Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Bairamova, V.F., Isaev, S.S., Samokhina, E.B. (2023). On the Restoration of the Northern Stalls of the Ostankino Estate Amusement Park. Culture and Art, 4, 1–9.
The authors discusses the issues that arose when making adjustments to the project documentation with the performance of the function of a technical customer for carrying out repair and restoration work with an adaptation for modern use of windows of federal significance "Ostankino Manor, the end of the XVIII century". The possible ways of solving the problems of creating an image of the garden of its heyday - the end of the XVIII century - the first quarter of the XIX century are presented and analyzed. The arguments justifying design decisions when choosing planting material are demonstrated. The authors focus their attention on this aspect, as one of the numerous markers of the representation of local historical phenomena - in this case, the development of a certain park object. The scientific novelty of the work is connected with the identification of all factors and combinations of planning elements of the estate, which determined the achievement of that aesthetic expressiveness, which determines the status of the object as a cultural heritage and national treasure. We believe that when carrying out new restoration work, it is necessary to raise the question of restoring "flower beds" in historical outlines. In modern conditions, when the scale of the Ostankino park has changed, its functional purpose has changed, it would be wrong to suggest restoring "flowerbeds", while using tree and shrub vegetation. Six "klomps" are formed in accordance with and on the basis of these iconographic materials. The proposed floral assortment is similar to the solutions of the front yard – herbaceous peony (Latin Paeónia), hosta (Latin Hósta), lily (Latin Lílium) and spring flowering ephemeroids.
ensemble, manor, pantheon of arts, planting material, method of analogies, parterre, theater, restoration, plans, monument
Aesthetics and theory of art
Riabchenko-Shats, V.D. (2023). "Vesy" magazine as an indicator of the maturity of Russian Symbolism. Culture and Art, 4, 10–21.
“Vesy” magazine has become an extremely important milestone on the path of self–knowledge of Russian symbolism - its pages have captured the final design of the main principles and methods of this literary and cultural movement. However, the cultural discourse on the pages of the magazine, despite popular belief, was not homogeneous and static. Having marked the strengthening of symbolism as an important phenomenon in art and public life, “Vesy” magazine at the same time became a platform for discussions about the crisis of symbolism that was brewing at the beginning of the XX century, reflecting completely different stages of the development of this trend. The subject of this research is the journalistic materials published on the pages of “Vesy”, the object of the work was the evolution of the ideas of symbolism reflected in selected materials. With the help of discourse analysis, it became possible to study the most important stages of the development of symbolist discourse, which is the purpose of this work. The analysis of the journalistic materials of the magazine showed that “Vesy” failed to remain within its original ideological and aesthetic positions: contrary to traditional ideas, symbolism sought to live its own time, and during the period of social upheaval, its ideas were certainly developed. The results obtained can contribute to the theoretical knowledge about the symbolist journalism, “Vesy” magazine, as well as the evolution of the ideas of symbolism.
the evolution of the ideas of symbolism, symbolism crisis, symbolist manifestos, aesthetic manifestos, symbolist discourse, Silver age, symbolist magazines, symbolist journalism, Vesy magazine, symbolism
Applied culturology
Shilina, V.A. (2023). Cluster initiatives for the regional museum environment: problems and prospects. Culture and Art, 4, 22–34.
Due to the need for clustering of the tourist, cultural and museum environment, the need for scientific research among cultural scientists, museologists and other researchers has increased. The relevance of the article is due to the need for analyze cluster initiatives in the context of the transformation of individual museums into museum clusters. The object of the study is the regional museum environment. The subject of the study is the museums clusterization as a tool for the formation of a museum clusters. The purpose of the article is to study the cluster initiatives in the process of forming a museum cluster. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were defined: 1. consider the theoretical and applied aspects of the formation of cluster initiatives; 2. analyze the factors of participants' interest in creating a museum cluster; 3. identify elements that negatively affect the creation and functioning of museum clusters. General scientific research methods, such as the method of analysis and synthesis, were used in the research. The method of scientific forecasting was also applied to create cluster initiatives in the museum environment. Despite the range of published works, which belong mainly to economic scientists, there are very few studies on the introduction of cluster initiatives into the cultural environment, which necessitates further study of this area. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the analysis of cluster activities in various branches of cultural life and the presentation by the author of the specifics cluster initiatives. The article considers a cluster as a special type of business projects based on the collective actions of their participants (cluster initiative). The concept of "cluster initiative" is also defined, the main purpose and objectives of cluster initiatives are highlighted. The specifics of its use in the creation of museum clusters are considered.
cluster observatory, joint cluster project, stakeholder, museum cluster, localization, commercialization, Republic of Crimea, museum environment, cluster initiative, the museum
Culture of art and the process of creation
Rozin, V.M. (2023). Musical movement: lifestyle, the reality of non-traditional art, the space of learning and self-education (three comments on the concept of Aida Aylamazyan). Culture and Art, 4, 35–45.
The article describes and comments on the concept of the musical movement, the main ideas of which were formulated and substantiated by Aida Aylamazyan, psychologist and head of the Center for the Musical Movement "Heptahor". The author believes that in this case we are dealing with one of the new forms of experimental life, which in a peculiar way combines an unconventional art form (serious music and dance), a new way of life, partly opposing the established sociality, contributing to the formation of a new personality, as well as an organic symbiosis of alternative learning and self-education. The peculiarities of the practice of musical movement are characterized. The position is formulated that the musical movement demonstrates a new vital and artistic reality in which music is structured (articulated) by the dance movement, and dance is music. Two ideological turns (psychological and social) and the problem of a new anthropological synthesis, which contributed to new ideas and ideas, are considered. Aylamazyan needed an anthropological synthesis in order to comprehend the practice of the musical movement. It includes three areas of work: criticism of ballet as an example of the traditional understanding of dance and the person in it; characterization of the specifics of a new, free dance and its formation; the concept of a person who meets the practice of musical movement. The latter includes four conceptual ideas: 1) a new interpretation of the relationship between music and dance movements as two sides of one whole, 2) relates dance movements and the experience of music to the individual and partly to the dance community, 3) includes the practices of musical movement in a broader whole of culture, sociality, art, 4) interprets the practice of musical movement, including as learning and self-education processes.
practice, concept, self-education, training, personality, musical movement, dance, music, life, creativity
Architecture and design
Barsukova, N.I. (2023). Problematization of modern urban design. Culture and Art, 4, 46–60.
The subject of research in this article is the concepts, directions and definitions of urban design that exist in different countries today. The novelty of the study is to identify their features and problems associated with the lack of a unified theoretical and methodological approach to urban design. The main trends of urban design, the principles of the formation of urban spaces are considered, categories and concepts of design reflecting the environmental values of the urban environment are proposed. An attempt is made to show that these contradictions can be solved by expanding the problem field of urban design by including environmental, anthropological and psychological issues to create innovative design projects. It is in the value attitudes that the differences of many concepts are most clearly manifested. The necessity of an integrated approach to the design of the urban environment is substantiated. For this purpose, a strategy of urban design is proposed, summarizing the key modern scientific and applied points of view in this area. It defines the connections, coincidences and complementarities between different conceptual approaches, the emphasis is on human-centered design and innovation. It is focused on modeling a virtually new synthetic environment with increased comfort indicators without compromising the natural environment. The relevance of this approach is due to the widespread opinion that it is impossible to achieve ecological balance within an urban settlement. The result of the study was the identification of the main themes and problems that urban design is able to solve at the present stage.
environmental friendliness, values, an integrated approach, methodology, strategy, multifunctionality, urban environment, multidimensionality, problematization, urban design