Sitnikova I. —
The poetics of F. G. Lorca's play "Yerma" translated by N. L. Trauberg and A. M. Geleskula
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2024. – ¹ 7.
– P. 85 - 98.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.7.71285
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the poetics of the translation of Federico Garcia Lorca's play "Yerma" (1934). The object of the study is the text of the original play in Spanish and its translation into Russian, made by N. L. Trauberg (prose) and A.M. Geleskul (poetry) and published in the edition "Federico Garcia Lorca. Selected works in 2 volumes" in 1975. The article examines the features of the poetics of Garcia Lorca's play "Yerma": lyricism, basic motifs, traditions of the Spanish folk song art of Cante hondo. The points of view of researchers regarding the genre originality and poetics of the play, the position of translators are given. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the perception of the poetics of the play and their reconstruction in translation into Russian. To conduct the research, the method of structural and motivic analysis was used to identify the features of the structure of the play and its main motives. The use of the comparative method made it possible to identify the similarities and differences between the poetics of the original text and the translation. The main conclusions of the study are to identify the proximity of the poetics of translation to the poetics of the original, the preservation by translators of the poetics characteristic of drama, such as lyricism, elements of the stylistics of the folk art of kante hondo, the transfer of the expressivity of the original, the creation of a common atmosphere of the "tragic poem" and the "lyrical" image of the main character. The authors of the translation strive not only to preserve the national flavor of the Spanish text, but also to "bring" the play closer to the Russian reader and viewer. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to conduct a comparative analysis of the original text and translation of Garcia Lorca's play "Yerma" and to identify the features of its reconstruction in Russian in connection with the problem of reception of folklore traditions peculiar to Lorca's dramaturgy and the realization of the author's idea.