Question at hand
Usachev, A. (2022). Philosophical aspects of the modern religious worldview. Culture and Art, 9, 1–16.
The object of the research is one of the most important issues today - the structural relations of the scientific and philosophical spheres and religion, since new communicative and ontological possibilities have appeared. The subject of the study is the separation of science, philosophy and religion, which in Modern times could not destroy the belief in a single source of knowledge, which became an organizing principle, uniting the disparate data of experimental science, which required a single goal-setting and moral attitude, justifying the meaning of the search for new types of being of matter and phenomena of consciousness. The research is organized in accordance with the structural and functional method, which allows us to correlate various disciplines of philosophy and religious knowledge with each other. The purpose of the study is the question of the relationship of philosophy and religion in modern Russian self-consciousness, based on the attitudes of philosophical thinking and religious worldview. History shows that the thesis that scientific progress will contribute to the fact that the religious worldview will be leveled does not find support in reality. Historical fractures lead to the strengthening of religion in self-consciousness, and raises the question of the relationship between philosophical thinking and religious worldview in a new way.The objectives of this study are: to prove the position that religion can be called one of the modern modes of consciousness; to show how the philosophical attitude to reality enters into a dialogue with religion with a new force – it is forced to self-determine in relation to the mythological and intuitive religious worldview; the relationship of philosophical thinking and religious worldview gives rise to new meanings which must be taken into account in modern philosophizing.The scientific novelty of the research is that the syncretic type of thinking is shown on the example of Russian religious philosophy, which activates the philosophical understanding of the world and elements of the religious picture of the world.
philosophy, thinking, dialectics, religion, science, secularization, worldview, consistency, existence, entity
Natural science, technology and culture
Popkova, N.V. (2022). Understanding Technology in Modern Culture: methodological reconstruction of philosophical approaches. Culture and Art, 9, 17–27.
The subject of the research is philosophical approaches to the analysis of technology reflecting the understanding of technology in modern culture. The problematization of technology occurs in connection with the desire of people to control it, reducing the determinism of their lives by external forces. To explain the connection between technology and man, numerous philosophical approaches have been proposed — systems of views expressing a certain way of seeing and based on basic concepts (reflecting the main aspects of the subject of research). Depending on the properties attributed to the technique and the goals of study, these approaches offer various forms of its awareness and practical development. At the existing level of philosophical knowledge, these concepts are not systematized and not coordinated; implied assumptions are not formulated openly, the main problems and prerequisites of the study, the factors taken into account, the meaning of the terms used are not always explicitly stated. The author comes to the conclusion that the analysis of these approaches with the help of logical reconstruction will bring the greatest methodological benefit: the identification of philosophical concepts (including the articulation of unconscious ideas), their comparison and analysis of methodological foundations (identification of the principles underlying them). It is concluded that the following have the greatest potential for research: a socio-natural approach analyzing nature and human society (generating technology) as steps of a single ladder of evolution having common laws of functioning; a sociotechnological approach considering socio-cultural and technical practices as generated by the communication environment; a biotechnological approach exploring natural and technical systems as successive stages of the evolution of the Universe, not taking into account the subjective factor of technology development. As a result, developing a philosophy of technology that combines all the diversity of these approaches and explains their mutual correspondence, we will analyze the anthropological foundations of technical activity.
philosophy of technique, technique, society, modernity, technical progress, nature, humanity, methodology, evolution, social technologies
Sociology of culture, social culture
Kalaikova, I.V., Pankina, M.V. (2022). The Culture of Choice considered Through Cultural Studies. Culture and Art, 9, 28–40.
The article deals with modern cultural studies of choice, carried out within the framework of a pragmatic turn, a turn to the material, modern critical theory. It is shown that an independent field of cultural studies of choice is outlined, however, due to the complexity of the object for such developments, the fragmentation of the methods and approaches used is specific. To concretize and develop socio-cultural ideas about choice, we propose a specific conceptual construction — the concept of "culture of choice", which has its own internal structure. In the structure of the "culture of choice" we have identified two components: subjective and environmental. The subjective component is understood as cultural values internalized by the individual, norms, rules, principles that guide the subject when making a choice, as well as the subject’s culturally conditioned memory of the past and foresight of the future. The environmental component represents the features of the environment in which the individual makes a choice, information about the alternatives of choice that is currently incoming, as well as the tools and mechanisms of the environment that the subject uses when making a choice.
choice alternatives, choice constraints, determinants of choice, choice studies, decision making, choice, culturological approach, culture of choice, culture, choice culture structure
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Permilovskaya, A.B., Gerasimova, A.I., Usov, A.A. (2022). Kurnaya Hut: Architectural and Design Features and Interior (on the Example of Tretyakov's House-yard, village Gar, Kargopolsky district). Culture and Art, 9, 41–57.
The Russian North is part of its territory, where monuments of wooden architecture are preserved to this day. One of the districts of the North is Kargopolye, whose architectural traditions date back to the high carpentry culture of Ancient Novgorod. Local buildings are an example of traditional wooden construction, a treasure trove of knowledge about the customs, culture and history of the Russian people. In the wooden monuments of Kargopolya, not only the accumulated experience of Russian masters is visible, but also the very spirit of the splendor of northern wooden architecture. The subject of the study is the architectural and structural features and the traditional interior of the Tretyakov house–yard (currently part of the exposition of the Museum of Wooden Architecture "Small Korely") as an example of a peasant Kurnaya hut in Kargopol. The article is based on the materials of expeditionary research by A. B. Permilovskaya (1984, 2006) – settlements and monuments of folk architecture of the Kargopolsky district of the Arkhangelsk region with the implementation of photofixation and schematic measurements; analysis of archival documents, interviews with residents of the Kargopolsky district. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the introduction into scientific circulation of new archival sources and field materials on the traditional culture of the Russian North. As a result, an analysis of the architectural and design features of chicken huts was carried out, the value of the furnace "in black" for Kargopol was revealed. M. A. Tretyakov's house-complex is of interest, because it contains a kind of "architectural code" for understanding the features of the construction of Kurnaya huts. The results of the study show that M. A. Tretyakov's house-yard is a monument of wooden architecture that has preserved the original design solutions, the layout of the premises. The Kurnaya hut has preserved the archaic device of the furnace "in black", the household items associated with it, as well as the original interior. Thanks to this, the modern exposition of the house reflects the real life of the Kargopol mid XIX century peasant life.
peasant house with a chimneyless stove, house-yard, interior, cultural heritage, cultural landscape, folk architecture, Russian North, Kargopolye, wooden architecture, architectural monument
Culture of art and the process of creation
Rozin, V.M. (2022). The experience of understanding the essence of art and artistic creativity (considering S.S. Neretina's study of Goethe's tragedy "Faust"). Culture and Art, 9, 58–69.
The article does not discuss Neretina's reconstruction of "Faust", but mainly her ideas about artistic creativity and art. At the same time, the author first briefly summarizes Svetlana Sergeevna's views on these issues. The author's poems are used as empirical material for presenting his own concept of art. The author separates the artistic reality in which events are set, and the means (words, sentences) that allow to pass into this reality. It is proposed to reconstruct the process of composing the presented poem by the author, including the adjustment to creativity, the formation of the idea and concept of the work, the implementation of the planned scenario, coordination and strengthening of all poetic constructions. The representations that were used in the construction of this poem can be divided into two classes: some (expressive means and script) belonged to culture, and others (artistic images, themes, words and sentences) are the result of the author's creativity. The question of how a person can fully live in an artistic reality, what kind of form of existence it is, is considered. The main thing here is the formation of the reality of art, its events and objectivity. In the process of this formation, awareness and rationing of art plays an important role. It is discussed why in previous cultures it was possible to attribute stable characteristics to the reality of art (imitation, expression, the beautiful, the sublime, classicism, romanticism, etc.), but in our culture it no longer works and postmodernism rules the ball. In conclusion, the author touches on the communicative and social aspects of art.
understanding, poetics, composition, expressive means, artistic reality, word, creativity, art, reconstruction, shape