Chvyakin V.A., Kozilova L.V. —
The Structure of Social Orientations of Contemporary High School Students as Value-Based Grounds for Their Moral Education
// Pedagogy and education. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 53 - 60.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.25676
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the social orientations of high school students. The authors of the article focus on discovering a set of social orientations taking into account their market, consumer, accumulative, receptive, hedonistic and professional-psychological motivation. Sociogenesis of personality is the process where social orientations take an important place. Social orientations are personality orientations that are formed at a teenage age. Such personality orientation is not always intended but for a high school student such life orientations are an individual value. The methodology of the research implies Erich Fromm's concept about social characters, Milton Rokeach' concept of human values, Dimitri Uznadze's theory of stereotypes, R. Lynton's and J. Meade's theory of social roles. The research methods used by the author include tests of social and psychological personality orientations in O. Potemkina's motivational-consumer sphere, and M. Rokeach' 'values' inventory. The conclusions are as follows: 1. High school students often demonstrate a professional psychological type of social orientation. 2. Except for professional-psychological, other orientations are non-constructive and are a consequence of the deficit of socialization as a result of unfavorable social development of high school students. 7 % and 14 % of school students demonstrated hedonistic motives that determined one's pursuance of pleasure (in accordance with the age). Consumer motives dominate in 15 % and 18 % respectively. 3. High school students have an expressed tendency towards the market type of personality self-fulfilment (20 %). This is proved by their desire to make their own money. It is the first time in the academic literature that the authors define the structure of social orientations of high school students taking into account their market, consumer, accumulative, receptive, hedonistic and professional psychological motivation.