Gur'yanchik V.N. —
Latent and Internet-Mediated Forms of Deviant Youth Behavior
// Pedagogy and education. – 2024. – ¹ 4.
– P. 86 - 96.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72780
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Abstract: This research aims to study latent and Internet-mediated forms of deviant behavior of young people in the digital environment. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the manifestation of hidden forms of deviation in the digital environment. The methodological basis of the study is the sociocultural approach, which considers the priority of generally accepted norms and patterns of behavior in a particular social group. An online survey questionnaire was used as the primary research method. The questionnaire included 23 questions aimed at studying young people's personal perception and understanding of manifestations of deviant behavior in the digital environment and the model of responding to such manifestations. The content, semantic, and behavioral aspects of the respondents' attitude to the object under study predetermined the structure of the questionnaire and the content of its questions: the degree of involvement of students in digital communications, the presence and characteristics of the target audience's experience. Three hundred fifty students from 19 universities in the country, located in 12 regions, participated in the survey. Among the respondents were 88 men (25.1%) and 262 women (74.9%). The average age of the survey participants was 20,136 years. Secondary data processing was obtained during the study using correlation analysis (the r-Spearman correlation criterion). The scientific significance of the results obtained lies in rethinking existing ideas about norms and deviations from them in the context of digitalization, which allows for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of formation of latent and Internet-mediated forms of deviant behavior in the digital space and its connection with changes in the social environment.
Gur'yanchik V.N., Kosmalev N.S. —
Inclusive multicultural educational environment as a factor of socialization of children from migrant families
// Pedagogy and education. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 183 - 205.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.69961
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the study of the influence of various problems and factors on the development of inclusive education in a multicultural environment. The authors pay special attention in the article to the characteristics of the main theoretical approaches to the study of a multicultural and inclusive educational environment, as well as to the assessment of the real state of inclusion in a multicultural environment according to the pedagogical community. Research hypothesis: considering personality as an integral systemic quality that is formed in life, according to the mechanism of appropriation of social experience in the process of activity in the environment, we assumed that the effectiveness of inclusive education in a multicultural environment is influenced by a number of internal and external factors: the formation of speech communication and knowledge of cultural, religious and national characteristics of each other among subjects, the level of development of their tolerance and the organization of the educational environment itself. The main conclusions of the study are: theoretical and methodological analysis confirms that the development of a multicultural educational environment is a necessary condition due to increased migration flows of the population; a pedagogical analysis of the current state of the system of organizing pedagogical activities with students from migrant families in the Yaroslavl region has revealed a number of objective shortcomings and existing difficulties, while there are positive and promising experiences of individual educational organizations that need to be supported and broadcast in the municipal and regional education system; an inclusive multicultural educational environment is at a fairly low level of development, problems prevail related to the complexity of communication, knowledge of cultural, religious and national characteristics, as well as an insufficiently organized and effective system of psychological and pedagogical support.