Citations count: 5
Savchenko I.A. —
Conflict in educational institutions undergoing organizational change
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 24 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.2.25674 URL:
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The subject of this article is the multitude of conflicts which occur in educational organizations undergoing organizational change. The author defines conflict and organizational changes, drawing attention to the fact that organizational changes are a conflictogenic factor in any organization, including an educational institution, as it causes friction with the employees. Due to this, the necessity of conflict-prevention and academically-substantiated measures of resolving existing conflicts is justified. The methodological basis of this work includes modern approaches to studying social and psychological foundations of conflict in an organization. The article also contains the data acquired from sociological research of conflictness deriving from organizational changes in educational institutions. Over the course of the sociological research the author describes the satisfaction levels regarding the organizational changes, and the level conflict potential. The results allowed the author to reach the conclusion that organizational changes, as a whole, may be a major contributor to conflict in case the employees do not understand, or do not share the goal of such changes.
Citations count: 4
Afanas'ev S.V. —
Conflict of moral values in the culture of the information society
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 48 - 60.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.2.23383 URL:
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The article examines conflicts of moral values of the information society. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the opinions of the authors studying this problem, the article discusses possible negative consequences of such conflicts, the most dangerous of which is the deformation of the moral state of society. One of the main reasons for changes of value system is the projection of traditional forms of social interaction into information space, which uses a scattered mosaic of moral values for controlling behavior of the subjects. The main methods of research are the analysis of the scientific literature that outlined the problem of generalization, principles of dialectics, the axiological approach to the analysis of culture. When resolving conflicts of moral values between traditional and information society there is a danger of losing of moral values of the culture of the individual, such as conscience, duty, honor, patriotism, responsibility, etc., which define being "human" in the culture of traditional society. At the level of the collective subject, there is a risk of losing the value of a fellowship, ethical principles and norms of interaction within different social groups, communities, as well as interaction between them.
Citations count: 4
Rudenkin D. —
The impulses of growth of protest activity of Russian youth: the case of Yekaterinburg
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2020.1.32326 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the search of factors that intensify protest activity among youth in the modern Russian society. The relevance of research into this field is substantiated by the increase in real protest activity of Russian youth and its direct involvement into a number of resounding protests in 2017 and 2019. The author attempts to figure out the deep subcurrent of the increase of protest activity among young Russians. Polemicizing with the established research practice, the author formulates a hypothesis that the grounds for increase in protest activity of the Russian youth is created by not only external or institutional factors, but also internal experiences of the youth. The empirical base for this work became the questionnaire-based survey conducted by the author among the youth of Yekaterinburg just prior to 2019 large-scale protests that attracted a substantial number of young people. In the course of this study, it is underlined that the impulse for growth in protest activity among Russian youth can indeed be a product of internal experiences of its representatives. The main conclusion les in the thesis that the grounds for increase in protest activity of young Russians is largely created by their formation of a special political culture, raising their demands towards society and preparing the groundwork for growth of their dissatisfaction with the surrounding living conditions.
Citations count: 3
Khusainova S. —
The specificity of Russia’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council in 2021–2023
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.4.37096 URL:
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The subject of this research is the policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic. The object is Russia’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council in 2021–2023. The author meticulously analyzes the positions of the state, taking into account national interests and peculiarities of the current international situation in the region. The article examines the domestic legislative acts adopted for regulation of the Arctic Region, as well as international documents aimed at sustainable development of the North. The conditions of collective security dictate moderate and clearly defined policy in the Arctic, which is the central arena for political action with the leading role of the Russian Federation until 2023. The conclusion is drawn that the Arctic Region is currently the most relevant vector of the policy of northern states. Chairmanship of the Russian Federation imposes enormous responsibility on the country, as despite the overall state of security in the region, there remains a range of unresolved issues. The attempts of institutionalization of the Arctic Council may become an implicit threat for the Russian Federation; this is why the systematization of domestic legislation and foreign policy actions on maintaining the health of ecosystem, cultural heritage, and environmental policy have become the priority vectors in the first year of Russia’s chairmanship. The overall responsibility of the leading actor the Arctic does not exclude the existence of classic threats to the security of state’s sovereignty, which requires accurate planning in subsequent years of the chairmanship.
Citations count: 2
Shevchenko Y.N., Mukhamadeev D.V. —
Economic sanctions in world politics and science on international relations: relevant theoretical-methodological approaches
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2020.2.32991 URL:
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Diplomatics has always been interconnected with economy particularly the development of international trade. However, unlike the previous historical periods, the era of global interaction, developing an intense economic competition, simultaneously contributes to growth of interdependence between economic systems of various countries. Thus, there arises a legitimate question: whether or not the professional diplomats and experts in international relations should be concerned with the state economic administration. What are the practical and theoretical grounds for studying economic coercion from the position of world politics and science on international relations? It is suggested that such articulation of the problem initially implies presence of an objective need for detailed analysis by the expert-analytical community of economic sanctions (same as other instruments of economic coercion) in the context of global and regional international politics. The goal of this research consists in conceptualization of the term “economic sanctions” as a category of international-political science in light of its more relevant analytical angles and theoretical-methodological approaches. A conclusion is made that the effective application of economic sanctions as a regulatory instrument for international politics is often overestimated. The states that initiated sanctions launch a sanction mechanism in such instances, when they do not see other alternatives for various reasons. Sanctions become successful when imposed by an entire coalition, rather than a separate country; then in can affect the political elites and not only the regular citizens. The scientific novelty and practical importance is defined by the fact that the acquired results can be used in scientific and pedagogical activity in studying specific forms and methods of realization of economic diplomacy in Russia and foreign countries, as well as can be of interests for the experts in international political and economic cooperation.
Citations count: 2
Kosorukov A.A. —
Digital toolset for the response of the public authority institutions to destructive and deviant newsworthy occurrences
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 48 - 63.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.3.36879 URL:
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The subject of this research is the institutional, organizational and technical peculiarities of the functionality of the system of incident management as a digital toolset for the response of the Russian public authority institutions to destructive and deviant newsworthy occurrences in social networks, instant messengers and online platforms aimed at youth as most active digital citizens. The goal of this article lies in characterizing the current digital situation in Russia, and test the work of the incident management system from perspective of timely determination and processing by the institutional agencies of fake messages aimed or online posts that call to action aimed at young audience for the period from 2012 to 2021. The novelty consists in determining the total number of appeals or complains submitted by the citizens regarding the measures or complacence of the authorities, which have been processed by the incident management system of each of the 85 Regional Management Centers for 2021, as well as in using digital toolset of the incident management system applicable to the data array of the social networks, instant messengers and online platforms (messages that call minors to participate in unauthorized rallies) and deviant newsworthy occurrences (fake sociopolitical posts in social networks and instant messengers), and time interval of their processing by the institutional agencies.
Citations count: 2
Gavrilov S.D., Pankratov S.A., Azizova D.K. —
Conditions and technologies for minimization of protest activity of the Russian youth in the context of modern media discourse in digital environment
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 24 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.4.36896 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of protest activity of the Russian youth in the context of the institutionalization of the global digital politics. The contradictions existing in the Russian political system are viewed in the form of conflict, which determines the specificity of the reproduction of protest activity of the representatives of youth cohort. The ambiguities in implementation of state policy manifest as the trigger for the formation of protest activity, including mobilization of social activity of youth in constructive / destructive behavioral practices. Research methodology is comprised of the concept of social action in interpretation of M. Weber, T. Parsons, J. Habermas, as well as the theory of social changes developed by P. Sztompka, which allows relying on the thesis of the mutual interaction of structures in relation to the actors in terms of analysis of youth protest. Interpretation is given to the results of discourse analysis of political media texts on the Internet that was conducted by the authors. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the existing expert opinions on the conditions necessary for minimizing protest activity of the youth, as well as most widespread technologies used for their implementation. Of particular importance are the results of the original empirical study that allow interpreting the two positions, which reflect the opinion within the professional environment on the role of youth in protest movement of the Russian Federation, forming the so-called “ideological foundation” for further reasoning on the state and social activity related to protesting youth.
Citations count: 2
Ivanov O. —
The practical part of denazification of Ukraine
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.3.38357 EDN: NYBEEC URL:
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The article is devoted to the problems of denazification of Ukraine. Denazification is understood in the context of the transformation of the identity of the population of Ukraine during a special military operation and after its completion. The relevance of the formation of a new society in the territories of Ukraine, which have chosen the vector of cooperation with Russia, is substantiated. Based on historical experience, taking into account local specifics, key mechanisms for the formation of such an identity are proposed, in particular: the ban of all old political parties, lustration of officials, control over the media, the use of "soft power" of the Russian world, including the dissemination of its linguistic and cultural achievements, the restoration of historical memory. It is concluded that the meaning of denazification in the understanding proposed in the article goes far beyond the Ukrainian post-Soviet transit and Ukrainian-Russian interstate relations. The modernization and transformation of Ukrainian society, its total denazification should become the point from which not only the construction of a new system of European and global security will begin, but also a new, more stable world order that allows us to effectively respond to modern global challenges.
The novelty and practical significance of the work consists in a systematic analysis of the problems associated with the formation of a new Ukrainian identity, taking into account the current situation.
Citations count: 2
Kutumova A.K., Neustroeva A.B. —
The factors of conflictogenity of student environment of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 43 - 53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.1.33329 URL:
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This article determines the factors of conflictogenity of student environment in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The student environment is permeated with a lot of conflictogenic factors and tensions that need to be managed and reduced to an acceptable level. The key research methods involve sociological surveys conducted among university students and students of the specialized secondary educational establishments in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The authors explore the concept of “conflictogenity” and ”conflictogenic factor”, and analyze the demographic characteristics of student youth in the region. The article reveals the current social problems of student community, determines the external and internal conflictogenic factors faced by modern student youth, describes the behavioral tactics of students in conflict situations, and gives subjective assessments to the level of conflictogenity among students. It is noted that the level of conflictogenity of student environment is affected by objective and subjective factors, social risks and problems. As a result, the author identifies that not owning a place to live, unemployment, and financial issues are the most pressing social problems of students. In a conflict situation, most students try to follow the tactics of compromise and cooperation. The authors reveal the differences in the behavior and assessments of respondents depending on such socio-demographic characteristics as gender, age, year of study, family status, and place of residence. The article makes recommendations on reduction of the potential of conflictogenic factors and improvement of student’s situation in the region.
Citations count: 2
Zastavenko V.A. —
Communicative space of the conflict: theoretical analysis
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 81 - 95.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.4.36734 URL:
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Communicative space of the conflict is the phenomenon that objectively exists, but has yet to be comprehensively studied. Analysis is usually conducted on the conflict communications, without taking into account the entirety of interactions and mutual influence with the social and psychological factors that largely determine the content and nature of the course of such communications. The subject of this article is communicative space of the conflict as a systemic phenomenon. The goal lies in defining communicative space of the conflict, revealing its main essential characteristics, thereby creating the pretext for scientific discussion, which would be the first step towards introduction of this concept into the scientific discourse of conflictology. Methodological framework is comprised of the systemic approach towards the interpretation of communications and communicative space of the conflict. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that leaning on the approaches established in linguistics, communicology and psychology, the author gives definition to the concept, its essential characteristics and structure of communicative space of the conflict, as well as outlines its role in the emergence and course of the conflict interaction. The representation on communicative space of the conflict is formulated in unity of its three facers: social-communicative, communicative-discursive, and psychological-communicative. The article reveals the semantic characteristics of these aspects, as well as their place within the system of communicative space of the conflict. The results acquired results can be valuable in studying such important issue as the information approach in conflict.
Citations count: 2
Kryzhko L.A., Kryzhko E.V., Pashkovsky P.I. —
Egypt in U.S. policy in the Middle East in the early 1950s.
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 40 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.38065 URL:
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The author considers the problem of the role of Egypt in the US policy in the Middle East in the early 1950s. It is shown that a new political circumstances in the regions of the Middle and Near East forced the United States to act as a competitor to Great Britain. The United States understood the importance of gradually ousting Great Britain from the region, trying to prevent the increase of Soviet influence there using various methods. At the same time, the implementation of US's plan to form a controlled military-political bloc of Middle Eastern states in 1950-1953 proved to be untenable for various reasons. The decisive role in this regard was played by the position held by Egypt. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the focus on the project "Middle East Command", as the first failed plan of the military bloc of Western countries in the region. It was revealed that the US stake on Egypt as a conductor of its interests turned out to be unjustified. The US administration objectively saw in the anti-British movement, which was gaining momentum in Egypt during this period, an opportunity to strengthen its influence. However, with the approval of G. A. Nasser in power in Egypt, a new foreign policy strategy was being developed, which was based on efforts to raise the patriotism of the Arab countries and unite the Arabs in the fight against the colonial past. Also, US's efforts to achieve coexistence of Egypt and Israel in a single policy not brought the desired results. In the context of the unresolved Palestinian issue and the aggravation of the Arab-Israeli confrontation in Egypt's foreign policy, tendencies towards rapprochement with the Arab countries in the form of a number of military-political alliances were gaining momentum.
Citations count: 1
Khalitova A. —
Military aspects of French policy in Africa during the presidency of N. Sarkozy and F. Hollande (2007-2017)
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 33 - 44.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2019.3.31313 URL:
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The subject of this research is the military aspects of French policy in the African continent during the presidency of N. Sarkozy and F. Hollande (2007-2017). Both politicians adhered to the concept proposed by J. Chirac in the early 2000’s on least intervening in the internal conflicts and more open cooperation with foreign countries in the area of defense and security. This discourse changes the vector of French military operations, turning them to a nominal “attribute” of peacekeeping missions of the UN and regional organizations. The reporting period also marks the development of cooperation with the countries of the continent in the area of counterterrorism. The author applies the method of comparative analysis; as well as examines the major military operations initiated by the governments of N. Sarkozy and F. Hollande in Africa. The conclusion is made that the military component remained the primary guarantor of French dominance in the continent. Multiple experts consider such approach as following “double standards”, and even continuation of the practices of neocolonialism. However, the author believes that refraining from military intervention in Africa, could lead Parish to a full or partial loss of the political and economic leverage in the continent, namely due to the changing geopolitical landscape in the region – increase of terrorist threat and spread of asymmetrical conflicts.
Citations count: 1
Karlov V.V. —
Trust, distrust and conflict in the anthropological and ethnological dimension
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 16 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.4.24306 URL:
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The article analyzes a number of important problems of social anthropology and ethnology, which were touched upon in the monograph by M.N. Guboglo "Anthropology of Trust", and still requiring to be discussed. The background of instability, which is typical for most countries of the contemporary world, requires us to pay close attention to the realities of interaction between different peoples. Standing out among the topical issues of ethnic contact study and the practices of their resolution is the need for establishing academically-grounded cooperative relations between central government authorities and the populations of regions with complex ethnic and national composition - otherwise it often transitions into conflict. The usage of theoretical - historiographical method allowed the author to examine the problems of interaction of power and ethnicity from a fresh point of view. The theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of interaction between ethno-national communities and power structures leads the author to a well-founded conclusion that the problem of interethnic interactions, aside academic research, also require the development of practical measures to prevent conflicts which are specific to each situation. The author stresses the conclusion that it is necessary to consider the factor of frustration under the conditions of instability of the social environment that easily grows into acute conflicts of an interethnic nature.
Citations count: 1
Koshmarov M. —
Strategies of Information Dominance in the Context of the Rivalry Between Western and Chinese Concepts of the Future World Order
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 55 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.4.39263 EDN: KVZWAZ URL:
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The article examines the prospects for the development of virtual and augmented reality technologies and artificial neural networks (AI) in the field of the production of social consent. It describes in modern IT terminology and analyzes the concept of the metaverse, the possibilities of such technology in propaganda, solving environmental problems, overpopulation, overconsumption, and achieving sustainable development goals. The object of research of this work is modern society. The subject of the research is new ICT technologies and their impact on global political processes. The purpose of the study is to analyze and forecast the use of such technologies, assess opportunities and risks.
The study was conducted by comparative and analytical methods in combination with new terminology describing modern realities. The data are taken from open sources and scientific literature. The results obtained can be used to assess global political trends, global markets and information policy in the short and medium term. The risks and opportunities of new technologies currently being deployed have been assessed. A number of fundamental contradictions of Western and Chinese concepts of civilization development are revealed. A significant asymmetry in the development of the IT industry in Taiwan and the United States, and its impact on the policies of the main players, is described. The data are compared with each other and other studies in this area. Previously, the topic of the metaverse in conjunction with the Sustainable Development Goals has not been studied, which represents a certain scientific novelty. The results obtained allow us to talk about a new phenomenon in the field of communication created by leading IT corporations. An assessment of the risks and prospects of this concept in case of its implementation has been made.
Citations count: 1
Bondarenko D. —
African Americans and African Immigrants: The Differences of Mentalities
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 57 - 70.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.1.22000 URL:
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The article discusses the mindsets among the black population of the United States of America. In particular, the author studies an important aspect of mutual perception of - and relationship between the settled black US citizens (the descendants of the slaves brought to America centuries ago) and the recent immigrants from African countries. The author draws attention to network communities that serve the migrants as means for both, more successful adaptations in the host society, and the support of their own cultural identity, and also focuses on African immigrants’ voluntary associations. The article is based on field research conducted in seven states in 2013-2015. The field research has allowed to conclude that the relationships between African Americans and African immigrants are characterized by simultaneous attraction and repulsion. They understand that, of all ethnoracial communities in the country, they (and also immigrants from the Antilles) are closest to each other (to the degree that non-black Americans don't distinguish them, at times), they recognize common roots and relate to similar problems in societies for which racial division is pronounced. But myriads of social, cultural and linguistic differences immediately surface during attempts at mutual attraction in the process of “translating” images between different cultures, causing mutual repulsion.
Citations count: 1
Dolgov K.D. —
The reasons for the failure of the integration processes in East Africa in the 1970s.
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 50 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.3.23908 URL:
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The subject of this study is the East African Commonwealth (EAC), an intergovernmental organization which, at the initial stage of its development, included sovereign African countries, such as Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The author examines the integration processes in East Africa in the second half of the twentieth century, uncovers the factors that precipitated the formation of EAC and contributed to the optimization of the economic processes in EAC member countries. The author draws attention to the difficulties that emerged during the formation of a common economic space in EAC in 1970s, and lead to the eventual disintegration of this intergovernmental organization. Using the principle of historism, the author analyzes official documents and media sources of this time. The usage of the historical reconstruction method allowed him to discover the main political and economic determinants of the relations crisis between EAC member countries. The novelty of this work is based on the usage of English-speaking sources that were previously unused in the study of EAC 1970s crisis. Researching these sources allowed the author to reach a conclusion that the disintegration of EAC was due to a multitude of causes, chiefly the immaturity of the political systems of newly emerged, independent countries, and the lack of readiness to give op a part of their sovereignty for the common good of the member countries of the association, nationalism and economic perfectionism in domestic matters.
Citations count: 1
Tikhanychev O.V. —
The myth of the "humanity" of non-lethal weapons
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 60 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.3.35062 EDN: NTQMQT URL:
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The subject of the study is a non-lethal (non-lethal) weapon. The object of the study is the thesis of his humanity and safety, put forward by some military experts. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the correctness of the thesis about its safety based on the analysis of the features of the use of non-lethal weapons in modern local wars and armed conflicts. The relevance of the study is determined by the appearance in the United States and NATO of updated conceptual and combat documents defining the principles and conditions for the use of non-lethal weapons. When writing the review article, general scientific research methods were used – analysis and synthesis, implemented on the basis of studying organizational documents that are in the public domain. Based on the assessment of the use of non-lethal weapons during local wars and recent military conflicts, the features and consequences of its use are analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are drawn that the purpose of using such weapons is not the humanization of conflicts stated in a number of conceptual documents, but to increase the effectiveness of defeating the enemy in difficult conditions of modern conflicts. Thus, in the review article it is determined that the increasing role of non-lethal weapons in modern operations is determined by its physical properties, which make it possible to solve the tasks of defeating the enemy in difficult conditions of the background-target situation characteristic of modern local wars and armed conflicts
Citations count: 1
Dianov S.A. —
Political Science Education in the Educational Environment of University: Valuable Semantic Foundations
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 73 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.1.39902 EDN: AEIGEV URL:
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Political science education over the past thirty years has become the most important element of the humanitarian sphere of the Russian university. At the same time, a discussion continues in the scientific and pedagogical community about the status of political science education in the professional training of specialists in demand for the country, masters and research teachers. One of the main questions postulated in the expert community is to determine the role of the science of politics in preventing the emergence of conflict situations in the educational space of the university on the basis of the "politicization" of the worldview positions of participants in educational relations. The transition in 2010-2020 to a competency-based model for the implementation of basic professional educational programs and the introduction of project technologies in the educational process led to a serious transformation of the architecture of education and upbringing at the university. The article presents arguments in favor of the author's hypothesis about the need to introduce programs of political and legal education at leading universities for all participants in the educational process. The author comes to the conclusion that the approbation of such programs will qualitatively update the content of the educational work of innovative teachers and methodologically strengthen the cultural component in the professional outlook of students. The educational component is also emphasized. The content of the programs should include didactic materials containing recommendations on how to quickly respond to typical conflict situations on the grounds of a mismatch of political orientations among the youth. The materials contained in the article are addressed to graduate students, young professionals and researchers of higher education.
Citations count: 1
Baravi M.V., Kretov A.D., Tarasova D.A. —
Ethnic Kurdistan in the context of 21st century Geopolitics
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2024.1.69609 EDN: QDUTGW URL:
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This article is devoted to the study of the Kurdish issue from the perspective of its development prospects in the geopolitical aspect. The material contains the author's analysis of possible solutions to the Kurdish issue from the perspective of different states and supranational blocs, as well as factors that contribute to and hinder the resolution of the Kurdish issue in the foreseeable future. The material contains information about what factors influence the positions of the largest regional and international players on the analyzed issue.
The creation of a Kurdish state seems unlikely; the alternative is, at a maximum, granting Kurdish communities maximum autonomy, at a minimum, changing their legal status in countries, primarily in Turkey, where their position is most vulnerable. The constant deterioration of the situation of the Kurds and their exclusion from the legal agenda in Turkey is called a possible cause of the civil war. The Kurdish issue cannot be resolved militarily, and possible solutions are individual for all affected countries, which, however, themselves suffer from internal crises (Syria, Iraq), and Iran, which lives under Sharia law, also suffers from sanctions pressure. In addition, there is no unity within the Kurdish communities themselves, which further complicates the political struggle. At the moment it is possible to distinguish long-term and short-term prospects for resolving the Kurdish issue, both from the position of the people themselves and other interested actors. The authors also analyze the complicating circumstances, which include the interest of external actors (such as the United States and NATO as a whole) to use the Kurds to solve their own geopolitical problems in the region; internal contradictions among the Kurdish leaders themselves, which does not allow reaching a consensus on a number of organizational issues, and a difficult economic situation.
Citations count: 1
Agrba A.A. —
Social advertising in Russia and in Spain. Structural and comparative analysis of value content
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 54 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.2.25664 URL:
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This article focuses on the analysis of value content in social advertising in Russia and in Spain as a reflection of the social and cultural realities of relative countries.
The subject of research is the value content of social advertising in the social and cultural context of Russia and Spain.
The object of research is the social advertising in Russia and Spain.
The author makes an effort to analyze the value content in social advertising which includes the symbolic, the aesthetic, ethnic and other semiotic codes.
The author scrutinizes the types of social advertising which reflect the axiological dominants, the trends in the shifting of the value landmarks of Russian and Spanish societies, which are going through periods of social and political transformation and the reformation of the culture's founding values.
Comparative analysis constitutes the method of the research, as it allows for analyzing the value content of social advertisement in Russia and Spain. The methodological basis of this work is the research cultural, social, philosophical and ideological aspects of respective societies. The novelty of this work is reflected in the importance of examining social advertising as a mass product of modern culture that forms the language and value landmarks of the new generation. The analysis of the value content of social advertising may be used in the studies of the dynamics of values which are broadcasted via social advertisement within the framework of the system of mass communications, and which are used for solving the standing issues of the cultural development of the modern society.
Citations count: 1
Grachev B. —
Sustainability of political systems of EAEU member-states and the crises of 2020. Part 1. Belarus.
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 19 - 40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2020.4.34302 URL:
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The object of this research is the political system of the Republic of Belarus viewed in the context of sociopolitical conflict instigated by the results of presidential election of 2020. The Eurasian Economic Union faced a number of severe internal problems: besides the protests in Belarus, the parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan led to resignation of the incumbent president, and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has escalated. Therefore, special attention is given to examination of the factors of sustainability of the political system their significance for Eurasian integration and Russia-Belarus bilateral relations. The authors assesses the consequences of the manifestations of crisis, and analyzes the mechanisms of resilience of the political system to the internal challenges. The history of establishment of the modern structure of political system of Belarus is analyzed. The formal institutional and factual functional relations are revealed. The author’s special contribution lies in the assessment of factors of sustainability of the political system of Belarus. Understanding of sustainability of political systems of regional nations is the cornerstone in risk assessment caused by integration and forecasting of the development of international relations in the region. The political system of Belarus, which has been formed throughout 26 years of presidency of A. G. Lukashenko, is currently (and so far successfully) being stress tested. The built vertical of executive power allowed to “amortize” the colossal level of tension emerged in the society after the announcement of voting results. It is determined that the consequences of crisis in Belarus are overall positive for Russia and EAEU. However, the risks of further destabilization of the political system and regime change pose a serious threat for the development of integration project.
Citations count: 1
Goncharov V.V., Shalin V.V. —
Interreligious conflicts in the 21st century: a social and philosophical analysis
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.2.23662 URL:
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This article is dedicated to social and philosophical analysis of interreligious conflicts in the 21st century. The author believes that in the era of globalization, social, political, public an legal, financial and economic development of national societies and states the problem of interreligious conflicts is of particular importance, and is planetary scale issue. With this in mind, the area of interreligious conflict does not draw only the believers of different religious faiths, but also atheists (as militant atheists and people who simply do not identify themselves with the adherents of a particular religion). This article used a number of methods of scientific research, such as historical, comparative, formal and logical The author notes that ignoring the problems related to interreligious violence on international (global) and state (national) levels, inevitably leads to conflict escalation, growth of the number of victims among civilian population. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a complex of measures aimed at the prevention of development of interreligious conflicts on planetary scale, as well as on the level of individual states.
Citations count: 1
Filippova E. —
What's wrong with national identity? A comparative analysis of Russian and French discourse
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.3.27579 URL:
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The subject of this research is the discourse of national identity in Russia and in France. The author examines several aspects of the issue, such as the context of the transition of national identity into the central topic of public debate in both countries (in the 1970s in France, at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries in Russia), as well as the main concepts that constitute the core of the subject of the debate, and specifics of the language used in debates. Special attention is paid to the official discourse - statements and program articles of the leaders of the state. The research methodology is based on social constructivism, the research method is based on comparative analysis of the discourse. This method allowed the author to reveal the dynamics in the content of views on national identity, and to determine the similarities and differences of discourse in both countries. Contrary to the widespread idea of the criterion difference between the French (civil, political) and Russian (cultural and ethnic) understanding of the nation, the study revealed many common threads in the discourse of both countries: the idea of greatness, sovereignty, cultural wealth, glorious past, and the special role of language - and the assertion of the need to protect all this, including by force of arms, in the face of globalization, American political and cultural domination, law quality of the mass-appeal culture, as well as the threats of international terrorism.
Citations count: 1
Denisova T.S. —
The First Liberian Civil War: regional aspect
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.4.25048 URL:
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The First Liberian Civil War which started in late 1989 and ended in 1997 with the election of Charles Taylor, the leader of one of the armed rebel factions, the President of the country, is the subject of study. The victims of the conflict count in 150 thousands, and over a million people became refugees. The author examines various aspects of contribution of Liberia's neighbor countries - the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Republic of Sierra Leone, the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, the Republic of Guinea, the Republic of The Gambia, the Republic of Ghana, as well as the USA and France. Over the course of the research the author used the comparative and historical method, and the methods of historical analysis that allowed him to study the regional aspects of the Liberian conflict, and the efforts of the peacekeeping mission of The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), mostly the Nigerian military detachment, and the contribution of the UN in the resolution of the Liberian political crisis. The author addresses a seldom-studied issue of the formation of an economy of war during African conflicts (Liberian, in this case), which involves, among other things, the plundering of natural resources of the state in conflict, and the rapid growth of contraband of various resources, as well as weapons, drugs and other merchandise, by all armed sides of the conflict, as well as regional participants, including the peacekeepers.
Citations count: 1
Vnukova L. —
Sociopolitical moods of student youth of the Southern Federal District and North Caucasian Federal District: based on the materials of sociological survey
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 101 - 110.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2019.4.31790 URL:
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This article examines the sociopolitical moods of student youth based on survey results conducted in the universities of Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts in 2019. The study carried out with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research was aimed at clarification of the relevant questions: how do the students in the South of Russia estimate the situation in Russia and the world, which sources of political information are most trusted, what is their attitude to protest actions, etc. The article explores the summarized results of sociological survey on the bases of frequency analysis; comparative analysis is applied for correlation with the data from other research. The respondents demonstrate the negative perception of lingering economic difficulties on the background foreign policy ambitions: over 70% feel escalation of tension in the society; and 3/4 of them would like to see noticeable changes. The main cause for possible protest actions consists in the fear of compounding economic problems in the country. A significant trend is the strengthening role of Internet sources and social networks in obtaining political information. The modern generation of youth is characterized by the high importance of personal values, readiness to defend their rights, readiness to political participation, respect of law. Young people also share the values of social justice, oppose war, and are environmentally friendly. A relatively high protest potential of youth is explained by the desire to defend their rights and restore social justice, acting within the legal framework.
Citations count: 1
Shirinkina E.V. —
Development of innovations in a crisis: change strategies
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 72 - 79.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.4.38370 EDN: LSTCKH URL:
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The relevance of the study is due to the fact that for many companies the crisis has become a catalyst for transformation. However, not every change is the result of a truly strategic choice. In this regard, the author investigates transformation strategies in a crisis, which is the subject of the study. The author substantiates that in the conditions of the crisis, these transformations will also affect offline services. A strategizing model is proposed, which consists in a kind of reboot of companies. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it will allow companies to set priorities differently in a crisis, reduce loyalty to familiar brands, and form new requirements for customer experience in a physical environment. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the substantiation of a new model-the competitiveness matrix, which will help to take a fresh look at the allocation of resources. It is based on the following statement: what companies are successful in today will not necessarily be in demand tomorrow. The axes of the matrix show the degree of competitiveness of the business today and the market potential in the future. It is important for companies to anticipate these changed expectations and turn them into their advantages. For example, in the retail and restaurant sector, the focus will shift from meeting the basic need to organizing leisure for the consumer, so you will need to look for ways to make this experience unique and especially memorable.
Citations count: 1
Sidorova G.M. —
The issue of national minorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 25 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.4.24945 URL:
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The object of this study is the influence of the issue of national minorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo on the security in the Great African Lakes region. The author examines the issues of the displeasure of the Tutsi Congolese (the Banyamulenge) regarding their position in the society, their demands for the resolution of the issues of harassment. The author also focuses on the protection of interests by a defined ethnic group, on the brink of developing a political consciousness. The article examines various political associations, including nationalist parties. An accent is made on the so-called "Banyamulenge issue", and the following destabilization in the eastern regions of the country. The methods of empirical political studies allowed to discover the correlation between those phenomena, and to define the contradictions in the political process in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The author draws the conclusion that unsolved national issues in the Democratic Republic of Congo are the reason for the emergence of new conflict hotspots, which, combined with existing ethnic conflicts, grow into large-scale conflicts with high victim counts. According to the author, the reason for nation-based conflicts is the weakness of political authority, the lack of influence by the central authorities on the regional political processes, as well as the complexity of the interaction between the numerous ethnic groups that constitute the country's population.
Citations count: 1
Miniaeva D. —
Growing environmentalism of the Chinese economy
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 24 - 38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2019.1.29188 URL:
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This study examines the major internal and external mechanisms of the increasing environmentalism in Chinese economy. The economic dimension of environmentionalization processes in the context of economic development. The main goal of this article is to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of said processes and to outline possible methods of overcoming their contradicting currents. Studying the experience of the People's Republic of China, the strengths and weaknesses of the Chinese approach to the environmentalization of the economy is necessary not only to understand the contemporary situation and to predict the future external and internal policies of the country. The results of the study may be useful for building possible scenarios for the development of other growing economies. The author analyses and outlines the political, market and social mechanisms necessary to achieve the set goals of the economy's environmentalization mechanisms. The author studies their main traits and spotlights the trends which are common to the said process in Chinese economy. The author also outlines the contradictions which China faces in the process of building a greener economy. The said contradictions include the conflict between the economy and the environment (1), the conflict of interest between the central government and regional authorities (2), the uneven environment-friendliness of large companies and smaller enterprises (3), as well as the lack of environmental awareness among the Chinese economy's actors (4). The author concludes by offering a number of ways to overcome the said contradictions.
Citations count: 1
Koshmarov M. —
The conflict of globalization of media consumption: from echo chambers to info capsules
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 51 - 62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.38030 URL:
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The subject of this article is modern communication technologies. The purpose of the study is to describe the current processes taking place today in the field of information/communication technologies in generally understandable terms to form an overall picture; analysis of these results; forecast of development. The object of research is a modern society on a global scale. The article analyzes the main trends of information strategies, technical innovations in the field of communications, clarifies terminology on this topic. The methodological basis of the research is both general scientific and traditional methods used in political science and economics, using new terminology describing modernity – analysis, synthesis, comparative methods, etc. The main conclusions of the study are the thesis about the beginning of a gradual change in modern society through minor but permanent changes in the modern social contract with the help of new information technologies, as well as about the opacity of such a system. The scientific novelty is represented by the analysis of the concept of an immersive virtual environment that is actively developing today - the metaverse, which today is often called the Internet 2.0. Also, on the basis of primary sources – publications on this topic since the end of the twentieth century and up to modern publications, the terminology in this area has been clarified and systematized. The article points out the existence of a certain contradiction, a conflict inherent in new technologies, from the point of view of political philosophy.
Citations count: 1
Konstantinova A.P. —
Analyzing modern Russian and American approaches to the problem of Russia's isolation by Western countries
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 24 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.1.25760 URL:
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The subject of research are the conceptual approaches of Western and Russian researchers regarding Russia's isolation by Western countries. Attention is focused on the typologization of Russian and American groups of researchers who are aware of the nature of Russia's isolation, as well as on outlining the interests represented by particular groups of American experts. The proponents of Russia's isolation in a broad variety of spheres, including conducting economic and ideological war, political destabilization and other methods, represent the majority.
Over the course of the research the author employed the methods of analysis, synthesis, the typological method that allowed for a greater measure of generalization, compared to classification and systematization. The scientific novelty of this research is the fact that the analysis of modern foreign discussions in political and academic circles on Russia-Euro Atlantic community-related issues.
The analysis conducted has discovered a multitude of viewpoints regarding Russian isolation by Western countries, and showed that, among Russian researchers, there is no single viewpoint on how to act in the situation when Russia found itself between the threat of isolation, and the impossibility of remaining a subsystem of America's economy.
Citations count: 1
Kabakhidze E.L. —
Conflictogenity in the sphere of higher education: causes, consequences, methods of settlement
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 28 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.2.36114 URL:
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Among the neologisms actively used in youth environment, one come across multiple words with negative connotation, which are used to describe aggressive behavior or destructive emotional state. Aggression, conflict, alienation are the markers of modern society, which infiltrate all spheres of social life, including the system of education, which on the one hand is influenced by the external environment, while on the other is the mechanism for harmonization of public relations, formation of moral and ethical attitudes, as well as worldview values of the society. The ongoing anthropological crisis, which actualized the problem of conflictogenity in the sphere of higher education, laid the groundwork for this research. The goal of this article lies in the analysis and review of foreign research dedicated to the causes of conflicts that occur in the academic environment, as well as the mechanisms for their settlement. The author employs the combination of descriptive, comparative methods, classification, and introspection methods for the development of original perspective on the topic. Having provided the philosophical-psychological foundations of the modern anthropological crisis, and its conflictogenity in the system of higher education on the individual and institutional levels, the author classifies the types of conflicts along with the ways for overcoming them, and gives special attention to such that may find their application in the Russian educational space. The main result of this research lies in the description of the types of conflicts in the academic environment, methods of their settlement, as well as practical recommendations for eliminating conflicts in the Russian universities. The novelty of this article consists in the systemic description of problematic field of the research – conflictogenity in the system of higher education, and determination of the mechanisms for overcoming conflict situations, considering national, cultural, and administrative specificity of higher education institutions in the Russian Federation.
Citations count: 1
Novoseltsev S.V., Ryzhov I.V. —
Foreign policy priorities of the United States in Asia-Pacific: impact of the concepts “Pivot to Asia” and “America First”
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 71 - 80.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.4.37156 URL:
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This article analyzes the influence of the United States upon the political processes in APAC based on the example of territorial disputes in the South China Sea. An overview is given to the foreign policy concepts “Pivot to Asia” and “America First” proposed by the administrations of B. Obama and D. Trump respectively, the priorities outlined therein, as well as importance of the conflict in the South China Sea for the US foreign policy. The author examines the practical steps taken by Washington in relation to the South China Sea question, as well as concludes on the objectives of the United States and possible steps in this direction. Although the theme of territorial disputes in the South China Sea, including the degree of involvement of Washington into this issue, as well as other East Asian affairs, is quite popular in the scientific works, the novelty of this research consists in the innovative approach towards consideration of the conflict in the South China Sea not as a separate problem of international relations, but as the foreign policy instrument of superpower and regional powers (including the United States) used for formatting the East Asian regional subsystem of international relations and structuring the Greater East Asia macroregion to their benefit.
Citations count: 1
Sokolov R., Rogozhina E.M., Tikhomirova A.D. —
Modern environmental policy of the European Union: the struggle for resources and conflict of interests in various market segments
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 75 - 86.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.37793 EDN: NECUFB URL:
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The object of research in this paper is the modern environmental policy of the European Union, while the subject of research is the relationship and mutual influence of the EU environmental policy in the context of the ongoing conflict of interests on this issue in various market segments. Also in this article, the authors tried to trace the dependencies of the mechanism of implementation of the environmental policy of the European Union, establishing what impact it has on the society of European countries and their economies, and what reverse impact these areas have on environmental policy. The "European Green Course" has become the central subject of research, since the effectiveness and mechanisms of its implementation at the pan-European and national levels reveal the essence of the modern environmental policy of the European Union. The authors identify the criteria for the formation of the EU environmental policy, as well as analyze the basic principles of the implementation of pan-European legislation on environmental policy. It is concluded that the environmental policy of the European Union has one interesting feature: it is one and different at the same time. The norms and rules of each specific country differ in their strength and target areas, while the result of the application of these norms, the targets, remain equal for all countries of the Union. The compactness factor of the European Union plays a significant role in shaping the principles of implementing and building a coherent environmental policy: any environmental incident has consequences for almost all EU member states, geographically the countries are located compactly, and the current relationship between the industrial concerns of EU countries makes them extremely sensitive to supply chain disruptions.
Citations count: 1
Kryzhko L.A., Kryzhko E.V., Pashkovsky P.I. —
Egyptian Policy in the Context of the Transformation of US Geostrategic Approaches in the Middle East in 1953–1956.
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 33 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.3.38207 EDN: OCBSPV URL:
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The authors consider the problem of the significance of Egypt's policy in the context of the transformation of the US geostrategic approaches in the Middle East in 1953–1956. It is shown that the approaches of the United States that have undergone transformation, which sought to create a controlled military-political bloc of the states of the Middle East region, were not implemented largely due to the policy of Egypt. Continuing the implementation of the military-political project - the Baghdad Pact, Washington not only did not achieve the favor of Cairo, but also caused its extremely negative reaction, which became a derivative of the understanding that American initiatives were an attempt to strengthen Egypt's traditional rival in the struggle for leadership in the Arab world – Iraq. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the designation of the role of Egypt as a regional power capable of creating alternative military projects to American initiatives. The circumstances preventing the inclusion of Cairo in the military-political bloc of states in the Middle East initiated by the United States, which directed a number of Arab countries against such initiatives, sympathizing with the anti-colonial sentiments of the Egyptian leadership, are indicated. It was revealed that the persistence of the initiatives of the Western states and the methods of their implementation prompted Cairo to seek protection in the face of an alternative center of power. Therefore, in the conditions of aggravation of Egyptian-Israeli relations on the eve of the Suez crisis, Egypt is drawing closer to the USSR. However, Washington retained the possibility of rapprochement with Cairo, not formally becoming a member of the Baghdad Pact, and also «staying aside» in the military anti-Egyptian action of Great Britain, France and Israel.
Citations count: 1
Baev A., Rakhimov D.&. —
Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Official Development Assistance of the United States and China on the Voting of Sub-Saharan Africa in the UN General Assembly
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 83 - 97.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.2.39841 EDN: RBCTXY URL:
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The subject of the study is the development assistance of the United States and China to Sub-Saharan states and its impact on the voting of recipient countries in the UN General Assembly.The object of the study is the relations of the United States and China with Sub-Saharan Africa. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as development assistance, as well as voting in the UN General Assembly. Particular attention is paid to the impact of development assistance from donor States represented by the United States and China on the voting in the UNGA of recipient states on key issues of interest to China and the United States. The main conclusions of this study are the following: the more African countries receive more aid from the United States, the more they tend to vote for the same opinion as the United States in the UN General Assembly. On the other hand, China's assistance did not have a significant impact on the similarity of foreign policy between China and the recipient African States. The novelty of the study lies in the regression analysis. In addition to the amount of aid to African countries in the United States and China, the work includes variables that may influence the UN General Assembly vote on African recipient States in the statistical model as control variables based on existing research.
Citations count: 1
Ivanchenko O.V., Banshchikova A.A. —
A substitute for the government: alternative social practices in mutual help groups in modern Dar es Salaam
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 47 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2017.4.24637 URL:
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The focus of research are the practices of mutual help in Dar es Salaam, a modern Tanzanian megapolis, serving as a substitute for (largely absent) government support. The article examines the self-organization practices of the poorest Tanzanian villagers who gravitate to the big city in search of a better life, who establish mutual help groups on the basis of trust, which replace the function of government regulation with traditional values of rural areas. Attention is drawn to the attitude of the members of such groups to legal registration and to the possibility of turning to the police in case of an internal conflict. The methods of research include immersed observation and interview, both formal and informal, conducted by O.V. Icanchenko during the expedition to Dar es Salaam in 2015. During the course of this expedition over 30 interviews were recorded with both, mutual group members and non-member citizens who are aware of such groups. Over the course of data analysis the authors come to a conclusion that the Tanzanians who moved to the city recreate the communal way of life of rural areas, but in adapted forms: neighbors and colleagues become their new environment that provides social guarantees and provides help in difficult situation instead of relatives, and the leaders of mutual help groups help resolve conflict instead of the police. Groups themselves, while emulating certain features of the government bureaucracy, still put much faith in trust, friendly neighborhood relations, and the power of moral obligations.
Citations count: 1
Zadora A. —
Teaching History: Sensitive Issues and the formation of identity in France.
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 36 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.1.25614 URL:
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The author focuses attention on the particular traits of teaching history in France as part of secondary education. The point of focus are the "sensitive issues" of the history of the Fifth Republic which affect the formation of national identity of students, one way or another. These aspects of French history often spark social debate, which don't often end in agreement. The goal of this article is to analyze the didactic practices of the major actors in education - the teachers whose pedagogical practices are often limited by official instructions, curriculums, and the reactions of their students and their parents.
During the study, the author used the ideographical method, basing on empirical data received during a specific sociological study. The study itself and the diligent interpretation of its statistical spread allowed the author to define a broad spectrum of the narratives which are the most "traumatizing" to the identity of young French citizens. The continuum of such problems includes scenarios that do not have definitive interpretations in the context of the Fifth Republic's history. The issues studied in this article aren't yet studied thoroughly enough in French social anthropology and political science, and Russian science still haven't made them an object of targeted research.
Citations count: 1
Al Asad A., Tsimashchenia V.A. —
Applied Analysis of U.S.-China Strategic Competition in the UN System 2017-2022
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 22 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.3.39991 EDN: ZKKXGI URL:
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The subject of the study is the current role, approaches and activities of the U.S. and China in the UN system in the period 2017-2022. To conduct the study, authors used an applied analysis of the positions of China and the United States in the UN Specialized Agencies, the budgetary allocations of states to the organization, as well as the reactions of the United States and China and their allies to issues related to human rights and democracy in Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The main conclusions of the study, which authors come to, are that the strategic rivalry between the U.S. and China will continue to intensify during the Biden administration. The Biden administration's approach to competition and cooperation with China will also be characterized by the U.S. national interest. After the COVID-19 pandemic, new debates and conflicts over values, systems and ideologies emerged, changing the strategic competition between the United States and China from "US vs. China" to "free camp countries vs. China," which is more favorable to the US. J. Biden, a Democrat with a great career in Congress will move the debate about "values," "system," and the "ideology" of human rights and democracy to new areas of competition in the strategic competition between the U.S. and China.
Citations count: 1
Luk'yanova G.V., Martyanov D. —
Spontaneous vigilantism and conflictogenic potential of the everyday Internet discourse
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 32 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.1.37335 URL:
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This article discusses the conflictogenic potential of spontaneous vigilantism in third spaces. Vigilantism is associated with usurpation of the function of justice by unauthorized persons. Vigilantism can be institutionalized and spontaneous, which is related to disorganized participation of individuals in penalizing the violators of social norms. In the conditions of post-truth, the important role in the formation of vigilant discourse is played by the environments of everyday communication – the so-called third spaces. In the context of third spaces, communication is realized beyond the institutional field, i.e. political parties and social movements. Besides the interpersonal relations, the discussion of crucial social issues also takes place in third spaces, which requires assessment from the perspective of its conflictogenic potential. The novelty of this article is determined by the relevant theoretical aspects – analysis of the phenomenon of post-truth, public sphere, echo chambers and third spaces, as well as the authorial empirical research dedicated to the content of messages in third spaces of the social network Vkontakte. The study of spontaneous vigilantism employs the range of posts from the online community “Overheard” in 15 megacities for the past two years. The quantitative and qualitative content analysis revealed the key topics with a vigilant problematic, which were assessed through the prism of conflictogenic potential. The conclusions is made on the contradictory nature of spontaneous vigilantism in the Russian third spaces.
Citations count: 1
Shugurov M.V., Kolodub G.V., Shugurova I.V. —
Academic Boycott of Israel in 2023-2024: causes, manifestations and consequences
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 57 - 111.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2024.3.71827 EDN: GZYPBZ URL:
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The subject of the study is the content, structure, and dynamics of the academic boycott against Israel. The aim of the study is to systematically conceptualize the modern academic boycott of Israel in 2023-2024 by universities in the United States and Western Europe through the prism of the correlation of common and special features of this phenomenon. The study revealed the reasons for the academic boycott of Israel as a permanent phenomenon in 2002-2022; the degree of its validity was determined; the Palestinian-Israeli conflict of 2023-2024 was revealed as a factor in the transition of the anti-Israeli boycott in the academic sphere to a new stage, involving the introduction of unprecedented academic sanctions. The specific features of the academic boycott of Israel by universities of various states of the collective West are considered in detail by the authors in the context of new trends in the anti-Israeli protest movement. The methodological base of the research is represented by historical and systematic approaches. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization were used when working with empirical data. The comparative method made it possible to identify common and specific aspects of the anti-Israeli academic boycott. The forecasting method made it possible to assess the possible consequences of the current anti-Israeli boycott on the Israeli academic sector. The main conclusion of the study is that the essence of the new qualitative characteristics of the academic boycott of Israel is that the instruments of isolation of the Israeli academic sector in the space of international relations have become measures aimed at suspending or severing institutional relations between Israeli and foreign universities and research centers in the academic field. The novelty of the study lies in the disclosure of the compromise nature of decisions to limit academic ties with Israel, as well as the lack of a radical break. The consequences of the measures taken are unlikely to cause significant damage to the Israeli academic sector. It has been established that the suspension of bilateral agreements between universities of foreign countries and universities in Israel is often presented as a rupture. The contribution of the article to the subject area of research is the disclosure of the academic boycott model, which unfolds in the absence of economic sanctions, as well as the expansion of initiatives by Western countries aimed at evaluating project cooperation with Israel through the prism of human rights and academic freedom values.
Citations count: 1
Suleimenov A.R. —
Symbolic field of modern Islamism
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 57 - 73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2020.2.33155 URL:
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The subject of this research is the key topoi of the discourse of Islamist propaganda and the mechanism of their representation by a number of unaccredited sources of the Russian-language extremist propaganda. The object of this research is the Islamist discourse covered by the “official” sources of the prohibited in the Russian Federation international terrorist organizations – “Islamic State”, “Dabiq” and “Rumiyah”, as well as a number of Russian-language sources of Islamist propaganda. The author examines such aspects of jihadist propaganda as the category of space, semiotics of Islamist propaganda; postmodern traits in the jihadist propaganda materials. Analysis is conducted on the category “Dawlah” (“state” from Arabic) as a sovereign concept in the discourse of “Islamic State” organization. Special attention is paid to the characteristic of Islamist propaganda as a phenomenon typical for the era of postmodernism. The distinctive features of the Russian-language Islamist discourse are described. Leaning on the analysis of textual and visual materials of Islamist propaganda, the author concludes on inextricable connection of the discourse of jihadist propaganda with the society of its function, despite the thesis on irreconcilable confrontation to the “Taghut” society declared by the ideologists of the international terrorist organization “Islamic State”. This thesis is proven by a certain symbolic set of Islamist propaganda, usage of symbols comprehensible to modern audiences, and significant attention given to the brand and style of the jihadists. After the defeat of the Caliphate as a proto-state entity (rather than a terrorist organization), the “Islamic State” substantially migrated into the virtual space. In an attempt to influence the audience, jihadist propaganda operates not only on the level of objective reality, but immerses the reader in an entirely virtual world. This work reveals the peculiarities of such process.
Citations count: 1
Rudnitskii A.Y., Avatkov V.A., Sbitneva A.I. —
Confrontation between Turkey and Syria: history and modernity
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 26 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2020.2.33629 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of Turkey-Syria conflict. The is to examine the causes and course of this confrontation from the perspective of historical prerequisites, as well as assess the prospects of further cooperation within the framework of transforming system of international relations and change in the regional balance of powers in the Near East. Detailed analysis is conducted on the policy of the leadership of the Republic of Turkey with regards to Syria since its foundation until the present. Special attention is turned to the Turkey’s current Near East policy, in which Ankara attempts to strengthen its positions in the region, using Syria as a space for implementation of its Neo-Ottoman ideas. The article also reveals a range of problems that impede normalization of the bilateral relations between Turkey and Syria at the present stage. The conclusion is substantiates that there is a high likelihood of continued confrontation between Turkey and Syria in the short-term perspective. It is noted that the situation may change under the condition of the change of power in both countries, and coming to power of the government oriented towards mutually beneficial regional cooperation.
Citations count: 1
Borisov D.A., Tarkhina E.A. —
Organizational Forms of "Containment of China" in US Foreign Policy at the Present Stage.
// Conflict Studies / nota bene.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 48 - 54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.4.39329 EDN: KTGJVX URL:
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The trilateral defense alliance AUKUS has taken the US-China conflict to a new level. The authors record consistent steps in US foreign policy with the aim of military and economic containment of the PRC in the Asia-Pacific region. The article traces the connection between growing power of the PRC and US attempts to organize a united anti-Chinese front with countries of the Indo-Pacific region. Further aggravation of relations between Washington and Beijing motivates further rapprochement of Russian-Chinese relations, both in sphere of economic and military cooperation with China.