Question at hand
Devyatov, V.S. (2019). A Folk Song in Modern Russian Information Space . Culture and Art, 7, 1–11.
The article deals with features and problems of a folk song existence in modern domestic information space. A folk song transition, realized in recent decades, from everyday forms of existence to stage and information ones, determined the transformation of methods and conditions of its spread, including the ones based on innovations introduction. The article presents a general overview of the Russian media structure, the degree of impact and audience coverage by modern media. On the basis of such indicators as consistency, frequency, the volume of sounding the qualitative and quantitative side of presence of the Russian folk song in the information field of television, radio, printed editions, and the Internet is revealed. The main method of the study is the analysis of statistical information given in the branch reports of the "Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation", 2014-2017, the data of a number of sociological studies, the analysis of legislative acts relating to television and radio broadcasting, the analysis of the television and radio programs, printed publications, and Internet content. The author concludes that in modern Russian information a folk song space occupies a rather weak position, and the task of preserving and promoting folk songs as a cultural heritage requires the purposeful organization of the given process by means of modern mass media.
internet, radio broadcasting, television, media, mass media, information space, cultural values, printed publications, folk song, broadcasting
Philosophy of culture
Usachev, A. (2019). I.A. Bunin's Creation and European Metaphysics. Culture and Art, 7, 12–25.
The object of the study is I.A. Bunin's creation in the postwar period. The subject of the study is the novel The Life of Arseniev and most significant stories Mitya's Love, Mashenka, collection of short stories Dark Avenues, in which author's dependence on European concepts, extensively discussed in modern philosophy, expressed itself most vividly, specifically, 'nothingness', 'status of nature in human perception of the world', and also 'time as a fundamental category in the perception of the phenomena of the world'. The interest in images, which uniquely fix the well-known concepts of European metaphysics, was shown. The methodology of the study is based on the closest to each other methodological approaches. A comparative method is a basic one, which consists of a comparison of different understandings of the same categories and images in literary and philosophical discourse. A historical-genetical method allows tracing the development of a concept or an image from page-to-page, novel-to-novel, and also in different periods of creative work. The text consists of philosophical categories and concepts which are clarified and illustrated with images from I.A. Bunin short novels. Such concepts as 'absence', 'revolution', 'respite', 'nothing', 'existence' expose and confirm its essentiality in author's literary material. Bunin did not give any famous comments on philosophy, due to this fact it is more interesting to trace his dependence on these concepts in his work. Russian writer appears not only as a great poet and novelist but also a European intellectual, who indirectly uses the key concepts and construction in his creative work.
discourse, philosophy, nature, essence, nothing, being, poetry, literature, existence, phenomenology
Applied culturology
Rozin, V.M. (2019). Prolegomena to the Theory of Questioning. Culture and Art, 7, 26–36.
The article represents the variant of methodological introduction to the theory of questioning. The theme of constructing this theory is stated; two principal historical stages of questioning practice comprehension are distinguished (in antiquity and modern era). Two traditional approaches to the analysis of questioning - formally logical and philosophical - are characterized. Concepts 'practice with a questioning', 'sphere of questioning', 'situation of questioning', and 'communication of questioning' are introduced. These concepts were later used in the process of reconstruction of questions and answers in A Confession by L.N. Tolstoy. In the research, the following methodology is implemented: problem defining, situational analysis, the introduction of new concepts, reconstruction of the work, methodological scenario planning. As a result of the study, it was possible to define a number of concepts which are important for constructing a theory of questioning (teaching of questioning) and also plan the methodological scheme of such a theory. The reconstruction of questioning in A Confession, the famous Tolstoy's piece of work, in which were used such concepts as 'sphere of questioning', 'situation of questioning', and 'communication of questioning', is proposed.
communication, situation, problem, reconstruction, answer, question, Questioning, thinking, sphere, practice
Historical culturology and the history of culture
Shulgina, O., Shul'gina, D.P. (2019). Historical and Geographical Aspects of Memorialization of Pushkin Heritage (to the 220th Anniversary of the Birth of A.S. Pushkin). Culture and Art, 7, 37–51.
The object of the study is the Pushkin heritage. The subject of the study is historical and geographical features of formation and spread of memorials, which are related to the life and art of A.S. Pushkin in pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia, across the country. Special attention is paid to the preservation of Pushkin heritage. Memorable places associated with A.S. Pushkin; processes of creation of outstanding monuments, dedicated to the poet; perpetuating of his name in the names of cities and streets, in the development of tourist routes, were studied. A historical and geographical research method was chosen as a principal one, also a historical-comparative, historical-systemic, statistical, and cartographic methods were used. The main conclusions of the conducted research are: close attention was paid to the memorialization of Pushkin heritage at all stages of development of the Russian statehood. The vast majority of memorial objects, tourist routes to Pushkin places is located in the European part of Russia. The name of Pushkin is one of the most common in the toponymy of the country.
cities named after Pushkin, Pushkin travel routes, streets named after Pushkin, toponymy, tourist routes, museums, reserve museums, monuments to Pushkin, historical and geographical aspects, Pushkin heritage
Aesthetics and theory of art
Orlova, A. (2019). Russian Installation Art. Environment Formation and Creation of System of Canon-Images. Culture and Art, 7, 52–63.
The subject of the study is the formation of a system of canon-images in informal Russian art on the example of works of installation and near-installation nature. The author emphasizes that the design of the given symbolism took place against the background of the fact that the official style did not imply any deviation from the generally accepted canon. By canon are meant images which are important for artists due to the diverse cultural contexts of Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. Works by E. Lissitzky, Y. Vasilyev-Mon, A. Brusilovsky, M. Roginsky, V. Yankilevsky, I. Nakhova, I. Kabakov, V. Komar, and A. Melamid are given as examples. These authors made a huge contribution to the development of the Russian installation art which is needed and relevant today. In the article, the method of comparative analysis is used, as it most fully helped to develop a theme. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the fact that the formation of the art installation in Russia happened in the informal environment because of the fact that in the USSR existed a ban on a variety of modernist practices. Due to this fact, motives and canon-images, iconic to the modern Russian art, managed to take shape.
search, structure, canon, conceptual art, quotation, cliché, installation art, style, avant-garde, manner
Architecture and design
Chang, X. (2019). Ecological Ideas in Environmental Design: "Remembering The New" Project. Culture and Art, 7, 64–71.
The article focuses on the problem of applying the ideas of ecological development of the environment in artistic creativity. Moreover, the author thinks about how to show the connection and interconnection between human and technology through the creation of design products. The creation of "Remembering The New" project was a result of comprehension of these issues. This project represents an office chair for two people with the functions of tilting the back, raising and lowering the seat. The innovative character of the project is due to the reuse of the materials. Since the environmental design was created as an interdisciplinary field, the author had to not only describe the background and the process of the project creating but also to analyze the occurrence and development of environmental ideas from a social and historical point of view. Through the method of theory and practice combining, the author came to the conclusion about the social significance of the ideas of ecological development in environmental design. Their use in artwork influences the popularization of the ecological concept in society as a whole. Thus, the project "Remembering The New" has an interactive character, showing the interaction between human, technology and the environment.
office chair, installation art, reuse, utilization, green design, ecodesign, ecological concept, sustainable development, interactivity, social significance