Konstantinov M.S., Pupikin R.A..
The cultural universals of Russian society in the context of the intergenerational conflict
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2025. № 1.
P. 15-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2025.1.73094 EDN: YNJETO URL:
The article presents some results of two all-Russian sociological studies aimed at identifying the specifics and ideological foundations of intergenerational relations in modern Russian society. The object of the study is the consciousness of Russians, and the subject is cultural universals in the context of intergenerational ideological differences. J. Turner's theory of self-categorization was used as a theoretical basis, which is based on the idea of cognitive self-categorization of individuals as members of various communities - local, professional, generational, etc. The key cognitive mechanism of self-categorization is the principle of meta-contrast, the essence of which lies in the effect of a distinctive feature that determines either belonging to a group or not falling into it. These principles formed the basis of the questionnaire of the sociological survey. During the study, questionnaires (N = 1600) in 2023 and 2024 were preceded by a series of focus groups, as well as an analysis of social networks. As a result, ideological fault lines between generations were identified. The following meta-contrasts were identified among those specifying generations: projection of negative characteristics onto younger generation opposed to the older generation' positive qualities; impact of historical events: the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, perestroika of 1985-1991, Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, the conquest of space and the Great October Revolution of 1917. General cultural constants included the values of efficiency, responsibility, faith in one's own strength, etc. The anti-values of irresponsibility, impulsiveness, etc., as well as specific attitudes toward two historical events: the Great Patriotic War and the collapse of the USSR were also identified.
cultural constants, cultural universals, morality, ideological concept, ideology, worldview, worldview model, intergenerational conflict, generations of Russia, questionnaire survey
Agrba A.A..
Social advertising in Russia and in Spain. Structural and comparative analysis of value content
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2018. № 2.
P. 54-65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.2.25664 URL:
This article focuses on the analysis of value content in social advertising in Russia and in Spain as a reflection of the social and cultural realities of relative countries. The subject of research is the value content of social advertising in the social and cultural context of Russia and Spain. The object of research is the social advertising in Russia and Spain. The author makes an effort to analyze the value content in social advertising which includes the symbolic, the aesthetic, ethnic and other semiotic codes. The author scrutinizes the types of social advertising which reflect the axiological dominants, the trends in the shifting of the value landmarks of Russian and Spanish societies, which are going through periods of social and political transformation and the reformation of the culture's founding values. Comparative analysis constitutes the method of the research, as it allows for analyzing the value content of social advertisement in Russia and Spain. The methodological basis of this work is the research cultural, social, philosophical and ideological aspects of respective societies. The novelty of this work is reflected in the importance of examining social advertising as a mass product of modern culture that forms the language and value landmarks of the new generation. The analysis of the value content of social advertising may be used in the studies of the dynamics of values which are broadcasted via social advertisement within the framework of the system of mass communications, and which are used for solving the standing issues of the cultural development of the modern society.
society, axiological dominants, value content, Spain, Russia, social advertising, socio-cultural contexts, advertising, modern culture, value system
Ivanchenko O.V., Banshchikova A.A..
A substitute for the government: alternative social practices in mutual help groups in modern Dar es Salaam
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2017. № 4.
P. 47-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.4.24637 URL:
The focus of research are the practices of mutual help in Dar es Salaam, a modern Tanzanian megapolis, serving as a substitute for (largely absent) government support. The article examines the self-organization practices of the poorest Tanzanian villagers who gravitate to the big city in search of a better life, who establish mutual help groups on the basis of trust, which replace the function of government regulation with traditional values of rural areas. Attention is drawn to the attitude of the members of such groups to legal registration and to the possibility of turning to the police in case of an internal conflict. The methods of research include immersed observation and interview, both formal and informal, conducted by O.V. Icanchenko during the expedition to Dar es Salaam in 2015. During the course of this expedition over 30 interviews were recorded with both, mutual group members and non-member citizens who are aware of such groups. Over the course of data analysis the authors come to a conclusion that the Tanzanians who moved to the city recreate the communal way of life of rural areas, but in adapted forms: neighbors and colleagues become their new environment that provides social guarantees and provides help in difficult situation instead of relatives, and the leaders of mutual help groups help resolve conflict instead of the police. Groups themselves, while emulating certain features of the government bureaucracy, still put much faith in trust, friendly neighborhood relations, and the power of moral obligations.
vicoba, poverty, urban communities, mutual help practices, mutual help groups, Dar es Salam, Tanzania, uswahilini, migration, family
Afanas'ev S.V..
Conflict of moral values in the culture of the information society
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2017. № 2.
P. 48-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.2.23383 URL:
The article examines conflicts of moral values of the information society. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the opinions of the authors studying this problem, the article discusses possible negative consequences of such conflicts, the most dangerous of which is the deformation of the moral state of society. One of the main reasons for changes of value system is the projection of traditional forms of social interaction into information space, which uses a scattered mosaic of moral values for controlling behavior of the subjects. The main methods of research are the analysis of the scientific literature that outlined the problem of generalization, principles of dialectics, the axiological approach to the analysis of culture. When resolving conflicts of moral values between traditional and information society there is a danger of losing of moral values of the culture of the individual, such as conscience, duty, honor, patriotism, responsibility, etc., which define being "human" in the culture of traditional society. At the level of the collective subject, there is a risk of losing the value of a fellowship, ethical principles and norms of interaction within different social groups, communities, as well as interaction between them.
Informatization of culture, the motivational subsystem, morality, network subculture, tradition, information society, information culture, social conflict, globalization, moral values