Theoretical culturology and the theory of culture
Gutsalenko, O.V. (2023). Folklore and folklorism in the cultural aspect. Culture and Art, 9, 1–8.
The subject of the study is the concepts of "folklore" and "folklorism". The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of these concepts in culture. Folklore and folklorism are two concepts that are closely related to each other, but at the same time have their essential differences. Folklore is folk art, transmitted from generation to generation by oral or other means. It is a reflection of the cultural and spiritual life of the people, their beliefs, customs and traditions. While folklorism is the use of folklore elements in the creation of new works of art or culture. However, it should be noted that the distinction between these two concepts can be quite elusive. Some researchers argue that all statements of any author are the result of a combination of folklore elements and the author's personal style. Thus, it can be argued that every work contains both elements of folklore and elements of the author's personality. Comparisons are made in order to consider similarities and differences of terminological features of these concepts. Scientific methods of research are: cultural-historical, descriptive, and comparative analysis. This topic is relevant and understudied in culture, which constitutes the scientific novelty of the work. The article for the first time considers the term "folklorism" in comparison with the term "folklore". The vagueness and instability of the term "folklorism" was the reason why researchers rarely used it. Having considered various points of view, it should be concluded that folklorism, on a par with folklore culture, permeates many aspects of ethnic life, being not only a symbol of traditional culture, but also a means of promoting and preserving the national spirit of the people. In addition, such a study can be useful for the further development of folk culture and preservation of its values.
literary fairy tale, folk culture, oral folk art, traditional folklore, folklore culture, folklorism, folklore, folktale, cultural phenomenon, modern culture
Philosophy of culture
Belkina, V.A. (2023). Ecological bioethics, ecological and technological ethics in the aspect of the formation of the ecological technosphere. Culture and Art, 9, 9–22.
The relevance of this topic is determined by the fact of the transformation of the modern anthroposociotechnosphere, which is characterized by extremely rapid development of new technologies with ambiguous consequences for nature and man. In our opinion, in order to successfully adapt to this transformation, competent installations of ecological bioethics, environmental and technological ethics should be developed. The purpose of the research is a philosophical analysis of the representations of ethical models of ecological bioethics, ecological and technological ethics in the aspect of the formation and formation of the ecological technosphere as a form of coevolutionary relations of nature, society and technogenic civilization. The need for this analysis is determined by the desire to find a universal strategy for building harmonious relationships in the "nature-man-technology" system. The research is carried out within the framework of the concept of a "new ecological paradigm", which acts as the main theoretical and methodological guideline for us. This concept is based on the idea that humanity is part of an ecosystem, and therefore should live in harmony with nature. In conclusion, it is concluded that in the modern information society, in connection with the growing ecological crisis, the need for the formation of a network, synergetic-coevolutionary concept, methodology, which can be the concept of an ecological technosphere aimed at building a "new dialogue between man and nature", and involving the formation of a new ecological thinking, is of particular importance., including ethical guidelines of ecological bioethics, environmental and technological ethics.
anthroposociotechnosphere, technological ethics, technocentrism, ecocentrism, biocentrism, anthropocentrism, ecological ethics, ecological bioethics, ecological technosphere, new ecological thinking
Arts and crafts
Nekrasova-Karateeva, O.L. (2023). Philosophical reminiscences in the work of the artist Mikhail Kapustin. Culture and Art, 9, 23–38.
The author examines the art history problem of the influence of philosophical trends on the art that is relevant to them on the example of the work of the St. Petersburg ceramic artist Mikhail Yuryevich Kapustin and his philosophical reflections revealed in the plastic search for impressive images. His worldview was formed in a whirlwind of contemporary philosophical trends, scientific and technological discoveries, new trends in culture and contemporary art. The article reveals the regular change of one philosophical direction to the next, often alternative, and how artists reacted to this in their work, finding new ideals and expanding expressive possibilities in the visual arts. The purpose of the article is an attempt to decipher the in-depth meanings of the artist's works. The subject of research is philosophical reminiscences in the author's sculptural and graphic works of the ceramic artist. The main themes of his artwork are Man, Earth, and Time. The study has a novelty, because its materials are original and are offered for publication for the first time. In domestic and foreign art criticism there was no scientific study of the work of M. Kapustin. The works of M. Kapustin are large-scale, peculiar ceramic (sculptural and graphic) compositions of epic imagery, represent a compressed formula of an idea in a tense volume of form. The logical chain of his creative process as a ceramic artist goes as follows: from the idea towards the artistic image, material, technology, and finally – work. The results and research methods in this article can be used in art criticism for contribution in writing monographic works about the work of other artists.
sculpture, architectonics, technology, ceramics, exhibitions, meanings, composition, artistic image, philosophy, art
Culture and civilization
Popova, A., Shuraleva, M. (2023). Hemudu – Chinese early Neolithic culture. Culture and Art, 9, 39–55.
The subject of this research is the Chinese Neolithic Hemudu culture (河姆渡文化), it will be 50 years since its discovery in 2023. Its age is estimated at 6500-7000 years. Based on the analysis of archaeological reports, materials of the Hemudu Museum and research of Chinese and Russian scientists, the authors put the light on the geographical location of the ancient settlement of Hemudu, the history of its discovery, its main typological features, which led to identifying it as a independent culture of the Neolithic period of Eastern China. Hemudu had a great influence on the cultural genesis of Chinese civilization. More than 40 prehistoric settlements are attributed to the Hemudu culture. In this article, the authors gave a brief description of one of them – the ruins of Xiangjiashan (鲞架山遗址). The main conclusions of the study are as follows: the discovery and identification of the Hemudu culture was a major breakthrough in Chinese Neolithic archeology. It proved that the Yangtze basin was also the birthplace of ancient Chinese culture and rewrote the history of the development of Chinese civilization. In terms of its typological features, the Neolithic settlement of Xiangjiashan is similar to Hemudu, which indicates their genetic connection. The remains of the early Xiangjiashan period filled the gap in the history of the Hemudu settlement, making it more logical and understandable for researchers. All finds made not only in the settlement of Hemudu, but also in Xiangjiashan are extremely important for understanding the development of Chinese culture.
Chinese neolithic, Neolithic culture, ganlan, culture genesis, diexingqi, archaeology, Xiangjiashan, Hemudu, Early Neolithic, China
Culturology and cultural studies
Rozin, V.M. (2023). How archaic man learned and mastered the world (cultural-semiotic explanation). Culture and Art, 9, 56–68.
The article presents a cultural-semiotic reconstruction and explanation of the formation of archaic culture and some paradoxical ideas of people of that time for our consciousness (understanding of the eclipse, marital relations as hunting, technology). The culturological approach is explained and a new interpretation of semiotic concepts (signs, knowledge, schemes, models) is proposed as complementary, ensuring the integrity of archaic semiosis. The question is raised about how the archaic man knew and mastered the world around him and himself, what sources scientists rely on in trying to answer this question. It turns out that the knowledge and development of the world by an archaic person needs to be reconstructed and this is a very difficult task, given the strangeness and incomprehensibility of archaic ideas. The author shows that schemes are created and function based on signs and knowledge, and models differ from schemes, firstly, by the way objects are specified (the scheme sets its own object, and the model assumes the preliminary existence of the simulated object), secondly, by operational capabilities (the model allows you to calculate and predict what is impossible for the scheme). On the basis of the introduced semiotic concepts, the reconstruction of the formation of archaic culture is planned, including the invention of the soul scheme, its extension to natural and social phenomena, the explanation of sacrifices, eclipses, marriage rituals. In conclusion, the magical nature of the archaic technique is explained in this way.
vision, genesis, reconstruction, models, schemes, knowledge, sign, culture, activity, text
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
ZHANG, X. (2023). Study of birch bark handicrafts of the Oroqen people in China. Culture and Art, 9, 69–76.
The aim of this paper is to characterise the characteristics of birch bark crafts of one of the ethnic minority groups, the Oroqen people who live in north-eastern China. The following research methods were used: description, synthesis and classification. The paper examines the characteristics of the handicrafts of the Oroqen people, namely forms, patterns and cultural connotations of ethnic birch bark art. including the cultural component, historical evolution of art and its distribution.Research objectives: to study the characteristic features of traditional fine arts of ethnic minority Oroqen people, classification of traditional art, analysis of the production technology, analysis of the general characteristics of traditional art. Scientific novelty of the study: The art of ethnic minorities in Northeast China has a long history and diversity of types, has a deep cultural connotation, while the Oroqen people have a diverse heritage of folk arts, and birch bark craftsmanship is one of the most important elements. This fact determines the scientific novelty of this study. Conclusions: The paper concludes that the ethnic birchbark art of the Oroqen people has been influenced by the following factors: lifestyle, religion and cultural heritage.The art of the people is determined by their style and standard of living, religion and cultural heritage.
characteristics, cultural connotations, design, evolution, origins, ethnic minorities, Orochon, Craftsmanship, artistic, Forms of art