Ruchina V.M..
European identity of the Scottish Nation: historical prerequisites for the formation and the modern stage
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2025. № 1.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2025.1.72410 EDN: CYNLCG URL:
The article is devoted to the formation of Scottish national identity with an emphasis on its European dimension. The 1999 devolution, which expanded regional autonomy and participation in EU affairs, allows us to talk about the close contact of Scottish identity with the European identity, that means self-identification of the Scottish nation as part of "Greater Europe". After the Brexit referendum, during which the Scots supported membership in the EU, the features in the differences between Scottish and British identity became especially evident. Brexit only strengthened Scotland's desire for autonomy and deepening ties with Europe, which plays a key role in its modern politics. The methodological basis of the study is the historical and genetic approach, which is used to analyze the process of formation of Scottish identity from the time of Norman influence to modern realities. The institutionalist approach involves studying referendums and parliamentary debates, which helps to identify the connection between the Scots’ desire for autonomy and European integration. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the comprehensive analysis of the formation of Scottish national identity through its European dimension. Author combained historical, cultural and political aspects, which include the influence of the Norman Conquest, the Franco-Scottish Alliance, cultural transformation during the Renaissance, devolution of 1999 and the Brexit referendum of 2016. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between historical events, cultural changes and political aspirations of the region. The findings of the article emphasize that Scottish national identity, formed under the influence of both internal aspirations for autonomy and external European factors, plays a key role in the political dynamics of the region. Brexit has sharpened the differences between Scottish and British identities, leading to increased debate about independence. However, deepening European integration remains an important focus for Scotland.
National identity, Brexit, Devolution, Auld Alliance, Scottish nation, European identity, Identity, England, France, Scotland
Nesterov D.A..
The Problem of Internal Security of Interwar European Empires in the US Expert Discourse
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2024. № 4.
P. 31-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2024.4.72443 EDN: LTKBXJ URL:
The subject of the study is the foreign policy expertise of the United States of America in the interwar period on the problem of the development of national liberation movements on the outskirts of European empires and methods of fighting them. This perspective allows us to take a new look at the problems of ensuring the internal security of global empires, their position in the Versailles-Washington system of international relations, the prospects for the development of colonial possessions and mandated territories, as well as the specifics of relations of empires with each other and with the United States (for the first time actively intervened in the conflict on European territory and in the construction of a new configuration of international relations). And also to determine the place and role of foreign policy expertise, its main characteristics and features in the analysis of colonial conflicts and methods of their resolution. The article uses such methods of historical research as problem-analytical, synchronic, comparative-historical and methods of system analysis. The main conclusions of the conducted research are that there was no unanimity among experts and in relation to the future of colonial systems. The obviousness of the collapse of the “old order” in metropolis-colony relations forced experts to look for possible options to minimize this process. Here the concepts of “civilizational mission” of empires were expressed, which were characterized by undoubted racism towards colonial peoples, the purpose of which was “Europeanization” of local elites with the subsequent transfer of powers to manage the former colonies. In addition, US think tanks and expert organizations of the interwar period played a leading role in the formation of the so-called “special relations” between the United States and Great Britain.
counterinsurgency, British Empire, imperialism, colonialism, national liberation movements, analytical centers, think tanks, interwar period, foreign policy expertise, expert community
Shugurov M.V., Kolodub G.V., Shugurova I.V..
Academic Boycott of Israel in 2023-2024: causes, manifestations and consequences
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2024. № 3.
P. 57-111.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2024.3.71827 EDN: GZYPBZ URL:
The subject of the study is the content, structure, and dynamics of the academic boycott against Israel. The aim of the study is to systematically conceptualize the modern academic boycott of Israel in 2023-2024 by universities in the United States and Western Europe through the prism of the correlation of common and special features of this phenomenon. The study revealed the reasons for the academic boycott of Israel as a permanent phenomenon in 2002-2022; the degree of its validity was determined; the Palestinian-Israeli conflict of 2023-2024 was revealed as a factor in the transition of the anti-Israeli boycott in the academic sphere to a new stage, involving the introduction of unprecedented academic sanctions. The specific features of the academic boycott of Israel by universities of various states of the collective West are considered in detail by the authors in the context of new trends in the anti-Israeli protest movement. The methodological base of the research is represented by historical and systematic approaches. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization were used when working with empirical data. The comparative method made it possible to identify common and specific aspects of the anti-Israeli academic boycott. The forecasting method made it possible to assess the possible consequences of the current anti-Israeli boycott on the Israeli academic sector. The main conclusion of the study is that the essence of the new qualitative characteristics of the academic boycott of Israel is that the instruments of isolation of the Israeli academic sector in the space of international relations have become measures aimed at suspending or severing institutional relations between Israeli and foreign universities and research centers in the academic field. The novelty of the study lies in the disclosure of the compromise nature of decisions to limit academic ties with Israel, as well as the lack of a radical break. The consequences of the measures taken are unlikely to cause significant damage to the Israeli academic sector. It has been established that the suspension of bilateral agreements between universities of foreign countries and universities in Israel is often presented as a rupture. The contribution of the article to the subject area of research is the disclosure of the academic boycott model, which unfolds in the absence of economic sanctions, as well as the expansion of initiatives by Western countries aimed at evaluating project cooperation with Israel through the prism of human rights and academic freedom values.
genocide, armed attack, universities, israeli science, academic boycott, academic freedom, academic sanctions, human rights, academic cooperation, international conflicts
Mishin L..
Turkey's mediation as an attempt to integrate into the emerging multipolarity on the example of the Syrian, Libyan, Nagorno-Karabakh and Ukrainian conflicts
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2024. № 3.
P. 45-56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2024.3.71692 EDN: CFXYAY URL:
The object of the study is Turkey's foreign policy. The subject of the study is Turkey's mediation initiatives based on the example of the Libyan, Ukrainian, Syrian and Karabakh cases. The Turkish mediation is of the greatest interest, in view of Ankara's chosen course to elevate Turkey to the rank of global powers. First of all, this is due to the imperial past of the state, as well as the political orientation of the current leadership. Nevertheless, Turkey does not have the necessary resources to elevate itself to the rank of great powers, so diplomacy, and in particular mediation, has been assigned the role of a locomotive to enhance the country's international image. The purpose of the study is to study Ankara's specific tools for promoting its own interests in the emerging multipolar world through mediation efforts. The objectives are to: 1) analyze the origins of Turkish mediation 2) examine the Syrian case of Turkish mediation 3) analyze the Libyan case of Turkish mediation 3) analyze the Karabakh case of Turkish mediation 4) examine the Ukrainian case of Turkish mediation. The general scientific approach has become the main methodological approach in the research. Synthesis and analysis were mainly used in the course of the research. The Republic of Turkey has been actively promoting itself as one of the most important hubs of Eurasia for several years. The Turkish understanding of "hubness" also includes diplomacy, mediation efforts have become an important part of Turkey image. Turkey has become one of the most active powers offering mediation services to many players on the world stage. The most striking examples of this are the cases of Libya, Syria, Nagorno-Karabakh and Ukraine. This article is intended to review and analyze these cases, the origins of Ankara's mediation initiatives, as well as their consequences. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that today there is an insignificant layer of research devoted to the analysis of Turkish mediation in the context of multipolarity. In the course of the research we made : 1) an analysis of specific cases (Syrian, Karabakh, Libyan and Ukrainian) of Turkish mediation initiatives 2) a hypothesis about the specificity of the Turkish approach to mediation.
Turkey's century, Dualism, Multıpolarıty, Ukraine, Karabakh, Syria, Libya, Mediation, Hub, Turkey
Kornishov V.A., Egorov P.A..
Conflict in the Philosophy of Georges Bataille
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2023. № 3.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.3.38591 EDN: ZJRINO URL:
The subject of this article is the interpretation of such a social phenomenon as conflict in the framework of the studies of the French philosopher of the XX century Georges Bataille. The purpose of the work is to examine the ideas of an author not previously used in conflictology, who has studied topics relevant to conflictology by the type of violence or prohibition, and to identify the relevance of these ideas for modern conflictology. The article considered the concepts of immanence and the system of energy expenditure developed by the thinker, as well as their connection with the process of conflict. Considerable attention was paid to the consideration of the ways of spending indicated by Batai. As an example of conflicts, the conflict for a place to watch bullfighting, described by the philosopher, and the enmity between the Montague and Capulet families from William Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" were chosen for consideration, the features of which intersect with the ideas of Georges Bataille. The most important conclusion of the article is that for the thinker, conflict is rather a specific state than a confrontation. The relevance of this conclusion is due to the fact that such an interpretation of the conflict allows us to take a fresh look at the course of this phenomenon, since within the framework of the concept of Bataille, the role of contradictions in the conflict in the study becomes smaller compared to the internal experience of the parties. Such an approach to the consideration of the conflict will allow us to study in more detail other aspects of various situations that have not received significant attention in the framework of the consideration of conflicts before. As an example, we can mention the enmity between families from the tragedy of William Shakespeare, whose consideration through the interpretation of the conflict by Georges Bataille revealed that the end of the conflict may be associated with the reorganization of the process of wasting energy.
Romeo and Juliet, death, controversy, prohibition, psychoanalysis, waste of energy, internal experience, immanence, Bataille, conflict
Zastavenko V.A..
On the Methodology of Conflict Research: Some Reflections
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2023. № 2.
P. 53-64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.2.39647 EDN: TKWILM URL:
The subject of the article is the methodological foundations of conflict research. Based on the approaches and principles established in Russian science, author try to identify problems in the methodology of the conflict, which, according to the author, have become noticeable with a closer study of established ideas, and offer possible solutions to these problems. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical-materialistic method as a method of cognition, as well as systemic, synergetic and informational approaches. Theoretical methods were used in research activities: structural and functional; comparative; theoretical analysis of literary sources, as well as empirical methods: the study of experience and observation. The results of the study include: 1. Clarification of the place and role of contradiction in the conflict. 2. Clarification of the relationship between the contradiction and the object of the conflict. 3. The assumption of the need to expand existing ideas about groups of objects of conflict and to introduce into scientific circulation the concepts of self-esteem of a person as an object of conflict. 4. Conclusion about the need to include the information approach as one of the leading approaches at the general scientific level of methodological analysis of conflictology. The novelty of the study is as follows: 1. On the assumption that it is possible to consider the self-esteem of a person as an object of conflict and the statement on this basis that there are no "non-objective" conflicts. Any conflict arises as a result of a mature actualized contradiction and is based on an object and a subject. 2. In the statement that the methodological analysis of conflictology at the general scientific level should be based on three methods of scientific cognition: a systematic, synergetic and informational approach. The study of the information array available in Russian science on the methodology of conflict allows us to conclude that it is necessary to increase research work in this problem field.
information approach, synergetic approach, the subject of the conflict, controversy, systematic approach, methodological analysis of the conflict, object of the conflict, methodological foundations of the conflict, methodology of the conflict, conflict
Parlanova A.T..
Turkey vs Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2023. № 2.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.2.40119 EDN: TYKDWW URL:
The object of the study is Ankara's foreign policy strategy. The subject of the study is the positions of Turkey and Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The aim is to identify the possibility of a Turkish–Egyptian alliance in the region after the extremely tense relations recorded since 2013, the establishment in Egypt of a new president A.F. Al-Sisi, the ideological antipode of R.T. Erdogan. The relevance of the study is evidenced by changes in the rhetoric of Turkey's top officials and the demonstration of readiness to build a dialogue with Cairo. Particular attention is paid to Ankara's position on the establishment of maritime borders in the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas on the basis of bilateral agreements. Research methods: analysis of strategies, official documents, logical-heuristic and system methods, as well as analysis of political events in the region. Based on the analysis of primary sources (foreign policy strategies 2020-2023), it was revealed: since 2020, the Eastern Mediterranean region has been the main vector of Ankara's foreign policy. As noted in the reports of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the country is 70% dependent on foreign energy supplies, which explains Ankara's uncompromising position on securing its right to extract gas from the depths of the Eastern Mediterranean. Attempts to restore relations with Egypt are a geopolitical necessity. However, Cairo found itself in the position of Turkey's competitor in an effort to turn into an energy hub when exporting gas from Israel to Europe. Egypt attaches paramount importance to the issue of energy security, which is confirmed by the Egypt Vision 2030 strategy. The most advantageous for Egypt is the preservation of the Egypt-Israel-Greece-Cyprus block. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that there is an extremely low probability of a Turkish-Egyptian rapprochement. The findings of the study can be taken into account when studying and forecasting Turkey's foreign policy.
continental shelf, Aegean Sea, Gas Forum, Blue Homeland, Energy Sources, Egypt, Turkey, Eastern Mediterranean, Maritime Law, energy security
Molokoedov D.I., Sun' S..
US-China Rivalry in Trade and Economic Relations with Latin American Countries
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2023. № 1.
P. 11-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.1.39613 EDN: BUXZIF URL:
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This article is devoted to the analysis of trade and economic relations between the United States and China with Latin American countries. This region is a sphere of competitive confrontation between the two countries not only for foreign policy ties, but also for trade and economic ones. The authors in this article show the peculiarities of the bilateral relations between China and the United States with Latin America and describe the process of changing US policy towards Latin America after 2017, when it radically changed after the Trump administration came to power, and Beijing, taking advantage of this opportunity, began to compete with Washington in this region. Also, in this article, the authors provide a comparative analysis of the indicators of trade and economic relations between China and the United States with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that, using the example of the transition of leading positions towards China, the authors, within the framework of the theory of "power transit" (Power transition theory), describe the competitive struggle of states in this region in trade and economic terms, which is inextricably linked with political relations. The main conclusions are that the United States is still an external force that cannot be ignored in Latin American international relations, while China has every chance of gradually displacing the United States from the foreign market in Latin America thanks to its economic projects with the introduction of leading Latin American countries in the economic sphere. The United States of America, in turn, is trying to maintain its position in this region by easing its economic and financial constraints and, thereby, inclining the political leadership of Latin American countries to its side.
import, export, trade, economy, trade and economic relations, Latin America, USA, Power Transition Theory, China, competitive struggle
Brambila Martinez F..
A Federalism-Based Comparative Analysis to Diminish National Security Threats in Contemporary Policy Transfer
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2023. № 1.
P. 82-87.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.1.39642 EDN: KPDIRN URL:
This essay reviews the source of national security threats embedded in contemporary policy transfer processes. The subject of this research are the processes within policy transfer tied to NGO’s and international organizations. The goal of this exercise consists on designing a replicable framework to policy transfer to be implemented by the state in all its stages in the absence of external entities as a mean to diminish the threats to national security. This essay begins by analyzing the worldwide demand for knowledge under the Dolowitz-Marsh approach to review the role of NGO’s and other international organizations involved in the contemporary processes of policy transfer. The author analyzes Stone’s concept of methodological nationalism according to evaluation of policy results in relation to international standards. Under this framework is concluded that NGO’s and international organizations can contribute to the production of knowledge, however their relationship with the state typically expands beyond the results of activity thereafter increasing the risks to national security by their influence beyond accountability and control. In order to achieve the set research goal, this essay provides a novel framework to policy transfer based on federalism-base comparative analysis due to the availability of multidimensional data. The author concludes on the need to disassociate external entities from policy transfer processes according to a federalism-based comparative analysis and provides a series of steps to perform it. In this manner, the state will remain interconnected to global sources of information and processes while retaining its sovereignty in a contemporary setting.
Globalization, Government Performance, Transnational Administration, Global Governance, Production of Knowledge, International Organizations, Government Accountability, National Security, Non-governmental organizations, International Law
Borisov D.A., Tarkhina E.A..
Organizational Forms of "Containment of China" in US Foreign Policy at the Present Stage.
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2022. № 4.
P. 48-54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.4.39329 EDN: KTGJVX URL:
The trilateral defense alliance AUKUS has taken the US-China conflict to a new level. The authors record consistent steps in US foreign policy with the aim of military and economic containment of the PRC in the Asia-Pacific region. The article traces the connection between growing power of the PRC and US attempts to organize a united anti-Chinese front with countries of the Indo-Pacific region. Further aggravation of relations between Washington and Beijing motivates further rapprochement of Russian-Chinese relations, both in sphere of economic and military cooperation with China.
Russia, EU, RCEP, China, Great Britain, APR, cooperation, Australia, USA, AUKUS
Ermakov D.N..
Political assessment of the events of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1939) in the writings of German official military representatives.
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2022. № 3.
P. 16-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.3.38105 EDN: NZTBGV URL:
The article examines the assessments of German military specialists of the processes of the initial period of the Sino-Japanese War. The authors are based on previously little-known documents from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, some of these documents are being put into circulation for the first time. The article reflects the struggle of ideologies on the territory of China during the latter's military clash with Japan. The authors show on the basis of German documents the harsh anti-communist nature of Japanese policy in the occupied Chinese territories, but they also address the problem of Japanese chauvinism in the late 1930s. In this regard, the failure of the strategy of the Japanese occupation authorities aimed at splitting Chinese society is justified. The author shows that Japan was not economically ready in 1939 to wage war against the USSR and China at the same time, in this regard, the article pays much attention to the economic issues of the Second Sino-Japanese War. The relevance of the article is due to the lack of widely published materials in the activities of German military representatives who turned out to be observers of the second Sino-Japanese War. It is important to get reliable information about the essence and origins of the Sino-Japanese conflict. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of the role of Alexander von Falkenhausen at the initial stage of the Sino-Japanese War and during the preparation of the Chiang Kai-shek regime for it. The authors also touch upon the issue of strategic miscalculations of the Japanese high command at the initial stage of the Second Sino-Japanese War, and the problem of shortcomings in Chiang Kai-shek's strategy is also touched upon. The authors also touch upon the issue of strategic miscalculations of the Japanese high command at the initial stage of the Second Sino-Japanese War, and the problem of shortcomings in Chiang Kai-shek's strategy is also touched upon.
PDA, Kuomintang, Japan, China, Khalkhin-Gol, Japan-China political relations, Chiang Kai - shek, Japanese militarism, Japan's military economy, The Second Sino-Japanese War
Alekseev Y., Anuchin S., Zamaraikina L., Surguch S..
The role of the Arctic Council in the management of the Arctic and Russia's activities in it
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2022. № 2.
P. 24-39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.38025 URL:
The XXI century is the era of the emergence of geopolitical disputes and disagreements between states. Such contradictions are caused by scientific and technological progress and an increasing number of international actors in the struggle for natural resources. Today, one of such spaces of geopolitical contradictions is the Arctic. It is here that the political, legal, economic, military-strategic, environmental and social interests of many powers are concentrated. The authors turn the attention to the international legal regime of the Arctic, the positions of the main participants in Arctic policy and the leading institution in the region - the Arctic Council (AU). The authors analyze the level of influence of the Russian Federation on political processes in the region. The article examines the strategies and concepts of the leading actors in the region: Russia, the USA, Canada, the Scandinavia countries, as well as declarations and conventions of international organizations. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the AU documents adopted both at the ministerial level and at the level of working groups and the Committee of Senior Officials in the period from 1996 to 2019. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that, to date, the AU is the main legal mechanism in the Arctic, which over the history of its existence has shown itself to be a necessary attribute in regulating the activities of states in the region. Despite the fact that the AU has the legal foundations of an intergovernmental international organization, it still retains the status of a high-level forum with limited institutional capacity, remaining a relatively poorly structured organization of the founding States. In addition, the authors come to the conclusion about the high level of Russia's involvement in the political processes of the region. In conclusion, a number of assumptions are made regarding the future political development of the Arctic and the role of the Russian Federation in this process.
Geopolitical disputes, Subarctic states, International law, Arctic status, Arctic States, Arctic Council, Russia, Institutionalization of the Arctic, The Arctic, Political development of the Arctic
Ermolaev I.A., Loginov E.A., Madumarova A.R., Nesterov A.V., Morgunova O.A..
Comparative analysis of approaches of the Russian Federation, the United States and Germany towards recruitment of highly skilled migrants (2010–2016)
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2022. № 1.
P. 11-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.1.36981 URL:
The subject of this research is the programs for attracting highly skilled workers in the United States, the Russian Federation, and Germany. The developed countries compete for such valuable and limited resource as highly skilled workforce. It is emphasized that the immigration system and the priority of highly skilled workers in migration flows contributes to the long-term rise in labor productivity, technological innovations, and entrepreneurial development. The currently implemented in the Russian Federation policy of recruiting highly skilled workers leans on the experience of countries that have already embarked on such programs of priority migration. Within the framework of comparative analysis of the category “highly skilled migrant” in the United States, the Russian Federation and Germany, the authors highlight their characteristic features of national approaches towards migration policy. The ambiguity of the term “highly skilled workforce” and national peculiarities of visa policy with regards to migrants are outlined. The need for highly skilled migrants is substantiated with consideration of the global and national factors. Over the period from 2010 to 2016, in the United States the number of H-1B visa applications has increased by 28%, the number of issued H-1B visas by 44%; Germany marks the increase in the number of highly skilled migrants by 8%; the approved visas for highly skilled workers in the Russian Federation amounts to 82%. The article systematizes the relevant methods of recruiting highly skilled specialists in the United States, the Russian Federation and Germany.
Russian Federation, USA, Germany, migration policies, human capital, human resource, highly-skilled migrant, visa, language test, qualifications
Zastavenko V.A..
Communicative space of the conflict: theoretical analysis
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2021. № 4.
P. 81-95.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.4.36734 URL:
Communicative space of the conflict is the phenomenon that objectively exists, but has yet to be comprehensively studied. Analysis is usually conducted on the conflict communications, without taking into account the entirety of interactions and mutual influence with the social and psychological factors that largely determine the content and nature of the course of such communications. The subject of this article is communicative space of the conflict as a systemic phenomenon. The goal lies in defining communicative space of the conflict, revealing its main essential characteristics, thereby creating the pretext for scientific discussion, which would be the first step towards introduction of this concept into the scientific discourse of conflictology. Methodological framework is comprised of the systemic approach towards the interpretation of communications and communicative space of the conflict. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that leaning on the approaches established in linguistics, communicology and psychology, the author gives definition to the concept, its essential characteristics and structure of communicative space of the conflict, as well as outlines its role in the emergence and course of the conflict interaction. The representation on communicative space of the conflict is formulated in unity of its three facers: social-communicative, communicative-discursive, and psychological-communicative. The article reveals the semantic characteristics of these aspects, as well as their place within the system of communicative space of the conflict. The results acquired results can be valuable in studying such important issue as the information approach in conflict.
communicative and discursive space, social and communicative space, information model of conflict, information space, communicative space of conflict, communicative space, communication in conflict, conflict, psychological and communicative space, communicative processes
Bulatov G.I., Abdalla Bashir K., Khalil' Khussian M..
Problems and prospects of evolution of the relations between Germany and Turkey
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2021. № 4.
P. 44-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.4.36887 URL:
This article analyzes the concerns and prospects for the development of relations between Turkey and Germany based on the historical method and event study. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that at the in the context of transition of the global political system from bilateral to multilateral model of world political landscape, Turkey’s political interests are focused on becoming one of the dominants in the Caucasus-Black Sea-Mediterranean region. The article discusses the complicated relations between Germany and Turkey. Special attention is given to the domestic political agenda of the two countries, their bilateral relations, as well as relations with the European Union. Various political parties in Germany, their outlook upon Germany-Turkey and EU-Turkey relations, positioning on the German Turks, and policy of the German governments are described from the perspective of historical approach to shed light on the key aspects of their attitude towards the “Turkish issue”. The article outlines the trends and prospects for the evolution of Germany-Turkey relations at the current stage of development of the world political-economic system. The conducted analysis relies on the authorial fundamental works, scientific publications, and historical documents on the history of Germany-Turkey relations. Using the three-tier analysis of bilateral visits of the representatives of both countries over the period from 2014 to 2020, the author places emphasis on the domestic political agenda of the two countries, bilateral relations between them, as well as their relations with the European Union.
Bilateral relations, Mutual cooperation, Relations, Interests, Politics, Germany, Turkey, Foreign policy, UN, Analysis
Echimovich M., Danilov V.A., Mardonova Z.F., Karpukhin M.K..
Evolution of foreign policy priorities of the Western Balkan countries in the context of their European and Euro-Atlantic
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2021. № 4.
P. 56-70.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.4.37080 URL:
This article traces the evolution of foreign policy priorities of the Western Balkan countries in the context of their European and Euro-Atlantic integration over the period from the mid-1990s to 2020. The key goal lies in the analysis of formation and development of the European and Euro-Atlantic vectors in foreign policy of the Western Balkans. The relevance of the selected topic is defined by fact that all Western Balkan countries are somehow involved in the European and Euro-Atlantic integration processes, which prompts transformations in their home and foreign policy. In post-Cold War era, the Western Balkans depart from their foreign policy course, which they have followed since the end of the World War II. The conflicts that were related to dissolution of Yugoslavia underline the expansion of influence of the North Atlantic Alliance as the major “peacekeeper”, and the European Union, which took on the role of post-conflict settlement. In the under their influence. Tracing the evolution of foreign policy priorities of the Western Balkans within the framework of their European and Euro-Atlantic integration defines the scientific novelty of this research. The acquired conclusions can be implemented in theoretical and practical activity. The article explores the regional initiatives of NATO and EU, which were aimed at stabilization of the Western Balkan region through transformation of state and social institutions, development of interstate cooperation, and involvement in regional integration processes. For determination of the role of the European Union and NATO in foreign policy of the Western Balkans, the author analyzed the doctrinal documents of the Western Balkan countries, which highlighted the priority of European and Euro-Atlantic vector.
Albania, NATO enlargement, EU integration policy, NATO, European Union, Western Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro
Kosorukov A.A..
Digital toolset for the response of the public authority institutions to destructive and deviant newsworthy occurrences
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2021. № 3.
P. 48-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.3.36879 URL:
The subject of this research is the institutional, organizational and technical peculiarities of the functionality of the system of incident management as a digital toolset for the response of the Russian public authority institutions to destructive and deviant newsworthy occurrences in social networks, instant messengers and online platforms aimed at youth as most active digital citizens. The goal of this article lies in characterizing the current digital situation in Russia, and test the work of the incident management system from perspective of timely determination and processing by the institutional agencies of fake messages aimed or online posts that call to action aimed at young audience for the period from 2012 to 2021. The novelty consists in determining the total number of appeals or complains submitted by the citizens regarding the measures or complacence of the authorities, which have been processed by the incident management system of each of the 85 Regional Management Centers for 2021, as well as in using digital toolset of the incident management system applicable to the data array of the social networks, instant messengers and online platforms (messages that call minors to participate in unauthorized rallies) and deviant newsworthy occurrences (fake sociopolitical posts in social networks and instant messengers), and time interval of their processing by the institutional agencies.
Regional management center, Government coordination center, situation center, incident management, digital citizens, informational occasion, smart management, digital government, social network, fake message
Alekseev N.N..
Security systems of the European Union and Europe: difficulties of identification, transformation prospects, postnational context
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2020. № 4.
P. 79-88.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2020.4.34334 URL:
This article discusses a number of questions associated with security systems of the European Union and Europe. Special attention is given to the problem of identification of boundaries of functionality of these systems under the influence of various regional and global processes. The author examines the peculiarities and prospects of transformation of the EU security system and its elements, as well as the potential impact of these transformations upon the relations with other interested actors of international relations (United States and Russia). The article describes the key defense initiatives of the European Union that can contribute to intensification of integration processes in the union and propel the European Union to the whole new level of integration. The novelty of this work consists in the analysis of integration processes in the area of defense and security within the framework of postnationalism and postnational identity of the European Union, and this, based on the EU citizenship. The author reveals the factors promoting the creation of a new type of defense institution, as well as the factors impeding this process. Based on the studied materials, the author anticipates the possibility of establishment of the autonomous EU defense agency. This research is conducted in the period of political instability caused by a number of regional and global challenges for the European Union, namely the major challenge of 2019 – 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
postnational identity, European Defense integration, European identity, EU security system, European security system, European integration, European Union, international cooperation, PESCO, collective security
Gorbachev M.V..
Problems and prospects of MERCOSUR as a civilizational political project of South America
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2020. № 3.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2020.3.32486 URL:
This article discusses the political projects of civilizational level, which are designed and implemented in South America. The author examines MERCOSUR as the largest regional civilizational political project, its sociocultural foundation and institutional superstructure; functionality of the “core state” in formation and maintenance of the South American civilizational political project; problems of development and future implementation. The article reveals conflict potential of MERCOSUR, as well as sociocultural capabilities for its overcoming by the “core state” of the project. The research was conducted via application of civilizational-project methodology of interpretation of policy, which is based on methodological synthesis of the principles of project approach with provisions of the theory of civilizations. The author was able to determine the value grounds of MERCOSUR, which comprise its sociocultural foundation; identify the countries competing for status of the “core state” within the framework of this project. The nature of commonality between the key participants of the projects is identified. Problems and prospect of further development of MERCOSUR civilizational projects are defined.
project structure, project participant, core state, South America, civilizational political design, civilizational political project, Southern common market, civilizational and project methodology, theory of civilizations, project approach
Lebedev S..
Peacekeeping operations and economic assistance: anthropological approach
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2020. № 1.
P. 15-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2020.1.32590 URL:
The object of this research is the world politics, while the subjects is the psychoeconomic stimuli that incite the Libertarian Party of Russia to manifestation of altruism in world politics, reflected in participation in peacekeeping operations or rendering humanitarian assistance. At the same time, the classical concept of “regional choice” or the school of realism cannot explain propensity of the states for displaying altruism. In majority of cases, it was beneficial for the states to choose the strategy of “fare evader”; but the practice demonstrates that many countries spent considerably on altruism that are disadvantageous from the perspective of classical paradigm. The research methodology is bases on the historical and anthropological methods; the latter can be interpreted extensively, since the article uses the concepts of evolutionary psychology and economics. The scientific novelty consists in application of the concept of “conspicuous consumption” and “costly signaling” to the analysis of foreign policy of the states. The article underlines that certain foreign policy acts of the countries may be aimed at gaining additional prestige, rather than acquisition of actual strategic profits on the international arena.
humanitarian aid, peacekeeping operations, prosocial behavior, handicap principle, ratioal choice, costly signaling, conspicuous consumption, foreign affairs, potlach, frustrated power
Mohammadi S..
On the causes of occurrence of Islamic Takfiri groups: the example of ISIS
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2020. № 1.
P. 26-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2020.1.32724 URL:
Over the recent years, multiple Muslim countries are involved in geopolitical crises and disputes. The strengthening of Islamic Salafist fundamentalism and extremism, which is a threat to the world, manifests as one of the most discussed and studied problems. Special relevance this question gained after the events known as the “Arab Spring”. Extremist groups that attempted to implement their own administrative model were able to seize the power in a number of countries of Near East and North Africa due to the weakness of political regimes. One of such groups is the prohibited in Russia terrorist organization “The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant” (ISIS), which emergence was influences by both, internal and external factors. The scientific novelty consists in a comprehensive analysis of various external and internal aspects that contributed to creation of ISIS. The author meticulously examines the extremist ideas based on the Salafist way of thinking, as well as acknowledges the widespread in Saudi Arabia irrationality, economic issues and impact of countries outside the region as the key factors contributing to establishment of “The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant”. The paper also analyzes the role of financial and logistical support of the United States, presence of regional allies, primarily Saudi Arabia, which are viewed as the external stimuli of the emergence of ISIS.
worldwide caliphate, Saudi Arabia, Al-Qaeda, foreign governments, internal factors, Salafist extremism, ISIS, Middle East, Islamic government, financial resources
Anikin D.A..
Symbolic politics in modern Russia: main vectors and risk factors
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2019. № 4.
P. 95-100.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2019.4.31453 URL:
The object of this research is the symbolic politics and its internal structure. The subject of this research is the politics of memory as an element of symbolic politics, its specificity in modern Russian society, and prerequisites for the emergence of conflicts. A question is raised on the need for determining the interrelation of symbolic politics and politics of memory, as well as on specificity of similar relationship within the modern Russian political space. Emphasis is made on the fact that symbolic politics is directly associate with the level of political participation, since the demand for the formation and translation of certain political symbols is defined by the drive for legitimation of the existing order. Research methodology leans on the communication model of symbolic politics of Ulrich Sarcinelli, as well as process-relational methodology of studying the politics of memory of Jeffrey Olick. Separate aspect of research is Ulrich Beck’s concept of “risk society” from the perspective of transformation of structure of the political space. The author’s main contribution lies in substantiation of thesis that the risks of symbolic politics are related to changes in the roster of political actors, which leads to dissolution of the symbolic consensus within the society. The author believes that the deficit of development strategies and associated images resulted in centralization of symbolic politics exclusively in the sphere of images of the past, which became a substantial risk factor provoking conflicts around the interpretation and reconsideration of the particular “spots of memory”. The desire to minimize such risk consists in withholding problematic questions of the past, which leads to the absence of public discussion mechanisms, localization and regionalization of the vectors of symbolic politics.
past, risk, risk society, conflict, politics of memory, symbol, symbolic politics, political space, development vectors, symbolic power
Tsibenko V.V., Tlostnakov A.A..
Peculiarities of youth leadership in the ethnic and ethnoreligious environment (according to the results of field studies in Bashkiria and Kabardino-Balkaria in the 2018-2019)
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2019. № 4.
P. 56-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2019.4.31777 URL:
Currently, the ethnic and ethnoreligious environment of Bashkiria and Kabardino-Balkaria indicate the growing influence of youth leaders. The results of field studies conducted in the two republics during the 2018-2019 demonstrate that this process is associated with generational change taking place among the Bashkir Islamic clergy and in the Circassian National Movement. The article analyzes the activity of the most successful religious leaders of Bashkiria – Ainur Birgalin and Ainur Arslanov, as well as the key Circassian youth leaders – Martin Kochesoko and Anzor Ashkhot. In the course of field research carried out in Bashkiria (2018) and Kabardino-Balkaria (2018 and 2019), the authors conducted expert interviews with the most prominent ethnic and ethnoreligious youth leaders of both republics. The conclusion is made that success of the leaders relates to the effectiveness of technologies applied for mobilization of the religiously- and ethnocentrically oriented youth. The use of Internet technologies along with other contemporary methods of group mobilization allows the youth leaders to successfully engage the existing ethnoreligious and ethnic institutions or dispute their legitimacy by forming alternative structures.
youth organizations, change of elites, generational change, Bashkirs, Kabardians, Circassians, Islam, Youth leadership, religious mobilization, ethnic mobilization
Esiev E.T..
Conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic. The danger of a collapse of Syrian State as a global threat to perseveration of world order
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2019. № 3.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2019.3.18862 URL:
The subject of this research is the potential collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic. The article examines the question on possibility of collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic and emergence of the new state entities on its territory; as well as analyzes the parties interested in collapse of the powers inside and outside the country. The author describes and explains the positions of actors directly or indirectly involved in the conflict. Such approach allows clearly understanding tasks and objectives of these countries, as well as forecasting their future actions. The article also considers the possible implications of such phenomenon as the collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of all actors involved in the conflict, determining their positions, interests, and consequences caused by collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic for each of the countries, as well as forecast of their future actions. It is concluded that collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic currently benefits only some of powers involved, though they will be affected by the subsequent negative consequences of the collapse of the Syrian State. The analysis of crisis situation in the Syrian Arab Republic demonstrates the scenario of Syrian collapse is plausible, however the odds of it happening are rather insignificant.
Russia, USA, Syrian opposition, Kurdistan, Collapse of Syria, Separatism, Syria, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia
Rahmatova D.J..
The current geopolitical threats and their impact on state security
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2019. № 2.
P. 1-6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2019.2.30731 URL:
This study describes the reasons for the escalation of tensions between contemporary states, as well as the roots of the causes for such conflicts. Research shows that the measures of threat prevention employed by governments had their effect over time. Furthermore, the author closely studies aspects like population growth rates and statistical data for Central Asia's population. The issues that arise and will keep increasing in magnitude due to population growth, such as the shortage of resources, labour migration and its negative consequences. The author focuses attention to the issues of national security and public security. The author provides the results of a philosophical analysis of the topic studied, as related to issues of national security. The main conclusion of the study is that necessary measures must be taken, aiming to prevent the factors that put the country in danger. The author's main contribution to the topic's study is drawing attention to periodically emerging consequences of national security threats caused by population growth and the shortage of resources. The study outlines the concept of national security developed with nation in mind. This, presenting the nation as the leading principle serves to enhance its standing in the global society.
strategy, competition, concept, demography, threats, aspect, resource, world population, state, politics
Pupykin N..
Middle East policy of France and the Syrian conflict (2011-2016)
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2019. № 1.
P. 7-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2019.1.21979 URL:
The article analyzes the foreign policy of France towards Middle East, one of the most significant regions in French foreign interests. The subject of research is the standing of the French Republic in the process of defusing the Syrian conflict. The author studies the relevant key French proposals for the stabilization of international relations in the Middle East, analyzes the foreign policy of N. Sarkozy and F. Hollande, as well as France's role in the fight against international terrorism. The author identifies the failures and shortcomings of the French foreign policy and their effect in the internal political course. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods, integrated and systemic approaches. The main conclusion of the research is that French foreign policy demonstrates a passive approach to the Middle East situation and to the settlement of the Syrian conflict. Fragmentation and lack of structure in defending the role of France as one of the key world actors, dependence upon foreign policy decisions from third countries, is evident.
international conflict, political conflict, the Syrian conflict, Bashar Al-Assad, Francois Hollande, Nicolas Sarcozy, France, international terrorism, ISIL, Middle East
Goncharov V.V..
Civil control in Russian Federation as a tool for social tension growth prevention (constitutional and legal analysis)
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2018. № 4.
P. 1-6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.4.28543 URL:
This article is focused on studying the institute of civil control in Russian Federation as a tool for social tension growth prevention. The author believes that this institute of the civil society plays an important role in preventing the growth of social tension in the society due to the fact that it represents one of the major safeguards for the constitutional and legal principles democracy and citizen's ability to participate in state management, and acts as the main safeguard for Russian citizens and their associations to realize their rights, civil liberties and legal interests. The study uses a number of research methods, including formal and legal, comparative and legal, historical, classification, generalization, analysis. The author substantiates their position regarding the evident issues in existing legislature, related to the use of civil control in Russian Federation as a tool for social tension growth prevention. This study contains proposals for potential resolution of issues regarding civil control in Russian Federation as a tool of prevention of social tensions (by introducing changes to existing legislation).
society, social tension, growth prevention, tool, Russian Federation, public control, constitutional and legal, analysis, institution, democracy
Deych T..
Crisis situations in the Arab world and the position of China.
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2018. № 2.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.2.26712 URL:
The object of this research is the threat which comes from conflict and crisis situations in the Arab East. The subject of this research is the position of China on the conflict and crisis situations in countries like Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen. This article's contemporary value is justified by the escalation and the rising of conflict and crisis situations in the Arab East, and the difficulty of their resolution. Until recently the attention of researchers has eluded the Yemen conflict and the policies of China for its resolution. The author used recent data on the position of Beijing in countries like Syria and Iraq. The goal of the article is to evaluate the volume of the threat which conflict and crisis situations represent for the interests of China in this region, as well as the interests of companies and organizations involved in economic projects in the Arab countries. The author conducted an analysis of the newest trends in the foreign polices of Beijing, which, while observing the principle of non-interference into the affairs of other countries, distances itself from armed conflict and supports political methods of conflict resolution. With the principle of historism in the leading role for this research, the methodological basis of this article consists of the comparative-political approach, the methods of analysis and synthesis. In conclusion, the author summarizes that China's goal is to play a more active role in the Arab East, which is largely related to its "one belt-one Way" initiative. While Beijing is determined to maintain the policy of non-interference, it acts more decisively in order to protect the interests of its citizens in the region while augmenting its military potential.
Chinese companies, Arab countries, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, USA, China, non-interference, peacemaking
Deych T..
China's position on fighting domestic and external threat of terrorism
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2018. № 1.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.1.25425 URL:
The object of this research is the threat of terrorism. The subject of research is the position of China on fighting domestic and external terrorist threats. The article is focused on the threat presented to China by terrorism. This threat is impacts both, the situation within China's borders, due to Xinjiang Uygur radicals, some of whom are ISIL-trained, as well as the situation outside China, such as in Africa and the Arab East, which house many Chinese companies - their workers often become terrorist targets. The methodological basis of this work is the comparative-political approach, the methods of analysis and synthesis. The author focused mainly on the principle of historism. Beijing's policies of fighting terrorism still hasn't gotten due attention. The goal of the article is to evaluate the scale of the threat and the measures taken by Beijing to protect its citizens and businesses and to oppose the terrorist threat as a whole. The author also aims to analyze the newest tendencies in Beijing's policies regarding international security.
Arab countries, Africa, terrorist threats, terrorism, Islamic extremism, Xinjiang-Uygur radicals, China, Chinese companies, noninterference, peacekeeping
Mekhdiev E.T..
The issues facing a Constitutional settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within OSCE's Minsk Group's framework
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2018. № 1.
P. 12-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.1.25789 URL:
The article examines one of the most complex international conflicts of the 21st century, which sparked in the late 1980s and turned into a military confrontation between the conflicting parties in the early 1990s. The process of establishing the OSCE Minsk Group and its mediation mission between the parties to the conflict is analyzed in this work. The so-called "step-by-step" and "package proposal" plans for conflict resolution are considered. It is noted that the parties to the conflict avoid compromise, as this will be regarded by the public as a loss.The methodological basis of the research was made by general academic and specific academic methods of cognition, including analysis and synthesis, generalization, comparison, historical method.The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the South Caucasus region is waiting for its solution, and there is a possibility of reignition of military conflict, which can lead to catastrophic consequences. In conclusion, it is pointed out that the prospects for resolving the conflict do not depend only on the positions of its parties, as the geopolitical, economic and military and strategic interests of Russia, Turkey, Iran, the United States and the EU influence the balance of forces in the region.
Geopolitics, South Caucasus, OSCE Minsk Group, OSCE, Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, Armenia, Azerbaijan, International Security, Principle of Territorial Integrity, UN Resolutions
Denisova T.S..
The First Liberian Civil War: regional aspect
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2017. № 4.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.4.25048 URL:
The First Liberian Civil War which started in late 1989 and ended in 1997 with the election of Charles Taylor, the leader of one of the armed rebel factions, the President of the country, is the subject of study. The victims of the conflict count in 150 thousands, and over a million people became refugees. The author examines various aspects of contribution of Liberia's neighbor countries - the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Republic of Sierra Leone, the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, the Republic of Guinea, the Republic of The Gambia, the Republic of Ghana, as well as the USA and France. Over the course of the research the author used the comparative and historical method, and the methods of historical analysis that allowed him to study the regional aspects of the Liberian conflict, and the efforts of the peacekeeping mission of The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), mostly the Nigerian military detachment, and the contribution of the UN in the resolution of the Liberian political crisis. The author addresses a seldom-studied issue of the formation of an economy of war during African conflicts (Liberian, in this case), which involves, among other things, the plundering of natural resources of the state in conflict, and the rapid growth of contraband of various resources, as well as weapons, drugs and other merchandise, by all armed sides of the conflict, as well as regional participants, including the peacekeepers.
economy of war, peacekeeping mission, military-political conflict, ECOWAS, Nigeria, Liberia, Africa, political leadership, regional aspects of the conflict, Charles Taylor
Kavykin O..
Ethnic Identity in modern Republic of South Africa
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2017. № 3.
P. 19-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.3.23861 URL:
Ethnic identity and interethnic relations in modern Republic of South Africa constitute the subject of this study. The author considers the opinions of experts on a number of issues: a general assessment of interethnic relations, assessment of the wholeness of national culture and the importance of national identity for the citizens of the country, the role of ethnic identity in contrast to other forms of identity, its role in South African political and public spheres, as well as the possibility of creating of ethnicity-based political parties. Experts answered a number of questions on the alleged influence of ethnic origin on a person's career, on the state policies towards their ethnic group, and on the role of media in covering the life of their ethnic group. The author selected expert survey as a method for the pilot study on ethnic identity and interethnic relations in contemporary South Africa. The use of this method allows to gather information and assessments from colleagues who are well-informed on the subject. Some experts point out that race and ethnicity are politicized and affect the distribution of benefits and opportunities in present-day South Africa. The experts point out various aspects of these phenomena such as persistence of negative consequences of apartheid or use of hate speech by modern politicians. Many experts register the fact that the national culture and national identity of the country are still forming: a significant part of expert pool indicates the lack of a single supra-ethnic culture of the country, and proposes to improve interethnic relations through efforts to establish dialogue between various ethnic and racial groups.
class, race, inequality, national identity, interethnic relations, ethnic identity, RSA, government, education, media
Bevan Y..
Brittany: a counter-example of the awakening of nationalisms in contemporary Europe?
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2017. № 3.
P. 1-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.3.24169 URL:
The subject of the study is Breton nationalism in France as one of the versions of modern European "regional nationalism". The author considers the aspects of the problem, such as the correlation between the general and the specific in various local manifestations of cultural and political regional identity within European nation-states, and the mobilizing symbols of the Breton identity (the regional flag, the heraldic symbol, the BZH abbreviation), studies the role of Breton language as a factor of cultural and political mobilization of the regional population. Particular attention is paid to clarifying the correlation of Breton cultural and political identity, to the essence of the Breton political project and the role of Breton political structures in the region's struggle for autonomy / independence.Guided by the principle of historicism, the author used a comparative-historical method to consider the phenomenon of Breton nationalism in its historical dynamics. The use of this method allowed the author to conclude that neither the socio-economic situation, nor the united Europe, nor the Breton movement, which numbers hundreds of organizations and whose programs include both issues of development and preservation of culture, and the satisfaction of territorial demands (reunification of Brittany in historical boundaries), did not provide the conditions for success in the struggle for autonomy and, even more so, independence.
separatism, autonomy, independence, regionalism, identity, patriotism, Breton nationalism, Brittany, France, cultural mobilization
Goncharov V.V., Shalin V.V..
Interreligious conflicts in the 21st century: a social and philosophical analysis
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2017. № 2.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.2.23662 URL:
This article is dedicated to social and philosophical analysis of interreligious conflicts in the 21st century. The author believes that in the era of globalization, social, political, public an legal, financial and economic development of national societies and states the problem of interreligious conflicts is of particular importance, and is planetary scale issue. With this in mind, the area of interreligious conflict does not draw only the believers of different religious faiths, but also atheists (as militant atheists and people who simply do not identify themselves with the adherents of a particular religion). This article used a number of methods of scientific research, such as historical, comparative, formal and logical The author notes that ignoring the problems related to interreligious violence on international (global) and state (national) levels, inevitably leads to conflict escalation, growth of the number of victims among civilian population. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a complex of measures aimed at the prevention of development of interreligious conflicts on planetary scale, as well as on the level of individual states.
global constitutionalism, Russian Federation, conflict, socio-philosophical, inter-state, interreligious, ethnic, atheism, Christianity, Islam
Di Gregorio A..
Rule of law crisis in new EU Member States
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2017. № 1.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.1.22979 URL:
This work focuses on one of the controversial topics of the constitutional debate in Europe, namely the deviations from democratic norms in the constitutions of several new EU member states. This issue is not yet studied in sufficient detail by Russian political science, as well as legal doctrine. Despite the fact that many international studies already addressed this issue, a general analysis of the political and constitutional causes of this apparent democratic decline is not well-developed. The author employs a cross-cultural method of legal study, which involves a historical approach with numerous political implications. The novelty of this article is based on the study of the particular traits of Central and Eastern European democratic transaction. The author examines the mechanisms of Law enforcement in EU member countries and points out the causes of their lack of efficiency, and shows that the prime reason of the said inefficiency is the immaturity of the democratic institutions. Another factor is the unevolved political culture, as well as a lack of outlined constitutional regulations of new EU member countries that do not have advanced constitutional engineering.
Constitutional debate, Eastern Europe, European Union, legal doctrines, democratic norms, political culture, law enforcement, democratic institutions, constitutional framework, constitutional engineering
Denchev S., Pavlova M..
“Color revolutions”- who mixes the paint and who are the painters?
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2016. № 1.
P. 5-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2016.1.67657 URL:
The article examines the nature of the "Color revolutions" which mark the modern development vector of contemporary international relations since the beginning of 21st century. The text describes the technology of conducting socio-political change in many countries which were targetted by "colour revolutions". Attention is paid to external driving powers that dictate what happens in the world regions affected by these revolutions (North Africa, Near East, South-Eastern Europe, and the Post-Soviet space).The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. In light of globalization, the world never became more predictable or stable. Instead, increasing chaos and multiplying international and domestic conflicts became evident. Colour revolutions are one such catalyst for this chaos. Their emergenve on world's political arena leads to the loss of sovereignty of modern countries, civil wars and armed comflicts.
interests, political regime, international relations, U.S. foreign policy, world politics, global information space, political system, state, security, color revolutions
Manoylo A.V..
Models of "soft power" in network terrorist organizations (on the examples of the "Islamic State", Al-Qaeda, Taliban and the "Muslim Brotherhood")
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2016. № 1.
P. 11-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2016.1.67658 URL:
This article is dedicated to comparative political analysis of the models "soft power" employed by network of terrorist organizations, banned in Russian Federation - "The Islamic State", Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the "Muslim Brotherhood". The object of the study is soft power. Subject of research are the forms, methods, models and technologies of soft power employed by terrorist organizations (on the example of the "Islamic state", Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the "Muslim Brotherhood"). The author draws attention to the fact that, in their ideological and propaganda work, terrorists from various multinational organizations and groups use soft power in order to unite extremists, to involve new adepts in terrorist movements, and to conduct information warfare with their ideological opponents (the governments of various countries that fight international terrorism, as well as with their direct competitors, who are extremists, terrorists and Islamists). Soft power employed by terrorists does not take the same forms and employ the methods of US soft power that we know from the works of American neo-liberals (J. Nye, R. Keohane et al.). It has its own model in the form of a specific set of incarnations, each adapted to the ideology specific international terrorist groups. The "Islamic State, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda each have their own model. In case of the "Muslim Brotherhood", and these models are quite different from each other, even among different cells of the organization.
diplomacy, international relations, global instability, world politics, global information space, political system, interests, state, security, color revolutions
Merkulova T.A..
Commercial Organizations in the Civil Code of Hungary
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2015. № 4.
P. 353-362.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2015.4.67276 URL:
The article describes the forms of cooperative commercial activities, which are regulated by the new Civil Code of Hungary.The author used the information on the history of legal regulation of the legal persons in Hungarian Law, as well as several scientific works on this topic. Attention is drawn to analyzing the provisions of the 3-rd Book of the Civil Code of Hungary, called «Legal Entities». Based on the research conducted, the author concludes that the Hungarian Civil Code does not divide legal entities into profit and non-profit organizations. In the list of the legal forms given in the Civil Code, there are legal entities which are designed for making profit. They include business associations, cooperative societies, associations and groups of enterprises. This article lays out the general provisions that regulate all of the legal forms of profit-making, as well as the rules which apply to specific forms and types of profit organizations. Significant attention is given to business associations and their subtypes - simple partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships and joint-stock companies. The analysis of the legal status of business associations in the new Civil Code precedes the information on the history of legal regulation of such legal entities, supported by citations of Hungarian legists. This article analyzes the provisions contained in the Civil Code that establish the forms of cooperation of enterprises - associations and groups of enterprises, in particular. The author offers the data on such cooperative forms as early as 1960s, and analyzes their status and place in the existing civil economic circulation.Aside the general scientific methods (such as analysis and synthesis), the author also employed specific methods of research,including formal and logical, theoretic, legal-systemic, historical and comparative Law. Based on the new Civil Code of Hungary, the Author analyzed the changes which occurred in the legal regulation of the legal status of profit-oriented legal entities - business associations, in particular (including simple, limited, limited liability and joint-stock), cooperations, associations and groups of enterprises. Hungary's new Civil legislation establishes two new, previously unregulated legal forms of legal entities - associations and groups of enterprises.
corporation, commercial organization, society, partnerships, cooperative, enterprise, legal entity, Civil Code, reorganization, legal status
Khauer-Tyukarkina O.M..
The role of "soft power" under the global economic crisis (on the example of the EU)
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2015. № 4.
P. 363-373.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2015.4.67277 URL:
The article examines current status of soft power usage in the European Union and provides the analysis of the potential of using soft power as a means to overcome the negative consequences of the global economic crisis. The goal of the article is to determine the role of soft power in the European union in overcoming the negative consequences of the financial and economic crisis. The object of study is soft power in the European Union. The subject of research is the forms, methods and tools of soft power in the EU employed under the European and Global financial and economic crisis. The methodological basis of this article involves the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author describes main components as well as key instruments of the European soft power which are being used by the EU during the economic crisis in order to restore its reputational capital and stabilize the position of the European Union in the world system of political coordinates.
interests, the European Union, soft power, components, instruments, international relations, diplomacy, state, security, risks
Bocharnikov I.V..
Political science aspects of the fight against corruption
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2015. № 4.
P. 374-381.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2015.4.67278 URL:
The article analyzes the current international aspects of corruption and its manifestations in the leading foreign countries: USA, UK, Germany, France, and the European Union as a whole. Using practical examples, the author demonstrates the degree of corruption spread across the governments of the countries being studied.At the same time, the regularly published global press releases of the Transparency International organization that offer a view on corruption in various countries and regions of the world describes the corruption levels in the abovementioned countries as "low". The methodological basis ofthis study includes the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.
According to «Transparency International», Russia traditionally belongs to the list of states with high levels of corruption, comparable to African countries by corruption levels. As presented in this article, the data published in the latest press release of Transparency International confirms its rating bias regarding the corruption in various countries around the world, those ratings being used as a means to discredit any state that is, for whatever reason, objectionable US and its allies.
self-organization, socio-political processes, corruption in the US, world politics, Russia, corruption, interests, state, security, risks
Karyakin V.V..
The problems of the Russian Political Science and their solutions
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2015. № 3.
P. 243-248.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2015.3.66891 URL:
The subject of study is the Russian political science at the present stage of its development. This article studies the current problems of Russian political science and its analytical support. The goal is to identify and specify the problems of the Russian political science at the present stage and to identify ways to address them. The article examines topical issues of Russian political science and analytic work. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The article shows that these problems connected with corporate affiliation of analytical centers that serve the corporate interests of their customers. The author draws a conclusion that for qualitative analysis and forecasting of the development of socio-political situation, we need a new research technology based on taking socio-political and international systems as nonlinear objects functioning in conditions of determinable chaos and high dynamics of social entropy. The work discusses an organizational approach for handling these problems taking into account foreign experience in this field.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, Russia, society, politics, values, security
Filippov V.R..
Blaise Compaoré: exile from Olympus
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2015. № 2.
P. 111-132.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2015.2.66669 URL:
The method of retrospective political reconstruction allowed the author to find out the causes of social and political crisis and the military coup that changed the political regime of Burkina Faso in October-November 2014. Emphasis is placed on clarifying the role of the French secret services, which in 1987 organized a coup in the country; the killing of legitimate President Thomas Sankara and brought Captain Blaise Compaore to power. It is considered the socio-political and economic causes of instability regime, which was also engineered by this odious politician, with the support of the Elysee Palace. The author evaluates the concept of changing the country's constitution and extending presidential the powers to a fiveyear term as a conflict factor that may provoke civil disobedience. He also investigates the reasons for undercover sets "Françafrique" to evacuate the toppled B. Compaoré in Côte d'Ivoire on October 31, 2014. The author analyzes the response of the international community and influential international structures to the military coup and the subsequent change of the form of government in Burkina Faso. It is concluded that the events of the end of last year marked the beginning of the collapse of the "Françafrique" neo-colonial empire.
Blaise Compaore, Burkina Faso, France, "Françafrique", Africa, foreign policy, international relations, neo-colonialism, values, security
Bunevich D.S..
The 2014 Crimea crisis and the construction of a new architecture of international relations
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2015. № 2.
P. 133-139.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2015.2.66670 URL:
The article investigates the process of the erosion of Yalta-Potsdam system of international relations of the post-Cold War era. The world community was in accordance with the fact that Washington has played the leading role in all matters relating to international security. Aggressive US foreign policy in the Balkans and the Middle East led to a significant weakening of international institutions and the erosion of the principles of international law. Destructive role of the United States as the sole superpower became more and more apparent over time. The methodological basis of the study constitute a systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative political, geopolitical, cultural and civilizational approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation.It is concluded that the Crimean crisis has shown the need for new rules of international coexistence. In Crimea, Russia challenged the existing world order, which is based on US hegemony. And Russia, despite the sanctions deployed against it, did not find itself in diplomatic isolation. If Russia successfully overcomes the political and economic pressure from the US and its allies, and mobilizes and structures the growing global discontent with the American hegemony, then the world would be facing a fundamentally new outlook. The author predicts that the new (Crimean) the system of international relations will follow the principles of the Vienna system.
diplomacy, conflicts, Crimea, Russia, forin policy, international relations, state, interests, values, security
Manoylo A.V..
Separatism: global experience and Russian realities
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2015. № 1.
P. 5-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2015.1.66058 URL:
In today’s political and legal practices, the term “separatism” is understood rather broadly.
It is defined as: demands for self-determination by territories within states, their following separation
and independence (secessionism); employment of illegal (violent) means for expanding the power of
an autonomy, or a subject within federations and confederations. In some cases, separatist movements
(groups) may work in adjacent countries towards unification with their neighbor country, or its part
(irredentism). Separatist movements create political parties (which are often of nationalist in nature),
military (terrorist) organizations, and “governments in exile”, when possible. Currently, separatist
movements grow in strength all around the world, becoming a global ethnopolitical problem. The
main goal of separatism is the secession of territories of multinational states and creating independent
national governments. In the modern world, the destructive influence of separatism affects almost
all countries. It manifests itself in several ways: as a phenomenon present in multinational and
multiconfessional countries, and as means of realization for geopolitical interests of leading world
powers. The latter case clearly suggests a far-reaching goal of structural transformation of existing
world order.
international relations, foreign politics, separatism, conflict, state, federalism, interests, values, politics, security.
Manoylo A.V..
Chief Editor’s Opening Remarks
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2014. № 1.
P. 5-6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2014.1.65313 URL:
conflict studies, foreign policy, Russia, geopolitics, conflict, diplomacy, interests, values, security.
Di Gregorio A..
Vetting in Post-Authoritarian Societies:
a Proposal of Classification from the Point of View of Comparative Law
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2014. № 1.
P. 7-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2014.1.65843 URL:
The aim of this article is to describe the so-called «vetting», within the framework of
transitional justice policies. In order to do that, it is first necessary to answer a series of preliminary
questions.In general we talk about post-authoritarian justice (term which I do prefer to others, like transitional
justice), dealing with the past, coping with the past, but also «militant democracy». The latter
is a concept not usually employed in writing on these matters but, as I will explain, still very pertinent to
the issue. In fact, I consider necessary to highlight the relation between vetting and protection of democratic
legal order. Vetting is only one of the transitional justice measures, aimed at removing from public
life representatives of the leadership and management of the old authoritarian regime (political élite,
administrators).The definition and the meaning are not the same in other languages. The methodological
basis of the research is a systematic, structural-functional, comparative approaches, methods of analysis,
synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. Main results of this article: 1. Linguistic and definition
problems: vetting in the framework of post-authoritarian justice; 2. Transition to democracy: a record;
3. A brief history of vetting; 4. Circulation of models and comparison between countries and areas;
5. The phenomenon of lustration in post-communist Europe; 6. Conclusion: vetting as a protection of
Konfliktologiya, politika, pravo, post-authoritarian societies, politicheskii rezhim, gosudarstvo, interesy, tsennosti
Filippov V.R..
Territorial Conflicts and Possible Changes in State Borders on the African Continent
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2014. № 1.
P. 28-39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2014.1.65844 URL:
This article is focused on the research of modern territorial conflicts, and the prospects
for state border changes in Africa. The borders of African countries that were drawn by the parallels and meridians by the British and the French at the dusk of the colonial era, are bound to change drastically.
It is something that everyone knows, and Thabo Mbeki, the President of South African Republic,
addressed this issue during his speech before South African Parliament, the day before the opening of
2002 First African Union Summit in Durban. The methodological basis of this work is the systemic,
structural-functional, comparative-political and comparative-historical approaches, as well as methods
of comparative conflict studies. The problem of state borders remains an acute political problem for
the majority of African countries that emerged from ex-European colonies. The moment that African
countries became independent, the borders that previously were dictated by purely administrative
reasons, separating areas of influence of European countries, became the separation lines of nations,
peoples and ethnic groups, creating a multitude of problems. This article contains the evaluations for
risks and threat of conflicts that might emerge on the grounds of revising the old borders that are the
legacy of European colonialism.
international relations, conflict studies, Africa, borders, political instability, diplomacy, state, interests, values, security.
Manoylo A.V..
Color Revolutions: Theory and Practice of Modern Political Regimes Dismantling
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
2014. № 1.
P. 40-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2014.1.65845 URL:
This paper analyses the problems connected with dismantling of political regimes in modern
countries (both of authoritarian and democratic kind) that takes the form of colour revolutions. The role
of state-organised party building in prevention of colour revolution and stabilisation of political situation
is also considered. After the outbreak of the Arab Spring and the Ukrainian crisis, the problems mentioned
have become acute and highly topical. In the world history there have always been place to dismantling of
political regimes. In the past, however, it was performed through the use of force in its classical form, with the
methods used during military takeovers, local military conflicts, civil wars, and military interventions. The
global community succeeded in developing effective measures for combatting this threat and creating efficient
mechanisms for political regulation at the international level. Though the severity of the problem connected
with the threat of military takeovers in different countries is still on the agenda, the world community as a
whole is familiar with this category of threats and knows how to counteract them.
Conflict studies, foreign policy, USA, soft power, colour revolutions, dismantling of political regimes, international conflict, international stability, international security, international relations.