Golovinov E.I., Gostev A.A. —
The secondary image as a psychocorrective resource: the search for new research opportunities
// Psychologist. – 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 49 - 59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2024.2.69731
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/psp/article_69731.html
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Abstract: The authors consider in detail the problems of the "secondary image" in a historical context, as well as in modern research in connection with the state of the study of consciousness in philosophical and psychological concepts. The problem is the inattention of many, especially foreign authors, to this topic. The article considers the concept of "image-scheme" with the allocation of the "core" based on the primary image and the periphery of the figurative experience. In the article, the authors use a theoretical analysis based on the traditions of the Leningrad psychological school (B.G. Ananyev, B.F. Lomov), on the concept of "secondary image" in its correlation with primary sensory-perceptual images. Based on this basic content of images, the authors present a model of the formation and transformation of images in consciousness with the conditional allocation of a secondary image based on the traditions of the Leningrad psychological school. The correlation of the concept of "secondary image" with the images of "primary" – sensory-perceptual - is emphasized. The development of the theme of the "secondary image" in the context of its use in modern psychotherapeutic practice is proposed. In this regard, the relevance and theoretical significance of the problem of altered states of consciousness in general psychological and historical-psychological terms is emphasized. There is a high degree of multidimensionality and versatility of the figurative sphere as the most important component of consciousness. Based on the theoretical and methodological basis used, the author's vision of the topic is given in its application to the problem stated in the article. An adapted model of the formation and transformation of "primary" and "secondary" images in the stream of consciousness is proposed, highlighting the conditions for changing the integral imaginative sphere of a person in the psychocorrection process.