Egoshkina V.A. —
The speech genre specifics of educational audio podcasts
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2024. – ¹ 6.
– P. 79 - 94.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.6.70907
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Abstract: In the modern media field, new formats implemented in the Internet space are gaining more and more popularity. Convergent processes generate new forms of media content. One of these phenomena is the audio podcast, which is currently not sufficiently studied, many aspects need scientific reflection. In particular, the speech-genre specificity of audio podcasts is of research interest. The object of the undertaken research is educational audio podcasts presented on the platform ("100 Minutes" – 26 issues, "Literary squabbles" – 11 issues, "Conversations about literature" – 14 issues, "Diary of his Wife" – 11 issues) and ("Between the lines" – 17 issues), published from 2021 to 2024. The purpose of the article is to identify and describe the basic secondary speech genre, representing its primary speech genres objectified in the media texts under study. To achieve the stated goal, both general scientific research methods and private techniques used in media linguistics and media stylistics are used – comparison and interpretation of linguistic facts, speech-genre analysis of media texts. The study of media texts in the context of speech genre studies is relevant and promising, since this research paradigm allows us to identify and describe the basic structural elements of the genre, communicative specifics, intentions and roles of the addressee, to determine the linguistic and stylistic originality of the represented texts. The article presents various points of view on the phenomenon of audio podcasting, formulates its definition, which takes into account not only the technical properties of audio podcasts, but also their content specifics, provides classifications of audio podcasts, systematizes approaches to understanding and researching speech genres, identifies and characterizes the basic secondary speech genre of informative conversation, as well as dominant primary speech included in its structure genres.
Egoshkina V.A. —
The specifics of the representation of speech strategies and tactics in educational audio podcasts
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 103 - 118.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.2.69816
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Abstract: The object of the research is educational audio podcasts presented on the platform (Radio Mayak audio podcasts): "100 Minutes" (16 issues), "Literary squabbles" (11 issues), "Understand yourself if you can" (15 issues), "Conversations about Literature" (14 issues), "Diary his Wives" (11 issues), as well as episodes of the audio podcast hosted on the platform – "Between the Lines" (7 issues), published from 2021 to 2023. The subject of the study is the pragmastilistic specificity of media texts represented in empirical material. The purpose of the work is to present various interpretations of the term "audio podcast", to consider definitions of the concepts "speech strategy" and "speech tactics", approaches to their classification, as well as to identify and describe dominant communicative strategies and tactics explicated in educational audio podcasts. To achieve the stated goal, methods of content analysis, linguistic stylistic and pragmastilistic analysis of media texts were applied. Despite the fact that audio podcasts are now in demand among the audience and are presented on various platforms, including on the websites of major radio stations and streaming services, this media phenomenon still needs scientific reflection. Thus, the works of Russian researchers have not yet formulated a generally accepted definition of an audio podcast, nor has a unified point of view been developed on how to consider an audio podcast as a new kind of radio or an independent format. In addition, the communicative and pragmatic specifics of media texts explicated in audio podcasts have been studied very little. This determines the relevance and scientific novelty of the research undertaken. As a result of the analysis of empirical material, dominant speech strategies and tactics implementing them were identified. Conclusions are drawn about the stylistic originality of the analyzed media texts.