the domino theory that made such strategy popular among the American foreign policy elite. Domino theory acquired high popularity due to the fact that its effectiveness could be determined only by the hypothetical possibility of the interference of the United States into the course of events. Unlike the principle of the balance of powers, which strives to consider the behavioral strategies of multiple actors and the current status of the international environments, the domino theory suggested just to possible options of the US behavior in resolving the domestic policy conflicts of the foreign nations. At the same time, the domino theory has suffered a serious ideological formation, which made it extremely controversial. This inconsistency led to the presence in the global political-academic community of several groups offering their vision of the essence and meaning of the theory in world history and politics. The largest groups can be considered the "universalists", who believe the domino theory is a universal theory that is similar to the principle of the balance of powers; and the "historicists", who define the theory as the place for the local foreign policy strategy of the United States during the Cold War period.
theory of international relations, strategy of deterrence, American intervention, game theory, balance of power, domino effect, domino theory, United States, Russian Federation, political-academic community
Theory of political sciences
Ivushkin A.S. (2016). Socio-economic rights in comparative context of the theory of natural law and the Savigny’s historical school. Politics and Society, 10, 1335–1338.
The Socio-Economic Rights Institute has a long history of theoretical-practical contemplation within the framework of English-American, as well as Romano-Germanic tradition of law. This article is dedicated to the examination of the role and place of human socio-economic rights in the context of various theories. There rights cannot be viewed as the type of natural rights, as well as they cannot be consider perpetual and inviolable. Only in light of historicism, the progressive importance of the idea of human socio-economic rights becomes clearer. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the natural-legal and historical doctrines, and substantiates the conclusion that the historical school does not deny the positions of the natural school of law, but rather strives for the synthesis of the main results of both theories. Socio-economic rights have to be explored in connection with the institute of individual, or in other words, classic rights and freedoms. Therefore, the individual freedom must be guaranteed in the first place, and only then, we can talk about the guarantees of the socio-economic rights.
evolution, natural rights, property rights, citizens, Savigny, social and economic rights, Constitution, historical school of law, humanism, legislation
Theory of political sciences
Kitaev S.V. (2016). Methodological potential of the social synergetics theory in examination of nomenclature as the actor of transformations. Politics and Society, 10, 1339–1348.
The subject of this research is the determination of the place and role of nomenclature within the socio-political transformations of post-Soviet Russia. The object is the nomenclature as the actor of transformations. The author believes that the scientific study of sustainability of the Russian political system to the challenges of the present time requires the establishment of the substantiated models of social processes. However, modelling carried out from the perspective of various branches of scientific knowledge does not always lead to unambiguous results, which necessitates the search for the most universal resolution methods. The necessary result can be achieved through the conceptual and analytical tools of social synergetics, having determines its methodological potential in revelation of the essence of nomenclature and its role in transformation of the socio-political system. Synergetic approach taken as the basis for the analysis of transformation processes and offered as the certain methodological orientation, with regards to the study of the phenomenon of nomenclature as one of the most active participants of these processes, ensures its extensive perception by increasing the range of such mechanisms, which are included as the foundation of such analysis. In examination of nomenclature as the variety of complicated dynamic systems, the synergetic approach reveals the vas opportunities in its research. In particular, the examination of regularities of self-organization allows determining the behavioral strategy of the systems (including social) during the period of its chaotization: adjustment to the new circumstances by means of choosing the new ideal (e.g. “democratic values”) and possible ways (including the exceptionally declared) of its achievement. This thesis confirms the point of view of many researchers who claim that the nomenclatural system could not be irrevocably lost with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but adjusted to the new socio-political circumstances.
system, self-organization, transformation, bifurcation, social synergy, nomenclature, Communist Party, ideology, society, state
Parties and party systems
Shaposhnikova E.A. (2016). Federal Law “On Political Parties” as the normative-legal base of the Russian party genesis. Politics and Society, 10, 1349–1355.
The object of this research is the party system of the modern Russian state. The subject is the process of realization of the Federal Law “On Political Parties” and further amendments as the presumptive normative-legal base of the Russian party genesis. Special attention is given to the questions of liberalization of the procedure of establishment and registration of parties, emergence of the new party powers in the state electoral practice, as well as possible consequences of these amendments. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as suspension or elimination of parties, mechanism of administrative control over the functioning of the parties in Russia in the context of subordination to the executive authority. The author makes an accent on the most controversial moments of the law on political parties, such as easing of the registration process of the parties alongside the strong administrative control over their work, as well as inclusion into the electoral practice of the new political powers; and on the other hand, discontent of the leaders of the party factions with the aforementioned amendments. The conclusion is made that the party structuring in Russia, despite the liberalization of legislation, is limited by the supervisory role of the government, which first and foremost ensures its own interests, rather that the public interests.
State Duma, President, State financing, Electorate, Voters, Society, Federal Law, Elections, Party genesis, Party
Parties and party systems
Novikov A.V. (2016). The models of party career in federal systems. Politics and Society, 10, 1356–1368.
The subject of this research is the role of party careers in vertical integration of state-territorial levels in binary and joint federal systems. A significant amount of the Western political parties has strong influence upon separate political careers of its members. The author also detects the meaningful differences in qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the models of impact of the parties upon the political career. The article examines the main distinctions between the models of political career in joint and binary federal systems on the regional and federal territorial level. The author gives characteristics to the models of party political careers in the four federative systems: Canada, Australia, Austria, and Germany; eight fairly influential national parties that have divisions on the regional level were selected for the comparison. In the context of this research, the author reviews the following: 1) vertical connections within the framework of the federal leadership of the party; 2) vertical connections within the framework of the regional leadership of the party. The scientific novelty lies in the detection of the differences in quantity and quality of the vertical integration, which confirms that for the joint and binary federal systems there is no unified pattern of political career or a single political role of the parties in federal processes. In analysis of the vertical cumulation of the party and state institutions, the more integrated modes of career were detected among the European parties, rather than non-European partners. The party structures not only define the model of the political career through interpretation of the institutional incitements, but also create the specific organizational connections between the institutions on various political levels.
comparative analysis, vertical communications, federal system, institutions, political parties, political careers, Australia, Austria, Germany, Canada
Parties and party systems
Nikolenko K.D. (2016). The turning point in history of development of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (1999-2003): loss of initiative and decline in the influence. Politics and Society, 10, 1369–1376.
This article is dedicated to the examination of the stage of activity of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) at the time of establishment of the new political regime in Russia. The author analyzes the parliamentary and mass work of the Communists, underlining the peculiarities of positioning in the regular convocation of State Duma, in which the party did not have the absolute majority. Special attention is given to the formation of the tactical coalition with pro-presidential powers, crises processes in “red belt”, and tension inside the CPRF due to disagreement among its leadership. As one of the major sources, the author uses the operational stenographs of the sessions of the lower house of Russian parliament. The author believes that the parliamentary vector is the main for the modern Communist Party. During the course of this research, this position found its substantiation. The choice of the party of its way of assumption to power through the elections, justifies its willingness to compromise, movability in ideological applied sense, as well as adherence to the trends in public opinion. During the course of this research it was revealed that the period of 1999-2003 became one of the determinative for the further way of development of the Communist Party. It ended in a major defeat at the parliamentary elections, as the result of which the organization lost its authority and influence, which led to the insurmountable negative consequences.
"red belt" regions, package agreement, opportunistic coalition, parliamentary activity, Duma, elections, CPRF, intraparty tensions, fiasco, Zyuganov
Political process
Starkin S.V., Pripisnova E.S. (2016). The work of the European think tanks: problems of identification. Politics and Society, 10, 1377–1386.
The subject of this research is the analysis of the work of the European “brains trust” necessary for the preliminary assessment of the relevance of the expert-analytical activity in the European political space, as well as an aptitude for generating ideas and provision of the required information on the pertinent issues of the European Union. The article examines the EU political system, as well as formal and informal political processes, within the framework of which the political entrepreneurs attempt to influence the EU policy. In addition to that, the authors conduct identification of the types and levels of the think tanks activity of the European Union, specificities of their work in particular “areas of effect”. Considering the set tasks, this work uses the traditional for humanitarian disciplines methods of comparative analysis, case studies, theory of political decision-making, etc. The conducted analysis allowed acquiring an idea about the trends of development and work of the think tanks oriented at the European Union. Taking into account the high level of competition within the political environment of the European Union, we can suggest that in the midterm perspective only the large, well-structured, and finances think tanks will be able to continue their existence. One of the most noticeable trends of modernity consists in the expansion of research dedicated to the European Union in the programs of the national think tanks, which reflects the growing influence of the EU policy.
decision-making process, political planning, European Union, political technologies, political process, political expertise, analytical institutes, political forecast, political analysis, political elite
Political participation
Trofimova I.N. (2016). Social and political attitudes and orientations of today's youth in Russia. Politics and Society, 10, 1387–1399.
The role of generations in the social and political changes is of particular importance for the Russian society, which in recent decades have occurred fluctuations of socio-political moods, an inversion in the value orientations of the population, the ups and downs of civic engagement, policy changes. The study of the relation of the youth to politics allows revealing the results of the so-called "generational selection" of public consciousness, which demonstrate the vector and speed of the changes taking place in society. Based on the results of the representative sociological survey, the article examines the prerequisites, orientation, and attitudes of the modern Russian youth in the area of politics. As the theoretical-methodological basis, the author used a complex of positions that substantiate the specificity of political orientations and political behavior of different generations, and at the same time succession and common sociocultural grounds. It is demonstrated, that in general the youth reproduces the range of the essential political orientations and ideologies that exist in the Russian society. In addition to that, youth introduces the new demands, expectations, motivations, and behavioral practices into the political environment. The conclusion is made that despite the alienation from politics, the potential of Russian youth for participation in the process is still rather high.
generation, political engagement, social engagement, society, political attitudes, political orientations, youth, Political sociology, political behavior, Russia
Political technologies
Skriba A.S. (2016). “Soft power” and the post-Soviet space at the present: conclusions for Russia. Politics and Society, 10, 1400–1412.
This article is dedicated to the examination of the current issues of the Russian “soft power” in the post-Soviet space. The Ukrainian crisis, as well as internal transformation in other post-Soviet states testify to the Russia’s loss to the West in this regard. If the situation does not change, that the post-Soviet space will continue to “crumble”; thus, Moscow will face the new difficulties, including in the content of its new project – the Eurasian integration. The object of this research is the “soft power”, while the subject is the methods and mechanisms of its implementation (in theory and practice, applicable to the post-Soviet countries). The scientific novelty of this work consists in the critical view upon the weak spots of the Russian practice pertaining to the question of “soft power” in the post-Soviet space, which manifested over the last two years as the result and on the background of the Ukrainian crisis. It is important to notice that these weak spots concern not only the Ukrainian vector; therefore, the acquired conclusions can and must be considered in reference to the other partners of Russia.
Western approach, diplomacy, NGO, European Union, Russia, post-Soviet space, soft power, public demands, ideology, integration
Kharkevich M.V. (2016). To the question about the national specificity of scientific ethos. Politics and Society, 10, 1413–1420.
The subject of this research is the national specificity of scientific ethos in the conditions of transformation of the universal imperatives of scientific activity, which are affected by the shifts in socio-economic and cultural context of production of the scientific knowledge in the late XX – early XXI centuries. The specificity of scientific ethos is being examined on the example of the analysis of value foundation of professional activity of the experts of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research regarding the selection of grant application for the Fund. The experts of the Fund demonstrate the most representative selection of Russian scientific community in both aspects, geography and disciplines. The main method of this research consists in semi-structured interviews of the experts of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The author carried out a series of 20 focused interviews with the experts of the Fund. They were offered to answer the questions pertaining to the four imperatives determined by R. Merton: universalism, collectivism, disinterestedness, and organizes skepticism. The goal of this work lies in determination of deviation of the institutional imperatives of activity of the experts of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in assessment of applications from the classic scientific ethos described by Merton. The author concludes that the specificity of the Russian scientific ethos is influenced by the structure of relations between the government and science, as well as struggle for the status among the scholars. It is noted that the national specificities of the scientific ethos in Russia impart institutional grounds, rather than cultural.
production of knowledge, Bourdieu, Merton, scientific policy, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, state, Russian science, scientific ethos, exchange of resourses, scientific capital
Legal and political culture
Krasnyanskaya T.M., Tylets V.G. (2016). Implementation of the safety principle within the political psychology . Politics and Society, 10, 1421–1431.
The subject of this research is the scientific prospects of implementation of the safety principle into the problem object field of political psychology. Currently, the phenomenon of safety is the subject of interdisciplinary examination at the level of micro-, meso-, and macro objects. This is encourage by the universal demand of its elements for the various social spheres and life-sustaining activity of a human as they provide the possibility for support the integrity of safety and ability developmental potential of its possessors. The leading material of human factor in ensuring safety substantiates the leading role of psychology in search of the solutions that emerged tasks. Specification of the informative and functional peculiarities of safety may contribute into positioning of safety as the core of the principle that controls the development of problem object field of political psychology. The functional substantiation of safety nu the core of the administrative principle is carried put on the basis of introduction and informative characteristics of the provided by its functions of interpretations, activation, and regulation of the corresponding phenomenology. The conclusion is made on the possibility and necessity of the implementation of the safety principle for resolution of the research and practice oriented task, which occur within the problem object field of political psychology.
political psychology, political and legal environment, safety psychology, national security, governing principle, safety principle, safety, threats, protection, development
Social studies and monitoring
Shirko T.I., Naletova A.I. (2016). The role of youth in sociocultural development of the Russian regions (based on the materials of socioeconomic development strategies of the Russian Federation and its constituents). Politics and Society, 10, 1432–1439.
The subject of this research is the ideas about the role of youth in the sociocultural development of the Russian regions, which are reflected in the socioeconomic development strategies of the Russian Federation and its constituents. Considering the importance of youth as a socio-demographic group for the prospects of the regional sociocultural development, the constituents of the Russian Federation, based on the peculiarities of the established structures of industrial production and resource potential, formulate the concepts regarding the participation of the young generation in building of the innovation models of the regional development. The authors based on the example of socioeconomic development strategies of Novosibirsk Oblast, Tomsk Oblast, and Krasnoyarsk Krai, thoroughly examine such aspects of the topic as the specificities of the sociocultural development of these regions, their initial capabilities and potential, youth policy programs planned for implementation before 2030. Generalization and interpretation of the acquired data were realized depending on the universal scientific principles of the research – objectivity, historicism, and systematicity. The methodological foundation consists in the modernization theory, as well as preliminary studies of the structural-functional analysis and institutional approach. The conducted research allows making the conclusion the all three of the examined strategies form the primary directions of the innovation development of the regions, as well as define the youth as the object, which influenced by the system of formulated measures, leads to the projected results – sustainable economic development, and support of the competitive ability of a region on international and domestic markets. Special accent in the strategies is made on the active participation of youth in scientific-educational and entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, the task of the government authorities consists in encouraging the development of social sphere and establishment of conditions for creation of an attractive image of the region as the convenient place of residence and work.
Human capital, Innovation development, Scientific-educational sphere, Territorial administration, Russian regions, Socioeconomic development, Development strategy, Image of the future, Future, Youth
Social studies and monitoring
Petrov V.E. (2016). Juvenile elitology and methodology of the study of “gilded youth”. Politics and Society, 10, 1440–1449.
The goal and subject of this article is the substantiation of the scientific necessity for the emergence of the new field (section) of elitological research – the juvenile elitology. It comprises the area of scientific research of various youth elites, specification of its research capabilities and prospects, as well as development of the scientific methodology that is justified by the particularity and context of the previously mentioned subject of the study. On the example of the phenomenon of “gilded youth” as the most socially ambiguous and difficult for studying the varieties of social and youth elites, the author formulates the possible methodological strategy of conceptualization and design of the research in juvenile elitology. The author analyzes the origins, object field, and possible informative-methodological approaches of juvenile elitology, which are based on the interdisciplinary approach. The formulation and articulation of this scientific problematic comprised the scientific novelty of this work. The conclusion is made that within the juvenile elitological studies there is no implementation for the pure scientific and sociological research instruments that are based on the empirical information, as well as socio-philosophical and actual philosophical approaches, such as axiology, metaphysics, hermeneutics, and reflection.
excellence, juvenology (youth studies), research methodology, youth elites, gilded youth, juvenile elitology, elitology (elite studies), metaphysics, biographical method, interdisciplinarity
Social studies and monitoring
Korneeva Ya.A., Arefina M.S., Simonova N.N., Skripchenko N.Yu., Mashinskaya N.V. (2016). Comparative analysis of the perceptions of the reasons of committing crimes among the first time juvenile offenders and repeated offences among them. Politics and Society, 10, 1450–1459.
The subject of this research is the insight of the factors that determine commission of crime among the first and second time juvenile offenders, who are currently at the stage of pre-trial support. The object of the research is the pre-trial support of the minors, who violated the law in the Arkhangelsk Region. The article thoroughly examines the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components of the ideas about the factors defining the commission of crimes among first and second time juvenile offenders. The study was conducted during the period of October of 2014 until April of 2015. The experimental selection was consisted the 60 minors who committed crime, and with regards to whom the procedure of pre-trial social accompaniment is being implemented. The statistical processing was carried out with the help of the package of programs “SPSS Statistica 20”. In the conclusion, the authors claim that the teenagers who commit crimes for the first time are driven by the following causes: aggressive behavior of the victims, susceptibility to suggestions, influence of the third parties, and individual interest. The perception of the first time offenders are characterized by the lack of understanding of the importance, admitting the guilt, they are also emotional regarding the committed crime, and reflect the low capability of showing initiative and independence in commission of a criminal act. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the differences in perception among the teenagers who committed crime for the first time, and those who have done it repeatedly, as well as correlation between the understanding of the committed crimes by the minors and measures of re-socialization applied to them.
Repeated offence, Resocialization, Behavioral component, Emotional component, Cognitive component, Factors of commission of crime, Minors, Offence, Pre-trial support, Perception of the crime
Family and society
Antropova Yu.Yu. (2016). Problem of the future of family half-century afterwards: dialogue with A. G. Kharchev. Politics and Society, 10, 1460–1466.
The author presents the analysis of the status of the institution of family and childhood in the XXI century, as well as the modern child-parent relationship. At the same time, special attention is given to the phenomenon of the paradoxical development of family and childhood, including the subclinical deprivation of the upcoming generation and “latent” social orphanage, which is caused by the decrease of the quality in child-parent relations, psychological isolation of a child within family, and violence with regards to a child, The author also gives particular attention to the role of family in the primary socialization of childhood, as well as traces the quality of the primary socialization in development of society as a whole. Focus is made on the transformation of family as the social institution, changes of the circumstances under which the family is functioning, as well as accessibility of the childhood infrastructure. The article carries an interdisciplinary character and represents a so-called “dialogue” with A. G. Kharchev pertaining to one of the most essential questions associated with examination of family in sociology of the XX and XXI centuries, namely the development and quality of child-parent relations. A. G. Kharchev’s contribution into the Russian sociology of family is undisputable. As the foundation of the dialogue, the author takes the published in 1964 book by Anatoliĭ Georgievich Kharchev “Sociology of family: Problems of emerging science”. Namely in this work, Kharchev makes an attempt of social forecast of the future of family. In addition to that, the author in the dialogue with A. G. Kharchev contemplates about the future of family in the XXI century, which in many ways depends on the system of measures of assistance and support, which is created by the state and the regions. But most importantly, it depends on the quality of the dialogue between the state and the family.
the state family policy, pedagogical culture of parents, hidden social orphanhood, subclinical deprivation, mental deprivation, Children and parent relationship, Family of the XXI century, future family, family capacity, social forecasting