Akhmedova A.R., Chukanova T.V., Vasilenko I.A., Mazailova T.A. —
Social practices of using Online stores in consumer behavior
// Sociodynamics. – 2025. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2025.3.72700
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_72700.html
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Abstract: Currently, the modern consumer is faced with an increasing number of different technologies related to the purchase of goods and services, including on the Internet. Many goods are available to the consumer literally in one click, which has two effects on consumer practices, on the one hand, it allows to quickly meet existing requests and needs, on the other hand, it leads to impulsive purchases, the purchase of those goods and services that are essentially completely unnecessary. Consequently, the development of online commerce has led to transformations and certain changes in the consumer practices of the modern citizen. The thing is that in the rural phenomenological world, online shopping takes a slightly smaller place, while in urban phenomenological practices, the population has much more time to make such purchases. Focus groups and questionnaires were used as the main methods of collecting empirical information. The general population of this study includes all residents of the city of Barnaul. The sample set of this study based on the principle of quota sampling with elements of spontaneous selection within each quota. The main quotas for the selection of respondents were gender and age. The issue of the role of online stores in consumer behavior of the population has been studied in sufficient detail. The key methodological parameters related to these social phenomena are identified, key methodological relationships and constructs that directly affect consumer practices are identified. Nevertheless, there are no comprehensive local studies of the role of online stores in consumer behavior from the point of view of modern citizens, which explains the novelty of this work.
Akhmedova A.R., Zheldakova A.V., Kolegaeva E.A., Maslov V.S., Perin S.A., Klimova A.A. —
The attractiveness of the city of Barnaul in the assessments of students
// Sociodynamics. – 2024. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.12.72528
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_72528.html
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Abstract: The relevance of studying the problem of the attractiveness of the city in the assessments of student youth lies in the need to understand the factors influencing the choice of place of residence and study of the younger generation. In the context of globalization and migration processes, it is important to identify which aspects of the urban environment, infrastructure and social life attract students, as well as what problems they see in their city. Today, the phenomenon of social attractiveness is becoming more and more significant, as individuals begin to form a certain social rating in the system of any interactions, which affects their choice of moving, shopping, etc. For students, the assessment of attractiveness, as a rule, is of particular importance, since many medium-sized cities during the academic year are literally filled with students seeking to get an education or to gain a solid foothold and develop in this area. The study was implemented through a combination of two data collection methods – a mass survey and a focus group. The sample consisted of students from various higher educational institutions of the city of Barnaul (n=212). The sample is based on a system of cluster selection of respondents. The prevailing part of the student youth believes that the assessment of the attractiveness of the city of Barnaul is above average, due to its high geographical attractiveness, combining the advantages of forest-steppe and foothill zones. Social, tourism and innovation components have medium attractiveness, while economic attractiveness is low due to limited career opportunities. However, with efforts at the regional level, it is possible to increase the attractiveness of the city and prevent migration outflow. The overall assessment of the attractiveness of the city of Barnaul is at an above average level. This assessment is predetermined by the fact that there is a high degree of attractiveness within the geographical component. Barnaul combines all the advantages of the forest-steppe zone and the foothill zone, and the combination of these zones makes it possible to offset the disadvantages of aridity as the main criterion of the forest-steppe zone, as well as sharp temperature drops and recurrent frosts.
Akhmedova A.R., Zheldakova A.V., Maslov V.S., Kolegaeva E.A., Perin S.A., Klimova A.A. —
Social disruption as a factor of conflict among young people (based on the materials of an interdisciplinary study in Barnaul, Russia)
// Sociodynamics. – 2024. – ¹ 11.
– P. 14 - 31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.11.72563
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_72563.html
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Abstract: Transformations and reforms in all areas of Russian society have led to the social transformation, including an increase in the number of conflict situations. The level and quality of social well-being of people depend on their attitude, willingness to actively participate in social, economic and political processes related to both personal, family and public life. The growing social crisis has caused a significant increase in interest in the problems of social well-being or disadvantage, both for an individual and for society as a whole. In his work, the authors study in depth the impact of social disruption on the occurrence of conflicts among young people. Conflict situations often arise in youth communications, which emphasizes the need to identify and effectively resolve them. Research aimed at studying the factors of social well-being and finding mechanisms for solving social contradictions are becoming especially important for reducing the level of disadvantage. The study was conducted using a selective method. The sample consists of 348 respondents, namely, students of six higher educational institutions: AltSU, AltGPU, ASAU, AltGTU, ASMU, BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The sample size was determined by the researcher's capabilities. The method of selecting units of the general population was a quota sample, the selection parameters were the higher educational institution and the gender of the respondents. Thus, it can be concluded that the social disadvantage of young people can enhance their conflict potential. It, in turn, can result in protests, which will negatively affect the state of the whole society. Based on the theoretical analysis and the results of empirical research, we have made the following conclusions:
1. A third of young people rated their conflict potential as high.
2. According to their subjective assessments, 15% of students stated low social well-being.
3. In the areas that determine the quality of people's lives, 64.2% of respondents who classified themselves as socially disadvantaged faced conflicts.
4. More active and protesting forms of defending their opinions (participation in rallies and strikes) are chosen to a greater extent by young people who are in conditions of social disadvantage.
5. Socially well-off youth prefer to defend their interests in the form of filing complaints.
Akhmedova A.R., Chukanova T.V., Lyubarskaya M.A., Prohorov B.A., Gomonov D.I., Kolegaeva E.A. —
Features of career trajectories of graduates of Altai universities (using the example of a sociological study in Barnaul)
// Sociodynamics. – 2024. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.6.70854
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_70854.html
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Abstract: Special attention was paid to the employment of graduates of higher educational institutions in Soviet times, when planned state policy distributed graduates to various state-owned enterprises depending on the education they received. It is important to note that on the periphery of the centuries there has been some shift in the idea of a career. If earlier a career was understood as moving up the career ladder, today a career is planned as mastering a variety of practices that complement and develop a person (self-development, a high level of extracurricular, additional activities). Thus, a logical question arises: how do graduates imagine their future careers and whether they think about it at all. How aware are graduates of their employment opportunities in principle and does the university contribute to students' awareness of careers and career opportunities. The selection method was a quota sample with elements of spontaneous selection of respondents. We selected two methods for the study: qualitative (in-depth interview) and quantitative (questionnaire). Together, these methods give the researcher the most accurate idea of the subject under study. Thus, the tools for conducting empirical sociological research were developed based on this methodology. Data analysis has shown that a well-chosen profession increases self-confidence, life satisfaction, and reduces problems related to physical and mental health. And the personal level of "quality of life", responsible for satisfaction, has a significant impact on social, objective indicators of quality of life. Theoretical approaches are analyzed to describe the formation and content of graduates' career trajectories. The psychological approach focuses on the study of self-perception, self-regulation of consciousness, and the process of choice. Pedagogical is based on the formation of certain professional interests and inclinations, the suitability of an individual for a particular profession. Sociologists and economists consider the career trajectories of graduates from the point of view of the need for this profession in society and taking into account the socio-economic relations of the specialized workforce within the organization. In this context, the scheme of professional specialization, types of career guidance and career growth, all kinds of careers of an employee and a graduate are considered. Personality-oriented, sociological, managerial-organizational, biomedical, pedagogical, legal regulation, complex (differentiated) approaches to career guidance are disclosed.
Melehova K.A., Akhmedova A.R., Gomonov D.I., Lyubarskaya M.A., Prohorov B.A., Cheremisina M.S. —
Features of the value orientations of modern student youth (on the example of a sociological study in Barnaul)
// Sociodynamics. – 2024. – ¹ 5.
– P. 25 - 38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.5.70827
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_70827.html
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Abstract: Value orientations are an important aspect in every person's life, defining one's views, beliefs and goals. And since students occupy a special place in shaping the future of society, studying and understanding their value orientations will help scientists develop social programs and strategies to improve the quality of life. Also, the study of value orientations will help in understanding and forecasting sociocultural trends. The following aspects are considered in this article: the essence of value orientations; various approaches to their study; foreign and domestic scientists engaged in research in this field; trends affecting the specifics of value orientations, as well as the importance of value orientations in modern society. The sample consisted of students of various higher educational institutions of the city of Barnaul (n=390 people). The study involved students from Altai State University, Altai State Pedagogical Institute, Altai State Medical University, Altai State Agrarian University and Altai State Polytechnic University. The selection method was a quota sample with elements of spontaneous selection of respondents. During periods of significant social change, when new values replace old ones, the study of personal value orientations becomes especially important. Throughout life, a person finds himself in various social environments, such as family, educational institutions, peer groups and employees. Each of which conveys its own values that influence the formation of individual values of a person. Value orientations are a social reaction to the course of public life, which indicates their variability and dynamism. Value orientations are an interesting social phenomenon to study, especially within the framework of an ever-changing socio-economic policy. Modern youth in their behavior and priorities are very different from the children of the last century. Our task is to study this thesis from a scientific point of view to find scientific evidence for this.
Akhmedova A.R., Vakker P.A., Zheldakova A.V., Medvedeva M.V., Gomonov D.I., Gerakina V.O. —
Tolerance in the student environment of the University (based on the materials of a sociological study in Barnaul)
// Sociodynamics. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.3.69214
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_69214.html
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Abstract: The relevance of studying the problem of tolerance among university students lies in the fact that by now there has been a panoramic vision of the problem of tolerance. It should be noted that it is the youth who is the main subject of tolerance. Since it is during this period of human socialization that the norms of the worldview with which he will lead his future life in society are laid down for him through social institutions.
In this regard, it is necessary to clarify the subjective attitude of students to tolerance as a social phenomenon, to consider the factors of tolerance formation among students, to identify the ideas of students about tolerance, to determine the awareness of students about the term "tolerance". This article presents an analysis of the ideas of the student youth of the city of Barnaul about the phenomenon of tolerance.
The study was implemented through a quantitative method of collecting information – a survey in the form of a questionnaire. The general body of the study was made up of students from Barnaul. The sample size was 348 people. The type of sampling is targeted. The study used a selection method such as the method of spontaneous selection. The vast majority of students consider the topic of tolerance to be relevant, and also note the need for tolerance in Russian society. The prevailing part of the student youth believes that significant attention should be paid to the education of tolerance. For students of the city of Barnaul, such types of tolerance as political, interethnic, gender, interfaith and sexual orientation turned out to be the most difficult to manifest. In modern Russian society, the most necessary types of tolerance, according to students, are sexual orientation tolerance, interethnic tolerance, tolerance to various forms of self-expression. Physiological, religious and gender issues received a lower percentage of respondents' responses, from which it can be concluded that students do not consider these types of tolerance necessary. Most often, according to students, the topic of tolerance is raised on social networks. The majority of Barnaul students believe that tolerance is highlighted in a positive way.
Akhmedova A.R., Chukanova T.V., Vakker P.A., Zheldakova A.V., Medvedeva M.V., Makamov D.K. —
Students' participation in social networks' conflicts (based on the materials of a sociological study of Barnaul universities)
// Sociodynamics. – 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.2.69128
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_69128.html
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Abstract: In the modern world, there is a significant number of collisions in the Internet space, which occur not only in interpersonal communication online, but also on various social networks with a large number of participants. Almost any social network that supports the function of discussion, commenting on the information provided, allows you to observe a number of pre-conflict and conflict situations. Despite the fact that the space in which communication takes place is virtual, the consequences of conflicts in it can be more than real, both for an individual and for a number of participants. Conflict situations can have an impact on the daily life of opponents and collectively affect social processes in society. In his work, the author studies in depth the nature of conflicts in social networks. The study was implemented through a quantitative method of collecting information – a survey in the form of a questionnaire. The general totality of the study was made up of students from Barnaul who are users of social networks. The study was conducted using a selective method. The sample totals 367 respondents. The sample size was determined by the capabilities of the researcher. A single-stage sampling was used, the selection unit was specific students. According to the results of the study, the following conclusions were made.
Firstly, the vast majority of students use social networks every day, but only half of them have participated or are involved in conflicts. Secondly, students most often conflict on social networks with strangers and in community comments. Thirdly, trolling is still one of the important problems of social networks. A significant part of the (interviewed) students became victims of trolls. Fourth, most of the conflicts in social networks in which students participate are short-lived and occur through verbal debates. Fifth, most students choose a more "peaceful" behavior strategy.
Sixth, many students determine the beginning of a conflict in a social network by negative emotions from interaction and consider the presence of physical distance to be the main feature of the described conflicts.
Akhmedova A.R., Vakker P.A., Zheldakova A.V., Medvedeva M.V., Gomonov D.I. —
Leisure practices as a factor of family conflicts (based on the materials of a sociological study in Barnaul)
// Sociodynamics. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.1.69013
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_69013.html
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Abstract: The subject of this study is leisure practices as a factor of family conflicts. The relevance of studying the problem of leisure practices as a factor of family conflicts lies in the fact that family leisure has a significant impact on the relationships of family members, can improve relationships if properly organized, or aggravate conflict situations. The practical significance of the study is to increase the awareness of the adult generation about the importance of organizing family leisure, which will reduce the level of conflict in families. To study the influence of leisure practices on the occurrence of conflicts in the family, a methodology was developed and a sociological study was conducted among residents of the city of Barnaul. The study was implemented through a quantitative method of collecting information – a survey in the form of a questionnaire. In the process of scientific research, the following methods were used: descriptive method; categorization method; analysis method, as well as a survey. To study the influence of leisure practices on the occurrence of conflicts in the family, a methodology was developed and a sociological study was conducted among residents of the city of Barnaul. According to the results of the study on leisure practices as a factor of family conflicts, the following conclusions were made:
Firstly, respondents prefer the consumption of different types of content as a form of family leisure.
Secondly, respondents spend quite a lot of time organizing family leisure, it is logical that they are often interested in it.
Thirdly, respondents believe that the main role of leisure is to strengthen and unite family members. They rarely argue about leisure, and when they argue, it is mainly because of its forms and content. Fourth, the level of conflict in the respondents' families is low. Respondents are more likely to encounter short-term and superficial conflicts, which indicates their desire to maintain close relationships.
Popov E.A., Zamyatina O.N., Akhmedova A.R., Koda E.A., Zamyatin I.D. —
Factors of professional socialization of students (on the example of Altai State University)
// Sociodynamics. – 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.12.68737
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_68737.html
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Abstract: Currently, Russian society is faced with a number of political, social and economic challenges and difficulties, which in one way or another has changed all spheres of people's life. Students, student socialization and self-determination àre no exception. The formation of new vectors of the development of modern education and the exit from the Bologna process changed the habitual life of the student, shifted their professional socialization. As a result, a new image of student is formed, which has a qualitatively different way of developing both general cultural and professional competencies. One of the clearest examples of such changes is the mass secondary employment of students literally from the 1st year of study at the university. Moreover, studying at a university is directly related to the further self-determination of an individual, the search for his own life path, but the crisis realities complicate such a search, as a result, the old motivational components of studying at a university turn out to be ineffective. A graduate of a modern university will have to face contradictions between the demands of the labor market and the market of educational services. It is quite possible that a person cannot get a job in his specialty, but this state of affairs is not considered something new and surprising, therefore, modern professional socialization of a student should work on this aspect. Thus, the young specialist is ready for almost any challenges of the labor market, social reality in general.
Popov E.A., Sterlyadeva N.A., Akhmedova A.R., Koda E.A., Kozlova V.A. —
Satisfaction of rural and urban high school students with the functioning of the general secondary education system
// Sociodynamics. – 2023. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1 - 19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.11.48480
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_48480.html
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Abstract: The modern system of Russian general education is in a state of permanent crisis. The thing is that during the transition from the Soviet educational system to modern educational standards, all the fundamental foundations of the educational process were changed, while the new standards did not receive due verification. As a result, modern educational standards and programs are regularly adjusted, shifting the vector of study from one direction of school subjects to another. In this case, the most vulnerable element in the educational system is the subject of the educational process – schoolchildren, especially high school students – persons studying from 9th to 11th grade. The existence of a crisis in the education system is confirmed by a wide range of educational services on the market, ranging from private tutors to online schools for preparing for the Unified State Exam. At first glance, there is nothing surprising in the fact that a high school student goes to classes with a tutor or studies at an online school – this will allow him to successfully pass the main state or unified state exam and enroll in a particular educational institution on a budget. But at the same time, this means the fact that the knowledge that is given to the student at school does not satisfy the educational needs of the student, namely the key request regarding the successful passing of the state exam.
Popov E.A., Antonovich I.V., Akhmedova A.R., Koda E.A., Kozlova V.A. —
Secondary employment of modern students (on the example of AltSU students)
// Sociodynamics. – 2023. – ¹ 10.
– P. 9 - 22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.10.48477
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_48477.html
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Abstract: Currently, a student who simultaneously receives a higher education and works somewhere is becoming quite commonplace. Moreover, the tendency to combine study and work is characteristic of the whole world. Secondary employment allows students not only to improve their financial situation, become financially independent from their parents, but also to acquire a number of communicative and professional competencies that can be successfully applied in the future. Moreover, the practice of secondary employment allows you to form a certain work experience, which can be an advantage in employment after graduation. The phenomenon of secondary employment of a student is difficult to assess unambiguously, on the one hand, there is an accelerated professional socialization of an individual, his rapid inclusion in a new social reality, into which a young person will have to move fully after graduation. The student becomes more responsible, manages his time more competently. On the other hand, secondary employment is realized precisely in their free time from study, negatively affecting the amount of time allocated to prepare for classes, sessions, etc. The key problem of secondary employment of a student is that often the specialty of study is in no way connected with the place of work. This fact increases the likelihood that an individual after graduating from university will go to work not in his specialty, which makes it more difficult for the demands of the labor market and the education system to produce necessary quantity of specialists a certain domain. Also, not all students are able to correctly prioritize work and academic activities, as a result of which there are distortions that negatively affect educational activities.
Popov E.A., Akhmedova A.R., Koda E.A., Podyapolsky A.D., Kozlova V.A. —
Social practices of parents' participation in the life of the school (based on the materials of a sociological study in Barnaul)
// Sociodynamics. – 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 23 - 40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.5.40593
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_40593.html
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Abstract: Education is currently one of the most popular services provided by both the state and private individuals. Moreover, school education is directly related both to the student himself and to the student's family as a whole. The family becomes a kind of controller of the quality of educational services, but gradually the education system is commercialized, which is why it is changing. The problem of social practices of parents' participation in school life finally identified itself after 2012, since the adoption of the new law on education, when parents became full-fledged subjects of school management at the legislative level along with the school administration, moreover, the powers of each component became clearly spelled out. It turned out that the schools of Barnaul are open enough for communication, parents evaluate the interaction with the school in a positive way and believe that all the issues and problems they address to the school are solved immediately or almost immediately. As for intra-family interaction, parents devote two or more hours to their children on weekdays. The time that parents can devote to their children directly depends on the work schedule. Parents help elementary school students with homework to a greater extent, participation in high school is minimal. Based on the above questions, it can be concluded that parents are sufficiently involved in the child's life and constantly keep in touch with them, so they can respond to difficulties that arise in the child at school. The most popular ways for parents to interact with the school are parent meetings and online communication.
Akhmedova A.R., Koda E.A., Sterlyadeva N.A., Lapteva D.N., Oleinikova E.P. —
Student Squads as Agents of Socialization of Student Youth (Based on Research in the Altai Territory)
// Sociodynamics. – 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 36 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.3.40112
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_40112.html
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Abstract: Student groups in sociological science are studied from the point of view of interaction with youth policy management bodies, the formation of specialists in the labor market, and socialization tools. It seems heuristic to consider student groups as agents of socialization, carrying out their activities through social practices. Within the framework of this work, we will focus on the movement of student detachments as an important agent of the socialization of student youth, since student detachments provide labor training and inclusion in the work of students, form patriotism and love for the Motherland, and also ensure the development of the potential of young people in various aspects of modern life. Student groups as agents of socialization of students perform a number of dysfunctions, including emotional and economic aspects, additional workload, negative interaction with other people. Despite this, the fighters of student squads highly appreciate the level of adaptability to professional activity and the level of leadership qualities acquired or developed in the student squad, this is confirmed by experts. Each student named a number of qualities that he acquired or developed thanks to student teams, including: responsiveness, openness, confidence, perseverance, patience, stress tolerance, diligence, determination, punctuality, sociability, responsibility for himself and others, the ability to solve conflict and problem situations, the ability to delegate, as well as make quick decisions.
Akhmedova A.R., Koda E.A., Dylkina T.V., Fomenko A.P. —
Social Employment Practices of People with Hearing Impairment (Based on the Materials of a Sociological Study in Barnaul)
// Sociodynamics. – 2022. – ¹ 10.
– P. 31 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.10.39118
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_39118.html
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Abstract: The author examines in detail the topic of social practices of employment of people with hearing impairment. Special attention is paid to the following aspects: objective components of social employment practices of the hearing-impaired, features of the subjective side of social employment practices of hearing-impaired people. When considering these aspects, two vectors were chosen, firstly, the assessment of respondents' opinions on issues aimed at clarifying the main difficulties and actions taken by a disabled person when looking for a job. Secondly, the identification of the respondents' attitude to the actions of the state, public organizations, and the inner circle in relation to employment assistance for the hearing impaired, as well as the prevalence of acceptance of this assistance among this category of people. According to the results of the study, the following conclusions were made. It was not easy for all hearing impaired people to force themselves to solve the issue of employment, that is, internal motivation, personal organization make a huge contribution to the positive success of employment practice. Nevertheless, the practice of job search itself had a positive effect on the emotional state of the hearing impaired. Public organizations that help disabled people, in particular the All-Russian Society of the Deaf (VOG), play a role in successful employment practices: assistance in the selection of vacancies, psychological assistance, legal advice, all this determines in a certain way the success of the social practice of employment of the hearing impaired.
Artyukhina V.A., Shraiber A.N., Akhmedova A.R., Zheldakova A.V., Medvedeva M.V. —
Sources of Protest Moods among Students (Based on the Materials of a Sociological Study in the Altai Territory)
// Sociodynamics. – 2022. – ¹ 9.
– P. 33 - 48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.9.38810
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_38810.html
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the sources of protest moods of modern student youth. The research interest in protest moods is due to the fact that they are a latent stage of open protest actions, and their study provides an opportunity to regulate open protest: reducing its negative effects and increasing the positive ones. This article pays special attention to such a social group as youth. This is due to the fact that it is young people who are most often the main participants in protest actions due to their more acute perception of the imperfections of society and inflated expectations from themselves and others. The novelty of the study was to understand protest moods as one of the stages of the development of social protest. A methodology was developed and a sociological study was conducted among students of the Altai Territory, the purpose of which was to characterize the main sources of protest moods in the student environment. The research was implemented through a combination of quantitative (mass survey) and qualitative (in-depth interview and focus group) methods of collecting, processing and analyzing sociological information. The main conclusions of the study were the understanding of the sources of protest moods in the student environment as a combination of a number of factors: the conditions of the learning environment, relationships with the external environment, as well as the socio-economic and political situation in the state
Akhmedova A.R., Sterlyadeva N.A., Koda E.A., Oleinikova E.P., Lapteva D.N. —
The Quality of Life of the Population as an Indicator of Social Development (on the Example of a Sociological Study in the Kulundinsky district of the Altai Territory)
// Sociodynamics. – 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 26 - 37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.8.38780
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_38780.html
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Abstract: The article discusses the main approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of quality and standard of living of the population. The characteristic of the quality of life of the population is given on the example of one of the districts of the Altai Territory. The problem is considered through a number of objective and subjective features. The subject of the work is the quality of life as an indicator of the social development of the Kulundinsky district of the Altai Territory. Within the framework of this article, the quality of life is understood as a phenomenon of a socio-economic nature that incorporates elements of the surrounding world, as well as subjective satisfaction with a number of systems of functioning of society, which can be qualitatively and quantitatively sociologically expressed and investigated. The authors identified the main components of the quality of life of the population: the economic condition of the district, social indicators and the infrastructure of the district. Such methods of sociological research as in-depth interviews and questionnaires were used in the work, which make it possible to obtain the greatest amount of information, identify certain patterns and features. The main conclusions of the study are that according to objective indicators, the quality of life of the population is at an average level, and according to subjective indicators, at a high level, which gives reason to form an overall assessment of the quality of life of the population of Kulunda district above average. The hypothesis of determining the assessment of the quality of life is largely confirmed by subjective indicators, because despite a number of difficulties, the population as a whole assesses their own quality of life as good and very good in most cases, moreover, over the past year, a significant part of the population began to live objectively worse. Special attention should be paid to the self-assessment of the quality of life by the population of the Kulunda district, which requires further study.
Sterlyadeva N.A., Akhmedova A.R., Koda E.A., Lapteva D.N., Oleinikova E.P. —
Social tension in pedagogical environment due to implementation of distance learning (on the example of School No. 99 in Barnaul)
// Sociodynamics. – 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 61 - 71.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.11.36908
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_36908.html
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the problem of implementation of distance learning in the educational institutions due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. The research was conducted by means of in-depth interview on the premises of School No. 99 in Barnaul. The author examines such aspects as the tension in pedagogical environment occurred in the context of distance learning. The goal of this research lies in characterization of tension in pedagogical environment due to implementation of distance learning. The general population of this study was made up of teachers of the city of Barnaul. The general population for this study involves the pedagogues of the School No. 99" in Barnaul. The novelty consists in studying the regional aspect of the difficulties faced by pedagogue against the background of implementation of distance learning. The answers of respondents allowed concluding on the performance degradation of students, which directly affected the effectiveness the learning process. The pedagogues noted the increase in their working hours, which worsened their emotional state. “Non-engagement” of students in the learning process influenced the digestion of new material. Another problem outlined by respondents is that technological infrastructure of schools does not meet the requirements of distance learning.