Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Religious Plots of Chyngyz Aitmatov: Sacrifice or Spirituality? (On the 30th Anniversary of the Novel 'The Scaffold' Being Published). Philology: scientific researches, 3, 200–204. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67170
Thirty years ago the novel 'The Scaffold' written by Chyngyz Aitmatov provoked intense debates and ideological disagreements. Many readers and critics wondered whether spiritual searches must necessarily lead to religion. There have been people whose spiritual experience prove that there are certain transcendental forces that are beyond our understanding. These people believe in God who suffered for the sake of humans because he loves us. Sometimes a person gets the feeling of being very close to the Divine and being able to communicate with God directly. The believer says a prayer in the hope of God hearing his confession. Such person attains religious experience that helps him to live and overcome difficult situations. These people believe that the mystery of human life refers to special divine mission. However, many people do not have such religious experience. They believe that the world was created on its own, without the interference of the transpersonal absolute. These people seek for other spiritual supports unrelated to God, first of all, in human himself, emancipation of consciousness and grandiose creativity of the humankind. It is almost pointless to discuss religious topics with them, because their soul cannot generate anything besides scepsis. This creates a rather odd conversation, interlocutors can't find a common language with each other, one trying to prove that there is God and the other one trying to say that there is no God. The author of the present article bases his work on recent researches conducted in the sphere of philosophy of religion. His presumption is that the religion phenomenon has always interested philosophers, historians and sociologists. Religious searches and insights have been also reflected in literature. Analyzing Chyngyz Aitmatov's novel 'The Scaffold', the author of the article tries to describe tremendous changes in the social mind of Russians during the previous thirty years. Fashion for religiosity is overwhelming. We don't even notice that religious maxims have replaced the slogans of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. They are written on the banner above the highway. When we turn on TV, we may feel even surprised if we don't see Orthodox vigils. Politicians always mention their religious revelations when telling us their biography. Where are you, undefeated heretics? What is actually typical for the religious life of Russia? Can we actually speak of religious revival in our country? Are the churches actually uniting or on the contrary religious practice causes disunity? Finally, are there prospects for the development of the ecumenic movement in Russia? All these questions cannot be answered without involving secular humanistically oriented philosophers and thinkers. Can we actually revive the abandoned religious tradition in our country? As a result of totalitarian despotism, many people have been knocked out of their national, religious and cultural niche.
sacrifice, personality, morals, spirituality, atheism, God-seeking, art, literature, faith, redemption
Literary criticism
Kuchina S.A. (2015). Graphical Image of an Electronic Poetic Text: the Structure of Verbal and Multimedia Components. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 205–211. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67171
The article is devoted to the analysis of all aspects of the graphical image of an eletronic poetic text. The purpose of this research is to define peculiarities of the interaction between graphical and verbal components in a complex multimedia structure of an eletronic poetic text. The subject of the research is the graphical image of an electronic poetic text, the object of the research is the electronic poetic work 'Entre Ville' written by J. Carpenter. Generally speaking, electronic poetic text is a synthetic product of human creative activity that is created in a specific media environment using flash animation and audiovisual components as essential part of the conceptual component of an electronic composition. The methodology of the research involves an integrated linguo-poetical analysis of an eletronic literary text, in particular, analysis of the following aspects of an electronic composition: genres and themes, the main idea and emotional tonation providing that special emphasis is made on the graphic image including integrated analysis of not only verbal components but also the interface of a composition. The novelty of the article is caused by the nature of the problem statement. For the first time in the academic literature the author views electronic poetic texts from the point of view of their integrated synthetic structure (verbal and nonverbal components). As a result of her research, Kuchina makes a conclusion that graphical elements, audio and video files allow to reveal the content of an electronic poetic text and emphasize the semantics of the verbal component. The results of the research can be used for practical classes on theory and history of the literature of the XXIth century.
flash, audiovisual component, animation, interface, grafical element, electronic poetic text, interactive, verbal, media environment, structure
Rezvani V. (2015). Representation of Woman’s Beauty in the Mirror of Russian and Persian Paroemiae . Philology: scientific researches, 3, 212–215. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67172
The article is devoted to the analysis of the representation of woman’s beauty in Russian and Persian paroemiae (proverbs) being the expression of ethnic culture and the main unit of linguistic consciousness. The attitudinal meaning of the declared concept is closely connected with the society behavior value navigators. The object of the research is a paroemia as an element of the Russian and Persian languge systems. Paremiae reflect the cultural and historical experience qualified by the following generations as the proverbial wisdom. According to the title of the article, the research focuses on paroemiae and the concept of beauty. Lexical indictors of such markedness are the following subconcepts denoted with the words 'beauty', 'beautiful', 'handsome' (Russian 'krasota', 'krasivaya', 'prigozhaya' and Persian ziba, khoshgel ,ghashang). The research method: To achieve the research objective, the author has applied the comparative method and the method of solid selection as well as analysis of dictionaries. The importance of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the image of beauty in the paroemiae that were created in the languages with different structures. In the light of modern requirements of teaching the Russian language, the comparative study of Russian and Persian paremiology and at the same time culture of these peoples appears necessary and effective especially from the perspective of teaching the Russian language in the case of teaching Russian outside the language or cultural environment.
Russian, gender markedness, woman, beauty, culture, teaching, paroemiae/proverbs, Persian, comparison, languge
Faritov V.T. (2015). The Philosophy ofTime and Eternal Return in the Lyrics of Afanasy Fet. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 216–223. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67173
In this paper Faritov investigates the specificity of the poetic interpretation of the philosophical problem of time. The main material of the research is the poem "Shaggy pine branches ragged from the storm ...". The author also discusses the poetic texts by Fyodor Tyutchev, Alexander Pushkin, Valery Bryusov and Johann Goethe. In order to analyze their poetry, the author also touches upon conceptual developments of such philosophers as Shopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre, Jaspers and Deleuze. In his research Farotiv has used the methodological provisions of the motivic analysis (offered by Boris Gasparov) and the principles of analysis of the poetic language introduced by Tynianov. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author studies the idea of eternal return that was first offered by Nietzsche and later explicated in Russian poetry. The researcher has defined the two opposite modes of time and analyzed their representations in poetic texts. The author also emphasizes that a poetic text has many semantic dimensions and therefore analysis of poetic texts cannot be limited to certain rules.
Pushkin, Russian poetry, poetic text, time, moment, uncertainty, Fet, eternal return, Nietzsche, nihilism
Boyko M.E. (2015). Realism and Three-Operator Interpretation Method. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 224–228. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67174
The subject of the research is the definition of literary terms 'realism', 'social realism', 'psychological realism' and 'metaphysical realism'. As a rule, texts that satisfy a number of criteria are considered to be realistic. However, such conventional approach creates numerious difficulties and contradictions. In particular, it does not allow to solve the problem of classification of 'realism in the highest meaning' as it was presented by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. There has been an opinion that the term 'realism' should be eliminated from the scientific discourse because it is too contradictory. The author of the present article offers an alternative approach to the definition of the term 'realism'. According to the author, realism is the effect created in the process of applying specific means of text interpretation. It is provede that relevant and logically uncontroversial combination of realism criteria is impossible. Thus, the conventional approach to the problem of realism is based on the wrong assumption. Based on particular examples, the author of the article develops and tries out the so-called three-operator method, i.e. abstract model of intepretation methods which application creates the effect of text realism. It is also demonstrated that the new approach does not create the difficulties and contradictions the conventional approach does.
semantic operator, psychological realism, realism, polyphony, metaphysical realism, interpretation, social realism, structuralism, creative method, chronotope
Poetry and the poet
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Till Death My Passion Will Be With Me...(About the Poetry of Borish Chichibabin). Philology: scientific researches, 3, 229–234. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67175
The article is devoted to the analysis of creative work of a famous Russian and Soviet poet Boris Chichibabin. This poet had an uneasy life. He had to live through and accept the experience of being imprisoned. He experienced hatred and malevolence of other authors. The poet's creative work was too far from rules and standards of literary writing. He was called the 'genius graphomaniac'. Is it an oxymoron? Graphomania is the antipode of genius. However, Boris Chichibabin was certainly a genius. The author of the present article focuses on the main themes of Boris Chichibabin's poetry such as love, passion, spirituality, death and literary gift. Gurevich emphasizes that Chichibabin's poetry has no negative or dark moods. Anger or rancour is alient to him. In the course of his research Gurevich has used hermeneutical methods of textual analysis allowing to reveal the hidden meaning, codes and symbols of the poem. The author also bases his research on the methods of philosophical analysis of human and his passions. Russian academic literature does not have so many articles or researches devoted to Borish Chichibabin. One of such article is the essay 'The Lonely School of Love. Poetry of Borish Chichibabin' written by G. Pomeranets. Being a famous culture expert, Pomeranets tries to demonstrate the true value of Chichibabin's poetry as well as his role in the history of Russian culture. In his essay Pomeranets relates particular poems written by Chichibabin to life situations experienced by the poet. Still, Boris Chichibabin's poetry deserves a more detailed critical analysis, in particular, analysis of his particular style and genre. Of course, just one research article wouldn't be enough to achieve this goal. Gurevich's article is rather an invitation for a more detailed and comprehensive analysis of the creative work of this famous poet.
poetry, creative work, love, death, meaning, passions, soul, memory, Christianity, paganism
Khu L. (2015). The Tendency to Teach Russian as a Foreign Language Amid Reformation in the System of the National Graduation/Entrance Examination (Chinese Gaokao). Philology: scientific researches, 3, 235–240. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67176
On July 8, 2014 the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China released a new draft 'Gaokao' China 2017 regarding national graduation/entrance exams which results are crucial for Chinese students who want to study for a degree. The reformation of the Chinese national examination Gaokao is aimed at increasing the number of students at technical universities because the country needs a greater number of qualified technicians. At the present time teaching Russian as a foreign language is quite important. Due to the development of trade and economic relations between Russia and China in recent years, our countries have started to have more frequent contacts, therefore the Russian language has turned into an important mean of cross-cultural communication. Based on the analysis of the Heilongjiang province with 34 universities, 16 of which teach Russian, the author of the article wants to show where the Russian language can be learnt as a major. According to the author, teaching Russin has its own peculiarities at non-philological universities in China which is a result of the impact of students' native language, experience in speaking other languages and national traditions of teaching Russian. In reference with the above, the author believes that the time has come to make reformations in teaching Russian at non-philological universities. An important step towards such reformation is to encourage Chinese students study the Russian language in accordance with the requirements of the developing market economy.
graduate, university, education, inform, Gaokao, China, Russian, learning, non-philological universities, programme
Nilogov A.S. (2015). Ontological Status of Word/Antiword. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 241–252. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67177
In his article Nilogov touches upon the problem of the ontological status of word/antiword which he understands as the manner and capacity in which the word exists naturally in human language. The topic is viewed from the point of view of methodological substantiation of philosophy of antilanguage as a new discipline created at the confluence of linguistics and philosophy. The subject of philosophy of antilanguage is the grounds and boundaries of a semiotic naming in human language as well as the dependence of the cognitive process on antilanguage. Antilanguage vocabulary consists of classes of antiwords. In his research Nilogov has used the antilanguage method which implies determination of partially or fully unspeakable units. These units are referred to particular classes of antiwords. As the examples of problematisation of the ontological status of word the author has used invariant language units that are used in language studies to denote unchanging 'linguistic atoms' versus changing variable units. As a result of the research, Nilogov has considered invariable speech and language units as so called antiwords. These antiwords are absent in natural language but obviously exist in antilanguage. Particularly, the author has defined the following classes of antiwords: invariantologisms (that are used to give name to abstract language units such as phonemes) and variantologisms (that are used to give name to abstract speech units such as phoneme allophones).
ontological status of word/antiword, ontological status, invariance, phoneme, Solntsev, Chikobava, philosophy of antilanguage, philosophy of language, invariantologism, variantologism
Egorova I.V. (2015). Heroics and Fear as the Modes of Human Existence: Ernst Jünger's Early Writings. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 253–263. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67178
Ernst Junger (1895-1978) is very little known in our country even though he was a famous philosopher and writer. His ideas, thoughts, direct and indirect prophesies were of great interest to the society of the pre-war and today's Germany. Ernst Junger started his creative path in the early 20th of the XXth century. It was the time of expirements in the social sphere and spheres of art, literature and philosophy. It was also the period of intensive scientific, technological and industrial development and violent attempts to conquer nature. At the same time, while already trying on the gown of the world master, human has suddently discovered that he was on the margins of the path being made by global forces and that the world development does not always depend on human. In her research Egorova has used approaches of philosophical anthropology that analyzes modes of human existence. This has allowed the author to compare heroics to existential experience of human fear. Ernst Junger was a very productive and significant philosopher. His creative work is understudied because he was considered to be a reactionary philosopher after the war. In 1920 his book 'The Storm of Steel' was published. Being published in 1922, his second book 'Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis' ('The Struggle as an Inner Experience') described the war in a broader sense. Ernst Junger also wrote another book 'Sturm' ('The Storm') shortly after. In 1925 Ernst Junger resigned his office, in 1926 he quit University and in 1927 he moved to Berlin where he joined the conservative revolutionary movement. He wrote the article for the national socialist newspaper 'Völkischer Beobachter' ('People's Observer') called 'Revolution und Idee' ('Revolution and Idea'), in which he discussed revolutionary nationalism and emphasized the need for dictatorship. He also published his articles in 'Standards', 'Arminius' and 'Attack'. He had contacts with Friedrich Hielscherand Ernst Niekisch. Apart from writing numerous political essays, Junger also spoke of politics in his books about the war. The third edition of 'The Storm of Steel' was written according to the principes of radical nationalism within the framework of the totalitarian structure. His essay 'Der Arbeiter' ('Worker') published in 1932 was the turning point of his totalitarian views, however, by that time Junger had already started to be rather disappointed in politics.
philology, philosophical anthropology, nature, worker, life, politics, totalitarianism, heroics, fear, emotional experience
Morkina Yu.S. (2015). Anthropocosm of a Poetical Composition (On the Definition of Cultural Evolution). Philology: scientific researches, 3, 264–274. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67179
The subject of the research is poetry as part of human world, i.e. anthropocosm. Morkina understands anthropocosm as the subject of cultural evolution and the world immanent to human - the world of meaning-ful mental phenomena. Just like William James and Edmund Husserl, the researcher understands consciousness as a flow of meanings. Being an intentional object, any consciousness phenomenon is a complex system of meanings. This is true for the phenomenon of a poetical composition. Poetical part of human world is viewed by the author of the article based on a concrete example, i.e. analysis of a poem 'The Sun' written by a modern poet Denis Karasev. The researcher provides a detailed analysis of Denis Karasev's poem by using phenomenological methods. Morkina views both the entire anthropocosm (human inner world) and poetical part of anthropocosm from the phenomenological point of view. In her anaysis Morkina tries to view poetry from the point of view of a philosopher but not a literary critic. The researcher introduces the term 'anthropocosm' and defines it as heuristic for the phenomenological research of human world. The definition implies conceptualization of human world that is understood as the entire humanity. The author of the article demonstrates that phenomena (intentional mental objects) create united systems. The main feature of these sytems is their meaningfulness. Anthropocosm is the greatest phenomenon system that includes components of all human meaning systems: all initial meanings - sensations, all human-dimension phenomena, all particular worldviews of certain sciences. For the first time in the academic literature the author demonstrates that a poetical composition is a complex ideal meaning systems included in the cultural evolution.
culture, evolution, anthropocosm, meaning, complexity, poetry, phenomenology, phenomenon, consciousness, philosophy
The stream of books
Mirkina Z.A. (2015). Cinematography of the Shadowed Depths of One's Heart (Critical Review). Philology: scientific researches, 3, 275–278. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67180
Works of a famous researcher Roman Perelshteyn focus on archetypical themes of cinematographic art. Perelshteyn studies these topics as a certain code giving us an insight into the world of a filmmaker. For instance, in his book 'Visible and Invisible Worlds in Cinematographic Art' Roman Perelshteyn manages to reveal dramaturgical intentions of a number of significant achievements in the cinematographic art of the XXth century. At his time Ferencz Liszt called his 12 etudes 'transcendental'. So what does this transcendental cinematography being analyzed by Roman Perelshteyn tell us about? The author applies universal spiritual traditions allowing the cinematography of the 'shadowed heart depths' to contact with the human inner world. In her critical review Mirkina demonstrates that the book of Roman Perelshteyn is devoted to the unbreakable bond between the visible and invisible, inner and outer. The author tells us about the movies that have the 'spiritual contemplation' as part of them. It is also indicated that the majority of modern films are about the 'outer'. However, this makes the analysis of spiritual requests and supreme states of mind discussed by Roman Perelshteyn even more precious.
invisible world, visible world, poetic thinking, spirituality, transcendental cinematography, language of cinematographic art, unspeakable, contemplation, victimhood, transformation