Iakimanskaia I. —
Satisfaction with marriage, personality traits of the spouses and the choice of strategies for overcoming family conflicts.
// Psychologist. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 39 - 46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2024.1.69585
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/psp/article_69585.html
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Abstract: The paper considers satisfaction with marriage as a basic characteristic that forms the stability of marital relations. An overview of approaches to the study of this phenomenon from the perspective of external and internal, social and personal, variable and stable factors is presented. The subject of the study is strategies for overcoming conflict and personality characteristics of spouses with varying satisfaction with marriage. The novelty of the study is associated with an attempt to consider the sphere of matrimony from the point of view of the behavioral, affective and motivational component, to give a pilot characterization of the overall picture of how personality accentuations and non-constructive ways of resolving conflict situations are expressed in a group of subjects with low satisfaction with marriage. To suggest possible directions for further work and deepening the study of factors affecting marital satisfaction. This approach is useful for forming the principles of accompanying married couples.
The test - questionnaire of satisfaction with marriage, developed by V.V. Stolin, T.L. Romanova, G.P. Butenko. The methodology for diagnosing tactics of behavior in conflict by K. N. Thomas. In our country, the test was adapted by N.V. Grishina. Assessment of character accentuation according to the Shmishek method.
The main conclusions of the study found differences in the severity of the types of accentuations, in the group of subjects with high satisfaction with marriage, the severity of accentuations is lower, it was also found that the degree of personality accentuation in affective indicators is higher in the group with low satisfaction with marriage. The differences are also related to the type of conflict resolution strategy, in the group with high satisfaction with marriage, cooperation and compromise are more often chosen, this group has a wide variety of conflict resolution strategies, in the group with a low level of satisfaction with marriage, non-constructive strategies are more often chosen - avoidance, rivalry, adaptation, which leads to an even greater decrease in marital satisfaction among the subjects. The novelty of the approach in this work is associated with an attempt to study behavioral and personal characteristics, identify opportunities for comprehensive research
Iakimanskaia I., Molokostova A.M. —
The Study of Adolescents' Perception of the Psychological Safety of the Educational Environment
// Psychologist. – 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 51 - 64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2023.1.39715
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/psp/article_39715.html
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Abstract: Subject, purpose of the work. The empirical study was aimed at studying the parameters of the psychological safety of the educational environment as a component of the children's social experience of adolescents. A new approach to the study of adolescents' perceptions of safety in terms of their changes over a long period of time – from 2016 to 2022.
The research method was a survey of teenagers, students of schools in Orenburg and the Orenburg region according to the questionnaire proposed by us, which includes modifications of the methods of I.A. Baeva (Psychological diagnostics of the safety of the educational environment of the school) and D.A. Leontiev (SO – test of life orientations), The survey was conducted twice, in 2016 and in 2022.
Results. An increase in the number of responses indicating the absence of fears and social risks associated with the social environment was found, and a decrease in the number of responses about the manifestations of danger in the educational environment was also noted.
The resources of assistance in dangerous situations in two dimensions are indicated by parents and friends, a small number of respondents turn to teachers. A positive trend can be noted in the fact that most teenagers are able to turn to adults for help in difficult situations.
There was also no significant dynamics in the answers to questions about significant and easily accessible values, the most easily accessible values are active life, cognition and the presence of friends.
Conclusions. Significant dynamics in the assessment of the educational environment by teenagers of schools in Orenburg and the Orenburg region were not found. However, the polarization of assessments confirms that some adolescents experience difficulties in real interaction in the educational environment, which clearly leads to negative social experience, the formation of stable qualities - helplessness and passivity.
Iakimanskaia I. —
Psychological features of self-attitude of teenagers engaged in sports
// Psychologist. – 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 39 - 50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.2.37571
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/psp/article_37571.html
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Abstract: The article presents views on the concept of self-relation in the theories of domestic and foreign scientists. Having studied the structure of self-attitude, its components from the standpoint of various theoretical approaches, we, within the framework of our research, have defined the attitude to oneself as the most important form of personal relationships, each manifestation of a person as a subject of society is accompanied by the inclusion of his self-attitude. When considering the regularities of the formation of self-attitude in adolescence, we emphasize that it is he who is the sensitive period for the development of self-attitude in the integral structure of personality. The self-attitude of a teenager is constantly changing in the process of living this age period. Its complication, acquisition of greater stability and integration into a single system is natural. We were interested in the specifics of sports activity in the context of the development of self-attitude, the article discusses the features of the development of important personality traits associated with self-esteem and self-acceptance. In the study, we found that the self-attitude of adolescents involved in sports differs from the self-attitude of adolescents not involved in sports. The main differences are related to the higher self-attachment of adolescent athletes and their self-worth in contrast to adolescent non-athletes. Also, teenage athletes have a higher self-esteem of their health, intelligence, ability, peer authority and self-confidence than teenagers who do not play sports. Also, teenagers engaged in sports are characterized by high purposefulness, focus on the life process, the idea of themselves as the master of life and high meaningfulness of life in general. The results obtained during the study confirm the hypothesis that the level of general self-attitude and its individual indicators in adolescents engaged in sports differs from the level of general self-attitude and its individual indicators in adolescents not engaged in sports.
Iakimanskaia I. —
Social representations of infidelity among married and unmarried men and women
// Psychologist. – 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 47 - 59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2021.1.34994
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/psp/article_34994.html
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Abstract: The goal of this research is to examine the specificity of social representations of infidelity among married and unmarried men and women. The hypothesis was advanced that married and unmarried men and women differ in their perception of infidelity. The differences depend on the gender and marital status, and pertain to definition of this concept and the underlying causes. The article employs the methods of questionnaire, content analysis, and the developed by the authors projective technique “draw infidelity”. It was established that the respondents view infidelity from two perspectives: those who commit adultery (more typical to men), and those against whom adultery was committed (more typical to women). Married individuals more often describe their own infidelity, while unmarried persons describe the infidelity of another partner. The main cause infidelity for men are new sensations (new sexual experience, etc.), while women it is love for another person (strong emotional experiences). Married respondents describe infidelity as a rare, tough, and long-term phenomenon. Unmarried respondents consider infidelity a rather frequent phenomenon that gives new experience in relationships. Women view infidelity as an emotional, passionate, and unique phenomenon. Men tend to assess infidelity as an indifferent, typical, and rational event. The acquired data can be used in family counseling on the problems of infidelity, as well as in psychological counseling overall. The results can also be used in psychoprophylactic work with youth on the question of family and marriage.
Iakimanskaia I. —
The peculiarities of marriage leadership and psychological climate in a family
// Psychologist. – 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 32 - 44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2020.2.32513
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/psp/article_32513.html
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Abstract: Psychological microclimate of a family is an important factor determining health, social and work activity of family members and society overall. The following traits are characteristic for a favorable psychological climate – team spirit, opportunity for personal growth for each spouse, kindness to each other, feeling of security and emotional satisfaction, pride for being a part of their family, responsibility. The basis for favorable climate of a family is marital relations, namely such manifestations as leadership and domination. In accordance with this, the research divided the families into three groups: with traditional leadership (patriarchy), nontraditional leadership (matriarchy), and egalitarian leadership (equal partnership); and then compared the psychological climate and wellbeing of family members. Based on the acquired results, the article states that in family relations women demonstrate higher level of frustration than men do. Women desire emotional closeness, aspire to achieve understanding, experiencing anxiety, tension and guilt. The highest level of anxiety and tension is noticed in couples with patriarchy. The article suggests that subordination leads to decrease of self-confidence of women, fear to end up alone and lose support of their husbands. Inclination to the feeling of guilt manifests among women who demonstrate leadership in family relations, as well as among those who desire to avoid it.