Music and music culture
Shekhovtsova, I.P. (2018). Little-Known Pages of Dimitry Razumovsky's Biography (On the 200th Anniversary of His Birth). Culture and Art, 12, 1–28.
The subject of the research is the biography of a famous scientist and founder of Russian musical medieval studies, head of the Department of the History of Church Singing opened at Moscow Conservatory in 1866, acting member of a number of academic communities including Moscow Archeological Society, archpriest Dimitry Razumovsky whose 200th anniversary was celebrated in 2018. In her article Shekhovtsova analyzes different activities of Dimitry Razumovsky, his pastoral care and teaching, education, participation in publishing church singing and religious literature, mentoring and guidance of students and followers, and profound research. She also touches upon communication of Dimitry with important leaders of those times such as Count S. Sheremetev, Prince V. Odoevsky, V. Stasov, M. Balakirev, P. Tchaikovsky, S. Smolensky, Yu. Arnold, I. Voznesensky, N. Potulov, A. Lvov and others. The methodology of the research is based on the fundamental principles of the history of music, first of all, source studies, and the experience of the author in such fields as archivistics, liturgic music studies, general and special textual analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher involves a number of little-known or understudied sources which has allowed to define new facts and to clarify the scientist's biography as wll as to give a better insight into his activities and professional communication as well as to review his personal contribution to the development of the music studies. For the first time in the academic literature the author raises a question about what is going to happen to the archives and collections of Dimitry Razumovsky's writings.
Moscow Archaeological Society, Moscow Conservatory, musicology, history of science, collection of singing manuscripts, church singing, music archives, musical medieval studies, musical paleography, Dimitry Razumovsky
Arts and crafts
Bykova, I.I. (2018). More Facts about the Creative Life of a Court Jeweler Yakob Dublon (1702–1768) and His Role in the Creation of the Small Imperial Crowns. Culture and Art, 12, 29–44.
The object of the research is the biography and creative life of a court jeweler Yakob Dublon who worked on the governor's order during the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. In her research Bykova also discusses the biography of Yakob Dublon's full brother Martin Carl Dublon who was the silversmith. The scope of the research also covers jewelry masterpieces stored in the collections of Russian museums. Bykova focuses on the circumstances under which the Small Imperial Crowns were created and used during the first half of the XVIIIth century. In her research Bykova applied the integral research method (based on the combination of the fine art and historical-cultural approaches) which enabled a better view of the main research issues. For the first time in the academic literature the author of the article has managed to define the origin of two famous jewelers who worked at Russian palace in the mid of the XVIIIth century Yakob and Martin Carl Dublon and to discover that they represented the traditions of Nuremberg silversmithes. The documents found by the author in the archives extended the scientific view of the creative life of these masters and the orders they made. In a number of cases it was possible to 'define' jewels created by Yakob Dublon. The results of the research demonstrate that Yakob Dublon made a great contribution to the development of the Russian art of jewellery. The name of that master also relates to the creation of new imperial regalias. It was Dublon who defined the stylistics of these insignias that were efficient throughout the second half of the XVIIIth century. They also analyzed the problem of creation, use and existence of the Small Imperial Crowns of the first half of the XVIIIth century that had never before been raised in the scientific literature.
regalia, imperial crown, Trinity-St.Sergius Lavra, mitre, panagia, the art of jewellery, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, Dublon, court jeweler, wedding ceremony
Culture and science
Morozova , A.V. (2018). Research of Spanish Art in Terms of Russian Cultural Paradigms. Culture and Art, 12, 45–51.
In this research Morozova focuses on the Russian culture and Russian research of art, the subject of the research is the Russian research of Spanish art. She examines such aspects of the topic as the determinancy of directions, themes, range of problems, methodological approaches of the Russian cultural research and Russian research of Spanish art to Russian cultural paradigms. The researcher has chosen to study Spanish art as a particular case of art history. This has allowed the author to make grounded conclusions because there are a lot of researches on the history of Spanish art available. The conclusions based on the analysis of Spanish art are carried over the Russian art history in general. The author analyzes the socio-cultural factors of the art history and describes particular stages of its development as well as provides a description of each stage. She also analyzes the development of the research of Spanish art in terms of the socio-cultural environment. According to the researcher, it is not enough to study internal or immanent factors of the Russian history art evolution to understand the actual shifts and transformations happening there. Only the analysis of the Russian history art development from the point of view of the Russian cultural paradigms may explain the nature of those changes and transformations. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author's predecessors focused immanent or intrascientific factors of the Russian art history and Russian research of Spanish art development which is not enough to explain the changes in the process of the cultural research development that influenced the choice of styles, artists, master pieces for the research and their evaluation. Morozova analyzes socio-cultural factors of the development of the Russian cultural research based on the example of the Russian research of Spanish art. The main conclusion made by the author is her statement that the development of the Russian cultural research has always been determined by the Russian cultural paradigms.
Zurbaran, Murillo, Ribera, Goya, Velazquez, Research of Spanish art, Russian art criticism, Russian culture, cultural paradigms, El Greco
Symbol, word, speech, language
LAZARENKO, L.V., Starygina, G.M., Kungusheva, I.A. (2018). Linguistic Representation of the Social Discourse in the Artistic Narrative (Based on the Analysis of the Language Markers of the 'Kinship' Semantic Structure in Fedyor Dostoevsky's Novel 'Idiot'). Culture and Art, 12, 52–61.
The object of this research is the linguistic invasion of the social discourse into the speech of a person which acts as a field of struggle for social practices that are not neutral to each other. The main idea of the article is based on the assumption that the existential subject as the subject of an event of its own existence, the subject of affect, acts at the moment of conflict of certain socially labeled elements of the structure of its conditional Self, the hidden participants of the subjection. The subject of research in the article is linguistic markers of the semantic structure of "kinship" in the context of statements of fictional subjects of speech, producing multiple meanings, some of which seem to be produced directly by the social itself, hiding itself from interpretation and reference. The analysis of linguistic units of fixed speech makes it possible to determine the nature of semantic structures with which these elements correlate and the peculiarities of the normative practices that they actualize. The material for analysis is the speech of the characters in the novel by Fedyor Dostoevsky "Idiot". The object of interpretation is the pragmatics and semantics of lexical and syntactic units of statements. The main conclusions of the study are the statements of subjects of speech, in the principles of use and semantics of linguistic units reflects the conflict of social matrices incorporated by speakers. The social meaning and the very existence of this conflict "eludes" the existential subject, the affect subject experiencing its actual present as an event of its own Self, and not as a process of subjection.
Dostoevsky, linguistic representation, semantic structure, social structures, subjectification, subject of speech, discourse, narrative, social norm, language units
Historical culturology and the history of culture
Shigurova, T.A. (2018). Traditional Costume in the Life of the Society. Culture and Art, 12, 62–67.
The subject of the research is the functions of Mordovian traditional costume in their everyday life. Shigurova analyzes the stages of the traditional costume getting closer not only to the body but also to the soul of human and step-by-step development of additional meaning and cultural functions. The main source of the research is the materials of the Russian Geographical Society as well as folklore of the Mordovian people. The author's analysis of Mordovian traditional costume from the point of view of its social functions brings the focus to human as a creator and bearer of costume which allows to analyze one's attitude to clothing and particular elements thereof. In her research Shigurova has applied general reseaerch methods based on the information semiotic approach to analyzing the cultural phenomenon which allows to observe which elements of the traditional costume gain meaning in the process of their creation. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines Mordovian traditional costume as a result of creative activity of needlework mistresses reorganized into an item due to attentive observation and evaluation of the society. Complex socio-cultural processes reflect in the mentality of an ethnos, proverbs and stayings that describe the most important values of human.
moral qualities of a person, values, meanings, Mordovian people, spiritual culture, everyday life, functions, traditional costume, proverbs, sayings
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Rubin, V.A., Spiridonova, E.V. (2018). About the Role of the Russian Defense Ministry in the Process of the Development and Implementation of the State Cultural Policy in the Field of Military Memorial Heritage Preservation in the Post-Soviet Period. Culture and Art, 12, 68–76.
The rationale of this research is caused by the fact that this is an understudied topic as well as by the state policy to eternize the memory of the Fatherland defenders and the involvement of the ministries, agencies and local government agencies into the preservation of the military memorial heritage and the fact that there is no proper coordination between them. The authors of the article analyze the role of the defense agency as the key regulator of the military memorial activity in the country over 1991 - 2018. The object of the research is the state policy of Russia. The subject of the research is the role of the Russian Defense Ministry in the process of the development and implementation of the state cultural policy in the field of military memorial heritage preservation since 1991 till present days. The conceptual grounds of today's cultural policy and the problems of transmitting Russian traditions of the cultural heritage preservation have been studied by O. Astafieva, O. Avanesova, S. Sinetsky, O. Galkova and a number of other researchers. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors have summarized and analyzed particular examples of the Russian Defense Ministry's activity to record, preserve and popularize the military memorial heritage and have made a conclusion about the sustainability of military memorial preservation policy under the conditions of economic and political crises of the post-Soviet period.
defender of Fatherland, military burial place, postSoviet period, state policy, military memorial work, military memorial heritage, Russian defense Ministry, monument, memorial complex, search movement
Virtual reality
Kuzovenkova, Y.A. (2018). Virtualization of Graffiti and Street Art. Culture and Art, 12, 77–89.
Modern world is experiencing drastic changes under the influence of new technologies. This is what made the course of this research. The subject of the research is the influence of communication technologies and means of informaton transmission on the development of graffiti and street art. In particular, the author analyzes what features of the aforesaid art practices have been modified by the Internet. The Internet has created such new means of information transmission as microsites, social networks, and photo hosting provider and has allowed to make audio- and video and film transmission to the mainstream audience. The research is based on the method of semi-structured interviews that involved graffiti and street artists from the Samara Region. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author discovers that physical space loses its importance in the aforesaid art practices, the audience and artist's recognition are 'virtualized', and the fact that representatives of the graffiti and street art demonstrate different attitude to the influence of the Internet on their creativity. The author has also demonstrated that all the aforesaid changes have different intensity of expression in graffiti and street art.
communication technologies, writer, street artist, audience, space, virtualization, Internet, graffiti, street art, hip hop
Fine arts
Aganina, N.S. (2018). Calligraphy as the Art of Space and Time: the Nature of Movement as the Basis for Identification of Far Eastern Calligraphy. Culture and Art, 12, 90–103.
In her research Aganina analyzes calligraphy as a time-related intermedia and this is why the nature of the line movement and the sign pattern in general is one of the main criteria for evaluating the caligraphic piece. Considering that the aesthetics of the handwriting movement is more developed in the calligraphy of the Far East, the purpose of this research is to analyze movement as a category that creates the identity of Chinese, Korean and Japanese handwriting in order to review and to use the experience of Far Eastern calligraphy in the European writing. The methodological basis of the research involves the following: the problem statement, classification of aesthetic categories, comparative historical and axiological analysis, and iconological method. As a result of the research, the author concludes that the compositional movement of signs in the Far Eastern calligraphy directly and symbolically relates to the free movement of human body (and spirit) through the space. The fact that China, Korea and Japan have different concepts of the movement of spirit dictates differences in the nature of the sign pattern in the calligraphy of these countries.
Japanese calligraphy, Korean calligraphy, Chinese calligraphy, ink brush calligraphy, handwriting, aesthetics of movement, white space, fengliu, meot, mono-no aware
Monograph peer reviews
Morozova , A.V. (2018). Mysteries of the Golden Age of Spanish Culture. The Review of the Monograph 'Mysteries of the Spanish Theatre Stage Language' Written by Vydas Siliunas. Culture and Art, 12, 104–108.
The subject of this research is the monograph written by Vydas Siliunas and named 'Mysteries of the Spanish Theatre Stage Language' (published in Moscow by the publishing house Navona). In her research Morozova carries out analysis of the preceding literature on the history of the Spanish theatre of the XVIIth century and demonstrates the role that Vydas Siliunas' monograph played in the history of the literature about history. The researcher focuses on Vydas Siliunas' innovative approach. Siliunas studies Spanish festivals as a proto-type theatre and views plays of Spanish playwrights from the point of view life and theatre and general expression that it makes but not from the philological point of view only as it used to be in theatre studies before. Morozova applies the method of analysis to analyze a new monograph in relation to the history of theatre studies. She also gives a comparison of the reconstruction levels of the Golden century Spanish theatre in the researches by Vydas Siliunas' precedents and his compositions. She compares conclusions and approaches made by Vydas Siliunas and a number of foreign Spanish theatre researchers. The main result of the research is Morozova's conclusion that Vydas Siliunas made a great contribution to the research of the history of the Spanish theatre and Spanish culture. By using examples, Morozova illustrates the ambiguous integrated nature of the Golden Century Spanish culture that is built on the combination of the tragic and comic, brutal and noble, folk and aristocratic. The new approach to the Spanish theatre research reveals completely new opportunities for Spanish studies and analysis of the Spanish culture.
comedy, drama, auto, Lope de Vega, Calderon, Corpus Cristi, Siliunas Vydas, Golden Age of Spain, Spanish theatre, Spanish Culture