Pereselkova Z.Y., Zakirova T.V. —
Family education as a process of translation of ideals and values of culture
// Sociodynamics. – 2023. – ¹ 9.
– P. 18 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.9.43635
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Abstract: In the article, the authors consider issues related to the family as a social institution of society, which through the education system is a carrier, keeper and translator of cultural ideals. The subject of the study is family education, interpreted as the process of translating the ideals and values of culture. The article examines the concept and functions of the family as a leading social institution, sacred and profane ideals of culture and their mutual influence, types of family education, distinguished depending on the characteristics of the transmitted cultural values. When writing the work, such general scientific and private scientific research methods as analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, comparison, historical method, analysis of empirical and sociological data on the studied problem were used. The general methodology of the work was compiled by scientific works of both domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the family as a carrier of cultural values. The analysis of scientific literature on research issues has shown that the modern family performs not only reproductive functions, but also the functions of preserving and reproducing cultural values, allowing society and the state to maintain stability and develop in the conditions of globalization and active influence on society through the imposition of new cultural values. The scientific novelty lies in the proposed author's typology of modern types of family education, depending on the transmitted cultural values. As a conclusion, the statement is substantiated that the family broadcasting religious and traditional values most correspond to the spiritual and moral ideals of Russian society, its civic interests, at the same time, the values of initiative, independence in decision-making, broadcast to a greater extent in the family of liberal values, are most relevant for the modern system of public relations, for personalities of the post-industrial type.