Mikheeva V.V. —
The use of Internet resources in historical research
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 152 - 165.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2024.3.70031
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/hr/article_70031.html
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Abstract: Computer technology has long been an integral part of our lives. The information resource of mankind is constantly growing, being updated and replenished, and benefits professionals of any specialization. Currently, the Internet has turned into a vast information space, into an immeasurable repository. In this repository, information of various kinds (scientific, business, educational, text, audio and video information) is publicly available and is constantly being enriched, there are virtual archives, libraries, and news feeds. The worldwide information network has connected not only individual researchers, but also numerous scientific organizations around the world. The object of the research is the analysis of Internet resources and the application of their potential in the field of historical knowledge. The subject of the research is the analysis of the Internet as a modern information environment of historical science, the use of Internet capabilities in historical research, as well as in historical education. The following methods were used in writing the work: historicism, historical-comparative, historical-genetic. This made it possible to discover potential Internet resources in the field of historical research. When writing the work, the author conducted a study, during which more than 300 sites and Web pages on the history of Russia and world history, located on various servers, were analyzed. The author gave a description of the main groups of sources represented on the Internet, and proposed his own classification of professional resources. He also focused on the characteristics of resources created by Academic organizations, the search for special articles and books, historical multimedia resources, collections of encyclopedias and dictionaries, anthologies, the use of blogs and forums, as well as file-sharing networks to search for historical information. Internet bibliographic resources, electronic catalogs, and meta-search bibliographic systems are also highlighted. Special attention is paid to the methods of more effective search for historical information, a new search concept is proposed.
Mikheeva V.V. —
Pro-Government Political Youth Associations in Russia: Modern History
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 13 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.3.39916
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/hr/article_39916.html
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Abstract: The object of scientific research is political youth associations associated with pro-government political parties of the Russian Federation during the specified period.
The subject of scientific research is the activity of domestic political youth associations in the political, public, cultural and spiritual life of the Russian Federation in the modern period. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the activities of political youth associations and determining their place in the socio-political life of the Russian Federation in the 1990s - at the beginning of the XXI century. General scientific and special historical research methods were used. Among the general scientific research methods, the method of formal logic, the method of analysis, the method of synthesis, and the statistical method were used. Among the special historical methods were used: historical-comparative, historical-typological, problem-chronological, structural-functional method, historical-genetic, method of expert assessments. The article reveals the main pages of the history of political youth associations in the modern conditions of rapid rotation of youth movements. Youth associations associated with pro-government political parties of the Russian Federation are considered. Various forms of their activity are revealed. The characteristic of the political activity of organizations having a close connection with political parties is given. The ideological foundations of these associations are described.
The study concluded that the key feature of pro-government youth associations in Russia is the presence of a developed idea about the possibility of broad representation of youth in power. In their activities, youth party associations, as a rule, focus on methods that may be of interest to young people – youth camps, public contests, forums, discussion platforms, pickets, rallies. At the moment, the main pro-government youth force in the country is the All-Russian public Organization "Young Guard of United Russia".
Mikheeva V.V. —
Opposition Political Youth Associations in Russia: Modern History
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 22 - 30.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.3.39919
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/hr/article_39919.html
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Abstract: The object of scientific research is the opposition political youth associations associated with the political parties of the Russian Federation. The subject of scientific research is the activity of domestic political youth associations in various spheres of public life of the Russian Federation in the modern period. The purpose of the study is to analyze the historical path and activities of political opposition youth associations and determine their place in the socio-political life of the Russian Federation in the 1990s - at the beginning of the XXI century. General scientific (analysis, synthesis and others) and special historical research methods (historical-comparative, historical-genetic and others) were used. The article analyzes the historical path of the opposition political youth associations of Russia at the turn of the second and third millennia. The complex process of the development of multiparty youth associations of modern Russia, the formation of the "right-left" opposition is considered. The features of specific political youth associations are analyzed. It was concluded that modern opposition political youth associations, from the beginning of their existence to the present, are characterized by fragmentation and disunity, lack of clear programs, effective forms of work. They have a variety of ideological foundations. At the moment, the main direction of their activity is political. Opposition political youth associations are experiencing limited tools of their own propaganda. A common feature of all opposition youth associations is the absence of openly Nazi views. The left opposition has the greatest influence among youth opposition actors.
Mikheeva V.V. —
The early years of the biography of Nikolai Kostomarov
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 54 - 61.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.4.37231
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/hr/article_37231.html
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the early years of Nikolai Kostomarov's biography. The scientific literature still pays little attention to this period in the life of Nikolai Kostomarov. In this study, attention is focused on the early stage of the historian's life. In most cases, pre-revolutionary literature showed interest in this period. Later, the early years of the scientist's biography were presented only in the form of individual episodes. Traditionally, the main attention of researchers has been attracted by the problem of participation in the national liberation movement, its historical and political views. The subject of the study is the initial stage of the formation and development of the socio-political views of N.I. Kostomarov. The methodological basis consists of the principles of historicism and objectivity.
The scientific novelty of the study is as follows: the pedigree of the Kostomarov family is partially reconstructed, the conditions in which the personality of the future scientist was formed are shown.
The article describes the first seventeen years of the life of the future Russian and Ukrainian historian, ethnographer, writer and literary critic. The conditions in which the development of Kostomarov's personality took place, difficult life circumstances that contributed to the formation of his character are shown. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the actual data can be used in generalizing works characterizing the socio-political situation of the Russian Empire of the XIX century, in historiographical studies.
Mikheeva V.V. —
Private Higher School of Russia: history and current problems of study
// Man and Culture. – 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 68 - 80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.2.37758
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ca/article_37758.html
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Abstract: The object of the study is the system of non-state higher education in Russia. The subject is the analysis of historical research devoted to the difficult process of formation and development of a private higher school in Russia in various periods of national history. The methodological basis is the dialectical principles of the relationship between the process and the result, individual, special and general. In addition, there is a systematic approach that helps to identify the state of knowledge of the stated problem. A comparative historical method has also been used to explain the historiographical facts of the history of private education in connection with the historical situation, a retrospective method that contributes to complementing the picture of the development of historical and pedagogical events in our country.
Relevance of the research topic. Democratic reforms in Russia in the 90s of the XX century contributed to the creation of conditions for the emergence of a non-state higher school. The State Higher School was unable to respond promptly and on a large scale to the changing situation in the country, the growing interest in education, the emergence of new professions and specialties, the provision of additional earnings to the teaching staff of state universities, etc. In these conditions, the non-state sector of higher education has experienced its rebirth, which is waiting for its reflection. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the conducted research are as follows: the trends in the development of the Russian system of private higher education from the moment of its birth to the present are outlined; the definition of the term "private higher school" is given; conclusions were drawn in the article about the state of domestic knowledge on the history of private higher school.