Pershin Y.Y., Cherevkova T.N. —
Archaic mentality and postmodernism. Case study: Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) of the Australian Armed Forces
// Psychologist. – 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 20 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2021.2.33998
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Abstract: The object of this research is the archaic mentality as a latent component of the collective and individual consciousness of military personnel of the Special Airborne Service Regiment (SASR) of the Australian Armed Forces. Archaic mentality is examined for determination and clarification of essential characteristics that manifest in the line of duty and execution of combat tasks by the military personnel of the regiment. Such explication of the archaic contents of mentality is facilitated by certain training regimen of military personnel of the units of Special Operations Command that include specific “keys” for activating archaic mentality. The research is structured on the comparative analysis of worldviews/world relations, methods and patterns of constructing reality, behavioral psychology in the archaic and postmodernist paradigms of the specialists/operators of the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR). The conclusion is made that any army unit, one of which is the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) of the Australian Armed Forces, is an archaic structure in its essence, with the corresponding collective consciousness, behavioral psychology, and a way of constructing reality. The modern social dynamics and transformations sometimes contain postmodernist attractors and catalysts of postmodernist way of thinking, behavioral psychology, and construction of reality. These characteristics can clearly influence the archaic military structures, although are not capable to make fundamental changes to the essence of these organizations. In the context of substantial (if possible) degeneration of the archaic social structures (including consciousness, way of thinking, and behavioral psychology) into postmodernist, their essence would be lost, and they would no longer fulfill their functions.
Pershin Y.Y. —
Hybrid warfare: untraceable armies and invisible hands
// Security Issues. – 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 48 - 71.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2020.2.32680
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Abstract: The object of this research is the concept of “hybrid forces”. Hybrid warfare is a war that employs hybrid force, which hybridity depends on whether they are composed of regular or irregular component. Initially, the irregular component involved partisans, who were later replaced by Special Forces Units, including Commando, which continued to perform a role of irregular units. Hybrid forces, in accordance with the Western doctrines, are most effective. Therefore, it appears relevant to conduct a historical overview and specify methodological approaches towards emergence, role, effectiveness, and potential usage of hybrid forces based on the data provided in foreign sources. The concept is examines its initial meaning, content and relevance of application in describing the conduct of military operations in the modern conditions. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the analysis of foreign source, which in the author’s opinion, underlies the concept of “hybrid warfare”. The historical retrospective, presented in the source, would help theoreticians of hybrid warfare to define this concept with more precision. The conclusion is made that the phenomenon recently dubbed as “hybrid warfare” and “hybrid forces” is not new and has analogues in human history.
Pershin Y.Y. —
Hybrid warfare: lots of noise out of nothing
// Security Issues. – 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 78 - 109.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2019.4.30374
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Abstract: The object of this research is the concept of “hybrid warfare/threat”. Such choice is substantiated by two facts: modern authors impart different meanings and content to this concept, often far from the initial; this concept is tautological, since “hybrid” is the characteristics of virtually any war, or application of a combination of various tactics and methods (except weapon of mass destruction) by the opponents. Therefore, the author believe that determination of “hybridism” attributable for multiple wars as a special type of warfare is inappropriate. The concepts is examined for its initial meanings, as well as relevance of interpretation in describing the conduct of military operations in modern conditions. The research is structures on the comparative analysis of original source that first employed the concept of “hybrid warfare”, as well as methodological guidance of this source. The scientific novelty first and foremost consists in author’s attempt to undermine the scientific research representing one of the versions of the genesis of “hybrid warfare” concept, as well as verify methodological sources used for development and explanation of this concept. The author also calls into question the relevance of the definition of “hybrid warfare”. It is concluded that the concept of “hybrid warfare/threat” is not operational, but has a tinge of ideology.
Pershin Y.Y. —
Archaic Mind in the Space of Military Meta-Action: Activation 'Keys'
// Psychologist. – 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 19 - 31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.4.26743
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Abstract: The object of the research is the phenomenon of archaic mind, archaic vision, perception and understanding of the surrounding world. The subject of the research is the manifestation of the archaic mind in modern conditions of military meta-action which include intelligence and counterintelligence activities in various forms of their manifestation. In such an extreme situation, today's human often spontaneously actualizes the vision of the world and the situation similar to the vision of the world by an archaic person. The problem of the study is the theoretical elaboration of some psychological “keys” which in practice can contribute to the system activation of the archaic consciousness in a situation of military meta-action. The author of the research uses general philosophical and research methodology, in particular, methods of theoretical research, elements of the system-functional, structural-functional and hermeneutic approaches, and comparative-historical method. He also applies the system-communication approach as well as a reconstruction of the understanding of military meta-action from the point of view of the archaic mind. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that psychological “keys” necessary for the activation of archaic consciousness are considered in the space of military meta-action to which the author refers intelligence and counterintelligence activities. The author proposes the theorization of archaic death perception which guarantees the systematic (not spontaneous) targeting of the actor-participant of the military meta-action to the chronotope of archaic mind, and also corrects his behavior in a given chronotope. In addition, the work presents the author's definition of information coming from the analysis of its perception and work with it from the side of archaic mind.
Pershin Y.Y. —
Psycho-emotional disorders of UAVs’ operators (based on foreign sources): presentation of the problem
// Security Issues. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 17 - 30.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2017.3.23194
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Abstract: The urgency of the study is determined by the growth of popularity of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). Their use for military purposes causes certain problems, since one of the elements of the system of such an aircraft is a human-operator. The countries, which have been using such mechanisms for a long time, have significant experience of drones’ operators training, particular, the moral, ethical, and psychological problems they face. Therefore, it is necessary to consider this experience in relation to the growing role of UAVs and other remotely piloted aircrafts in Russia’s conditions. The research object is the materials of open foreign sources and special researches describing the conditions of work of officers-operators of UAVs of the United States Armed Forces. The research subject is the factors, which have negative impact on the work of operators and hamper the realization of their missions, and the possibility of use of the experience of the members of American Armed Forces and military psychologists in Russia for the improvement of the security of operators’ work. The author uses general scientific methods, particularly, the methods of theoretical research, the elements of the system-functional and structural-functional approaches, the elements of the comparative-historical method and general philosophical methods. The analysis of journalistic and scientific materials, considering this problem, shows that the growth of use of UAVs and RPAs, and the growth of the number of operators, similar problems can appear in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Consequently, bearing in mind the foreign experience, it is necessary to be ready to solve similar problems in Russia. Training of operators should be aimed at their adaptation to unfavorable work conditions, and at the elimination of most unfavorable factors, which can lead to psycho-emotional disorders of operators, thus impairing the effectiveness and safety of their work.
Pershin Y.Y. —
Comments on "hybrid warfare"
// Security Issues. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 63 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7543.2016.4.19510
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Abstract: The notion of “hybrid war / threat” is used quite frequently nowadays, but different authors use it in different senses and meanings. We consider this concept as unstable and not amenable to detailed classification, but it is theoretically attractive because it can contain a large number of meanings. In the context of a significant degree of regulation of the military science in the USA, such an abstract concept is some kind of a “lifeline” for authors wishing to avoid detailed classification. We should say that the concept of “hybrid war / threat” is yet another “intellectual virus” (term of Gadi Eizenkot, Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces), elaborated on the basis of the military experience of the Second Lebanon war (Israel – Hezbollah war of 2006). This statement can also be confirmed by the curious use of this concept by some authors, who are far from a military theoretical thought. We think it is necessary to draw our attention to the authors who don't not use the misleading terms like the notorious “hybrid war”. We also think that all possible combinations of all modern methods of warfare and confrontation could be described without such a new-fashioned and vague term.
Pershin Y.Y. —
The Philosophy of Intelligence Support in a Case Study: 'Military Meta-Action'
// Psychologist. – 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2015.1.13704
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Abstract: The object of the research is the archaic mind and archaic vision and interpretation of the surrounding world. The subject of the research is the manifestation of the archaic thinking in case of military meta-action. Intelligence and counterintelligence operations are the types of such military meta-action in a situation of actual military actions. In such an extreme situation man has got a new vision of the world and situation and this vision differs from the one a regular person has in his everyday life. The present research is devoted to this particular vision of a situation. In his research Pershin applies systems and communicative approaches as well as the method of reconstruction of a militry meta-action from the point of view of the arhaic mind. The scientific novelty of the research is caused, on the one hand, by the fact that the author studies the manifestation of the archaic thinking, i.e. thinking of a primitive man, in an extreme situation of a military action and meta-action. On the other hand, the military situation and meta-action are themselves described from the point of view of the archaic thinking. Pershin has also tried to describe the essence and principles of the archaic mind and thiking in his other articles and researches.
Pershin Y.Y. —
Religio: Attention in the Archaic Religiosity
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 8.
– P. 423 - 431.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.630
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Abstract: There is no one conventional definition of religion. Numerous definitions are synthesized under the “umbrella” definition of religion, proposed by a Christian theologian, who translated Cicero’s definition of religion in his own manner. Taken as a methodological ground, this distorted definition cannot serve as a key to archaic meaning of religion. Linguistic approach to the Cicero’s definition exposes latent meanings on the old word religio; one of them is attention, or care, another one is responsibility. They bring to us a residual archaic sense of religious practices, which represent the process of religious communication, but not binding. Moreover, the latent meanings drive us to the conclusion, that the archaic mean-ing of religion can be described as a scrupulous reproduction of the chronotope of successful theo-social communication, based on the feedback principle. The chronotope in its turn can be defined as a definite time and space context of actions with corresponding conduct, thinking, direction of attention and type of communication with divine entities.
Pershin Y.Y. —
Typology of the Archaic Religious Conscience: Anthropological Grounds
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 7.
– P. 471 - 495.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.7.650
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Abstract: The lack of the operational typology of the archaic conscience and archaic religiosity actualizes the topic of the present article. There are numerous typologies of religions, but as a rule all these typologies do not touch deep unconscious (i. e. anthropological) grounds that can serve as a basis for a typology. They usually are eurocentric and confessiocentric. But it is the human unconscious of both, primitive and modern man, that contains different types of psychic reactions on the environmental chal-lenges. These psychic reactions are genetically fixed, and they influence the choosing of the communicative religious reality if we study the human religiosity in the communicative aspect. The analysis of the mythological conscience shows that it is not homogenous and can be divided into two types. Therefore, in the article the author actualizes the problem of division of the ar-chaic religious conscience into two types: primordial, natural or physiogenous and sociogenous. The main differences between these two types of archaic religious conciseness are also presented in this article.
Pershin Y.Y. —
Labour and Rationality in the Genesis of the Archaic Conscience
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 625 - 633.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.611
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Abstract: In the article the author states that researchers pay insufficient attention to the role of labour while studying the genesis of the archaic conscience. It is labour that forms the rationality of the primitive conscience, usually called mythological. There is a contradiction: on the one hand, the mythological conscience doesn’t help to adequately perceive and interpret the surrounding world by the primitive man. On the other hand, an inadequate behaviour of the archaic man wouldn’t favour his survival. Therefore, the archaic conscience of the archaic man is paradoxically both rational and mythological/religious. Such a contradiction in the process of becoming of the archaic conscience is being studied with the help of the methodological apparatus of the psychoanalytical theory, traditionally dealing with the deep unconscious and archaic layers of man’s psyche. In the course of investigation the author also states, that under the repressing circumstances of survival and lack of the right cerebral hemisphere activity, contributing into the appearance of mystical and religious speculations, the primitive people in the process of the productive labour invented magic and religion as the means of survival, means of the closer and more adequate cooperation and communication with the world.