Il'ichev A.V..
Representation of the image of "Russia" and "Russians" in video games as an integral part of the soft power policy of Western countries
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2024. № 4.
P. 85-102.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2024.4.72820 EDN: YZBPBW URL:
The article examines the issue of ideological content of the representative image of "Russia" and "Russians" in the modern Western video game industry. The purpose of this study is to study the video game industry as an example of an effective tool in the framework of the "soft power" policy of Western countries. The study identified the main archetypes (4 archetypes) in the representation of "Russia" and "Russians" in the Western video game industry, and highlighted the necessary measures for the successful development of the domestic video game industry as an integral part of cultural policy. The subject of the study is the works of the video game industry, in which Russia is present, in the role of the main / auxiliary antagonist of the story. The object of the research is political and ideological narratives in the representation of the image of "Russia" and "Russians" in the products of the Western video game industry. To study the narratives and images embedded in the representative image of "Russia" and "Russians" in the video game industry, qualitative content analysis was applied, which allowed us to identify the main characteristics and archetypes. Quantitative content analysis was applied to consider the representation of the Eastern Front in projects dedicated to the Second World War. According to the results of the study, it was found that in the video game industry, the representation of "Russians" is negative, portraying them as the main or auxiliary antagonists. At their core, video games are based on visual images and narratives shaped by American popular culture during the Cold War, adapted to the modern military-political agenda. However, such a negative connotation is determined not so much by tradition, but by the emerging military and political situation. In addition, the representation of Russians as antagonists also has an economic aspect related to the proportionally smaller size of the domestic market compared to the Western or eastern one. In this regard, the protest of the Russian-speaking community, in the event of the appearance of antagonists of Russian nationality, will not have a significant impact on sales volumes. Projects dedicated to the Second World War are a separate area of the video game industry. The developers do not dedicate individual projects to the events on the Eastern Front, leaving the events in this theater as one of the components of the story campaigns. From the point of view of representing "Russia" and "Russians," the video games in this segment follow the narrative tradition laid down by former Wehrmacht generals, broadcasting historical fakes.
representation of Russia, storyline, political technologies, narrative design, policy, propaganda, Videogames, information technologies, political reality, soft power
Zhang R., Bykov A.Y..
Chinese approach to democracy: the evolution of democratic values in China
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2023. № 2.
P. 33-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.2.40973 EDN: CWAXPX URL:
The evolution of democratic values in China has been a complex and multifaceted process that has undergone significant changes throughout history. From ancient times to the present, the interpretation and implementation of democratic principles have been influenced by various social, cultural, and political factors. The concept of democracy in China has evolved through different stages, including ancient China, feudal China, and the development of China's political system under the People's Republic. Throughout these stages, democratic values have been shaped by Confucian principles, the influence of Western ideas, the Chinese Communist Party's ideology, and the need to adapt democratic systems to China's unique circumstances. By conducting a conceptual content analysis of theoretical works and normative documents, comparative analysis and historical analysis, this study reveals that cultural values and norms shape the interpretation and implementation of democracy, while democratic systems influence and transform cultural dynamics within societies. The historical retrospective of China's democratic values offers a unique perspective, highlighting the evolution of democracy in a specific cultural and political context. The Chinese approach to democracy has emphasized people's participation, consultative democracy, grassroots democracy, and the combination of socialist principles with market reforms. China's ongoing efforts to improve governance, rule of law, transparency, and public participation reflect its commitment to further develop its democratic values in the context of its own historical and cultural framework. The findings emphasize the intricate relationship between culture and democracy and call for a comprehensive understanding of democratic values in different cultural and institutional frameworks.
collective decision-making, economic development, Minben, People's Republic of China, political system, Chinese Communist Party, culture, democratic values, democracy, Chinese approach
Hizrieva S.S..
Russia-Brazil partnership in BRICS: digital diplomacy to strategic cyber-security
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2015. № 1.
P. 85-92.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2015.1.66066 URL:
Today, the influence of BRICS (Brazil-Russia-India-China-South African Republic) on world economy
and the formation of global regulation and coordination mechanisms for regional and sub-regional associations,
grows rapidly. In the end, this reinforces the multi-level system of world economy management that allows for
more stability, and, with a crisis at hand, helps compensate for temporary problems. Because if this, the integrated
association is under constant informational pressure on behalf of the USA. The methodological basis for this
research consists of the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-political and informational approaches,
as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, expert evaluations, modeling, comparison. The author
demonstrates the evolution of BRICS integration mechanisms, and attempts to uncover the technologies that
Russia and Brazil employ to defend against the USA in information warfare. The author analyzes and describes
the system of ideological and value-based war between BRICS and leading Western countries (spearheaded by
the USA and their politico-military allies), that allows to deter the growing American expansion and defend
BRICS sovereignty via the means of information and psychological warfare.
Conflict studies, foreign politics, Russia, BRICS, international relations, diplomacy, cyber warfare, values, security.
Lobanova T.N..
The Linguistic and Media Standoff Between China and USA
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2014. № 1.
P. 99-108.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2014.1.65851 URL:
This article is focused on researching the linguistics factor in the bilateral relations between
the two largest world economies — China and USA. In public life, the growth of importance of
language leads to an increase of conscious interference into language practices of the «new media»,
by using special technologies. This article analyzes the role of linguistic representation of USA as an
object of geopolitics and the construction of the reader’s world view in terms of China-US relationship.
The author examines and analyzes Chinese media texts (information and analytical materials)
for information and communication technology applications, and attempts to classify them. The
methodology of this research is systemic, structural-functional, political-linguistic, comparativepolitical,
approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, content analysis. Chinese media
texts serve as units for the analysis of interactions among political science, political journalism,
political linguistics and demand further thought and research. The movement towards analyzing the
mutual influence of linguistic and political aspects of linguistic manipulation in foreign «new media
» appears to be a promising vector for political linguistics and modern communication studies
within the structure of Russian political science. Now, from the instrumentarium standpoint, it is
more important than ever to have an understanding of projects and technologies of mass-media, social
media — especially the foreign ones. Those are systems that permit the filtering of information,
for media workers to be aware of media streams, for researchers and analysts who need to process
large streams of information.
Conflict studies, foreign policy, Chinese new media, linguistic influence strategy, political media course, USA, China, mediatexts, translation, security.